The Golden Cicada [Season 3]

Von Zion204

6.7K 200 14

The Ladybone demon remained Victorious. taking over the Megapolis city, and slowly making a move to Swallow t... Mehr

The Golden Cicada [Season 3]
[Season 3] Chapter 36 Journey to the West
[Season 3] Chapter 37
[Season 3] Chapter 38
[Season 3] Chapter 39
[Season 3] Chapter 40
[Season 3] Chapter 41
[Season 3] Chapter 43
[Season 3] Chapter 44
[Season 3] Chapter 45
[Season 3] Chapter 46 Soul Sisters
[Special] Embrace your Destiny Chapter 47
[Special] Embrace your Destiny Chapter 48
[Special] Embrace your Destiny Chapter 49
[Special] Embrace your Destiny Chapter 50

[Season 3] Chapter 42

296 10 0
Von Zion204

[Fire Ring]

The Three of them just finished on eating the hearty meal. Much to Mk and Mei's delight since they've been walking in the desert for like ages (joke) and intense Hunger and dehydration is something they don't want to experience again.

But maybe Donghai's Condition is more Deadly and utterly Deadass making Mei wail her eyes out like she just failed being her Steed and Mk being her protector.

"We failed!"

"Master forgive us! We're such a terrible Disciple for Donghai!"

Wailing their eyes out Red son Fumed who's still holding Donghai's Hand. Kicking The two Kids asses Donghai only laughed at their strange Interaction while Ironfan is taking care of her.

Donghai was scared of her Condition right now. But thank Red son he's patient with her and has his mother to Take off the ice slowly on her Cheeks. Suprisingly too since Donghai got a bit of 'History' with ironfan like calling her 'weird hairstyle lady' or 'fan lady'. The demoness still took her in and Maybe Scolded a bit of her motherly Instincts.

"Don't. Touch the ice, God you're such a stubborn girl."

"Stubborn like her Noodle Brain friends"

"Now now Red son, I can't have another annoying arguments Coming from you two"

"Do you want some hot Chocolates? I know a recipe that my mother thought me!" Butting in, Mei Grinned despite seeing her best friends Deadly condition "that looks cool! But Trip might steal my chocolate knowing that Monk. He loves sweets" Laughing at it two figures entered back in the large room, with Tripitaka checking up on her again Demon bull king on the other hand noticed a scroll, that's so old that has a red wrope tying it up.

Of course no one can stop him he's a damn king.

So he opened it up and Saw some old inscriptions of spells and a figure of a Woman? "I thought you simians are looking for the samadhi fire?- what is this Moronic thing?" He Growled and Princess ironfan Glanced to the old paper her husband is holding.

What is that? That's a strange old paper...

"Oh no! Wait! We are looking for the samadhi fire old friend! That paper is just uh-my....a thousand great grandmother's scroll she left."

Patting him, The Three kids nods in confirmation. Can't blame the Demon bull king and Princess ironfan since it looks like they're already stressed out because of the samadhi fire. "Your Grandmother? I see.... is she the one you spoke of in the ritual site?" Back then, were they're preparing for the sealing of the samadhi fire. They were Busy arguing where to start the sealing ritual.

Can't be random villages or forest since it's THE SAMADHI FIRE

It's gotta be a Clear and Wide space area. Or maybe far away from Mortals and Demons too.

"Look as much as your idea was sealing the fire in the middle of the Forest. It's fire!"

"Oh wait nezha was kinda right"

"God you imbecile!"

Hurdling themselves inside the Demon bull kings destroyed Living room. His son dropped Unconscious all of the sudden and it must be the fire that's making him like this.

They were glad The young child slept and they took the opportunity to talk and plan things out. "So what now?, sealing it near the ocean, you said it's still impossible and certainly the water only would turn to Lava" Wukong Scratched, looking back to DBK nezha sighs.

He even offered up his place but then he remembered it's the Samadhi fire. That's goddamn unkillable.

"I know a perfect place"

Glancing back to the Great monk who's Sitting comfortably. He smiled fondly once he remembered something "it's a place my a thousand great Grandmother left for her future grandchildrens. It's like a place for refugees." He Nods, Raising a brow Dbk Rubbed his Chin.

"You're plan is to seal the fire inside the cramp place?"

"It's not Cramped at all Lord Nezha"

"So what is it Master?"

A place for refugees he says, if it's refugees then it must be a place that became a battleground. "A mountain far away from civilization, She has Used that place as a Area for injured soldiers and camp back then when a war broke out. And it's the only Remaining Area that survived so she Used it as a Protection place for survivors" Nodding, nezha and the other two seems okay with it. Since the Monk already said it.

She seems a mystery for them. Even for Nezha too. He hasn't heard this mountain or the Monks Grandmother but he said something about his grandmother also Meeting up Demons and celestial beings.

"The Golden Maiden Of the East, she's the one"

"I heard some stories of her but can't really believe them. Her legends were far forgotten since she died a thousands of years ago"

"Well....Yeah..." smilling, Ironfan Finishes up Cleaning Donghai's Cheeks. Feeling her body all okay and good Red son Let's go of her and Huffed.

"Are you Okay now?"

"Yeah, thanks Red son!"

"Whatever Golden girl"

Rolling his eyes Mei Gave Donghai's jacket back and even Tied up her hair back, gasping once he remembered something Mk Panicked "wait-guys were supposed to look for the ring! We can't waste Time!" Oh shit they've been comfortable here in Red sons home and almost forgot about about rings they're supposed to look at.

"Oh the first ring? No need! I got it!"

Showing them the Glowing golden Ring Mk Gasped and Shakingly took it. Showing it to Mei the Dragon girl backed off and Flinched once she saw that Ring up close.

Like she's feeling something that's creeping her out.....

"Master! Wait How did you Get this?!" Pointing to the ring Tripitaka Laughed and points to DBK "my old friend turns out to be the one Holding the first ring! I thought he Hid it somewhere but he just kept it close to him" Laughing DBK Groaned and Looked away from the monk.

"So uh. Yeah cool we got the ring!" Mei Grinned, but it seems forced. It's just that She didn't expect that she felt something is off when the ring is close to her or even just by looking at it. "About going back to the others....uh Master you have any ideas?" Asking him Tripitaka was about to speak up but Donghai Chimed in "I got you girl! Ey Red son! Got any vehicles for us to use?" Grinning at him the Demon boy Gasped like he just got offended or something.

"Vehicles to use?!- Peasants! I'm no Car Seller just for you to ask like that!"

"What? So no? Which means you just suck at Showing us any cars that you don't use?"


Clenching his Hand, Ironfan Sighs and Pat's her sons Knees "give them one Son. I'm sure you'll be able to make one like you always do. You're a genius afterall" smirking Red son can't Refuse anymore since it's his mother's Orders and really. He got huge respect from his parents.

"Okay Fine! I have one! But I'm not Sure if it's able to Go through the desert!" Grabbing the Dragon Girls Shoulder a Flash of Black and Red Burned the city. Followed by the Flames of red,blue, and green the Visions Flashed again Showing one Person Burning on fire destroying everything.

'What the!-'

Gasping the two backed off, eyes wide in fear The others Glanced to them once they saw Red son and Mei Flicnhing and jumping away from each other.

"You Guys good?" Donghai asked, seeing Mei Sweating and breathing The Dragon girl laughed and walked back to her Cicada friend "y-yeah! All fine! Im fine! Just got a bit spooked!-a-anyways Red son! You got cars right?" Chuckling nervously. Red son only nods and wiped his hand using his red Jacket.

"Uh...yeah I"

He mumbled, gesturing them to follow him Mei Rubbed her Shoulders and looked down.

What was that? She just saw the samadhi ring burning and...a person on fire with their footsteps Melting the ground so easily.

It's so she could feel her skin burning just by thinking of it "Hey good? You look Sick" Walking beside her Donghai Lightly Nudged her and smiled.

"I'm good really. I should be asking you, like ya know-your condition seems...."

"Naaah, I'll be fine. If Destiny wants me dead then jokes on him I'm Gonna change that."

Waving it off Donghai wrapped her arms around her, Grabbing Mk's Jacket The three of them Giggled like idiots while Red son only Rolled his eyes.

"Hey Red son! Come I still have a hand to Pat your head!"

"I rather not Golden girl"

-The Golden Cicada Season 3

[Hmmm....there's still more to come...]


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