Naruto One Shots

By AshleyBlackmoore

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Collection of one shots based on Naruto. Filled with your favorites. Vote comment tell me what you think and... More

Naruto One Shot ~ Grudge and Love
Garra one shot ~ Yukis sacrifice
Kiba One Shot ~ Dancing in the cold
Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Promise
Rock Lee one shot ~ Immortal Lotus
Itachi one shot ~ Kitty
Garra One Shot ~ Two Heartbeats
Shikamaru One Shot ~ Death Portrayed
Garra-Cookies and two heartbeats
Your Ok~Kankuro :)
Rock Lee one shot ~ Don't Say that
Itachi and Kisames what? ~ Suigetsu One Shot
Feelings ~ Shikamaru Nara one shot
Sasuke One Shot ~ The other Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Thank you...
Neji Hyuga One Shot ~ Stupid Kitten
Gai or Guy Sensei one shot ~ Like mother like daughter
Kiba one shot ~ My Snow
Kankuro one shot ~ Looking back
Kiba one shot ~ Werewolf
Itachi Uchiha one shot ~ Waterfall
Kakashi Hatake One shot ~ Forgotten memories and the new hokage
Shikamaru one shot ~ Kitty Kink
Kisame Hoshigaki One shot ~ Sharky's princess
Preference #2 Food Kiss Part 2

Sasuke One Shot ~ Her Eyes

14.1K 231 53
By AshleyBlackmoore

Amarra Fugiko

Brown long hair eith bangs reaching just above her eyes

bright lavender eyes

Perfect body

Every girl glared as Amarra walked into the room. For once Sasuke's attention was caught. It wasn't the fact she had a perfect body, her large chest small waist and strong long legs making most of the guys drool, no it wasn't even her perfect lips small but soft looking and full a rosy color or her perfect hair in a layered cut. No it was her eyes their strange color not withstanding it was her bright eyes which despite their vibrancy were dead and held no life in them their bright color was dark humorless. Unless you studied her like Sasuke had youd think she was a normal teen misunderstood. But no she was different. He could see the silent plee in her eyes as she faked a laugh at a joke. For those few seconds he could see her screaming silently for help for someone to realize something wasn't right. For someone to see her act wasn't real.

Sasuke had spotted it the first moment he laid eyes on her. He knew in those moments of blank faced silence she wasn't being thoughtful or mysterious like the guys said she was hiding, normally that would have screamed weakness but for some reason it didn't. If that alone hadn't grabbed his interest the way his heart had thumped painfully hard in his chest did.

Thoughts of her filled Sasuke's dreams though he had never had a conversation with her without it being because of Naruto or Sakura talking to them both at the same time. Speaking of the female ninja she was sitting down alone. She said not a word and everyone knew not to say a word to her after all she was nobility and the wrapped wounds on her body from her last mission and the hard look upon her face were enough to warn you that she wasnt in the mood.

"Hey Amarra!" Great thought Sasuke leaning back in his seat as Naruto slammed his hands down on the table in front of the ninja. Everyone fell quiet. Slowly very slowly the females head turned from looking at her table to gaze into the male ninjas eyes. For a fleeting moment Sasuke could see pain and sorrow in her glassy eyes before they went back to being radiant pools of death.

Sasuke's POV

"I challenge you to a sparing match!"

Even I was shocked. A sparing match? We weren't academy students and did he seriously think he could defeat her! A daughter of nobility and of the strongest ninja under hokage!

Sakura the only girl who truly liked her looked once again ready to punch Naruto.

"Like she's really going to fight you! Are you that much of an idiot Naruto! She just got back from a dangerous mission and she's hurt! Why on earth would she waste her time fighting you!"

I rolled my eyes though she did make good points shouting would not help. Besides Amarra could refuse on her own.

Naruto and Sakura fell silent as Amarra stood her chair sliding back so that she stood at her full height absolutely beautiful and devoid of life at the same time. With her cool eyes screaming for help that no one but I could see she gazed at Naruto.

"I accept." my jaw dropped as did every other persons. Amarra looked cool and composed while Naruto looked shocked then in his normal loud chorus he began to say I knew it and hahahahaha. I quickly wiped my face of emotion.

"What! You can't be serious Amarra!" declared Sakura.

"Yeah you don't have to fight Naruto he's just a dweeb!" insisted Kiba.

"Meet me in the trainingyard in ten minutes if your late ill leave." Amarras cool voice shocked him and turning she left the room. Her behavior wAs odd. She was never this withdrawn no indeed she was normally very in control but not in this way she seemed almost indifferent cold it was as though her whole front her act was crumbling down right in front of everyone.

"You really are an idiot." I scolded Naruto.

"Yeah say whatever you want I'm gonna bring Amarra down once and for all then everyone will see how much better I am!" I rolled my eyes. Narutos obsession with lady Amarra had begun the minute he found out she was our age. She was a secret Kakashi student and that had set his clock off running. It was nice that I wasn't being bugged as much but sooner or later she was really gonna kick his butt. Despite everything she was the strongest ninja of our year probably a little better than me even.

"Naruto are you ready?" it was Kiba he looked pumped everyone standing around the training yard was.

"You better believe it!" he crowed and stormed in. Amarra who had been patiently leaning against the wall straightened. Naruto charged and I watched as havoc broke loose. Amarra was clearly better and she would grab him in holds and then quietly whisper something to him. It couldn't have been insults as he didn't get mad so at the astonishingly amused and satisfied look on her face it was advice as with every time she whispered to him he improved slightly. I was transfixed as they flitted around the field clashing together in a whirlwind of moves.

"What's going on?" it was Kakashi. He looked bored as ever then upon a second look of the field he sighed.

"Naruto challenged Amarra and she accepted." reported Sakura miss goody goody.

"You've got to be-" he ducked as a shurokin almost hit him in the head.

"That's enough!" even Kakashi looked surprised as a tall dark haired man marched onto the field dressed like Sensei.

"Father." said Amarra startled and disengaging herself from the fight bowed to him.

"What that's your dad!" exclaimed Naruto stupidly from his spot on the ground.

"Were going home." her fathers eyes were dark angry and his voice a hiss. Amarra bowed her hair covering her face but when she straightened I could see horrible quivering fear in her expression which she was quickly able to hide but in her eyes it was still vibrantly visible her dead eyes never so alive before.

Kakashi quickly stepped forward.

"Lord Riku it's a pleasure to see you." Kakashis voice did not match his words.

"Kakashi I see your a about as always." the big man seemed aggravated by him and another flash of terror ran across Amarras face along with apprehension.

"Yes you see I was waiting for their training session to end so i could ask Amarra here how her first few days back home have been?" why did Kakashis words sound more like a threat than a statement and why did her father a jounin look so ticked off by it though he was great at concealing it as he sent her a glare which made her tremble and gaze at the ground.

"I see well I'm sorry to say but youll have to wait Amarra and I have some important business to attend to don't we?" his voice was a growl as he and Kakashi glared daggers at each other.

"Y-yes father. It's ok Kakashi I'll talk to you tomorrow." she gave him a very forced and frightened smile before bowing and following her storming father out. Just like that she was gone. If Kakashi had reason to be worried so did I.

"What just happened?" asked Naruto.

Something's up. I thought and not wasting a moment I raced after her hiding along rooftops as best I could. The minute they were out of sight of anyone or so her father the Lord Riku thought, he grabbed her wrist viscously and yanked her along.

"Ignorant stupid pup!" he growled.

"I'm sorry father-"

"Silence until we reach the house!" he snapped back handing her. Anger boiled in my stomach and my heart lurched for unknown reasons. What was this feeling?

Following quickly and quietly I followed them to a great large house a somewhat mansion. It was amazing the minute the gates closed behind them he released her wrist. I crouched down in the shadow of the gate to watch. Amarra however sharp as always spotted me and faster than light threw several Kukai pinning me to the wall her eyes were trying to see me squinting in the sun as she tried to see me in the shadows clearly. This was interrupted however as her father smashed his fist into the back of her head. She didn't cry out merely crumpled.

"You ignorant! Stupid girl!" with each word he landed a blow "I told you not to socialize with those beneath you! You sicken me!" her body was tossed into a pillar of the house. In shock I paused from pulling out a kunai from my sleeve. Her fathers face was evil twisted and I couldnt even look at her. What had happened to me I felt like the world moved slowly my heart pounded in my ears. Was this love as Inu described it?

"Your so weak you disgust me!" her father left leaving Amarra laying there in the dirt bruised beaten and unmoving. The door of the great house clanging shut snapped me from my trance.

"Amarra!" I called ripping out the last Kunai and running forward. However half way there she moved trembling her body shaking she rose silently onto all fours and looked up.

"Sasuke." she mumbled and for the very first time her emotions were completely unguarded her agony torment fear depression and loneliness clear though slightly less clear in her beautiful eyes was her confusion and slight surprise. I stopped by her side as she staggered to her feet. For someone I had found so intimidating and strong before, Amarra sure looked awful and she was definitely short her head only reaching my nose."Whqt what are you doing here my father will..." She stumbled falling forward only just to be caught in my arms her torn and bloodied clothes surprisingly soft against my hands.

"I saw everything." I told her firmly as I lowered her to the ground as she kept a steady pressure on a serious looking wound upon her hip. "You can't hide it. Come on I'm getting you to safety."


"Don't worry about your dad hell be taken care of and stop hiding you don't have to. Besides you couldn't hide it from me before and I certainly won't let you try again understand?" she nodded slowly then crying silently buried her face in my chest. The doors opened and I straightened up quick with her in my arms.

"Hey!" her father looked shocked I took the advantage and dashed away carrying her in my arms. I knew he was pursuing. I could hear his yells sense his shurokin and kunai flying around me.

"Leave me." whispered Amarra. She sounded so tired so helpeless it shocked me yet in her eyes she wasnt dead merely sad as though she had given up. "Dont let him hurt you because of me-"

"Dont be stupid." i scoffed and sped up pushing my chakra to my feet. I gained a little bit but that wouldnt mean much for long. I crashed down on the bridge and tumbled curling around Amarras body. I whiped out a kunai the minute we hit the ground putting myself over her Three figures were clustered around.

"What's going on?" I relaxed but only slightly at the sight of Kakashi naruto and Sakura.

"It's Amarras father he's after her we need to protect her." I replied Amarra looked shocked.

"So he's at it again." growled Kakashi "This time Im going to put an end to this."

Amarra was cradled in my arms barely conscious.

"What do you mean again? And why is he-"

"AMARRA! UCHIHA!" roared a voice near bye.

"Go training grounds now." commanded Kakashi stealing her from my arms and flashing off.

This will end. I promised flashing after him I promise Amarra he won't ever lay a hand on you again.

Amarras POV

I groaned my body hurt like anything but not nearly as bad as before thanks to-

"Sasuke!" I groaned seizing my painful hip. I had bolted up as I remembered yesterday's occurrences now I found myself laying on a ridiculously comfortable feather bed. the room was empty and dark blue yet didn't seem dark despite the dark wooden furniture. A blood red canopy was above me and the pillows and sheets were white the comforter blood red once again. my hair was down in its long chocolate brown curls. Man did it need to be cut as right now it was reaching my butt. Looking down I was surprised to see my uniform was gone and in place was a blood red robe with black swirl patterns. Pushing back the silken material I was shocked and horrified to see I wasn't wearing my clothes but tight gauze bandages. The robe had slits up either side of the legs and i felt very very much like a girl in one of Kakashis books stuck in a bed in expensive robes waiting for her fiancé or something to come through the front door.

"Don't move you might hurt yourself again." I jumped and grimacing in pain whirled on the bed towards the figure sitting in the window. I was crouched on the bed ready to spring expecting someone to hit me aka my father.

"Relax." this time the voice was softer. My eyes had adjusted to the sunlight streaming in and I realized much to my embarrassment that it was Sasuke.

"I uh..." my cheeks flared with color as I felt even more horrified and uneasy.

"Your dads gone." it was blunt and while he looked determined he also looked slightly guilty.

"Gone?" I questioned this thought hard to process in my current situation.

"Yes Kakashi Guy Naruto and I dealt with him. You'll be safe now." was he was Sasuke blushing? Safe?

It was all too much I broke down laughing and crying my eyes out. This seemed to unnerve Sasuke before I finally trembling laughed "I'm safe. He's gone he's gone!" I don't know what possesed me but I launched myself at the startled Sasuke. When I finally stopped crying I pulled away slightly straddling him.

"I love you." I declared beaming up at him. "Thank you."

"I-" he looked shell chocked. Looking down I blushed but then his arms wound around me and held tight.

"Good." I smiled tearfully at his choice of words. Sasuke withdrew slightly. "Because your mine now dont forget that."

I beamed at him scarlet faced as he tried to look stad offish like usual but was failing his cheeks red and lips pulling up in a smile.

"Your girl?" I was shocked by his forwardness.

"Of course after all you are in my room in my bed in my clothes." he smirked.

"IM WHAT!" my face was officially red.

"See that's much better than the dead look you used to wear." I swear my face got darker.

"Yet you saw trough it the whole time..." I sighed.

"Yeah and don't you ever shut me out again understand?" I nodded and he sighed laying back pulling me down with him. I wanted nothing more then to kiss him but a thought poped into my head.

"Wait aren't you and Sakura-" I grimaced as pain lashed through me as I found myself pinned to the bed with Saduke straddling me.

"Don't get me started on that irritating slut." my mouth almost fell open. "Understsnd I don't like anyone but you and no other guy better because I'll kill him or her if it comes to that." I was shocked to know he meant it his eyes hard. Nodding I didn't get the chance to talk as soft firm lips descended on my own.

Damn I should have opened up sooner. I thought as butterflies erupted in my heart and stomach. Sasuke pulled away and his smile faded quixkly so he was scowling and glaring at me.

"I love you got it?" I nodded and ignoring my injuries pulled Sasuke back down for some more.

Not the best one I've ever done sorry about that

So comment and tell me who you want to see next :) love you guys ttyl!!!

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