Five Nights at Freddy's: Secu...

By VJ101B

27.8K 243 66

Disappearances have been happening in the area around Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. At first, Gregory thou... More

Same As Always
A Face In The Crowd
A Shocking Performance
Hello, Gregory!
Locked In
Technical Difficulties
The Daycare Attendant
Why Do I Hear Boss Music?
It's Pizza Time!
A Clean Exit
It's Just A Dream
Your Prize Is...
Not Lost But Most Certainly Found
Backstage Drama
Bark And Bite
What You Are On The Inside
Grudges and Bonds
I'm A Firing My Laser!
I Never Thought I'd Be Back Here
Feeding Frenzy
Hitting Rock Bottom
Bright, Shiny, And New
Not So Bad Bunny
Back On Course
A Stroke of Good Luck
A Little Birdie Told Me
Coming Soon To Theaters Near You
Here's What Really Happened
Anybody Home?
A Light at The End of The Tunnel
Ahoy, Matey!
Welcome Aboard
Water Works
Sorry To Rain On Your Parade
Your Princess Is In Another Castle
Racing Thoughts
Gotta Step On The Gas
Sweet Rave Party!
Eyes On The Road
Night and Day
Tell Me What's On Your Mind
Does This Look Like The Face of Mercy?
It's Always Darkest Under The Lighthouse
The Man Behind The Slaughter
A Brighter Tomorrow
Ness' Story
Gregory's Life Since the Pizzaplex
Notes from the Author
Gregory's Diary

I'm Ready For You This Time

453 3 2
By VJ101B

While Chica and I started walking toward the escalators, heavy footsteps echoed from the bottom floor. Those footsteps were followed by a series of loud snarls and yelling, I froze when I realized who was coming, "Oh no! Monty is here!" Chica turned to me and opened her stomach hatch, "Quickly, Gregory! Get inside before Monty sees you!" She said. Luckily, I managed to get in before Monty arrived on the second floor. He let out a huff before turning to Chica and asking her if she saw me, "Chica! Have you seen that kid anywhere?!"

Chica didn't flinch when Monty raised his voice at her, seeing Monty like this was a common sight for her, I on the other hand was terrified. Monty's yelling reminded me of times when Mr. Johnson yelled at him when I was a really bad apple, I was using every fiber of my being to stay dead silent. I feared that if I made a single peep, it would be the end of me and Chica. "I did see him leave the Lobby earlier today, so perhaps he is somewhere nearby," Chica said.

Monty let out another huff and balled his fists, "How does this kid always slip away?" "Did you see him earlier today?" Chica asked, "Well I heard an alarm go off in my attraction today and went down there to look for him. But like always, I find nothin'!" Monty replied, 'But like always.' Chica thought. Based on how Monty said those words, it sounds like he was going down to Monty Golf looking for something other than me.

"You said "But like always". Were you looking for something else besides the boy down there?" She asked, "I don't wanna talk about it." Monty said with some sadness in his voice. Chica knew something else was bothering Monty, she had a rough idea of what that could be, but she wanted him to confirm it. "Monty. I know something else is bothering you. Whatever it is you can tell me." Monty was feeling conflicted, he wanted Chica to drop the subject, but he could also tell that Chica was being sincere. He let out another huff and told her the problem, "Alright... I'll tell you. Ever since Bonnie disappeared, I... I spent more time in Monty Golf lookin' for proof."

"Proof?" Chica parroted, "Anything that proves how Bonnie disappeared. I hear what people say about me." "Where's Bonnie?" "Oh, it was Monty's fault!" "He's the one who decommissioned Bonnie!" "That gator attacked him to steal his spot!" Monty said in a mocking tone. "I keep tryin' to remember what happened that night. But no matter how hard I try to, I just... Keep gettin' nothin'!" "But what if they're right?! What if I did attack Bonnie that night!? What if everythin' people say about me is true!? What if I am the monster they think I am?!" Monty shouted.

Chica stood in place for a few seconds processing everything Monty just told her. She had a strong feeling that Monty harbored jealousy toward Bonnie, but she was also sure that Monty is not a monster. And even if he did attack Bonnie that night, she knows that Monty would never do it intensionally, that receiver disk would make him do it against his programming. "I-" Monty was cut off when Chica hugged him. "Monty, I know what you are going to say, and no. You are not a mistake, you are my friend. I know people compare you to Bonnie, but you do not have to be like him or be better than him. You are a wonderful bass player."

"I believe what Ness said about you being innocent, so do Freddy and Roxy. Ness never gave up on proving it, she believed that someone else decommissioned Bonnie. You are not a monster, Monty. You are our friend." Monty was speechless, part of him was relieved to have told Chica everything, things between them weren't as awkward compared to the tension between him and Freddy. Monty would have a harder time explaining how he feels to Freddy, Monty won't openly admit it, but he was also jealous of how much attention Freddy gets. He only wanted a taste of fame, but not in this way.

Monty hugged Chica back and thanked her for listening, they stayed like that until Monty broke from the hug. "I feel a lot better now. I'm goin' back to Monty Golf to see if the kid is back there." He waved Chica goodbye and walked down to the bottom floor. Meanwhile, Chica waved too and walked back to Mazercise.

I came out of Chica and walked into the Control Room, I pulled out the control key and placed it inside a card reader. When the light turned green, the controls started to light up. "Yes! It worked! Now which buttons can make the wall covering the vent move?" I said, "Leave it to me, sweetie." Chica replied. She pointed to the 4th button on the bottom row and told me what to do, "First, we need to push that button four times."

I followed Chica's instructions and she pulled the red lever up, "Now, we need to push the 3rd button on the bottom row two times." I pushed it twice and Chica pulled the lever down. "Push the 1st button on the top row two times." I pushed it twice and Chica pulled the lever up, I could see that parts of the maze were changing. "Push the 2nd button on the bottom row two times." I did what I was told and Chica pulled the lever down. "Push the same button on last time." I pushed the button one more time, but Chica didn't pull the lever. "All done! I can see the air vent." Chica said.

I looked at the screen and saw the blue wall no longer blocking the air vent, now I can get to the Monty Golf catwalks. I snuck past the Security Bot and entered the maze, the walls and floor were decorated with various types of colors and food. I walked into the maze passing two watermelon walls, I went straight passing a wall with ice cream sundaes and took a right turn going down a winding path passing by more ice cream and watermelon walls until I reached the vent. Before I entered, Chica tapped me on the shoulder, "Please be careful in there, sweetie."

"Don't worry, Chica. I'll be careful. Oh, wait! Do you know if Monty's chip compartment is?" I said, "Yes. It is located on the back of his head." Chica replied. I thanked her and entered the vent, I crawled towards a green light. At the light, I turned left and saw a grate on my right and removed it.

I was standing on a small metal platform above Monty Golf. I saw the catwalks ahead of me, but my way was blocked by a small gate with a yellow X on it, "How am I going to get past this?" I said out loud, I turned my head and found a green cannon with a black tube attached to the floor. Next to the cannon was a message, "Attention: Please do not hit people with the golf ball cannons. Anyone caught doing so will be kicked off the Hurricane Hole-In-One ride immediately."

"This is the Hurricane Hole-In-One?" I said, I looked around more and saw several carriages that looked like Monty as well as two glowing purple targets sitting in the mouth of two Monty pictures on the wall, "Hm... I wonder if..." I said as I moved the golf ball cannon towards the targets and launched two golf balls at them. They hit the targets, causing the Monty carriages to move and opened the gate blocking my way.

I could see several more golf balls on the catwalks, I jumped down and heard a voice call out, "There you are!" I turned my head and saw Monty holding onto a carriage, he jumped down onto the catwalks smashing a nearby golf ball cannon. He readjusted his sunglasses and directed his attention to the kid (who was me) in front of him, "Time to rock and roll!" I immediately turned around and started running away from Monty, prompting him to give chase, "Hey, little guy! Get back here!"

I ignored Monty and kept running, 'I can't stun Monty while he has his sunglasses on. How am I going to get rid of them?' I mentally cried, then I remembered what that message from before said, "Please do not hit other people with the golf ball cannons." If I can fire golf balls at Monty's face, perhaps they can break his sunglasses, making him vulnerable to the Fazerblaster and Faz-Cam.

I ran into a darker section of the catwalks and found a golf ball cannon near me, I moved it around looking for Monty. "Come on out, kid! You can't hide here forever!" Monty hollered out from the darkness, I saw movement coming from behind some fake plants and fired the cannon, I missed and Monty jumped towards the sound. I saw Monty coming and ran away before he landed, 'He can jump high?! How can he do that!?' Then I remembered another message saying that Bonnie's jumping mechanisms were installed into Monty, this was going to make things harder for me.

I pressed the Bonnie icon on my Faz-Watch and whispered into it, "Bonnie! I need your help! Monty found me and he's trying to get me!" Bonnie's eyes widened when he heard the news, "Don't worry, champ. I'll help ya deal with Monty. Tell me where you are." I turned around a corner before speaking again, "I'm in Monty Golf up on the catwalks! Please hurry!" "Thanks, champ. I'm on my way!" Bonnie replied. Hopefully, he wasn't too far away.

I found another cannon and aimed it at Monty, he was walking around which gave me a good chance to hit him. I fired a golf ball that hit the left hinge of Monty's sunglasses, he felt the ball hit him and looked around. I got away before Monty saw me and ran up a set of stairs, I found another cannon and fired again, this time a ball hit the left temple of Monty's sunglasses.

Monty was starting to get annoyed, he saw a carriage coming his way and jumped up to grab hold of it, this gave him a better view of the catwalks. The darkness did help me hide from Monty, but it also made it difficult for me to find him. I saw Monty's carriage making its way towards my location, I fired another golf ball that hit the right lens of his sunglasses, causing a small crack to appear. 

I ran back down the stairs away from Monty.

Monty was starting to catch on to what I was trying to do, he jumped off from the carriage and broke the cannon, I heard the sound and started to panic. 'If he smashes all the cannons, I'm done for! Please Bonnie, where ever you are, hurry up!' "You're clever, little guy, I'll give you that!" Monty shouted, he ran to another cannon and smashed it. I stopped to catch my breath, I could see another cannon up ahead and started moving toward it, Monty jumped up and grabbed another carriage to find me.

Meanwhile, below us, Bonnie arrived and jumped down into the golf course. He looked up and saw me running to a golf ball cannon and Monty on a carriage, 'What's Gregory trying to do?' He thought, I fired a golf ball and it hit the rim on the right side of Monty's sunglasses, that's when Bonnie got the gist of what I was trying to do, 'Ah, I get it. Smart thinkin', champ!' Monty let out a growl and jumped off the carriage near the cannon, I ran away before he slammed his fists down on the cannon.

Bonnie's ears twitched and he grew concerned at what he saw, 'Oh, shoot! Looks like Monty figured it out too! I gotta do somethin' to keep Gator boy from turnin' Gregory into gumbo!' He couldn't jump up to the catwalks because of a large plastic covering blocking the way up, he saw a small opening in the cover, but he was way too big to fit through it, but then he hatched an idea.

"Hey! Gator boy!!" Monty's eyes shot wide open when he heard the voice down below, "No way." He said as he looked down and couldn't believe his eyes, Bonnie was standing there, looking up at him. He never thought he'd see the former bass player again, this was causing Monty to feel something inside him, 'He's right there! I thought he was decommissioned! Did that kid-' He stopped thinking when he started twitching, both Bonnie and I saw a purple glow coming from Monty's eyes, it was just like what happened to Chica after I completed Chica's Feeding Frenzy in the Bakery, 'So there is a disk inside him too!' I thought. When Monty stopped twitching, he looked at Bonnie and spoke.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here! Back to the scene of the crime. Huh, bunny boy?!" "You better believe it, Monty! Did ya think I wouldn't come back here?" Bonnie replied. While Monty was distracted by Bonnie, I found another cannon and aimed at Monty, "You ain't gettin' your spot back, Bonnie! It's mine now!" Monty shouted, Bonnie looked at him unphased by his taunting, "That ain't important right now, Monty! Won't let ya hurt that kid!"

I fired a golf ball and it hit the left lens of Monty's sunglasses which left a large crack. 

Now Monty was angry, he jumped off and started running to the cannon, I slipped away before he hit the metal floor, "Nice shot, champ!" Bonnie said before redirecting his attention back to his replacement, "Hey! I ain't done with you gator boy!" Monty broke the cannon and looked back at Bonnie down below.

"I don't know how you came back, but that doesn't matter now! I might have taken care of you once before. But when I'm done with this kid here, I'm comin' for you next!" Bonnie shook his head and laughed, "Oh, gator boy! I know what happened that night! But I won't let ya get the chance to get me!"  

Monty laughed, but was interrupted by a golf ball that struck his head and two more that hit both lenses on his sunglasses, Monty wasn't sure how much more his sunglasses could take before they were destroyed. He charged in the direction that the golf balls came from, prompting me to run for it, I ran behind some fake plants before Monty destroyed yet another cannon. Bonnie was about to taunt Monty again, but something else caught his attention, his ears picked up a faint sound coming from somewhere nearby, his ears kept twitching until the sound grew louder and closer.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me." He said as he took his bowling ball out of his chest cavity, the sound he picked up was the K-9 Unit's bark. It popped out from near the chained-off gate and ran towards Bonnie, I saw the K-9 Unit with grime on its body moving towards Bonnie, 'Oh no! What's that thing doing here?!' The K-9 Unit kept charging toward Bonnie, he jumped up and dodged the incoming dog. "Looks like this thing is on the fritz."

The K-9 Unit turned around and charged again. This time, Bonnie swung his bowling ball and clocked the K-9 Unit in the face, it tumbled down the course and landed on its side. Monty was still looking around for me, he smashed another cannon he saw and kept running around the catwalks, I saw the last two cannons nearby, I needed to make my next shot count if I wanted to get rid of Monty's sunglasses.

Bonnie kept making the K-9 Unit crash into obstacles and smacking it with his bowling ball, its face was starting to show some exposed wires and had some of its teeth smashed by Bonnie. I heard Monty coming and aimed the cannon. While he was breaking the other cannon, I fired a golf ball that hit the bridge of the sunglasses, finally breaking them. I ran away while Monty looked at the remains of his sunglasses, he clutched his fists and chased after me.

'Yes! Now his sunglasses are gone! I can stun him now!' I thought, I was approaching the Splash Bucket, but Monty jumped and landed right in front of me. "End of the line, kid! You ain't goin' anywhere!" I quickly pulled out my Faz-Cam and pressed the flash button, the bright light caused Monty to groan in pain and cover his eyes as he fell to his knees, I used this opportunity to run behind Monty and saw his chip compartment.

"I think you need a time out, Monty!" I cried as I hopped onto his back, opened the chip compartment, took out a software chip and placed it into Monty, and closed the compartment. Monty was twitching on the ground letting out a few technical noises and the dim purple glow from his eyes turned light blue, he stopped twitching and a message in light blue letters appeared on his HUD, "Virus removal complete. Systems rebooting."

Monty's vision slowly started returning and saw me standing in front of him, and heard my voice, "Monty? Monty, are you ok?" He let out a groan, "Yeah... I think I'm ok." Bonnie was able to drive the K-9 Unit away and looked back up to see what was happening, his vision was glitching out when he saw a figure make its way towards me and Monty, "What the... Oh no!"

I heard a familiar buzzing sound and was knocked in front of the Splash Bucket with Monty, the bucket tipped over when the attacker pressed a nearby button, I saw the bucket falling and closed my eyes. I heard the sound of golf balls rolling down and opened my eyes, I saw Monty grabbing the bucket to keep it from crashing them, I turned my head and saw Vanny staring at me.

The platform collapsed from the weight, sending Monty and I falling from the catwalks, Monty quickly grabbed hold of my arm and used his other hand to grab a support beam, "Hold on to me, kid!" I held onto Monty as I was rapidly breathing. The support beam was unstable and broke, sending Monty falling to the ground. He landed on his back and the now broken support beam landed on his free hand receiving minor damage. He looked at me to see if I was harmed, "Hey! You ok, kid?!" "I-I think so." I said, I looked up and saw that Vanny was gone. Bonnie ran up to Monty to help get his hand free.

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