HATRED - 2jin

Por hyunppang

8.6K 347 75

How will things work out if hatred has always become the barrier of your own feelings? "I know you hate me, I... Más

Author's Note


235 11 5
Por hyunppang

Heejin's POV

Everyone's calm now, thank God.

We started talking about that matter at like 1pm and it's now 7pm.

An hour of chaos and 5 hours of silence.

"Who wants an ice cream?" Gowon finally breaks the silence

Everybody raised their hands in unison.

"Oh nice let's buy some outside"

All you can hear are groans.

"I want it but I don't want to go out" Chuu whined

Gowon just rolled her eyes after that and nobody got to eat ice cream because of our laziness.

We're all just lying down together because we just decided to sleep together tonight when we heard someone knocking at the door.

No one wants to open it. No one wants to get up.

"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT!" What a great idea by Gowon

Everyone threw a rock except for Gowon.

Great idea of hers but she loses.

"I hate y'all"

She went straight to the door to see who's outside.

"Hyeju?" that's the que for us to stand up because our nosy ass cannot not see what's going on.

"Oh hi, I just wanna give you this." Hyeju held a tube of ice cream. Oh not one but two.

"Oh, it feels like you're courting her now huh" Chuu teased

"Oh well yes I am" Hyeju smiled

Everyone let's out an overreacting gasp where we earned a glare from Gowon.

"And I didn't even know?" Gowon asked

"Well, today is the first day. Here's mint choco ice cream for you, Jungeun, and Heejin. I have chocolate ice cream here for those who don't like mint choco."

We are all teasing Gowon at this point.

Hyeju already left and Gowon didn't even move an inch.

"Wow the "straight" girl didn't even resist" Jungeun teased

"Shut up"

"But how did she knew that you or we want ice cream? Did you tell her?" I asked

"No but I just posted on my twitter account that I want it but I have such lazy friends"

"Well thanks to our laziness "straight" girl" Vivi adds the teasing

We all just shut our mouths up because Gowon tried to throw away the ice cream.

Acting tough again while she's obviously blushing.

Hyunjin's POV

All five of us are here in my, Hyeju's, and Jinsoul's dorm. It just came across our minds to just sleep together tonight.

Hyeju went out to get Gowon and her friends ice cream and she just arrived back at this moment.

We're all just playing games to reward ourselves even if the results for the exams aren't out yet.

"Let's have a bet!" Hyeju stands up with her hands up too.

"Your never ending bets Son Hyeju." I replied

"What kind of bet?" Yves asked with a very interested look, as expected.

"The scores that we will get tomorrow? Like 100 for Hyunjin, 99 for Jinsoul, 98 for me, 50 for Haseul and 10 for Yves."

"Ya! Do you want to die?" Yves and Haseul said in unison. They are like elementary boys fighting for a very small reason.

"Calm down y'all" that's Jinsoul

"But it seems fun though? The one who gets the least correct or the farthest answers will be buying lunch for everyone tomorrow?" Jinsoul suggested

"That's so easy let's change it. The one who loses the same thing as you've said will be the servant for one whole week!" Yves suggested with a very excited face

"Deal!" Everyone shouted.

We wrote down all our bets but I based my bets on how hard I saw them study for the past few days.

Yves' Bets
Hyunjin - 92
Jinsoul - 91
Hyeju - 80
Haseul - 88
Yves - 90

Haseul's Bets
Hyunjin - 94
Jinsoul - 92
Hyeju - 81
Haseul - 92
Yves - 89

Hyeju's Bets
Hyunjin - 100
Jinsoul - 97
Hyeju - 95
Haseul - 80
Yves - 80

Jinsoul's Bets
Hyunjin - 100
Jinsoul - 95
Hyeju - 91
Haseul - 92
Yves - 91

Hyunjin's Bets
Hyunjin - 98
Jinsoul - 98
Hyeju - 92
Haseul - 92
Yves - 92

"Your scores are unbelievable Hyeju, get ready to lose" Yves fought

"No you're gonna lose. The two of you are belittling me and maybe you still don't know Hyunjin's brain, it's a monster" Hyeju fought back.

"I mean why would you put a score under 90? You're just teasing each other at this point" Jinsoul said and I agreed.

Heejin's POV

We're at the cafeteria right now to eat breakfast. I'm not used to this since we're now eating with Hyunjin's circle.

I may have things that goes on inside my head but there is one thing I'm most worried of today, the results of the exams.

I didn't even thought of the bread that I'll give to Hyunjin today because of that.

Breakfast ended faster than I thought, no one actually talked except the "love birds" Chuu and Yves, Gowon and Hyeju.

We all headed to our classroom on time before professor Kang finally arrived.

"Good morning professor Kang"

"Good morning please settle down and I'll distribute your test papers"

Professor Kang gave everyone their test papers except mine.

"I'm happy to announce that the number 1 student is here in our section. She got a full grade and that's expected from her, congratulations Ms. Kim Hyunjin."

Everybody clapped their hands for Hyunjin.

"I'll get going now, I don't know if your other teachers will be coming today so please wait inside your classroom."

I'm confused, why didn't she gave my test paper?

I raised my hand to get her attention.

"Ah right, Ms. Jeon come with me."


Hyunjin's POV

"Ah right, Ms. Jeon come with me."

I don't know the reason why professor Kang called her but Heejin looks so anxious.

"We don't know don't ask us" Jungeun spoke before I say anything.


"Ha! I told you! Kim Hyunjin's brain is not normal it's a monster!" Hyeju teased Haseul and Yves.

Ah right we had a bet.

"Let's see the scores now" I said to make things faster

Hyunjin - 100
Jinsoul - 98
Hyeju - 92
Haseul - 92
Yves - 92

"See? The three of you are belittling and teasing each other then y'all will just end up having the same score" Jinsoul said with an annoying laugh afterwards.

"I got everything right except mine, 4 out of 5" that's me.

"I got Hyunjin and Haseul right" that's Jinsoul

"I got Hyunjin! 1 point!" that's Hyeju

"I got mine!!" that's Haseul

We're all laughing at this point because Yves is so silent. She probably knows that she lost and she'll be our servant for a week.

"You gave a very nice suggestion Ha Sooyoung" Hyeju teased before she got smacked by Yves.

They're so chaotic once again before I got a call from my mom, Eunbi.

"Hello mom?"

"Hyunjin! Congratulations my baby, you always exceeds my expectations."


"Hyeju already told me about the exams"

"Wow Hyeju are you really that proud of me?" I teased and Hyeju just replied with a peace sign and my mom laughed.

"Well I got you a reward though, I'm having a day off this coming Saturday and we can go visit your mom's grave and your uncle at the province if you want" she said with full excitement.

"Really? I would love to! I missed uncle so much and I've really wanted to visit him and mom's grave too" I said with the same level of excitement as her.

"Well then see you on Saturday, Hyun. I'm so proud of you, love you!

"Thanks mom, love you too!"

The call ended.

I missed uncle so much and I can't wait to see him again after years. I do call him often but it's different when I can hug him.


"Are you saying that you want to adopt Hyunjin, Ms. Kwon?" my uncle asked

"Yes, if you would let me. I can give her a good life and provide for her studies. Hyunjin is a very sweet and smart girl and I don't want her talents to go to waste. In fact, I can't also have a daughter because you know I'm not into guys. I kept on going back and forth to the child adoption center but my heart doesn't fit with other kids until I saw and knew Hyunjin." Police Officer Kwon explained.

It's been a month since my mom died. I and uncle are having a hard time with our expenses but Police Officer Kwon always helps us.

"I do trust you Ms. Kwon. I do want a better life for Hyunjin and I know that her mom wants it for her too but everything will be on Hyunjin's hands. I'll let her decide about it"

I don't want to leave my uncle but after he made things clear to me, I finally agreed. I have a good feeling about Police Officer Kwon and decided to be with her.

She also respected my decision to study wherever Hyeju and Jinsoul will go.


I'm reminiscing my memories in the Province when I suddenly got called to the office.

"Kim Hyunjin, Professor Kang asked you to go to her office as soon as possible." One random student said.

I went to the office as soon as I was told and saw Heejin sitting with her head down not even bothering to look at someone who just came in.

"I need to talk to you, Hyunjin." Professor Kang said that made Heejin look up to me, confused.

"About what matter Professor Kang?"

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