Five Nights at Freddy's: Secu...

By VJ101B

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Disappearances have been happening in the area around Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. At first, Gregory thou... More

Same As Always
A Face In The Crowd
A Shocking Performance
Hello, Gregory!
Locked In
Technical Difficulties
The Daycare Attendant
Why Do I Hear Boss Music?
It's Pizza Time!
A Clean Exit
It's Just A Dream
Your Prize Is...
Not Lost But Most Certainly Found
Backstage Drama
Bark And Bite
What You Are On The Inside
Grudges and Bonds
I'm A Firing My Laser!
I Never Thought I'd Be Back Here
Hitting Rock Bottom
Bright, Shiny, And New
Not So Bad Bunny
Back On Course
A Stroke of Good Luck
A Little Birdie Told Me
Coming Soon To Theaters Near You
I'm Ready For You This Time
Here's What Really Happened
Anybody Home?
A Light at The End of The Tunnel
Ahoy, Matey!
Welcome Aboard
Water Works
Sorry To Rain On Your Parade
Your Princess Is In Another Castle
Racing Thoughts
Gotta Step On The Gas
Sweet Rave Party!
Eyes On The Road
Night and Day
Tell Me What's On Your Mind
Does This Look Like The Face of Mercy?
It's Always Darkest Under The Lighthouse
The Man Behind The Slaughter
A Brighter Tomorrow
Ness' Story
Gregory's Life Since the Pizzaplex
Notes from the Author
Gregory's Diary

Feeding Frenzy

514 4 7
By VJ101B

Freddy looked at me and asked me what the next step of my plan is. "Gregory, now that you have the Monty Mystery Mix, what is the next step of your plan?" "Well, the next step is placing the mix somewhere where Chica will find it, but it can't be in a place that has Security Bots or where Monty and Roxy are." I replied. Freddy was thinking about a location where Chica often goes that doesn't have any Security Bots and where the others don't frequently go to while sending encoded information of the next step of my plan to Vanessa. Then he found the ideal location for me to place the Monty Mystery Mix, in the Kitchen.

"Hmm... I would suggest going to the Kitchen, Gregory. Chica goes there more frequently than the others and there are not many Security Bots in that area." A wide grin appeared on my face, the Kitchen was the perfect location for my plan, I remember the last time I entered the Kitchen when I had to make a pizza to distract Chica. "The Kitchen sounds perfect, Freddy! Let's go!"

Suddenly, we heard a growling noise and I placed my hands on my stomach, Freddy was able to piece the situation together, I was hungry. "Gregory, are you feeling hungry?" I looked at Freddy and tried to reassure him that I was ok, "Well, just a little. But it's ok, Freddy, I'm not that hungry." Despite my words, my stomach was saying otherwise, Freddy knew that I needed to be fed before I could save Chica. However, going to the Kitchen right now was a risky move.

Luckily, he knew where he should be able to find food for me that wasn't too far from the Kitchen, Freddy recalled Chica having a small Bakery on the second floor of the Atrium, many wonderful treats are made there, and Chica hardly goes there after hours due to the Bakery not having any pizza-related materials.

"Gregory, there is a Bakery on the second floor of the Atrium that has many tasty treats. We should go there first before you go back into the Kitchen." I looked at Freddy and reluctantly nodded my head, "Maybe you're right, Freddy, I shouldn't start the next part of the plan on an empty stomach." The elevator doors opened and I followed Freddy to the Bakery. 

We climbed down the escalator and made our way to the other side of the second floor, I followed Freddy through a roll-up door that led to a hallway, I was able to see two attractions: Monty Golf and another one that looked similar to a beach.

I wanted to see what was down there, but I didn't want to fall behind Freddy, I can always come back and see what that beach area is when Chica was returned to normal. I continued to follow Freddy through the long hallway and passed through another roll-up door, we entered a dark room that had a large metallic structure in the center. 

The structure had two large tubes colored pink and blue attached to its roof, a few posters of Chica on the walls, and a big cupcake placed above giant yellow letters that spelled "Let's Eat!!!"

"Is that the Bakery, Freddy?" I asked. Freddy nodded his head in response, there was a Security Bot near the front doors and I stunned it with my Fazerblaster after a few tries, 'These security bots are a lot harder to hit than the ones from Fazer Blast and the Endos.' I thought, the Security Bots were much faster than the Endos and could only be stunned if the laser hit in between their eyes. I entered the Bakery and looked at what treats were inside, the Bakery had some cakes and doughnuts inside the display cases, but a few of them were smashed and had some empty trays, Chica must have been inside earlier to take some sweets with her.

I turned my head and saw some muffins and cake pops next to a large golden cupcake, I peeled off the wrapper and started munching down on those muffins. They were a little stale, but I didn't mind, the experience of being a homeless kid has taught me to not be picky with food. Freddy noticed my ravenous appetite and chuckled, "You must have been very hungry, Superstar. However, please be careful when you are chewing. I do not want you to choke."

I looked at Freddy with a content smile and nodded my head, Freddy knows how to use the Heimlich maneuver in case of emergencies he and Chica once used it to save a pair of twins from choking on some chewing gum. When I was eating some cake pops, I noticed another one of those CDs Freddy and I have been collecting leaning against the side of the golden cupcake. I grabbed it and placed it in the pocket with the other CDs, good thing my cargo shorts have deep pockets.

When I was finished eating, I threw out the wrappers and cake pop sticks. I felt a chill in the air, which caused me to shiver. Freddy noticed this and spoke up, "Gregory, are you alright?" I looked at Freddy and nodded my head, "Y-yeah, just a little cold." Freddy did feel the sudden temperature change in the room and didn't want me to feel cold, he started looking around the Bakery for something I could use. He found something hanging in the bathroom at the back of the Bakery.

Closer inspection showed the object to be a small gray hoodie, he took it off the wall and saw two magnets that looked like Chica and Monty on the wall behind it. He gave the hoodie to me and asked me to put it on, "Here, Gregory. This will help you." I took the hoodie with my shaking hands and walked into the bathroom and put the hoodie over my blue shirt. It felt a little loose, so I pulled the drawstrings to tighten it. I looked in the mirror to see how the hoodie looked on me, "This looks cool. What do you think, Freddy?" Freddy looked at me and smiled, "You look great, Superstar."

I started to feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside me after hearing Freddy's compliment, "Thank you." I said. When we were back in the main room, I peeked into a small Storage Room and saw something out of the corner of my eye, it was a pink arcade cabinet that said "Chica's Feeding Frenzy" on the top of the machine, I also found a message next to the game.

"MAINTENANCE LOG - Chica's Feeding Frenzy won't turn off. Even when it's unplugged, the game just kept running. There is no way it has that much residual charge and who moved it into the Bakery anyway? It's supposed to be in the East Arcade, not here. I should take a look at it, the game might have the same problem that "Street Skate Superstar" had. - Dave."

This made me remember what Dave found inside "Street Skate Superstar", He found a transmitter and brought it to Ness, could there be a transmitter inside this game too? I can't open the game up and see if there is one inside, but I also remembered Ness saying that the transmitter's signal weakened when Dave beat "Street Skate Superstar" after eliminating certain purple objects. If I did the same thing here, maybe the transmitter inside it would weaken as well.

I reached into one of my pockets and pulled out a quarter that I brought from "home", I inserted it into the machine and started playing. I had some experience playing arcade games in the past with Abby, Claire, and Johnny, so this shouldn't be too hard.

(Skip to 0:03)

I was in control of a small white object that fired out small yellow triangles, I saw a few light pink balloon-like objects and fired at them. The balloon-like objects grew bigger and bigger until they burst, dropping small coin-like objects. I picked them up and saw a message on the side saying the next wave was coming in. I saw a few small orange triangles when the third wave came in, I thought they were health, but took damage when I touched one.

I fired at the orange triangles and they disappeared in one hit. When the fifth wave came in, I saw a large rainbow ball firing at me. I continued firing at the glowing ball, but something else caught my attention. A small purple triangle appeared on the screen, I attacked the purple triangle until it was destroyed. When it was gone, I went back to attacking the glowing rainbow ball. It dropped a lot of the coin-like objects and a power-up when it was destroyed, now I could fire a spread shot. I saw a light blue balloon-like object in the seventh wave and this one fired black circles at me.

Getting rid of them was a little tricky, but I managed to eliminate them without taking too much damage. A large green balloon-like object appeared and was destroyed after taking a lot of hits. Another rainbow ball appeared along with another small purple triangle, I prioritized getting rid of the purple triangle before taking out the rainbow ball. My new power-up was a rapid-fire stream of candy that quickly got rid of any triangles or balloon-like objects on the screen.

I picked up a sparkling piece of cotton candy and the screen changed to rainbow colors followed by a message saying "Let's Eat!" I was invincible in this state, anything that touched me dropped coins instantly.

The last rainbow ball and purple triangle appeared on screen and I made short work of both things and won the game. After seeing "Game Over" on the screen, Freddy and I heard something coming from outside the Bakery. We peeked out the front doors and saw Chica rapidly twitching while a dark purple glow came from her eyes. When the twitching stopped, the purple glow from her eyes grew very dim and became a much lighter shade of purple. The glow disappeared and Chica walked away.

"I think the transmitter's signal weakened, Freddy." I said, "I believe you are right." Freddy replied. We walked out of the Bakery and back to the Atrium to make our way toward the Kitchen. 

I saw something underneath a table and looked at it, it was a device that looked like an orange computer chip.

"Freddy, do you know what this chip thing is?" I asked as I gave it to Freddy, he knew what that chip was, "Gregory, this is an enhancement chip. It will allow me to increase my battery's power level." "Would you mind installing it into me? Just open the compartment on my back and put the chip inside." Freddy turned around and bent down to my height for me to install the chip. Once it was inside Freddy, I closed up the compartment and Freddy stood up again.

We walked into the Kitchen using the door close to the vent near the Sides & Salads bar, we entered a dark room with a conveyor belt and a strange type of elevator. I found a message next to a balled-up Freddy shirt.

"ATTENTION KITCHEN STAFF - Parts and Service is concerned that Chica will suffer heavy damage if she ever gets caught in the trash compactor. Always double-check the compactor before use. Do not use the compactor to dispose of pizza, pizza-flavored items, or pizza-scented materials (especially Monty's Mystery Mix!). Otherwise, her replacement cost will come out of your paycheck."

'The trash compactor? That's it!' I thought, the trash compactor was the perfect place to put the Monty Mystery Mix. I would need to make sure the compactor is off of course since I want to save Chica, not destroy her. 

"Freddy, I think we should put the Monty Mystery Mix in the pizza Kitchen." I said, "Very well, Gregory. Let us go." Freddy replied. If we were going to put my plan into action, we need to do it now because Freddy's battery was starting to run low. 

We entered the pizza Kitchen and Freddy took out the Monty Mystery Mix from his chest cavity. Once it was out, he clutched his stomach, "Freddy? Are you ok?" I asked, Freddy looked at me and quickly reassured me, "Do not worry, Gregory. I just need to recharge, there is a recharge station nearby so I will not be too far away from you."

I didn't want to be separated from Freddy again, but I had a feeling that Freddy wouldn't like the idea of luring Chica into the trash compactor, so I had to carry out the plan by myself. "Ok, Freddy. I understand. Don't worry, I'll be careful." I said, Freddy looked at me one last time before walking to the recharge station in the other room, "Good luck, Superstar." Now it was just me. With no moment to lose, I started pushing the wrapped box towards the trash compactor, but stopped when I saw a message nearby.

"SAFETY FIRST - 1) Fill the garbage compactor. 2) Prime the compactor engine by pushing the button in the kitchen storage room (follow the cable to find it). 3) Press the hanging activation button in front of the compactor. IMPORTANT: Make sure all employees and S.T.A.F.F. are clear of the compactor before step 3."

"This is good to know." I said to myself. Before I could place the box in the compactor, I needed to make sure that it had no power to function. I followed the cable into the storage room where I saw a purple generator with a glowing red light, "Ok, the generator is off." I said to myself. But just to be safe, I pulled the plug out of the wall socket which caused the red light to disappear.

"Good, now the trash compactor won't turn on." I went back into the pizza Kitchen and placed the Monty Mystery Mix into the trash compactor and removed the plastic wrap around it. I took cover and pulled out my Fazerblaster and shook it to make sure it was charged, Chica picked up the mix's scent and followed it.

"I smell pizza!" She walked towards the trash compactor and started eating the green mix, "Yummy!" She said as she was stuffing her face, I slowly peeked out and saw Chica eating, I crept towards her and took aim in case she turned around.

She stopped eating and looked behind her, she caught a glimpse of me before I fired the Fazerblaster at her, causing her to fall. I took this chance to run up to Chica, "Sorry, Chica. But this is for your own good!!!" I said as I jumped onto Chica's back and opened the chip compartment on her neck. I pulled out a software chip and placed it inside her compartment and closed it.

Chica was letting out a few technical noises and her eyes released the dim purple glow earlier. But after a few seconds, her eyes flashed light blue and stopped. A message in light blue letters appeared on Chica's HUD, "Virus removal complete, systems rebooting." Chica slowly started to wake up, she heard a voice call out to her, "Chica? Chica, are you ok?" She turned her head to the kid (who was me) who was calling her, "I think so, but who are-" Suddenly, I started hearing a buzzing sound and got shoved into Chica, causing us to tumble down.

The attacker pressed the compactor's button and activated the machine. Chica grabbed me and held me tight. Luckily, a pipe was able to stop the trash compactor from squishing us. I looked to see who pushed me and saw Vanny looking directly at me, the compactor's ceiling went back up, but a trap door opened, Chica and I fell through with the rest of the garbage screaming. Vanny laughed maniacally at her work, "See you soon."

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