Rejected, Oh Well

By tuggy4u

2.3K 168 43

When Sam turned 17 all she wanted to do was meet her mate even though she was hated by everyone in her pack... More



359 31 13
By tuggy4u

Lauren's P.O.V

Everyone was looking for Minnie. She had gone missing around a day ago. Her scent went cold about three miles off the land. Even though we are the only pack here there are still rouges that come here and then there were the wild wolfs that seemed to dislike us. She is a special wolf so everyone is worried.

I'm Lauren the Alpha's daughter. I have a twin but she away at Alpha school right now. We are twins but I don't have as much power that she does so, she is next in line to be Alpha. We are both 17 and have not found our mate yet. We think we might have the same mate. I'm more of the introvert. I like learning about our culture and other things. Lexi is more outgoing then me and likes fighting. All of our friends are already mated and on the way of making pups. Lexi and I promised to save ourselves for our mate hoping they would do the same.

I was in the office with my dad and mom, we were talking about how to do the search parties. Then they both just jumped up and ran out. I followed them and thats when I  saw four of our best guards going with them. I continue to follow them being curious and then I smelt Minne, so I ran faster. She was standing next to this fine ass girl but I stopped because I could smell rouge but no other sent. She looked at me and I smelt the most delicious smell ever. Now she smelt like the cologne creed aventus. I love that scent so does my sister.

Next thing I know is my wolf took over.


My wolf wanted nothing more then to hold her and her hold us so, she ran to her only to be stopped by two guards.

"Hands off my mate." She said in such demand the not only did the guards bare their necks so, did my father and mother and the beta couple.

Seeing the chance to go to her my wolf took it. As soon as she stepped in front of her she looked in her eyes.

"Hello my green and yellow eyed beautiful mate."

My wolf and I blushed. When we are like this one eye was green and the other was yellow to show my wolf.

"Hi" my wolf replied looking down. Then we felt soft fingers under our chin.

"You talking to me or the ground mate?"

"Ummm you and the name is Lauren. Can you please release them?"

"Oh sorry didn't know I made the command stick."

She waved her hand and everyone took gasps of air. Minne ran over and hugged her legs.

"Now you have to stay here. She is your mate. This is amazing. Yaay"

"Ok little one, go back to your parents. It looks like your mom really missed you."

Minne looked back a her parents and then back at my mate.

"Promise you won't leave without telling me?"

When she said that I was hurt a little bit. Why would she leave? She can't I just found her.

"I promise little one now go."

"Why don't we take this to our house so we can continue to talk?" My father asked.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to leave.....

Once she said that I started to cry.

"No no ..... little mate not like that let me finish ok." She said as she wiped the tears and kissed my fourhead. It wasn't until then I noticed the height difference. She had to be at least 6'7. She was taller then dad and he was 6'4. I was only 5'5 but anyways I nodded my head for her to continue.

"As I was saying I will have to leave and come back. As I have made a promise to a pack of wild wolfs whom are expecting me back."

"You know wild wolves and they accept you?"

"Yes now if you don't mind I should get going for the trip will take a day to get there and back."

She looked at me in the eyes and ask "mate may I have you full name please."

"Lauren Eve Black."

"I Sam Evergreen accept you Lauren Eve Black as my mate now and forever more."

Once she said those words my whole heart felt like it exploded into fireworks.

"I Lauren Eve Black accept you Sam Evergreen as my mate now and forever more."

We hugged and she said she would be back as soon as she could but that just made the questions in my mind run wild.

"Don't worry little mate I will be back." I heard in my head.


"I will explain when I get back for now keep it to yourself please."

"Of course baby"

"Baby? Huh"

I just started blushing lucky we were still in the hug so I just pushed my face in her arm and she started to laugh and I could have sworn I heard my mom and minne laugh as well.

"I must go not but I will return. I will see you later little one and as well as you little mate."

She kissed the top of my head and with that was off in her wolf form again.


I don't know where all that confidence just came from. It was like as soon as she spoke I knew she would accept me. But even though we did I still felt as if apart of me was missing.

I left to go back to the wild wolves I was running as fast as I could. I needed to get back to my mate. Next thing I know I'm at the cave entrance.

"Umm Keto what the hell just happened?"

"Calm down little one I told you we had gifts and it seems as you gained another one."

"I mean it's cool and all but will this just keep happening?"

"Yes unless they summon you to tell you everything that you are destined for. Before you ask no I can't tell you." She said while giving a light chuckle.

I walked into the cave and went all the way to the back I could smell that the pack was still here. Once I got all the way to the back I saw them. The pups ran up to me and the Luna and Alpha followed.

"I won't be staying seeing as my mate was in her pack."

"Oh that is amazing that you have found your mate but you seem like something is wrong." The Luna said to me

"Yea well I still feel as if I'm missing a part of me that's all."

"Oh well that could me that you have another mate out there."

"Two mates??? That's rare."

"Indeed it is but we were wondering as a pack that if you were leaving can we follow you?"

"Why would you do that? This cave is and could be a good home."

"Well the pups seem safe with you and so does the females of our pack. As you can see there are more females then we have males."

"Ok.... but you do know that I am going to a pack of werewolves?"

"Yess we are aware and we can find land around their's as long as you can protect us."

Well in that case............

Hey Gals and Guys,
Honestly I didn't know people read any of my other stories anymore. But yea here a update. Imma try to post once a week bit with all the shit going on here its hard. I am going to try. We'll thanks for reading, like if you enjoy it and want another update or just call my ass out in the comments 😆


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