New Beginnings

By Broken_Samurai_

9K 300 81

"Life is......hectic to say the least. With a symbiote that lives inside you and knows everything there is to... More

⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️
Training Begins
10 Years Later
Lost Hope
The Reason
Coming Together
Almost There
Time to Heal
Road Trip
New Home
Settling In
Severing Ties
Happy Now?
Togethet At Last
Our Desires
Open Secrets
Help and Comfort
3 Years Later

No more......

288 9 2
By Broken_Samurai_

⚠️Chapter Warnings⚠️
⚠️ Held Against Your Will
⚠️ Torture
⚠️Rape/Sexual Assault
⚠️ Starvation
⚠️ Suicidal Ideations/Plan


Your Pov

My arms and my shoulders ache from the pain of being kept suspended above me, my broken wrist throbbing from the cuffs that were tight against my wrists. The cuffs press hard on the bandages and splint made to let my wrist heal properly in place but the cuff isn't any bigger so the cuff presses the splint right against the nerves and bones of my wrist. My legs ached with pain too and so did my lower back. I wasn't sure how much time had gone by but when the pig wasn't having his way with me I wasn't allowed to even lay down. He had moved my mattress so I was forced to stay sitting on the cold, hard, stone floor. With my legs now broken in several places it made my hips and lower back throb with pain and not being allowed to at least sit on my mattress was absolute torture.

I sigh and whimper in pain at the gnawing pain in my stomach from my hunger. I had eaten but it was only enough to keep me alive and with my body trying to heal the small amount of food wasn't lasting very long. He was constantly coming into the room, bringing so many people my food starved brain became dizzy just trying to keep count of everyone. I really should just give up at this point, I didn't really know what I was even fighting for anymore. Both hopes that I had of escaping had been crushed and I honestly had no way out of this hell hole anymore. The pain and hunger was too distracting to get much sleep and if I shifted wrong it would send insane amounts of pain shooting through me but I could tell my mind was beginning to break. Occasionally I'd start seeing things, imagining people running in to rescue me that weren't really there. I had sworn I wouldn't break or give in but what hope was there left for me to get out? Maybe if I played nice I would get some extra food and even my mattress back.....

I didn't know anymore. I was losing my mind and my grip with reality. If I finally gave in would I maybe see outside of these four walls? Maybe not. After my stunt he probably wouldn't trust me, not for a very long time and I wasn't sure I could wait for that long at this point. The fire that was burning so bright before was finally beginning to dwindle and I didn't feel I had long left before the flame would burn out. I didn't have the energy to even stoke the coals anymore. A freezing dose of reality had been dumped over my head and I realized I don't have much hope of making it out of here. Maybe there was a way I could end things? I was tired of hoping that I'd get the chance to escape, tired of dreaming someone would gain enough of a conscience and maybe try to rescue me. Even if I did want to run again I wouldn't be able to, not for months at least. I look up at my shackled hands, wondering if I could somehow get my broken wrist out and just stab my self with the splint. Right into the wrist, maybe do it a couple times and hopefully I'd strike a major enough vein to just be able to bleed to death.

I was unlucky and didn't end up with any internal bleeding but even if I did I'm sure he had plenty of doctors on call to keep his secret. Slowly I lower my head again and rest it against the stone wall. I had tried cracking my head against it but he'd caught me and moved me away from the wall which was way more painful so I stopped. I stopped and I begged him to move me back so I could have some support. I let my eyes slide shut again, hot tears welling up and spilling down my cheeks. I thought I had lost the ability to cry but the taste of bitter reality proved that I still had some emotion left in me. My will to fight was dissipating and I was close to giving up. I had nothing and no one left so why was I even trying anymore?

I open my eyes when I hear the familiar jangle of keys, the pig smirking at me as he walks in, a cupcake with a candle in his hand as he walks towards me. I whimper in pain when he uses the toe of his boot to spread my legs apart, wincing from the pain as they're spread before he kneels between my legs. He could see the tears and I could see the delight in his eyes all too well. He pulls out a lighter and he lights the candle that was on the cupcake, my mouth watering at the smell. It was my favorite flavor too, made exactly how I liked it with just the right amount of frosting (can be none) on top.

"Do you know what we're celebrating?" He purrs, flinching when he brings his hand to my cheek.

"No sir," I manage to get out, the words like bile on my tongue but if I was to maybe get a taste of that I had to at least try to play nice.

"Ten years, Y/N," He coos gently. "Ten years ago today I brought you here. I thought I'd have been able to show you off as my personal pet but you've stayed so strong and determined. Of course it's been frustrating but I'd have grown bored if you had just caved in and now I can see you're beginning to learn your place."

I can't respond. Even if I wanted to I didn't trust my voice enough the even try and offer a response. Ten years? Had I really been fighting for that long? I mean.....I knew it had been a few years. Even if it was impossible to tell time I could at least tell that much time! As if reality hadn't hit me hard enough it was like I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces in my chest. I really wasn't getting out of here was I? No, I was going to be trapped here for forever, for the rest of what remained of my life. I don't want to show him weakness but what was even the point anymore? What reason did I even have to fight anymore?

"My parents......they're gone?" I whisper softly.

"I've been waiting for you to ask. Yes, they're gone. Everyone is gone. No one remembers you ever existed," He chuckles, gently cupping my cheek as his thumb gently strokes the skin. "No one cares about you except for me. Even if you did escape where do you have to go? You've been gone for ten years. You have no money, no home, no family or friends. I'm the only one who knows you anymore. There is nothing left for you out there so stop fighting me and just give in."

He smiles darkly as he watches me, amused that I'm at a complete loss for words. He was right. There was nothing left. I was all alone in this world, in this hell I'd been trapped in. Sure, I already had a feeling with my parents. It didn't make hearing it finally said out loud any easier though. What's the point now? What reason did I even have left at this point? Death.....would be a sweet relief. It was time to put the death plan into place. I couldn't do this anymore. If I had no reason left to even want to see the outside world again then I didn't want to be in this hell hole anymore either!

"Ready to blow out the candle? You can smell it can't you," He purrs, using a lighter to light the candle. "Go ahead, blow out the candle."

I can feel my throat tighten as tears steam down my cheeks, all hopes lost as my body trembles. When the candle is brought close to my face I just barely manage to get enough breath to blow out before it's hitching again. My vision is blurred with my tears so I don't have to see his evil smile. I barely register as he strokes my cheek and my hair, wishing for the warm embrace of death. Anything was better than this hell hole and his words were like a dagger in my heart. He was right though. Ten years have passed and I was no closer to getting out. When he moves to feed me my body moves on its own in all honestly, savoring the delicacy of a cupcake after ten long years. I can't even enjoy it, doing everything in my power to try and remain calm and steady. His lips meet mine once I swallow the last bite, wanting to just bite the damn tongue off at this point. He pulls away with a chuckle at this and suddenly a gag is forced between my lips, my eyes widening as I try to keep him from fastening it.

"I can't have you biting your tongue off. I'm not stupid, I see that look. I suggest you play it smart. Don't try anything to harm yourself or else I'll really make you regret it understood?" He growls, grabbing my broken wrist and laughing when I wince from the pain. "You're mine and you can leave this world when I say you can."

He leaves me after that and I feel myself break, sobs wracking my body as I lower my head, screaming through the gag as all I can do is cry. I couldn't take anymore! I couldn't do this! Why couldn't I just die and be done with this?!


I'm not sure how much time passes by the time I finally stop crying but it must have been a while. I'm uncomfy as I shift in place, the cupcake having upset my stomach so much to my displeasure I'm sitting in my own filth, something I hadn't really thought about. I'm so used to him coming in and just hosing me down with freezing water three times a day and since I hadn't been getting much food I wasn't doing much in terms of bowel movements but I guess the cupcake was enough of a difference to offset my digestive system. If I could I'd just stand up but it was even more of a reminder that both my legs were broken and there was no getting comfortable. He finally comes in after a while and I shrink back, the anger practically melting off of him. He grabs the house and I gasp through my nose when he sprays it on me, my body shaking from the cold as he gets me cleaned up along with the floor.

He's quiet as he stomps towards me and unlocks my hands, a whine of pain leaving me when he just grabs my broken legs and jerks me down so I'm on my back. I cradle my broken wrist but he doesn't seem to care about my actions or my feelings, just intent on relieving whatever anger he had pent up. By the time he's done I'm completely soaked again from my own body fluid's and his cum, actually a bit surprised at just how much he's able to hit his peak at his age. I shudder when I'm blasted with the hose again, whining when he so rudely shoves it inside of me but all I can really do is jerk into a sitting position from the discomfort. I only had one arm to use after all. I suppose this is the wrong move because his hand is suddenly in my matted hair and my head is jerked backed. He gets the gag off and as I'm gasping the running hose is suddenly shoved down my throat.

I'm unable to jerk my head back so the best I can do is try to shove the hand with the hose back but I'm much too weak to even get anywhere. I gasp in the water as my body desperately hopes for breath but all I get is water, my vision beginning to dot black. He growls in anger and I'm spluttering as my body sucks in breath, crying out when my head is slammed roughly to the concrete floor. I freeze with wide eyes when something sharp is suddenly pressed against my throat, pain flashing through me as it's swiped along my neck. Unfortunately, it's only enough to bring surprised pain, screaming when the knife is slammed into one of my broken legs and twisted. My hands fly to the handle and he's tying them together with rope, my teeth gritting from the pain in my broken wrist.

He drags me across the floor and gets the rope tied, my hands above my head. My muscles strain as he does the same with my ankles, tightening the rope until my body is painfully stretched before he shoves a helmet on my head to keep me from trying to bash it into the floor. Everything aches and throbs from the pain, his form standing above me as he pants. I cry out as his boot suddenly connects with my side, feeling the bones snap from the collision. When he finally has enough he leaves me tied up and in tears, my entire body aching from the pain. What the hell?!

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