By scxttsmccall

185K 6.6K 1.7K

"i can see you're lonely down there; don't you know that i am right here?" [stranger things s2-] [oc x steve... More

one hot car
the pact
max, billy, and the sinclairs
not mews!
dustin loves chaos
sinclair sibling heart-to-heart
werewolves and cigarettes
make the move
princess steve
mega plot twist
in good company
aftermath & the new pact
let's hear it for the boy
lil baby of freedom
daisy bell
knee socks
bring it, virgin
booby traps
you drink, you die
can i just cry for a second?
happy birthday to ginny
the navigator
three months later
boobies, robin
shanking and self-defense
stick and poke
i need you
someone else
track seven
total butthead
of her friends
ginny, ginny, ginny
why me
knock 'em dead, sinclair
master of puppets
eddie the hero
sexy superman
matilda - will byers
shake it out - eleven
man! i feel like a woman! - sleepover
eternal flame - prom of '85
black and white - lil nuggets

big boy and the dream

2.5K 98 57
By scxttsmccall


Eddie slapped a heavy phonebook down on the table, showing them one of the ads. "The War Zone," he said, pointing to it. A Rambo-reminiscent man holding a large gun was shirtless on the page, standing in front of an American flag.

"I've been there once," he told them, as they all gathered around to peer over his shoulder. "It's huge. They got everything you need for, uh... well, killing things basically."

"You think fake Rambo has enough guns there?" Robin asked. "Is that a grenade? I mean, how is any of this legal!"

"Well, lucky for us, it is," Eddie grinned. "So, this... this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. And as long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and uh... angry hicks."

"If we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to some store called the War Zone," Erica pointed out.

Nancy sighed, pushing off the table. "Normally, I'd agree... but we need the weapons, so I think its worth the risk."

Lucas nodded. "Me too."

Ginny joined in, "Me three... You think fake Rambo happens to have some flamethrowers?"

"That'd be great and all, but is it worth the time?" Dustin said. "It'll take all day to bike there and back."

Eddie looked at him. "Who said anything about bikes?"

"You got some car we don't know about?" Steve asked.

Eddie stood up straight and smiled at him. "It's not exactly a car, Steve. And... it's not exactly mine. But, uh... it'll do."

Ginny was starting to simultaneously adore and abhor that devious look on his face. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and turned to Max in the other room. "Hey, Red— you got a ski mask or a bandana, something like that?"

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

MOMENTS LATER, EDDIE WAS LIVING UP TO HIS MURDERER NAME IN MAX'S OLD MICHAEL MYERS MASK. He peeked around the corner of the trailer, his eyes on the owners of a pretty white RV, who lounged outside.

If the situation hadn't been so tense and her feet weren't aching from walking around barefoot all night and day, Ginny would have laughed. He motioned for them to follow, and they crept forward.

She was sure they looked like an absolute mess, all of them, but luckily, no one saw.

Eddie leapt head first through the open window in the back of the RV. He wriggled inside and ripped off the mask, muttering, "That was suffocating..."

Steve stopped beneath the window and helped Ginny up by her waist, careful to help her avoid scraping her injured knees on the window sill. She flopped inside and scrambled to her feet, following Eddie to the front.

He reached over to lock the door, before planting himself in the driver's seat. Ginny handed him a set of wirecutters from his little tool bag, and he reached under the steering wheel.

Steve leaned over her shoulder as they watched Eddie hotwire the RV. "Where'd you learn how to do this?"

"Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball," Eddie muttered, as he worked, "My old man was teaching me how to hotwire. Now, I swore to myself I wouldn't end up like he did, but now I'm wanted for murder, and soon— grand theft auto. So, uh... really living up to that Munson name."

Ginny smiled at Steve over her shoulder, just as Robin ran up. "Yeah, uh— Eddie, I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving," she chirped.

He shook his head. "Oh, I'm just starting this sucker." He grinned up at Steve. He leaned in, teasing. "Harrington's got her. Don't ya, big boy?"

He sparked the wires together and the engine sputtered to life, startling them all.

"Hey, what the hell!"

Their heads snapped to the window, where the owners of the RV were banging on the window. "Open this door!"

Ginny's eyes widened. Steve pulled on her arm. "Shit— go!"

Eddie grinned and jumped up, he and Robin sweeping into the back, while Steve planted himself firmly in the driver's seat, Ginny cringing into the passenger. The angry hicks were seething, hitting the window.

"Sorry!" she said.

"It's just a car..." Steve muttered to himself. He spun around and shouted at the kids. "EVERYBODY SIT DOWN AND HANG ON TO SOMETHING!"

Ginny could hear Lucas scrambling, Erica cursing, and Dustin screaming, "Drive, Steve, drive!"

She hit Steve's arm frantically. "Go, go, go, go!"

Steve knocked the RV out of park and stomped on the gas. They surged forward and Ginny yelped, holding onto the armrests of her seats. "Shit!"

Lucas shouted from the back. "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

"Shit, they look pissed!" Dustin cried.

Robin snorted. "It's not every day you lose your house and car in one fell swoop!"

"Shit, Steve— turn!" Ginny grasped at the arm rest, bracing herself.


Someone squealed as they hit the trashcans at the edge of the road full on, and Ginny wasn't sure if it was Lucas, Eddie, or Dustin, Steve swerving so they wouldn't run off the road altogether.

The tires screeched as he swung them onto the main road, and they were home free.

Ginny's heart raced, but she was grinning. "Holy shit!" She looked over at Steve. "Steve Harrington just stole a car!"

Steve faltered. "I didn't— I didn't steal anything—"

"You stole an RV!" Ginny practically cackled, the insaneness of the last few days finally getting to her. "Oh, my ex is a criminal!"

Steve gave a half-laugh, half-sigh, his attention flickering between the road and the girl next to him.

The kids and teens in the back were similar, everyone calming down the further away from the trailer park they got. The drive to the War Zone wouldn't take too long, but it gave them enough time to take a breath.

Ginny watched Steve as he drove, thinking about what Max said. She didn't notice they were practically taking turns looking at each other, staring when the other had just finished, just barely missing meeting eyes.

Ginny Sinclair loved a lot of things about Steve— his hair, his eyes, his personality, his innate need and want to help and love— but she loved a lot of little things, too.

Like how he always had to have music playing whenever they drove. She remembered lots of nights similar in feel to this morning— Steve in the driver's seat, Ginny next to him, stealing glances at each other until they were caught. Their mixtape was his favorite thing to play, but she guessed it didn't really matter, as long as it wasn't dead silent. Steve didn't like dead silences.

She wondered if there was a reason for that, if maybe he hated silence because it reminded him of his own house when his parents were gone for weeks at a time on business ventures— or if maybe he hated silence because it stirred bad thoughts, bad memories into his head until he was stuck in them, like walking through a thick syrup.

She'd been in that same boat. She'd learned to hate silences, too.

Music helped. Music was good, music was distracting. Silence stared you in your face and made you think.

The radio was on now, after he'd fiddled with the station for the first fifteen minutes of the drive. Ginny smiled gently at his fingers twisting the buttons, pausing for moment at a time to listen, observe, then he'd flick away to another channel.

It was some gentle James Taylor song Ginny didn't recognize, but it felt good. Something about the whole thing felt... homely, comforting, right.

"I think I could live in one of these things," she told him quietly, not wanting to disturb the others in the back. She was pretty sure Erica was sleeping.

Steve glanced at her, noting the reflection of the sky and forest and road in her dark eyes. "You? Living in a camper?"

"This is more of a motor home."

"You are way too high maintanence for one of these things," he teased, looking back at the road.

Ginny narrowed her eyes at him. "Okay, and you aren't? Mister 'I Promise I'll Be Out in Five But Really I Mean Thirty?'" she laughed softly.

"Oh, okay— there is nothing wrong with personal hygiene," he countered, a gleam in his soft brown eyes.

Ginny laughed again. "Take a page from your own book, Harrington. You are absolutely filthy right now."

He snorted. "I think I look pretty good, considering all things."

Yeah, you do look good, Ginny thought, her eyes trailing along the lines of his arms, taught against the muscle where he held the steering wheel loosely.

"Eh," she said instead, shrugging and trying to hide her smile. "You've looked better."

He laughed. "Ouch, really."

She laughed, too, her pretty, bubbly, Ginny laugh that he loved so much. He decided to tease back some more, having missed soft banter like this with her.

"Okay, well— I'm sorry, but I'm totally about to crush your dreams of owning a motor home," he said.

She raised her eyebrows teasingly. "Oh, you're crushing my dreams?"

"Yeah, yeah, I am."

"Oh okay, go ahead then."

He shot her a devious look. "Okay, uh— for one thing... You'd crash it instantly—"

Ginny dropped her jaw dramatically, acting offended. "What?"

"— I mean, right out the lot, you're running over curbs, hitting pedestrians," he joked. "You're a terrible driver—"

"You sexist pig!" she laughed. Steve thought she looked amazing when she laughed like that, that open mouthed, happy laugh, and even with all the dirt and muck and blood covering her skin, she glowed.

He grinned, shrugging too. "I'm not saying it's a woman thing, I'm saying it's a Ginny thing."

Ginny smiled brightly at her lap, her stomach all warm and fluttery. She had really missed him.

She shrugged and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

"Well, maybe I'll just have to have you drive it around for me."

Steve glanced at her and found sincerity in her warm eyes. He thought he might explode.

He could see it now, the dream forming in his head like it always did, and he was tempted to speak it aloud. The Harringtons, Steve and Ginny, in an old motorhome, where they were now middle-aged and graying— their kids laughing and giggling and singing along to James Taylor in the back. A big, happy family. Something he'd never had before.

He glanced at her to gauge her reaction, where she smiled shyly out the front window, and he wondered if she could read his mind, if she could see them, too, Steve and Ginny Harrington... happy.

They'd never really talked futures past college when they were together; he wasn't sure she even wanted a big family. But he couldn't help but dream one up with her.

It wasn't that he just desperately wanted kids, either.

He just wanted her, for the rest of his life.

Instead, he just smiled softly. "Well... maybe I'll just have to do that."

Ginny risked another glance at him and saw his smile. Her skin buzzed, like she'd been kissed by an angel. She felt like a seventeen year old again, seeing him for the first time on Tina's front porch, really truly seeing him.

She smiled, too.

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

THE WAR ZONE WAS PACKED WITH PEOPLE STOCKING UP ON SUPPLIES. Ginny made Dustin and Lucas stay in the motor home with Eddie, and she and Erica led the way in.

"So much for avoiding angry hicks..." Robin muttered.

Nancy looked nervous. She just sighed and smoothed down the fabric of her dirty shirt. "Let's just... be fast."

Steve nodded. "Yep."

Erica agreed. "Definitely."

Ginny tugged on Steve's sleeve. "Come on. We need some shoes..." And she whisked him away to the array of boots on the far wall.

Once he found a nice brown, thick-leathered pair and Ginny some of similar style, they grabbed two pairs of socks and went to a back corner, holding onto each other for balance as they stuffed their socks and shoes on—

Because yeah, they were stealing. With all the chaos in that store, it wasn't like anyone would notice... And besides, Steve didn't really have the chance to bring his wallet with him into the Upside Down; it was probably still sitting in the middle of Lovers Lake, right with that yellow sweatshirt he missed so much.

Ginny missed the yellow sweatshirt, too. He had looked really good in it.

But once he'd pulled on a camo t-shirt and a brown leather jacket, she did not miss the sweatshirt anymore. And she was pretty much drooling.

"You can take a picture if you want," he mused, grinning at the drunken look that passed over her face. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like it when she stared at him.

She cleared her throat and felt her cheeks go hot. "Sorry, just... I was just wondering if we should change your bandages while we have the time."

Steve nodded, pursing his lips to hide his smile. "Right, yeah..."

"I'm gonna... go find some," she told him awkwardly, pulling on a denim jacket as she zipped away to... where was she going again?

Bandages, right. Get some clean bandages for your ridiculously hot, flirty ex-boyfriend so he doesn't get an infection from demobat bites. Just your average task...

She released a long breath as she searched over the tops of the racks for any indication of where first aid supplies might be, and found them right where she just came from, where Steve waved a pack at her. Oh, God...

"They're right here," he said, smiling.

"I knew that... Yeah, totally." She huffed a piece of hair from her eyes, running her hand through it to keep it back, and grabbed the pack of bandages from him. She threw them into her basket hapharzardly. "Now... weapons?"

They trailed through the aisles together, observing all the various ways to kill people, where Ginny had to try to ignore how tingly his breath on the back of her neck made her feel.

She thought about what Max said again, and wondered why the sexual tension with Steve always spiked when the world was ending?

She swore he was doing it all on purpose— leaning over her to reach something on a top shelf, his body dangerously close, the hem of his t-shirt riding up tantalizingly enough, running his hands through his hair like he always did when she was—

Stop, Ginny, stop it. She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed the image away. Thirsting over Steve Harrington when the world was ending... Bad Ginny, bad.

But she couldn't stop herself. She tried, but she kept fidgeting with her hair, which they both knew was a nervous tick. She tried, but after a while she'd started doing things to get at him, too— brushing her hips on his just barely when they squeezed past other customers, tying her hair up with the hairband Erica had given her knowing that Steve liked it when her hair was up because he had this weird thing about her neck and collarbone that really made him act up.

Their little back and forth continued, until they stopped wandering the store to look at a particular rack of weapons— baseball bats.

She thought it to be a little odd that an army supply store had baseball bats, but... it was war, she guessed.

Steve had grabbed one instantly, starting to swing it around like old times. Ginny watched him, reminiscing back to two years ago, in the Byers house, where he did the same thing.

This bat didn't have nails, but it would still hurt if it hit her. And he was still hitting all wrong.

"Watch where you swing that thing, Harrington," she said, gathering a few packs of metal nails and tossing them in her basket. Eddie and Dustin were going to use them to make shields out of trashcan lids to help protect them from the demobats.

"I don't want to lose an eye before Vecna even gets to me..." she muttered.

Steve's let the bat hang limply at his side. "Shit, Ginny. Don't say that..."

Ginny just laughed, snorting. He gave her a look. "Seriously! Jeez, you're the only person in the world who can comfortably joke about getting killed by an evil wizard."

She laughed again and rolled her eyes. "Oh, chill out... No ones getting murdered today."

He wanted to say, "We don't know that," but stopped himself, looking at the bat in his hand.

Ginny watched him again, noting his stance. She sighed. "Did you forget everything I taught you about playing baseball?"

Steve frowned gently, and she gestured to his body. "Square your hips, princess. Follow through on the swing, you'll take off more evil wizard heads that way..."

Planting his feet firmly and trying the swing again, Steve muttered, "Jesus..." He let the bat zip through the air, following her instructions.

She nodded. "Better."

Ginny turned and trailed down the aisle, leaving Steve to follow her, the bat over his shoulder. "I thought the next time I'd swing a bat would be teaching a few little nerds to play baseball, not to fight demon bats and evil wizards..."

"Well, we have plenty of little nerds if you still want to," she cracked. They moved into the next aisle, which was full of ammunition, bullets, and the like.

Steve shrugged, examining a box of pellets for a pellet gun. "True, but... I kinda meant, like, my own kids. One day."

That caught Ginny off guard. With all the kids they felt responsible for on a daily basis, she'd never considered having her own kids some day in the future. She'd never thought she'd want them, she had kids— Lucas, Erica, Max, Will, Mike, Dustin and El.

And yeah, they'd all grow up someday— they were already too old for babysitters— but it still felt like they needed her, needed them. How could they already think about kids?

Hell, she still felt like a kid herself. They were only nineteen.

"Oh... Yeah?" she said absently, not really knowing what else to say.

Steve glanced at her, wanting to know what she thought of the idea— not because he wanted to be the love of her life and to build a family with her or anything. That was not it, totally not. "Yeah."

Ginny chewed on the inside of her cheek, wondering if the reason he brought this up was to see what she thought of the idea. She tried to act nonchalant, continuing up the aisle.

"Little Harringtons..." she hummed, smiling softly. "That's a scary thought. How many are you thinking of?"

"Probably, like, six."

Ginny choked on her own spit. "Six?"

Steve grinned happily. "Totally. I'm thinking, three girls, three boys, that way they'd always have someone there for them, even if I was gone or busy or something... Not that I want to be super busy when I have kids," he said, strolling alongside her easily. "The last thing I want to be is my own dad. But... I dunno. Six is a lot, but I've always wanted a big family."

Ginny smiled at him, watching the way the tip of his nose wiggled as he talked. He shrugged, looking at his shoes. "I can just picture all the little Harringtons piling in a station wagon and going to like, California or something. We could learn to surf, eat, like, weird seafood... It's what I wish I had as a kid."

It was comforting to hear him talk about it like he did— like it was a dream, and not so much a terrifying change that would someday appear in their lives.

It made her think that maybe having their fake kids grow up wouldn't be the worst thing in the world— in fact, it should be great that they all survived long enough to be considered "grown up."

And hearing him talk about his dream for a real family... it made the idea of having real kids not so scary, too.

"You haven't had your fill of kids yet?" she asked, casting him a sideways glance with a gleam of humor in her eyes.

"I mean... Yes, but also no— 'cause I love those little fuckers," he told her, smiling at the side of her face.

She grinned in response. "Me too. Wouldn't get rid of a single one... Okay, maybe Mike."

He laughed quietly, and the sound warmed every inch of her body.

"Though, I think I'd give almost anything to see that little shit right now," she added, thinking of Mike and whatever the hell was happening to them in California. She hoped they all made it back to Hawkins soon... She had a feeling she and Will would have a lot to discuss.

Steve smiled softly still, as they rounded the corner into the prepackaged survival kit section. He pulled an ax from the rack, moving it around in his hands, testing the balance.

"So what about you?" he asked, against his better judgement. Ginny's eyes lifted to meet his. "What future are you looking at?"

She pursed her lips, considering it. It was strange— a week ago, she could have come up with a detailed plan of how the rest of her life would go: finish college, ideally get to being a nurse practitioner, maybe in the ER, find someone to settle down with, have a few kids, so on and so on.

But now, standing in front of him, gathering supplies in a military supply store in order to defeat an evil wizard who had basically possessed her... She had no clue what her future would look like.

She wasn't even sure she'd make it through the night.

"Um... I don't really know," she said, shrugging and choosing to run her fingers along the many axe and hatchet options. "The prospect of giving birth terrifies me, and I'd want to finish college first, get into my career some more, make sure I'm doing what I want to be doing professionally. Make sure its really for me."

"Oh, well, that's easy," he said. "You're gonna be the best damn nurse Hawkins has ever seen."

Ginny's chest warmed, her heart skipping. She peered up at him. "You think?"

He nodded, his gaze soft and longing. Her eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes. "I'm still alive, right? So yeah, you're gonna be a damn good nurse."

Ginny managed to break away from his eyes, smiling shyly. "Thanks, that... That actually means a lot." Her cheeks went hot, and she curled her hair behind her ears, flustered from his slew of compliments.

"So... you don't want kids?" he asked, quickly noting the way she grew instantly flustered. "No future Mini Ginnys?"

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, "I didn't say that. With the right person... I'd love some kids." She glanced at him, and he was smiling at the floor again. "But... it just feels like that future is so far away, and there's so many things that could change before then..."

Steve looked up and met her gaze. She shrugged. "It's hard to pick a future when you don't know if you'll be alive tomorrow, you know?"

He studied her intensely, his heart beating a little faster. All the perfect little moments, like the one where he'd just gotten to imagine her as his partner for life, were juxtaposed with the nightmare they were currently stuck in, so that he'd forgotten about the situation entirely, on accident.

"You'll be alive tomorrow, Ginny," he told her. "I'm not letting you die."

She smiled faintly. The way his eyes shone with sincerity and determinedness made her want to grab him by his face and kiss him, hard and fast. But then again, when did she not want to kiss him?

Ginny opened her mouth to say something, unsure really of what it was going to be, when a hand clasped her arm. She startled slightly, looking down to see Erica hanging off of her, her eyes wide in worry.

"Erica?" she asked, taking her little sister's hand. "What's wrong?"

"Jason and his goons are here!" she hissed in response. "We need to go, now!"

Steve and Ginny met eyes. "Shit." She looked over the top of the racks, spotting a few letterman jackets coming towards them from the left. "Shit."

"I'll find Robin, you guys get Nancy and Max, and get out of here," Steve said, touching her shoulder as he squeezed past her.

Ginny gripped Erica's hand, starting off towards the back counter, where Nancy was holding a shotgun. Her heart started to race as all the possibilities ran through her head— if Jason caught one of them or called the police or followed them, he could fuck it all up, it would all be for nothing. Max could die and Vecna would get what he wanted.

"Ginny!" Erica hissed, dragging her back to reality. She tugged on her hand and Ginny stopped, her eyes locking on the boy in the distance— Jason, already at the counter with Nancy.

Erica whipped them around. Two other guys in a letterman jackets were at the end of their aisle, looking at large hunting knives. Ginny swallowed nervously.

"Okay... Nancy can take care of herself," she said lowly to Erica. "We should just get to the RV... Lets grab Max."

Erica nodded. They started to slip through the aisles again, keeping their heads low, the items they were taking with them tucked to their sides.

Ginny spotted Max an aisle over, her headphones on, observing a row of freeze-dried food. She started to tug Erica through a rack of clothes when—

"Hey there, hot stuff."

Ginny's boots squeaked as she stopped abruptly, trying not to run into Andy, one of Jason's basketball goons. He grinned down at her, ignoring the way she clenched her teeth and tightened her hand around Erica's at her side.

"After you and Lucas disappeared on us the other day, I thought maybe the freak got to you," he said, towering over her and backing her into a rack of clothes. Ginny tried to stand her ground, but the silver hunting knife in his hand glinted as he flashed it at her.

"Then I remembered... Your brother is in with that freak, huh?" Andy sneered. "And I bet you are, too. Maybe more, maybe you've got some weird, pervy thing going on with him—"

Ginny let go of Erica's hand to shove him backwards. He stumbled a bit, but did not let up, gritting his teeth and laughing.

"Oh, come on, baby," he jeered. "I heard you were easy, but I didn't know you were that easy. Easy enough to fuck a freak."

Clenching her jaw, Ginny grabbed Erica's hand again and started to pull her away, going the other direction.

Andy grunted. "And where do you think you're going?!"

Erica yelped as he grabbed her arm. Ginny whipped around faster than lightning, her fist shooting out and popping Andy in the nose hard enough to make him stumble back. Erica slipped from his grasp as he fell, and Ginny used the heel of her boot to stomp him right over his ridiculously large beltbuckle, causing him to groan and writhe on the floor.

She kneeled and pulled the glinting hunting knife from his hand, gritting her teeth to keep herself from stabbing him in his ugly face. She held the raggedly sharp tip of it under his chin.

"Touch my family again," she growled, "And I'll shove this knife so far up your ass you taste steel, bitch."

Andy whimpered and Ginny stood, grabbing Erica's hand and stepping over his pathetic, trembling figure. Max stood further down the aisle with her headphones on, still, oblivious to what had just happened.

Ginny looked down at Erica as they went to get her. "Don't ever listen to pathetic white boys like him, okay? You call bullshit, and you kick their asses."

"Deal!" Erica said, grinning.

Ginny smiled and tapped Max's shoulder when they reached her. She turned and pulled off a headphone, smiling too and showing them the knives she'd grabbed and hidden in her jacket.

"We need to go, okay?" Ginny told her gently. "Jason and his band of assholes are here."

She nodded, and soon, the three girls were racing toward the front of the store. Ginny spotted Steve, Robin, and Nancy slipping out the doors and she sighed in relief.

They met them at the door to the RV, where Steve instantly bust through.

Lucas whipped around to look at them. "What happened?"

"We gotta go," Steve just said.

Ginny ushered Erica and Max in ahead of her. "Your old friends are here," she told her younger brother.


"Ginny punched Andy in the face and threatened to shove a knife up his ass!" Erica said in amazement.

"What!" Nancy cried.

Ginny jumped inside and closed the door behind her. "He was just trying to scare us—"

"So you punched him?" Robin asked.

"He probably deserved it," Steve muttered.

"He definitely deserved it," Ginny agreed.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin shouted.

Ginny plopped down into the passenger seat, as Steve twisted around to yell at them. "I'm going— sit down!"

In seconds they were zipping out of the parking lot, clutching their bearings. She glanced back at the kids and others. "Is everyone okay? Did we get everything we needed?"

Nancy raised up a shotgun, nodding. Max showed them the various knives she had. Robin gestured to the many cannisters of kerosene they'd gotten and handed Ginny a baseball bat.

Steve cracked a grin at her. "No flamethrowers, but..." He glanced back at the others through the rearview mirror.

"This will have to do."


i'm not going to have ginny go with lucas, erica, and max to the creel house, so I needed to put in that big-sister ginny moment because andy absolutely violated poor erica in the last episode. if ginny knew what he did, andy would not be breathing anymore— so I just had to add that

and this chapter was literally just pure steve and ginny "glad-you-didn't-die" flirting with each other. and i'm not sorry

and idk.... maybeyouguysmightgetanotherkissnextchapter

and while I dislike Stancy, miss queen natalia dyer has MASTERED the look of longing for your ex, and for that I applaud her. nancy makes those eyes at steve in their scene in the motorhome thing and Im like... okay maybe I could see them together again. BUT THEN I REMEMBER I DONT WANT THAT.

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