Drunk On You || punk!cas joc...

By wingsandhunters

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Castiel and Dean have grown up together since they were four years old. Now the two have become completely di... More

Chapter one - Bee
Chapter Two - Blue dye and fallings out
Chapter Three - Date Night
Chapter four - Expelled
Chapter five - New Schools
Chapter Six - Gym Shorts
Chapter Seven - The Camping Trip
Chapter Eight - The morning after
Chapter Nine - Many Much Moosen
Chapter Ten - Cheerleader
Chapter Eleven - Drunk On You Pt 1
Chapter twelve - Drunk on you pt 2
Chapter Thirteen - Last Night
Chapter Fourteen - The Halloween Masked Ball
Chapter Fifteen - Gotcha
Chapter Sixteen - Ideas
Chapter Seventeen - The Beach
Chapter Eighteen - Blind Man's Bluff
Chapter nineteen - Happy Friggin' New Year
Chapter Twenty - Punk-Rockmantic
Chapter Twenty-One - The bag
Chapter Twenty-Two - Sun, Sex and ... more sex
Chapter Twenty-Three - The last french-fry
Chapter Twenty-Four - Slam you into perdition
Forgive me Father for I Have Sinned
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Worst Date in the History of Dates
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Dirty Sex
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Home
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Satan's Little Helpers
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Caramel Latte with Cream
Chapter Thirty - "Happy" Valentines
Chapter Thirty-One - Ignorant Slut and Growley
Chapter - Thirty-Two - Post-Graduation Depression
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lingerie
Chapter Thirty-Four - One of a Kind
Chapter Thirty-Five - Momma Novak
Chapter Thirty-Six - Graduation
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Incest Kinkfest
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Pre-Prom
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Prom
Chapter Forty - No Happy Endings
Chapter Forty-One - Phone Sex
Chapter Forty-Two - Surprise
Chapter Forty-Three - Festival
Chapter Forty-Four - Your Gay is Showing
Chapter Forty-Five - The Groupie
Chapter Forty-Five - Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll
Chapter Forty-Six - A Letter to Home
Chapter Forty-Seven - Furniture Shopping
Chapter Forty-Nine - Blue Eyed Best Friend
Chapter Fifty - Five steps
Chapter Fifty-One - Nostalgia
Chapter Fifty-Two - Pink-Lipped Man
Chapter Fifty-Three - The First Step
Chapter Fifty-Four - They try to make me go to rehab and i said "okay mom"
Chapter Fifty-Five - Back in the closet
Chapter Fifty-Six - Welcome Home
Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Beehive
Chapter Fifty-Eight - The Wedding Bells
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Best Day of Your Life So Far
What became of the likely lads

Chapter Forty-Eight - Hell and back

9.8K 494 1.3K
By wingsandhunters

Cas (POV)

I wake up in the morning with a banging headache. This was my worst comedown and hangover yet. Why did I even do this to myself? I couldn't hardly remember anything from the night wrote but maybe if I thought really hard.

There was something about Dean. Was Dean here? I look in the bed beside me but it was empty. I rub my eyes and push the quilts off me to find myself really really naked apart from a blue dressing gown and I groan, shivering slightly before wrapping the quilt around me.

For some reason I look down on the mattress beside me and my eyes wrinkle up in confusion. On the mattress there was a used, dry condom. I pick up it in disdain and throw it towards the bin at the other end of the room. If there was a condom in my bed, Dean must be here!

I jump out of bed, tying my dressing gown together and walk out trying to find him. I couldn't believe I couldn't even remember sleeping with him last night! I mean, how the hell could I have not remembered sleeping with that fine piece of ass?

I walk into the sort of living room which was such a mess. People were passed out on the sofa and the floor and I step over people to get to the bar where a breakfast had been delivered.

"Oh bacon." I say to myself, picking up a piece of bacon from the plate and stuffing it in my mouth. "HMMMMM that's so good."

I keep stuffing bacon in my mouth but when I hear the door open I turn around quickly, expecting to see Dean but Gabriel and Balthazar walk out.

"Oooooooo you're in trouble." They say together in a mocking tone which makes me give them a confused look.

"Why? What I do?" I ask, gulping the rest of the bacon down and they both snickered and shook their heads.

"We should let Lucifer tell him-"

"-it will be funnier that way." Both twins said and turned around to sit down in the couch, pushing the passed out person off it. Just then Lucifer walks into the room. He takes ones look at me and comes marching over all the while I still look as confuse as before.

To my surprise my brother starts hitting me. Not playful or soft smacks that brothers would normally give but he literally starts beating the shit into me. So much that he knocks me to the ground and I have to crawl away from him.

"GET UP CAS! GET UP!" He shouts and I scream back shouting for him to stop.


He pulls me up when I'm next to the wall by my collar and slams me against the wall angrily.

"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? You've lost everything you love because of those stupid drugs and alcohol! You barely speak to your family anymore, you disrespect your fans and now Dean!" He shouts, pushing me hard against the wall, making his fists press roughly against my skin while he holds onto my dressing gown tightly.

"What are you talking about?!" I shout back in a frenzy. Worry started to fill me. Dean must have been here last night. If so, where was he now?

Lucifer let me go and shook his head, sighing slightly before turning away from me.

"He came to surprise you last night, clearly you were too wrecked to even remember what happened." Lucifer says, turning back to me. It was weird but I thought I saw a bit of thankfulness in his eyes about me not remembering something.

"Its going down." Balthazar whispered.

"I'm yelling timber." Gabriel whispered back.

"Dean walked through, looking for you. He walked into your room and guess what he saw? Guess, Cas!" I gulp and look over to Balthazar and Gabe who had suddenly gone very serious.

"What did he see?" I ask, my voice croaking slightly.

"He saw you, naked in bed while a girl was just getting out of it, putting her clothes back on." Lucifer says quietly and my lip trembles.

"You're lying." I whisper but he shakes his head.

"You cheated on him Cas. How could you do that?"

"I DIDN'T!" I cry is disbelief, clutching onto my hair.

"I spoke to the girl that had come out of your room Cas. He told me that you two had slept together."

"she's lying." I hiss.

"Wasn't their any aspect in your room this morning that made you think you had sex with someone last night?" He asks, looking at me carefully and I open my mouth to argue but I stop, thinking back to only a few minutes ago. The condom... On the bed. The one I thought that had been used for me and Dean.

I look back up at Lucifer and close my mouth, gulping slightly with my eyes wide and hands shaking. He shakes his head and looks at me in disdain.

"You disgust me right now." He whispers before turning away and started to walk off.

"Hey Luci, you didn't tell him the best part." Balthazar calls and Lucifer freezes and looks at the twins angrily.

"What else is there?" I ask in a quiet and weak voice, thinking that I would not be able to hear anymore.

"You tell or we will." Gabriel grinned, wiggling his eyebrows and with clenched fists, Lucifer turned back around to face me and took a step forwards towards me.

"Cas, you have to realise he was angry and upset okay..." Lucifer said steadily, holding up his hands. I look at him, Balthazar and Gabriel closely before turning back to him again.


"When Dean stormed out of your room he was crying and pushing past everyone. I went to go and see what was wrong with him and he started hugging me while he told me that he wanted to get back at you for what you had done..."

"I understand." I croak out and Lucifer breathes in deeply

"You came out of the bedroom and followed him, when you saw us you leaned on the bar and watched us..."


"He was angry Cas. He saw you standing there looking at us blankly. It was almost as if you were in a different world altogether."

"Get on with it Lucifer, what did I do?" I say, biting my lip worriedly.

"You didn't do anything-" Balthazar said.

"-that was the problem." Gabriel finished.

"Cas, he kissed me." Lucifer says, a lump forming in his throat. My heart in that very moment smashed into a million tiny little pieces and tears started to well up in my eyes.

"A-and what about you? Did you push him away? Please say you pushed him away lu, you're my brother. You wouldn't kiss him back.. Right?" Lucifer stayed quiet, his mouth pinned closed as he avoided my gaze and that was all the answer I needed. I let out a loud sob and leaned my back against the wall, face in hands and I slid down to the floor pathetically.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault." I say over and over again, sobbing into my fingers. "I'm so stupid."

"Cas..." I heard Lucifer whisper and he dropped down beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

"He'll never want to see me again!" I cry into my brothers shoulder, pulling him close to me. "It's not your fault, it's not deans.... It's mine!"

"Maybe you should go and see him?" He says, pulling away from me so I can look up at him.

"He wouldn't want to see me-" I say, shaking my head but suddenly and idea forms. "B-but maybe he'll see you!"

"W-what?" Lucifer asks and I stand up quickly, Lucifer following closely behind.

"You've always had a way with words. Maybe you can go to him and talk him round to seeing me! Please Luci, please do this for me." I plead but lucifer shakes his head.

"No way man! You deserve everything you get for the way you treated that boy!" Lucifer scolds and I dip my head in shame.

"You kissed my boy, Luci. Can't you at least do this for me?" I look back up at him with wide teary eyes to see him stare back at me with a mixture of anger, shock and more importantly, shame.

"Cas, i-I can't." He says quietly, shaking his had.

"Please Lucifer, please just at least try. If he doesn't want to see me even after you've been to see him then...." This was going to hurt. "I-I'll let him go."


Lucifer (POV)

This was so fucking stupid. I doubt Dean would even let me into the flat, never mind let me talk to him about Castiel.

I stood at the doorway to deans apartment building and debated whether to ring the doorbell or not. Finally i got up enough courage to press the buzzer of Dean's flat. It took a few minutes for me to hear his voice through the speaker though.

"Hello?" He sounded groggy and hoarse, as if he had just been crying. Of course he had been crying, his 4 year boyfriend and 18 year best friend for hell's sake!

"Dean... it's Lucifer." I say and there is no answer for a moment but suddenly the door buzzes open and i'm let into the building. I walk up the stairs as i couldn't be bothered waiting for the elevator and finally arrive outside his door on which i knock on.

"Hey." Dean says as soon as he answers the door. He looked terrible. He was only wearing some baggy sweatpants and some socks, he had stubble around his face and bags under his eyes and his hair looked as bad as Castiel's when he first woke up.

"Heya Deano, how you doing?" I ask as he lets me into the flat and i walk in, looking around.

"Fine." He says, shutting the door behind me and walking into the living room which had takeaway boxes and ice cream tubs along with beer bottles littering the floor.

"You don't look fine." I sigh, turning to him and he leans on the back of the sofa and shrugs.

"Well what did you expect? I've been to hell and back" He asks shortly and sniffs. "I'm guessing Cas asked you here..."

"Well yeah he did. That was after i had told him what even happened." I mutter and he takes a deep breath in and shakes his head.

"He doesn't even remember. Of course he doesn't." I growls, more to himself then to me but i understood that he needed to let a little steam off. "You want a drink?"

"Yeah, orange juice." I say and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"What? I'm t-total." I grin and he lets out a sad sounding chuckle.

"Unlike Cas then." He mutters as he walked into the kitchen and comes back out carrying an orange juice and a beer for himself.

"Thanks." I say as he hands me the juice and we both sit down on the sofa. "I understand that you don't want to go back to him. He does too, but-"

"He should have come himself." He snaps. He wasn't angry at me, he was angry at Cas and probably himself too; he always did blame himself in anything happened to Castiel or their relationship, he was just like that.

"Would you have let him in if he did turn up?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and a pointed look. Dean stayed silent and i nodded my head. "I didn't think so."

Dean sighed quietly and took a sip of his beer without a word as i watched him closely.

"Why have you come?" He asks, looking at me.

"Cas asked me too."

"No, why did you really come?"

"Well..." I say uncomfortably and rub the back of my neck. "Balthazar and Gabriel made me tell him that you kissed me. And he used that against me to make me come here."

"How could he use that against you when i was the one that kissed you?" Dean asked, looking confused.

"Well, I told him that i kissed back." I say, biting my lip and Dean went quiet for a second.

"I don't remember you kissing back...."

"Yeah, i did. It was over quickly though so you probably didn't feel it." I added quickly and he nods his head slowly, looking at me closely making me feel uncomfortable.

"Why'd you kiss back?" He asks and i shrug.

"I dunno man, i was just confused about what was happening." I say quietly, circling my thumb along the top of the glass. I put it down and lean back on the sofa, looking at him.

"Look, I'm with you on this. I think Cas should have come to you himself and begged for your forgiveness..."

"Yeah, it was a mistake sending you here." Dean mumbles and i nodded.

"Exactly- wait, why was it a mistake?" I ask and he looked at me.

"Lucifer, you're my friend right?" He asks and i look at him incredibly.

"Of course you are Dean, i've known you for 18 years for god's sake."

"And you would do anything for me?" He asks and i shrug.


"Even if it means hurting Cas?" I sigh and look at him.

"Cas deserves whatever he gets, Dean. You want me to tell him you don't want to see him again, right?" I ask and Dean shrugs and nods.

"Well there is that, sure. But-" He stops and looks at me intently while i stare back. That's when he leans in to kiss me again, knowing perfectly well what he was doing.

I didn't know what to do. Push him away? Keep kissing him? I knew that all he wanted was a rebound and i was probably the first person that actually had spoken to him from the night before but Cas was my brother....

He moves his position, pushing me back against the sofa and sits on my lap to deepen the kiss all the while i was decided what i should do. That was the moment i had noticed that i was in fact, once again, kissing back.

A/N: Just a short filler chapter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't even know what i'm doing

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