Amore mio 2

Av AnnaMoon138

251K 5.3K 4K

Arranged marriage turned out to be all they could ever dream of and more: love, wildly burning passion that k... Mer



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Av AnnaMoon138

Maximiliano's P.O.V.

I shifted in my bed carefully not to wake Rain up, unable to sleep any longer because of worry for mamma and papà. 

They did say they won't divorce, but that little patch...I don't want them to struggle with anything. I want our family to be the way we used to be. 

I sighed and got up, hoping that a glass of almond milk will help me sleep. I tucked Rain in and quietly went downstairs to the kitchen, frowning when I heard laughter and talking there.

As I peeked in the kitchen, I rubbed my eyes, thinking I am just seeing things, but no! 

Papà is hugging mamma while gently swaying her from side to side as she feeds them mango gelato. They are smiling, laughing, kissing and talking!

Without thinking twice, I dashed to them and squeezed them securely, grinning when they squished me and kissed my cheeks. 

"What's up, amico? Why aren't you sleeping, tesoro?"- asked papà, holding me in his muscular arms as mamma pecked my forehead, fixing my very messy, blonde hair. 

"Everything is really good now."- I murmured, greedily hugging them, the happiest to see them like this. 

"Can we have a glass of milk and cuddle, per favore?"- I asked, delicately playing with mamma's soft, long, wavy, blonde hair.

"Of course, piccolo tesoro."- responded mamma, having no idea how much my siblings and I missed this. 

Dio, it is amazing to have them back the way we love them so much. 

Papà warmed up 3 glasses of almond milk and we went to my room, my joy leaping as they hugged me, telling me about the most random, the sweetest things ever. 


Cami and I don't need our boy to tell us why he is awake at 6 AM - the way he is hugging us, so tight and secure, says it all. 

All along we didn't mean to worry our kids, we were doing our best to keep them out of our rough patch, but they noticed that and worried. 

"We really should do something all together. Go hiking or on a picnic, something to spend time as a family and compensate for the missed out time."- I said quietly, gazing at our little blonde son, who is catching up on his sleep. 

"I would love that."- replied Cami, gently caressing Maximiliano's head and running her slender fingers through his blonde hair.

"I wonder if it is only Max, who couldn't sleep."- wondered my love as I hugged her and our boy tighter. 

"We will see later on, I guess."- I murmured, kissing the top of her pretty head, and she cuddled up against me, neither of us daring to leave our son, who held us tighter, calm and happy by our side. 


My mind began worrying about our babies: did they sleep at all, are they okay, will they be okay with going to school today after all of it - yet all of my motherly instincts found peace when Max snuggled into me, his clean, soft, natural, pleasant scent wrapping around me like a little blanket of comfort and love. 

Dio, I'd be nothing without my husband and children. 

I kissed Max's forehead, taking the greediest breath of his odour, my heart calm and sane as my beloved man cuddled us. 

It is crazy to think that we wanted to keep our bambini out of our troubles, but at the end of the day, they, probably, got more stress than we did. 

This taught Leo and me that in such situations, where it seems that it affects just us, everyone is struggling: him, me, and our children. We cannot separate our relationship and our kids, those crucial pieces truly work in sync and we should keep it that way. Our kids feel whenever something is wrong and it is best to be honest, not to brush it off and heal together. 

A mini family trip is exactly what we need. 


7 AM hit the clock, our kids were up and once they came downstairs, Cami and I were attacked with the sweetest hugs, both of us shattering as our babies cried, having worried more than we thought. 

"Non farlo mai più."- whispered Angelica as I kissed her tears away, hugging her, Ari, Emilio and Max tightly. (Never ever do it again.)

"Non lo faremo mai più, lo promettiamo."- Cami and I swore genuinely, hugging our children protectively. (We will never ever do it again, we promise.) 

Our kids calmed down in mere seconds after seeing that everything is truly okay and fuck, those smiles...No Christmas gift could ever make them smile so brightly, so happily, so profoundly. 

Martina's P.O.V.

Oh, sì, this is our mamma and papà. 

Those smiles, hugs, kisses, sparkles in their eyes, laughter - that's our parents. 

We didn't pay any attention to the breakfast: what we ate, how did it taste - all we saw is the joy in our parents' smiles and how sweet, touchy, and affectionate they are. 

I have no idea what happened, what they did, but thank Dio, they are okay and back to the way we know them. 

I grinned like a puppy, watching papà kiss mamma before helping her to feed my cute, cuddly siblings - Enzo, Fede, Lu and El. 

"Our wish worked."- murmured triplets with big smiles, drinking jasmine tea cheerfully, and I smiled, certainly agreeing about some magic being here. 

Magic of love seems to be just right here, there is no more perfect love than between mamma and papà: what they've been through, how they support each other, their devotion, loyalty, love, adoration and admiration for each other - nobody random has that. 

After such a divine morning, my siblings and I were over the moon, set exceedingly positively for the day. 

"Marisol, ciao."- I giggled, laughing when she nearly yelled "Martini" while dashing to me to hug the life out of me. 

"You won't believe what gossip I have to tell you about our P.E. teacher and headmaster."- she struggled to keep it quiet, buzzing with adrenaline and thrill while dragging me to our Maths class. 

We took our seats and she spilt all the tea while I looked around, biting my lip and pouting when I didn't see a pair of the most beautiful honey-brown eyes. 

"He is never late."- I murmured, reaching for my phone, just to get a text from Nic. 

"And judging from the look on your face, I'd say he died."- said Marisol, my mind full of every single what-if while I replied to my love, worried and restless. 

"Buongiorno a tutti."- stated Signor Arroz with a smile, entering the class, making me shrink in my seat from concern and helplessness. (Good morning everyone.) 


"Siete responsabili di tutti coloro che entrano. Ogni cliente deve essere soddisfatto e tutto deve essere organizzato in modo puntuale e impeccabile."- I instructed a new receptionist at my headquarters and Damon nodded, having good qualification for the job. (You are responsible for everyone, who enters. Each client must be pleased and everything must be organised, in time and flawless.) 

Stella took maternity leave, so I need somebody to fill in meanwhile. Damon could be a very good fit, today will prove whether he can handle it or not. 

"È necessario rispondere al telefono ogni volta che squilla. Se si perde una chiamata, richiamare immediatamente."- I explained calmly, patiently guiding him through each step as he listened attentively. (The phone must be answered each time it rings. If you miss a call, call back immediately.)

Once he was all set, I headed to work, leaving him to deal with his tasks. 

"Who is the hottie?"- asked Marcel, waltzing by my side to my office. 

"Damon Sillio, candidate for the position of a receptionist."- I replied, giggling at his intrigued smirk. 

"I am ready for some fun after the divorce. How old is he? What's his zodiac sign?"- asked Marcel, stealing peeks at the man, who didn't waste time to return the glances. 

"He is 38 and Virgo."- I responded, pressing the button of the elevator. 

"Ah, a bit shitty. Virgo doesn't fit me, but then again."- muttered my best friend, eyeing his interest. 

"He is fine as fuck, so I can overlook the sign."- added my friend, making me laugh. 

Once we reached my office, Marcel filled me in on all the meetings I have today and we moved on to discussing the new collection for Mother's Day. 

"Do you need any models?"- asked Marcel, making notes, and I shook my head, my smile brightening in joy. 

"I have 7 breathtaking, cute models of my own."- I unveiled the biggest part of the whole project, wanting to make this collection special and intimate. 

"Aww, this will be so adorable."- stated my friend sincerely, utterly distracted by the truly winsome idea that my little angels are so excited about. 

"Once I get the list of my girls' spring holidays, I will schedule the photo shoot. For now, let's focus on the main design and vibes of the collection."- I spoke contentedly, showing him what I came up with. 

My sweeties and I really love lavender, so it immediately became something the collection will revolve around: tender, innocent, pure, natural, organic and clean - ideal for such a collection. 

"Oooh, this reminds me: people are dying for another fragrance for couples."- added Marcel and I bit my lip, leaning back in my seat while thinking about this. 

Leo and I did it only once and that was at the very, very beginning of our relationship and it was a massive success, everything was sold out within an hour. People have been asking whether there will be another collection like that one for years now.

"I will think about it."- I replied, wanting to ask Leo if he has time for that first. 

"I better be getting the first bottle, woman, I loved the first drop."- groaned Marcel, eagerly noting that down, and I smiled, realising how much I actually miss doing such things with my beloved husband. 

It would be really nice to work like that together again. 

Time ticked by, I picked the kids up from school and we drove home while Leo is finishing up at work. 

"Can we make avocado sushi, like the ones you made a while ago, mamma, per favore?"- asked Lucas with a smile, putting 4 avocados down next to me. 

"Absolutely, mio piccolo."- I replied, kissing the top of his head as he smiled excitedly. 

I showed him and Emilio how to cut avocado and checked on the rice before giving bambini attention, occupying all of them, except Tini. 

"Is everything okay, mia piccola cara?"- I asked in care, hugging my baby as she glanced at me with teary eyes. 

"Nic is sick, he has a fever and he is home alone, his family is in Tokyo for a business trip."- she almost whispered and I kissed her forehead, rubbing her back gently. 

"How about you visit him, tesoro, check on him? Perhaps, stay over if you'd like."- I suggested, putting myself in her shoes, and she beamed with joy, blinking away tears. 

"You and papà wouldn't mind?"- asked Martina with such a pure look of happiness in her eyes, glimmering with love and relief. 

"We wouldn't mind, piccola."- I assured my daughter, smiling as she squeezed me tightly, murmuring "grazie" a dozen times before dashing to her room to get dressed. 

Leo might have a very tough time handling the fact that our daughter spent the night in her boyfriend's house, out of his sight and protection, but I know that he is warming up towards Nicolas, in spite of being extra vigilant around him: he loves how happy Tini is with Nic, how he treats our baby girl, how often he takes her out and gets her sweet gifts, how romantic and gentle he is with her and, of course, how strong and muscular he is, therefore, how capable of protecting Martina Nic is.

In any case, I will keep my husband busy and he won't be opposed to the idea. 

Martina's P.O.V.

I wore black sweatpants and put a cropped sweatshirt over my top, hurriedly wearing black trainers before pinning my hair and dashing out of my room, dying to check on my beloved boyfriend, worried about his well-being. 

"I will text you if I stay over and I promise, we will be okay."- I told mamma, hugging her tightly, grateful for letting me visit Nic and be with him. 

"Have a good time, mia cara."- spoke mamma lovingly, kissing my forehead, and I beamed with joy, hugging her very lovingly, almost squeezing her. 

I hugged my sweet, cool siblings, giving extra hugs to my very protective brothers, before heading out, taking my car to get to my beloved man's house. 

In some 20 minutes, I reached his street and slowed down, looking for his house number because I have never been to his place, therefore, don't know what his house looks like. 

And once I found number 22, I was pleasantly astonished by how elegant, magnificent and beautiful his family's mansion is. Everything is really grand, luxurious, but also classy and tasteful.

I drew up to the gate and just as I lowered my window, thinking guards will ask who I am and why I am here, the gate simply opened and they allowed me to drive further without any questions.

I parked the car and approached the main entrance door, smiling as I rang the bell, patiently waiting for Nic to open the door. 

And in just a minute the door swung wide open and I gulped, my cheeks turning crimson red as I saw him.

Those plump, full, pink lips, adorable dimples and irresistible smile - a trio that has me weak in my knees. The defined cheekbones and sharp jawline are pure perfections. The beautiful, upturned nose is sculpted to sublimity. His flawlessly shaped brows and the longest, the darkest, the thickest lashes are picture-perfect as if created by the finest sculptors. Dewy, smooth, ideally maintained skin is youthful and soft. His hair is meant to be my addiction - very voluminous, satiny, shiny, curly, chocolate brown.

His T-shirt is missing, he has just black sweatpants on and a book in his hand. Every hard muscle I used to trace through fabrics is now on full display before my innocent eyes, making my blush intensify with every second. 

The vast, steely, robust back and broad, manly shoulders - I didn't know something like that can be so attractive. Veined, strong, sinewy arms and hands - the most aesthetic sight I have ever seen. Lean waist and defined, ideally chiselled abs that make up such an attractive 6 pack. The deep V-line disappears beneath the waistband of his sweatpants. The scent of bergamot, sandalwood and peppermint is strong, lavish, rich and so good. 

Words got stuck in my throat as I blushed, unable to meet his eyes, doing all I can not to look at him like that, yet unable to deny that he looks...Dio. 

Nicola's P.O.V.

I have no idea what to say: I don't want her to get sick, I am over the moon she is here, I missed her so damn much, I worry that she drove so late on her own, I am the happiest that she cares enough to visit me in spite of the hour - so many words twirl in my mind, but no right sentence can be uttered. 

So I didn't speak. 

I just wrapped my arms around her little waist and claimed her luscious, cherry-red lips in a slow, loving kiss, smiling as this made Tini blush more and still, her small hands motionless out of shyness.

I gently held her tiny hands and put them on my shoulders, silently telling her that I am only hers to touch, and smiled when she hugged me delicately, timid and so pure. Her juicy, sweet lips melted into mine better, saying so much, more than enough. 

"Ti amo tanto, anima mia."- I said genuinely, gazing into her gorgeous, big, sparkling, pale green eyes. (I love you so much, my soul.)

"Ti amo tanto, biscotto mio."- whispered Tini, gently cupping my face, kissing me fondly once more, taking away all the exhaustion, sleepiness and feebleness. (I love you so much, my biscuit.)

"Come in, mia fragolina."- I said warmly, guiding her inside, and closed the door, locking it before giving her all of my attention. (My little strawberry.)

"You have a beautiful house, amore."- complimented Tini, smiling and blushing as I kissed her tiny, perfectly manicured hands. 

"Grazie mille, amina mia."- I replied, feeling like a love-drunk puppy when she kissed my forehead, treating me like her universe. 

"You are burning up."- murmured my sweet girl with a worried pout, pouting even more when I grinned and just hugged her, really not bothered with my fever any longer.

"Come on, get under covers and I will take care of you, biscotto mio."- spoke my love protectively and lovingly, tenderly fixing my messy hair, having no idea what this does to my heart. 

I showed her to the kitchen and went to my bedroom to lay down just like she asked me to. I detoured to my closet and wore a T-shirt to make my girl more comfortable, in spite of adoring that cute blush and adorable timidness. 

I laid down and waited for my love to come back, dying to hold her in my arms.

Martina's P.O.V.

I made Nic a special tea - mamma always makes it for us if anyone is sick, it helps so well and tastes really delicious - and once it was ready, I took it to his room, following his guidance. 

"Dio, I missed you so much,  mia fragolina."- sighed Nicolas as I gently laid down next to him, hugging him tightly. 

"I missed you very much."- I confessed openly, pecking his temple. 

"Grazie per avermi informato."- I spoke and he smiled dreamily at me, kissing me fondly and slowly. (Thank you for telling me.) 

I am grateful for him telling me that he is sick, therefore won't be at school and will miss one of our ballroom dancing practises. I'd rather have him tell me than leave me guessing and worrying. Communication means so, so, so much to me. 

Nic cuddled with me and I looked after him, neither of us keeping track of time, and soon enough his temperature dropped and we were goofing around, pillow fighting and laughing, utterly gone in our bubble.

"You won't win this fight, I am pro."- he warned me and I giggled, hitting him with the pillow before making a run for my life, just to laugh when he caught me and scooped me up in his muscular arms, laying me down on the bed. 

"Oh Dio."- I giggled, hiding from him when he tickled me mercilessly while peppering my face with kisses. 

"Tell me how much you love me."- stated Nicolas, kissing my forehead and ticking the side of my waist, making me laugh. 

"I adore you."- I professed, squirming to cover myself, but in vain - he just made me laugh more. 

I don't think I have ever laughed so much and he only made it better by kissing me, taking my breath away, leaving me gasping and pulling him closer. Nicolas towered over me, our position very intimate and personal, yet neither of us dared to move, the two of us far gone in the moment. 

Our first time being together for the night couldn't possibly be better. 


"You are such a seductress, mia piccola principessa."- I said raspingly, kissing my wife's neck from behind as she moaned sexily, clutching the pillow and taking every inch of me deep in her wet, tight, sleek, perfect core. 

Camila told me where our daughter is and allured me out of the topic by kissing me and getting down on her knees, blowing my mind off with the most erotic blowjob before getting us in our bed and fucking with me, making me forget how to fucking breathe and think. 

"Mhm, Dio, don't stop."- pleaded my Cami, squirming beneath me, her flimsy lingerie scattered around our bed. 

"Look at me as you come, bambina."- I demanded, my hand around her dainty neck, squeezing it gently enough to make her moan as she gazed at me, being such a good girl for me. 

And for being a good girl, I took care of her and gave her everything she wanted and needed. 

We have been looking after each for a very long time, playing and savouring our bliss while tangled between the sheets. 

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