New Beginnings

By Broken_Samurai_

7K 259 64

"Life is......hectic to say the least. With a symbiote that lives inside you and knows everything there is to... More

⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️
Training Begins
10 Years Later
Lost Hope
No more......
Coming Together
Almost There
Time to Heal
Road Trip
New Home
Settling In
Severing Ties
Happy Now?
Togethet At Last
Our Desires
Open Secrets
Help and Comfort
3 Years Later

The Reason

206 7 3
By Broken_Samurai_

⚠️Chapter Warnings⚠️
⚠️ Held Against Your Will
⚠️ Torture
⚠️ Physical Abuse
⚠️ Assault with a Weapon
Essentially part of the previous chapter just from a different point of view!


Eddie's Pov

"So, how do we even meet him?" Venom asks, hovering over Eddie's shoulder as he types away on his computer.

"We just arrange a meeting," Eddie explains, his email open as he types away on his keyboard.

"Lame!" Venom groans in annoyance. "We should just barge in there! I'll slaughter all of them!"

"And if she's not at his home? How do you expect us to find her if we just slaughter everyone?" Eddie questions his partner with a chuckle. "We gotta be smart about this."

"And if this just alerts him?" Venom points out. "He'll just move her."

"And we'll know," Eddie says, grabbing his phone and pulling up surveillance footage. "I already hacked his house. I'm sure you're right as I'm assuming she's in there as well. How else can he hide her for ten years?"

"Eddie, what if he......," Venom trails off, not wanting to say the words and potentially upset Eddie.

"Then hopefully she can forgive us. This will be the easiest way to get into his house. I'm going to ask for an exclusive interview," Eddie explains. "Everyone wants an exclusive interview with me. I'll just sell it to the newspaper here."

"More money," Venom chuckles. "If you add it to your blog he'll just get more fame. We're not going to kill him are we?"

"We can't. We meet him and he suddenly dies by some monster? We just barely got the feds off our back. He can't report it to the police without it risking everything," Eddie points out. "It's the safest thing we can do."

"We'll come back and kill him though?" Venom asks, growling when Eddie doesn't answer him. "We can't just let him get away with it!"

"I don't want that either but we don't have much of a choice, V! We can try to come back but I don't know when we'd be able to," Eddie sighs, the frustration clear. "I don't want to just let him walk free but we're kind of tied at the moment.

Both creatures knew this and they hated the fact but Eddie was right. They were still being watched by the feds and if some hotshot was suddenly killed after being visited by the one and only Eddie Brock, he and Venom would be stuck on the run again. They both disliked the idea of just letting the dude walk but right now they had to focus on getting Y/N out of there and to safety. Venom goes to speak but before he can Eddie is suddenly clicking out of his email draft on on another email, Venom going silent as he comes to read it as well.

Eddie Brock,

So, you've made it to Maryland. Do not ask how I know this but I must say I appreciate your quick response. Doctor Seth Mengele hasn't been to the office in over a week and his wife has been conversing with me. She believes he's cheating which only further confirms the suspicions I have. I'm sure he's sensed her unease which would explain the sudden vacation and she's been texting me all week about all the sweet things he's been doing for her. Their anniversary is the day before your friend's wedding so perhaps our friend will get a bit of a reprieve or he'll have his fun with his wife and then have his fun with her.

I'm going off on a tangent here aren't I? Anyway, you're there and if he truly does have Miss L/N then that means she'll soon be rescued. I can only imagine the horrors. We used to be good friends, Seth and I, and he's told me some of his desires. Of course, he kept it as PG as he could but that dark look wasn't hard to miss. He wanted a toy. Someone he could live out his wild fantasies with. I won't mention them here but they weren't kind, I can tell you that much. Still, if she's still alive and she's been with him this long she must still have some kind of strength left don't you think?

I only hope we're not too late to save her. In this file is access to his home. He's.....secretive so he keeps video cameras inside. No one but me and him know of this, and he has no idea I have any access which will be kept between me and you. He goes to the lowest level of his home often but there is no footage there. I only know where it's at because I have been in his home and am aware of the layout. Learn it so you can find your way through it. Ask him for an interview. He loves to brag and I'm sure he'll be happy to share many things with you. Oh, try to enjoy what we have to offer too. I know it's odd to go have fun while on a case but the less suspicion the better.

Be safe Eddie Brock.

Black Cat

"So, this person obviously works with him. Wonder who it could be," Venom hums curiously. "Who does he trust most in the office?"

"Who's to say. Perhaps we should find out at some point but for now I think we should just focus on this doctor guy. It's our best bet," Eddie says with a shrug. "Alright, let's finish that email."

The Pig's (Doctor Seth) Pov

He grabs his phone when it chimes with an email notification, furrowing his brows at the name. Of course he'd heard of the famous reporter but why in the world would he be contacting him?! He didn't.....? No, no there was no way he could possibly know his secret! No one knew! It had been ten years and the only people that even cared and tried to find her have died so this was impossible! He tries to calm his racing heart and opens the email to read what this reporter had on his mind.

Greetings Doctor,

My name is Eddie Brock. Sorry to contact you so out of the blue. My friend is getting married and it happens to be in Maryland so I was hoping to schedule a few interviews. I know this is a long shot with all of you but a reporter needs to keep his hopes up and take these chances! I'm curious to know about current and future drug decisions, what it's like having to interview people who think they've found the next big drug, that kinda thing. I know how people talk about the FDA so I was thinking getting a few one on one interviews would help ease the public's minds you know?

Seth stares at the sentence about interviewing people, his heart pounding. No, he wasn't talking about her. People came to them all the time. It was just general! He glances over at his wife who is napping on the couch after having fallen asleep during their movie. She'd be mad to see him working on his 'vacation' but she knew he was a workaholic so it shouldn't come as a surprise. He could sense her unease and had to think fast on how to clear her mind so he took a vacation. It had been two days since he'd been down to see his toy but trying to spend all his time with his wife made it difficult to escape. Keeping up appearances was truly a pain. He huffs and returns to the email, silencing his raving thoughts.

I have interviewed a lot of people and I can send you a few of them as well as some references. It would mean a lot to get an interview. Could we do it in your home? Your colleague mentioned you were on vacation and certain topics require comfort, so doing them in a public space is difficult and my hotel room is way too small to interview comfortably. I do hope I'm not being too forward with this. I look forward to your quick reply.

Eddie Brock

Tch, in his home?! He had done plenty in his home but he didn't like this reporter. He had a habit of making things messy and Seth couldn't risk anyone finding out his secret. It was easy to bribe people and shut them up, plus they were paying to live out their fantasies so he had plenty of people. He lied and told them she was a criminal and wanted to destroy their reputations. He'd made up so many names for her and after ten years it's not like anyone would be able to recognize her anyway! Still.....had someone blabbed? Had someone told the reporter what was going on?! He'd have to find out who it was as soon as possible and eliminate them. He couldn't risk losing his most valuable possession! His hands clench into fists and anger overtakes his mind, glancing at his wife before setting his phone down. He takes a few calming breaths before walking to the basement.

As soon as he's out of sight his steps become quick with purpose and his feet thud hard against the ground. He grabs his keys and heads to the basement, unlocking the heavy door that kept her captive. He still wasn't happy with her after that escape attempt of hers but thankfully he had prepared well for that. It was a maze in the basement and she was behind several secret doors so unless you knew what you were looking for you would never be able to find her. He wrinkles his nose in disgust at the sight of her, growling in his throat when he sees her shrink back. NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! She was supposed to love him! Beg him to tucking touch her like the whore she was!


He clicks his tongue in annoyance but he grabs the hose, rudely blasting her with the freezing cold water to get her cleaned up and the floor. He gets the filth down the drain before stomping towards her. He uses his keys to unlock her cuffs before grabbing her broken legs and just jerking her onto her back. He enjoys the sound of pain that leaves her, trying not to laugh when she cradles her broken wrist. Stupid bitch deserved it. He forces her legs apart before undoing his pants, his fingers bruising her hips as he grabs them. He slams into her over and over again, just working out his aggression. She was HIS and no one else's! He'd worked so hard to train her and her body responded nicely now without the damn drugs but she still fought against him. He could see it though. He could see that strength leaving her. She would crack soon and she'd be all his.

He grabs the hose and sprays her down again, a smirk coming to his lips as an idea comes to his head. Oh? He'd fucked her with plenty of things so this would be fun. He shoves the hose inside of her hole, watching the discomfort as she sits up and struggles to try to back up. He doesn't like this so he fumbles to remove her gag before keeping her jaw open and shoving the running hose down her throat. He breathes heavily as he watches her drown. He had her life in his hands! He could end it any time he liked and he made sure to remind her. He tsks out loud when she tries to shove against his hand, waiting until she nearly passes out before finally pulling out the hose and tossing it away. He grabs his pocket knife, grabbing her head and shoving it into the concrete, pressing the blade to her throat. He could do it! He could end her right here and right now! He pants heavily as he presses it against her throat above the collar, swiping it across her neck enough to draw blood.

He grins when an idea comes to him and slams the knife into her broken leg, laughing when she struggles to pull it out but I'm prepared. He pulls out the rope he brought and ties her wrists together, dragging her across the floor to the rings bolted down. He gets her hands tied before he ties her ankles together. He forces her body to stretch, tying the rope to another ring so she's being what felt like pulled apart. A shame he didn't have a rack to tie her to. He'd love to force her body to stretch, listen to her screams of pain, but this would work for now. He climbs to his feet and looks down at her before he kicks her in the side. He laughs and just kicks her repeatedly, enjoying her screams of pain. There was no escape. She would be with him forever!

When he's satisfied he leaves her, letting out a breath and smiling. He feels a lot better, locking the doors behind him and returning to his wife, smiling when he finds her still sound asleep. He settles on the couch and replies to the reporter. He'd do the damn interview then disappear for a few hours to torture his toy. What should he do now? Oh the choices were satisfyingly endless.

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