๐—ฆ๐—ข๐—จ๐—Ÿ๐— ๐—”๐—ง๐—˜๐—ฆ แตแตƒหฃ แตแตƒสธแถ โฑแต‰...

By -curlyfriess

130K 4.7K 7.5K

" ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜… ? ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ ๐—พ๐˜‚๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป " " ๐—ถ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜€๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ . " " ๐—ฑ๐—ผ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ... More

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3.3K 134 160
By -curlyfriess

Tw - talks about abusive homelife, scars, bruises

I'm fine.

Just got a little bruise.

"HOW DID SHE EVEN find our number?" Savannah paced in the living room in front of Oliver and Viola.

The younger children's bodies sat tense, posture unusually perfect. "They're not gonna find us, is she Sav?" Oliver asked, his voice shakey. Savannah shook her head and got on her knees in front of the kids making them look down at here. "They aren't gonna come get us, okay? We are gonna to forget that she called, move past it. And if we get another call from ether of them just leave it."

"But what if they find out where we live?" Oliver suggested. Savannah shook her head. "They won't. I won't let them." She sighed, "I also chose to tell someone about what happened. I haven't yet, but I am going to."

Viola nodded. "It's Robin, right?" She asked. Savannah laughed and nodded. "It is her. We can trust her, okay?" The twins nodded. "The only person I'll allow you guys to tell is Max, but that's up to you."

Oliver stayed quiet, Viola shook her head. "I'm not ready. She doesn't need to know about that. Not yet." Savannah nodded.

Now she had to tell Robin.


ROBIN SAT NEXT TO Savannah on the couch, the twins were at the Wheeler's house.

The older girls sat in silence as they watched a movie, Star Wars a New Hope to be exact.

Savannah took a deep breath. "Hey, can I talk to you real quick. It's important. For me and for the twins." Robin looked away from the movie and turned to her. "Of course, what's up?" She asked putting her full attention onto Savannah.

"So you know I'm the kids guardian.. but it wasn't legally. We ran away." She said in a whisper-tone. Robin's eyes went wide. "Why? What?"

Savannah's vision blurred due to tears collecting in her eyes. "We ran because our parents weren't the best people." Savannah's voice wavered, breaking. "I had planned to buy this house once I was out of high-school and able to take care of the two financially, and legally become their guardian. But then they did something horrible to me. I bought this house the night before we left." Robin took a hold on Savannah's hand, trying to comfort her.

"So we left. Drove thirty-three hours across the US to end up here in Hawkins. To hide." Robin slowly nodded. "Why are you telling me this?" She asked. "Not that I'm like mad about it, just, why me?" Savannah shrugged. "The twins like you a lot. You showed me kindness when I first ever came, I need someone to look after the twins when I can't." Tears flowed down making Robin realize she wasn't lying. "I just need someone to be there for us."

Robin gave a soft smile to Savannah. "Thank you, for trusting me. I won't tell anyone and I promise I will look out for all of you." She squeezed Savannah's hand. Savannah let out more tears, this time ones because of the relief and happiness. "Thank you Robin. This means so much to me and to the kids. Thank you."


THE KIDS ALL GATHERED in the Wheelers basement. They all sat around talking to each other, Viola kept her eyes on the brunette girl that they had just met.

Jane Hopper was her name apparently, although when Mike revealed the girls he seemed unsure about his answer. The brown eyed brunette was Mike's girlfriend, supposedly.

Jane had seen Viola staring at her a couple times, Viola quickly turning away and joining the conversation with Max and Lucas, trying not to get jealous. She knew the two were a couple.

The jealousy led Viola to wonder if Max remembered what she did the last day she was in California. Viola would never ask her though. At least, not now.

She kinda felt out of place down in the basement. Oliver had Will, Max had Lucas, Mike had Jane and Dustin. Where did she sit?

Sure, she talked to all of them, got along with all of them, but she didn't belong with them. Oliver seemed to almost fit right in.

Oliver had always been the introverted, quiet, reserved one. But he was easy to read as a person and he made friends quickly. Viola was the opposite. She was an ambivert, outgoing when she wanted to be, had no filter. But somehow, between all of that, she was hard to read.

So no one really knew Viola, except for Savannah and Oliver, really. They may have thought they did but they really didn't.

All the scars and the bruises. They didn't know that.

They didn't know that Viola. And that scared her.

"Hey, Viola." Max side bumped her making her flinch. She let out a low pained groan which Max noticed. "Oh, shit. Are you okay?" The red-head asked a little to loud. Heads turned to look at Viola. The brunette felt small. "I'm fine." She smiled. "Just got a little bruise."

"Viola?" Oliver asked cautiously. "I'm okay Oliver" She gave him a sweet smile. "I swear." "Okay.." He trailed off.

The group went back go their conversations, Viola sat there, picking as dead skin on her palm. Max looked over at the girl cautiously, wondering what was going on in that pretty mind of hers.

Max subconsciously put her hand on the girls knee as a comfort mechanism. Viola felt her cheeks burn at the touch but dismissed it and placed her hand on Max's. Lucas looked over and raised an eyebrow seeing Max's actions, but pushed the thought away. They were best friends.


SUMMER ARRIVED FAST AND all kids where elated getting to hang out almost everyday, stay up late, have sleepovers, and more.

The twins missed out on some things, staying home with Savannah and Robin. Other times they went out with their big friend group, minus Dustin since he went to camp, and hung out.

Today was one of those days where the twins stayed home with the two older ones, just enjoying each other's company. Right now the twins where talking with Robin, Savannah was out in town trying to get more food for their empty fridge.

But their talking was interrupted with a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Robin stood up and went to the door. "Viola, It's for you!" She called. The young brunette got up, confusion flooding her mind. She walked to the front door seeing Max there with a small backpack over her shoulder. "Hey, can I stay for the night?" The red-head asked, playing with the straps of the backpack nervously. Viola looked up at Robin. "Uhm, I'm sure Sav will be fine with it." The older girl answered, leaning on the door way. "Come on." Robin motioned for the red-head to come in.

Max nodded and walked into the house. "I'll tell Savannah when she gets home, go set up stuff in Viola's room." "Okay, thanks Rob."

Max furrowed her eyebrows as they walked into Viola's room. "Why is Robin over? Where's Savannah?" She asked. "Savannah's out in town getting food, Robin's here to just look after us."

"Why? Aren't you old enough to be alone. And why Robin?" Max was getting to close to making Viola crack and tell her. "Uhm, personal life stuff, that Savannah told Robin, she's like family you know?" Max nodded. "Anyways enough about this house what's up with you?" Viola sat on her bed, Max following her actions. "Well, same thing, family shit is going on at home and it's just not for me, so...." Max trailed off.

Viola's eyebrows furrowed. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Max shook her head. "It's fine. You know Neil's an asshole. He was just doing stuff to Billy and I couldn't watch or listen to it." Viola noticed Max's eyes watering. "So you were my only option." Viola nodded. "Well you're always free to stay here. You're family too, Red." Max blushed at the nicknames.

"Thank you, Vee."

"Of course, I understand what crazy parents can be like." She joked, trying to lighten the mood. "What do you mean? You're parents where always nice?" Max asked, becoming more intrigued as well as confused. "To you." Viola muttered, Max still heard her. "Viola, what do you mean?" Her tone was more worried.

Viola sighed and got up, walking over to her door, closing it. "Savannah said I could tell you, but I didn't want to put this all on your shoulders because I know you already have stuff on your shoulders and I never told you when we were little because I know you had so much shit to deal with and-" Max stopped Viola from pacing, which she didn't even realize she was doing. "Vee, talk to me."

The brunette sighed. "I don't like saying it." She sighed. "Then show me." Max offered. Viola sighed and sat back on her bed, pulling her shirt up a little to reveal different scars and bruises. "Uhm.." She awkwardly dropped the shirt. "That's why we moved, wowza, big grand reveal." She did jazz hands trying to lighten the mood.

Max placed a hand on hers. "Viola." She muttered. "Please don't tell anyone. I know your close with Lucas and everyone, but please, don't." Viola begged, pulling her hand away. "I won't, I promise, okay?" The red-head said in a small voice. "I love you."

Viola smiled, flipping her hand to make the twos connect. "I love you too."


i had a shower thought

yk how the demogorgon's attracted to blood right? so like, what happens when ur on ur period

also the st storyline is soon dw🤭🤭

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