Acrimony: Unhinged Return

By Twisted_Truths

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Adjusting to the new life of parents. Past trauma plague Melinda and Derrick. With stress mounting a common g... More

Summary & Cast
Love Of My Life
Right By You
Do You
Bringin It Down
Next To You
Say Yes
Next to You
Nasty Girl
If You Let Me
Hate Our Love
You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration
Late Night Drive
Easy on Me
Love in the Sky
Something In My Heart
A Woman's World

You're Making Me High

385 20 27
By Twisted_Truths


"I appreciate you coming Melinda."

Melinda hummed as she set the fresh rolls on the dinner table. It's not like she truly wanted to be here. She already had to do family dinners on Sunday. No need for a Friday dinner too. Leave it to her sisters to be copycats of the Collins. They were lucky she agreed to once a damn month.

"Mommy!" Saniyah chirped, holding out her hand expectantly. Melinda rolled her eyes handing her a warm roll. Watching her child do a happy dance as she pulled it apart to her liking.

"Derrick and Casey are still out trying to fix the mustang?" June asked, as she entered the room. Setting 2 year old Elijah on his feet. The little one rubbing his eyes waking from a nap.

"Yeah." Brenda answered.

"God, I hope it never gets done. All I've heard for 6 months since he started the dame restoration is mustang mustang mustang! He's been stuck on that engine for a few weeks now. Maybe he'll get bored?"

"Unlikely, Derrick probably already fixed it." Mel spoke, popping June's bubble. Her man had a genius for all things machinery. They were probably already passed the engine and on to something else.

"Never thought I'd say this but fuck Derrick." June pouted, Mel shrugged her shoulders. Using conversation as a way to get out of finishing setting the table.

"Its his thing. You saw the iron man arm. That's just a piece of his brain." Mel bragged, she couldnt help but to. June gave her a face to which she laughed.

"No! MINE!" At Niyah's snap Mel looked at her child. Elijah reaching for her roll with a pout. Niyah scowled shaking her head. Elijah's pout turning to a cry as he turned to his mother.

"Mommy!" He cried, pointing at Niyah.

"Its her's Elijah. Let me get you one." June sighed, Niyah stuck her tongue put as Elijah's looked at her.

"Quit it, be nice." Mel scolded, she couldn't figure out why the two of them bickered so much when they got together.

Niyah wasn't really the interacting type. She didn't like playing with other kids besides Midori. She didn't like meeting any new faces. She didn't like people essentially. There was just something about Elijah. Rarely did they cordially play. It seemed like fighting was how they loved on eachother?

"Let's eat before these two get started." Mel sighed, not in the mood for that loudness. Calling the house to the table, the extended dining table was full in minutes. Unlike the Collins family the kids didn't have a separate table. They didn't have a Dean to worry about so there was no real need.

"So Melinda, tell us about Aspen." Brenda pried, Mel smiled reminiscing on the winter wonderland.

"Beautiful, didn't know we had something like that here." Mel answered, keeping it short and sweet. She knew Brenda was a little salty about not being invited. Any other day she wanted to rub it in but she was already on thin ice with Derrick for her attitude. She didn't need her 10 paddles turning to 35.

"Santa bring you any coal this year?" Brenda poked.

"Ha haha.....good one." Mel spoke, giving a fake dramatic laugh.

"If by coal you mean a baby sure." Mel nonchalantly added, getting a glare from her husband. She would come around eventually......maybe. The table was silent as her words dunk in.

"'re pregnant? Again?" June spoke, barley contained emotion thick in her voice.

"Unfortunately." Mel sighed, another beat of pause before the table erupted in dialog surrounding her unborn child. She thought that was touching enough the first time.....this go around it made her roll her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you Mel. God....just....happy." June erupted, in the full rush now.

Melinda grimaced at the tears, Saniyah with a matching one for an entirely different reason. Why was baby this baby that pregnant this and that always words coming up lately. She was tired of the repetition of words. How was she supposed to get smart like her daddy if they kept using the same words?

"Can we eat without that? Please." Mel huffed, her sisters both pursed their lips.

"We're trying to be happy for you and supportive Mel." Brenda scolded.

"Oh excuse me, thank you Oh so very muchhhhhh. Appreciate ittttt." Mel dragged out, a dramatic cheery voice.

"Ignore her." Derrick sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Praying for you." Brenda spoke, directed Derrick's way. Mel bit her lip to keep from shooting those words to Kalvin. She promised no verbal sparring with her sisters.

"How far along are you Auntie?" Emmett excitedly asked, eager to meet his new cousin already.

" 6 long traitorous months to go."

"The second kid is easier than the first. Promise." June offered, Mel pursed her lips.

That was bullshit she knew cause she had been there when Elijah was born. If that was easier than Emmett then Mel was fucked. It's not like her birth story was peaches and cream. It was downright the most indescribable pain. She couldn't fathom having that a second time. She was trying not to be such a downer, but it was hard to do. She barely got through it the first time down. Fear had made plenty of room here.

"Sureee." Mel dragged out.

"Uhhh, you guys doing anything for valentines day?" Kalvin asked, hoping to change the subject.

"No "

"Yes." Melinda blinked at Derrick's response. What did he mean yes? Their simultaneous answer was supposed to be uniform. Derrick simply smiled at her making her suspicious.

"Since when? You don't even like valentine's day." Mel huffed.

"But you do." He simply stated, giving her an affectionate poke on the nose.

"Oh yeah, what is it?" Mel skeptically asked, putting him on the spot just in case he was fillerbusting.

"Its for me to know and you to find out Mellie." He stated, she pursed her lips turning back to her food. Of course she wasn't mad about the initiative. She was mad it was nexr weekend and he said nothing. She had little to no time to do something for him. What could she pull together that didn't interfere with him.

"I already see you overthinking. You need to worry about nothing next weekend but being alive." He spoke down to her, she pursed her lips at his audacity.

She stewed over it the rest of dinner. Hot and ready to burn tongues when she spilled. She wasn't insane. She took her pending punishment without extra additions. Naked still bent over the spanking bench she let out a sigh. Cool hands rubbing the ache of her skin. She still couldn't get over how he could possibly make a paddling feel like the worst shit ever but in the same breath switch up and make it feel like sparks.

"You took that well pretty girl." He complimented, staring at her glistened skin with pride.

Her tolerance for pain been growing lately. That just made the games they played so much fun. His gentle yet firm hands rubbing in the finishing cream touch. Being unstrapped and picked up, she snuggled into Derrick's arms. Their playroom lights going green. Resting her head on his shoulders her once angered thoughts were cooling rapidly.

"I'm blue, sir." She blurted, he stopped his motions turning his head to look at her.

"What's the matter Mellie?" He asked softly, he already knew what was hitting right now. At his tone Mel sucked in a sharp breath.

"I didn't know we were doing valentines and now I can't get you anything. I know you hate valentines day and we've been doing so good and just shit." Mel rambled in one fluid sentence.

If Derrick hadn't listened to her do closely he would have missed it. Thankfully he got it in one go because the dam broke in his arms. There was no talking during the flood. Releasing her stored stress through her tears. Derrick rocked her whispering strengthening affirmations. Calming his sub as she experienced sub drop.

"Mellie, you have already given me the most precious gifts in the world. You are carrying another seed of mine. You don't need to feel bad about not getting me something. You have everything I need already. Okay?" He asked, Mel nodded tucking her head into his neck.

"Remember I do because you deserve." He added, kissing her cheek for hood measure.

"Now, I have an assignment for you. I need you to write me a poem by next week. I expect you to put some good thought into it." He dropped, her head popped from his shoulder. Looking into those bright hazels she frowned.

"Come again?"

"5 days from now you'll recite a poem to me. That is what you'll give me for valentine's." He stated matter of factly.

"Melinda....forgive me for chuckling hun. I'm just well astounded that you find this request to be troubling." Doctors are supposed to laugh at their clients fir one. And two because it is. How can you not see? It's like he asked me for ANOTHER baby!!! "I think it us quite romantic of him. Isn't this what you needed from him? The reconnecting and strengthing of your marriage." Well yeah! Im happy I'm just...stressing....I haven't even started it. I don't know what to do, and look my ass done ran up my time with nonsense. We still have done time though, is there anything we need to crack open. "Not at all. This is just fine. Sometimes I learn so much in a session without asking a single question." Oh bullshit that was a slick 500 in you pocket right now. "A useful session." Oh yeah? What you learn today? All i did was talk about my day and then talk about the poem. So what you learn?

"Alot in your morning tale you mentioned babies several times. More specifically little boys. Your eyes always brightened each time you mentioned. But you shyed away from a outright expression but failed to hid the slight frown. So you think you're carrying a boy and are over the moon about it. You've thought about it a lot lately. You still fear this pregnancy because you don't know what a normal pregnancy is. From previous sessions we've spoken on your mom's guilt for Saniyah's struggles. You feel they are a result of what you endured during her pregnancy. Right now I can tell you you're less down about being pregnant and more down about "messing" up your pregnancy." I.....what the hell? "As for your poem spell Mellie. You're husband giving you butterflies even married is not a mental issue.

Valentines Day.....

Looking herself in the mirror Mel turned side to side. Frowning as she noticed the very slight pudge she had. All that damn working out just for him to knick her up. She was going to miss that flat tummy. She was going to waddling like a fat fucking seal soon. With a huff she focused back on her makeup. Her dark smokey eye making her doe eyes appear as if she was always smoldering.

Her valentines outfit sexy but simple. A gold halter like dress, the back of her dress revealing her back. The fabric stopped at the nape of her back. A heart shape cut out revealing some cleavage. Her hair pulled up in a low bun with curls framing her face. Diamond earrings gracing her ears.

"Mmmm, where did this come from." Derrick voiced, fixing his cufflinks. His eyes drinking her in leisurely.

"Found it yesterday at Chanel." Mel answered, he hummed twirling his finger. She spun slowly as he approached.

"Yeah.....definetly need to see this more." He groaned, his hand sliding down her exposed back.

"You like it that much?" She giggled, blushing as he bit his lip.

"I love much I could you. up." He rasped, his hand slipping just a bit beneath the fabric of her dress. Toying with the strap of her thong. Staring down into her eyes with an intensity that made her squirm. Oh how she wished he'd do that.

"Mommy pretty!" Saniyah chirped, walking into the bathroom.

"Awww thank you suga." Mel chirped right back. Derrick snapped her thong before freeing her from his hold.

"What about daddy?" Derrick asked, scooping up his child.

"Daddy....boy pretty?"

"Handsome." He offered up.


"Hand like your hand. Plus some like a few. Hand-some. Handsome." He explained, she made an Oh face giving him a nod.

"Handsome." She echoed.

"Good Niyah. You're so smart. " He praised, she blushed leaning into his neck.

"Yes she is. Come on baby. Let's get you ready." Mel spoke, reaching for her. Niyah scrunched get face in confusion.


"Because we have to go." Mel answered, exiting the room.


"Because mommy and daddy have reservations."


"Because it's Valentines. Remember you and daddy went on a lunch date? It's mommy's turn."

"Why?" Niyah sassed, crossing her arms for display.

"Because girl damn." Mel spat, already annoyed with this conversation.


"Ask me another why little girl." Mel threatened, Niyah pouted as her mother put her down and begun readying a bag.

"I don't wanna go!"

"Well that's just too damn bad." Mel tossed out, her quick tongue getting the best of her. It was growing increasingly clear who Saniyah mimiced as her personality bloomed with age.

"You want Tiana pajamas or Rya pajamas for Bibi's?"

"I don't want Bibi."

"Saniyah it's just for tonight baby."


"Ooo you trying my patience." Mel growled out, finishing her task ignoring her whinning child. Grabbing her overnight bag and the child herself, Mel headed downstairs. Unphased by the child struggling in her grasp. Derrick sighed washing a hand over his face. Grabbing her under her armpits he lifted her eye level.

"Saniyah Janelle, knock it off." He snapped, her shrieking coming to an end instantly.

Her chest heaving as she sniffled. He held eye contact just in case she thought he was playing around. Once he was sure she wouldn't try him he followed after where Mel had disappeared to. Finding her waiting in the car. Buckling up his still crying child up he hoped in the front seat checking the time. Making it to his parents house in record time.

"Awwww what's the matter sugah." Debbie asked, spotting her granddaughter rubbing her eyes.

"" Saniyah rambled, Debbie only catching a few words.

"You'll be okay baby. They'll be back before you know it. Why don't you help me in the kitchen to pass the time faster?" Debbie asked, Saniyah gave a half nod eyeing her parents.

"Thank you again." Derrick voiced, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Mhmm, have fun. I would say make me another grandbaby but...." Debbie joked, Derrick chuckled heading back to the car. Climbing in he started it up heading out.

"Are you ready to give me my gift?" He asked, reaching across the center console. Lifting her hand to his lips.

"That depends...." Melinda answered, the nerves spilling free.


"If I did it right." She answered, as a red light came into view. Derrick turned his head giving her his full attention.

"If you did it right? What do you mean Mellie?"

"I tried to write something cute but I just couldn't get flowing. Then something sparked and I had words. It's a poem but not romantic per say. But I wrote you a haiku just in case!" She rushed, he stared at her for a moment before cracking a smile.

"I didn't want something chessy. I wanted an original writing from the gifted mind and hands of Mrs. Melinda Rae Collins." He confessed, watching the weights fall over her shoulders.

"Okay." She nodded, accepting the peck he was dishing out.

She joyfully went back to enjoying her night. Though confusion set in as she noticed an unfamiliar landmark. Looking to Derrick he gave nothing away. Driving like he was meant to be going this way. Something told her not to ask and just sit back. Pulling up to a strange building she frowned.

"Where are we going?"

"To dinner, silly." Derrick playfully tossed, turning if the car and hopping out. Opening the door for his wife as usual. Helping her out he held her hand as he locked the car. Leading her to the entrance she read the sign.

"Poetic Justice?"

"Just two weeks old. Thought you might like a little spice in our marriage." He spoke up, she chuckled giving a playfully eye roll. They had plenty spice. Opening the door for her he allowed he entry first. She gasped as she took in the view. A center peninsula stage with various dinners tables angled in its direction. She turned as she felt a hand graze her back.

"This isn't what I think it is?" Mel gasped, pure elation on her face he would gladly kill to see shine forever.

"It in fact is.....excuse me 7 o'clock reservation for Collins." Derrick spoke up, the server perked up instantly rushing to grab menus.

"Yes yes of course. Right this way."

", just wow." Mel gushed, as they were lead to their table. Derrick grinned pulling out her chair.

"After you m'lady." He voiced as the lights dimmed.

Her eyes were glued to the stage right in front of them. A women with dreads down to her ankles approaching the microphone. Giving a touching poem about motherhood in correlation with that of a butterflies metamorphosis. Her soul and heart being fed as people came to that mic laying out their hearts. They were well into dinner when a man walked out on stage and the lights didn't dim.

"Hello for those of you that know me. For those of you that don't my name is Chauncey, I own Poetic Justice. I wanted to come out and thank everyone for being here. Poetry, music spoken word.......all pieces of my core. I wanted to create a space where that could be uplifted. Tonight we have a very special guest in the house. New on the poetry scene author of First Comes Pain....Melinda Collins. Give it up everybody." The man voiced, fierce cheers erupting all over the building. People who hadn't noticed her suddenly struck with her presence.

" I being announced?" Mel whispered through smiles and waves. Derrick smirked shrugging his shoulders.

"Thank you for being here. Thank you even more for gracing our ears with your words tonight...." Mel's head swiveled to Derrick with a snap.

"Come again?" She spat, a lump instantly in her throat. The first emotion being fear quickly followed by anger.

"Why would you..."

"Don't do that. Don't hide behind That Melinda. Weren't you just telling me you wanted some in crowd practice? Perfect opportunity right here right now, plus I want to hear your poem. You got this Melinda. Do what you have been gifted to do. What your mother envisioned for you baby. All of this comes with it. " He voiced, giving her a quick pep talk before she fell too deep in her defense.

"Yall welcome the beautiful Mrs. Collins." Chauncey announced, Mel stared at Derrick feeling her heart racing. She didn't know whether or not she hated or loved him right now. As the applause continued she looked around. Feeling their excitement to hear from her. Had he advertised this? Or were they just genuine fans?

"Go on." Derrick encouraged, she sighed heavily tolling her shoulders back. Rising from his chair he pulled her out.

Giving her a peck of encouragement. She slowly made her way to the steps she had seen so many go up tonight. The lights dimmed ad she neared the mic. Looking out the crowd she felt her never growing worse. Locking eyes with her husband she took a deep breath mirroring the calm on his face.

"For me." He mouthed, she nodded closing her eyes. Blocking out everyone in the room. Getting into her head where it was just her and her words. Dancing across her eyes to the beat of their own drum. Clearing her throat she opened up just a little to give her poem some feeling.

To know the calm after a storm is crazy,
Hell had been so normal its funny lately.
See the stars in the sky shined bright,
but for a second I burned at that light
Nothing could do to prepare me,
for the weight that comes with memory.
And though I find calm waters here,
a part of me worries danger stays near.

Opening her eyes she looked around seeing some eyes that just seemed to share her story. Like she was reaching out to say it was okay she continued. For her words were the harsh truth, but even sith that....there was a positive.

That's the crazy thing about trauma,
can't forget it's neverending life drama.
Everything has its place though,
sometimes you need struggle to grow.
But you always wish it never occurred,
so you never had to use that Trigger word.
Alas that is life so when the sun shines bask in it,
for life is truly precious.....can you believe that shit?

The silence following her conclusion was deafening. She hoped the long pause was for dramatics and nit criticism. When the applause sounded out she felt like she could breath again. Smiling she thanked the crowd for their love and support.

"Can we get louder than that? I know you guys felt her shift the room." Chauncey spoke, coming back on stage as Melinda walked for the exit. Derrick waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Offering a hand to help her down safely.

"That was absolutely moving Mellie." He voiced sincerely, hell he himself felt every single word. Despite it all he was blessed to have a life and be able to see and do things like only he could. Even though life had dealt him so serious cards he still managed to flip the deck. That was something to be proud of.

"You think so?"

"I know so, but if you don't believe me. What about them?" He asked, the applause still going as he led her back to her seat.

Her body flushed as she took a seat. There were perks to marriage. One being arousal for your partner doing normal tasks. He was always uplifting her and challenging her in life. Feeding her mind, body, and soul. That was his normal. She was lucky enough to have this fine ass man. Add on being a great father, a intellectual businessman, and an even better husband and Dominant. He had her weak in the knees......and she couldn't get up.

Between shared looks, innuendos, and pure flirtation she just knew tonight she be knocking at heaven's door. A certain offspring of there's had other ideas with her blatant unwavering tantrums. Did there two year old run them?


Later that weekend....

Melinda had gotten nothing more than a vanilla quickie. It did nothing to sate her hungry. Work and motherhood called though. So for now she put her needs on the back burner. She wished Derrick understood that or he wouldn't be driving her sexually mad the rest of the week. Walking into the house Mel paused. Derrick waiting on her in his Dom attire. She sucked in a sharp breath a rush of excitement hitting her.

Eager for whatever he had planned tonight. She had been waiting for him to make his move all week. Then when he informed her Niyah was going to Dean's for the weekend. She just knew the scene she wanted Tuesday was going to be this weekend. Dropping Niyah off Friday night she had assumed it would start....but it didn't. He allowed her to leave the house for lunch today and she just assumed the sex she got was all of it.

"Good evening, Sir."

"Good evening, baby." He smirked, he could practically feel her desire heavy on him like a storm cloud. There was a reason he was teasing her so relentlessly all week.

"Follow me." He added, leading her on a familiar journey.

Down to the play room she stood waiting for more instructions. It smelt of rose inside the room. Petals strewn across the flooring. Instead of instructions Derrick simply took precious time undressing her. Like she was some long awaited gift. Skimming his hands all over her body making her fire burn brighter.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked, passing her the remote. She quickly turned it purple. She was feeling very calm and relaxed but also eager.

"Good I like to see that." He hummed, suprising her as he started fooling with her hair now that she was naked. Pulling it up into a ponytail he gave her a quick bun.

"Waiting." He ordered, once he was satisfied.

Nodding she walked over to her spot. Seeing a lounge positioned on her spot. She didn't turn to question. Simply lowering gracefully on the lounge in form. She didn't turn her head as she heard the clatter of glass. Being a good patient sub gave her brownie points. After a few minutes he was standing in front of her with a long platter of fruits and dips.

"Tell me about lunch." He spoke, sitting across from her straddling the lounge. She hummed watching him dip a strawberry in some honey.

"It was good...." She muttered, accepting the red fruit. Humming happily as the honey and strawberry exploded on her tongue.

"Just good huh? Nothing else?"

"No, Sir." She answered, he pursed his lips with a knowing look.

"I was the topic of conversation I'm guessing?" He asked rhetorically, she offered him a coy innocent smile.

He rolled his eyes feeding her a grape. With all his teasing he was sure her lunch was filled with whinning and complaints about him. So incredibly impatient she had always been though. Switching topics he dove into her work. Knowing she was excited to tour once more. This time with a few major platforms to boost the 2.4 million gross of her book. The first installment at that with all this success was a blessing. She would have waiting lines and pre-orders for her next installment. He couldn't have been happier and he knew that success in her own right was answering her hearts desires.

He liked to remind her how intimate and important just sitting and talking was. How seen and heard it makes someone feel when that's all your doing. There were many elements of lust and desire. It wasn't just about the body being stimulated. This was all foreplay. Stimulating her mentally with strong and centered deep conversations. Stimulating her heart with affection. Like the feeding he was currently doing, carreses, and unrelenting attention.

Her desire had already been evident to him but now he felt like he could taste it. Two subtle forms of play that built secretly in the background. They built and built and then your body awoke. Things took a turn as blood in the body begin to rush low. Tonight was a special Valentines experience. Tonight she was in for a rode.

Tonight......would be long.

He eyed her as he sucked just a bit of honey from his thumb. He didn't want too much in his system. He was going to take Mel on a ride. It was a special type of honey. An aphrodisiac that acted like a sexual enhancement. Some reported a slight high. He made sure to go through a completely organic source for the baby and Mel's sake. He also checked with Dawn first. After much exclaim over his sex life she finally told him it was safe to use on her in moderation.

"Why are you grinning like that, Sir?" Mel asked, squirming in her seat. He tilted his head purposely dragging his gaze down her body. Her nipples already pebbled, her chest rising unsteadily.

"Finish this bottle as I prepare." He spoke, handing her a cold water bottle.

"Yes, Sir."

Quickly downing the bottle she waited for him. Feeling like her heart was beating too loud. A hard shiver took over her body as his hands came down on her shoulders. He rubbed her shoulders as he waited for his aromatherapy to spread. Tribulus and lavender in a steamer.

"How do you feel?" He asked aloud, she frowned at his question.

He hadn't even done anything yet. That was a question he needed to ask after her broke her damn back. She was growing impatient and increasingly wired. Something was whispering inside her. Like it was playing connect the dots she could feel charge erupting inside her. There was something making her feel hot blooded.

"What do you mean Sir?"

"Elaborate what you're feeling right now. What's flowing through your mind....... and body," he licked his lips as he continued to eye fuck her. She let out a deep breath and lifted her head up to him, she wished she could jump him.

"Right now I feel......" her eyes met his. That hunger flashing in his eyes. If he touched her just right she'd cum on sight.

"Fevered, aflame. Drenched.......and at your disposal." Derrick growled at her words. She was definitely ready. His head tilted to the side, his finger lightly running down her chest. He leaned over her. His nails raking up her arms. His lips a breath away from her.

He smirked. It didn't take as long as he thought it would for her to be so entranced. He pecked her lips, a whimper left her when he pulled away. A tingle shot through her body. It slowly connecting that something was different.


"Yes Mellie."

"How are you feeling?" He grinned to himself.

"Excited for you," his touch finding its way atop of her shoulders.

"And why is that Sir?"

"You are going to experience pleasure beyond the skies my love. How does that feel?" His thumbs kneading into her shoulders.

"Like I'm in the vault of heaven. I feel like I'm riding a high."

"You are in a sense. Not with a drug though." Her eyes shot open. What did that even mean?

"Sir did you give me something?" He hummed, his hands massaging her neck, positioning her view towards the honey and fruit.

"I gave you a special form of honey. It's completely safe for you and the baby and it's purely natural." She nodded, it did taste slightly different but she was too wrapped up in him to point out the difference.

"Is that why I feel soooo," she moaned as her hips moved slightly to give her the friction she needed.

"Don't start singing just yet. I haven't even started with you," he nipped the sweet spot on her neck before stepping from behind her. She bit her lip, hearing him walk around.

"Walk with me," he voiced, holding out his hand for her to grab. The friction from movement distracted her from the task of walking. She tripped over her feet with a weak moan. He chuckled catching her and straightening her up. Leading her to a stripped bed. Nothing but a big towel and a single pillow on the bed. The mattress covered in a plastic like wrapping. She swallowed thickly at the view. A mirror positioned behind the head board just a bit higher than its frame.

"Get on the bed. On your stomach." He ordered, she followed directions.

The smell in the room, this damn honey, and those tattoos of his had her running her thighs together. Panting as the pleasure was like a cold drink in the dessert to her body. She lost herself her hand during between her legs. Her moans spilling free as she rode her own fingers. Derrick watched leaning against the bed post. Torn between punishing her or letting her finish. Being nice he allowed her to climax. Her moan of completion cut off by a wail of pain. Her ass cheek on fire from a harsh slap.

"Now now." He scolded, she quickly brought her hands out into view.

Spreading her legs as well. Fighting the building want to cum again. She hoped to ease her lust but it only further ignited. She let out a loud sound if appreciation as slightly cold oil pooled on her heated skin. Firm hands rubbing it in. She was no stranger to massages but right now she felt like she had never experienced one before. Her mind too fuzzy for comprehension but she knew damn well this massage was different. Far more intimate then one she had ever gotten.

The skin to skin contact at an all time high as he used not just his hands to knead but his damn naked body. His forearm slowly gliding down her back. He was everywhere on her but nowhere she needed. How the hell could she think straight as he maneuvered her body around. From in his lap straddling him to bent like a pretzel getting a full stretch. All he needed to do was shift his hips and he could slide into her but he refused. She was growing delirious the longer he toyed with her. There was too damn much intimacy. She was choking on it.

"How do you feel?" He asked, staring down at his sub.

Her eyes blown wide like she was back in the 60's. Staring up at him from on her back she panted. She was too ready to feel him inside of her. If the wetness sliding down her thighs said anything. Her pussy had its own heartbeat. Clenching on nothingness in demand. She was not ashamed to beg. Not at all she jumped right in as he grabbed her arms.

"Please please please fuck me, Sir." She whined, she imagined tackling him right now. Riding him until she was nothing more than bones. He rose a brow at her words.

"Please please! My pussy needs you, Sir." She continued, running her hands down her body. He watched them intently. Growling lowly as she spread her lips showing him her mess. Flipping her on her stomach suddenly he stretched reaching for the tools he had set aside.

"What do you want?" He teased as he got to work.

"Mmmmm Daddy's dick." She whimpered, feeling a finger brush her slick inner thighs. She leaned back feeling his length brushing her flower. She rocked not so slyly, he could have reprimanded her for her impatient but he didn't. He let her have her time. Lubricating him with a copious amount of her slick. It wasn't until she got ambious did he pull away to prevent her from pushing him inside her.

"How bad do you want it?" He asked, giving her ass a hard slap. She moaned wiggling her ass for another.

"So baddddd.......really badddddd Daddy."

"Let's make a deal...."

"Nooooooooo please Sir!"

"Calm down baby." He chuckled, looking over his work.

"Its a simple deal. Your answer depends on how bad you want me to fill you up." He spoke lowly, a hand finding its way on the back of her neck. He could feel her racing piece against his fingers.

"What doooo you wantttttt?" Near her breaking point as his free hand firmly rubbed her ass.

"Compliance. Tonight your body is mine to use as I see fit. You cum when I tell you to, however I tell you to, for as long as I tell you to. Your pleasure belongs to me. Am I understood?"

"Yes....yes....anything for you, Sir."

"You feel the stretch?" Derrick asked, his tone low but the teasing was heard.

She hummed, she did in fact feel stretched two thick cuffs on her thighs. Pulling them to the D-ring on each side. She shivered as he checked his work one more time. Her arms pulled behind her back. Locking them in looses cuffs, linked together by a short chain. Her hands rested on her ass forcing her chest to lay against the bed. Added arch in her spine. She sighed as those gifted hands came back to her. She was drenched her pussy freely pouring. She now understood why the bed had been stripped. Getting into position behind her he licked his lips. She was spread awaiting his arrival.

"Spread your ass." He ordered, she shivered the cuffs allowing her just enough looseness to do the task.

Spreading her cheeks she felt him pushing into her depths slowly. His eyes locked on the action below. His eyes nearly rolling at how wet she was. Her Niagara falls was his happy home. She gasped as his hips found a divine tempo. The urge to cum alive after a single pump.

"Cum.....can I cum?" She asked.

"No." He responded holding his depth after each intake. She whined out in frustration. His thrusts were gentle but still stern. Taking on the rhythm of their union his hips dancing to the beat. Her mouth permanently stuck open. Her face twisted up, eyebrows drawn together. Every nerve ending in her body alive. Not one movement down to the slightest detail going unnoticed.

"Ooooooooooooooo....." Mel dragged, the gush of her flower loud in the room. She couldn't think of words to say. She couldn't think at all to be honest. It was like there was nothing but focus on feeling.

"So fucking perfect Mellie. Daddy loves the way his pussy opens." He rasped into her ear. She moaned as his words sunk into her. Her grip loosening on her skin.

"Hold it open for me. Mmmmm, just like that. My good girl. You're going to cum for me." He purred, rocking his hips like water. If he kept talking like that she wouldn't survive the night.

Her orgasm rushed free at his words. He could feel her clenching. Slowing down to nothing but deep thrusts. Knocking at her cervix with his forced depth. Her orgasm hit like a silent assassin. Tears spilling from her eyes as she forgot to breath in his unrelenting thrusts. Her head grew light as her lungs burned for a breath. She was finally able to take one as Derrick pulled back completely. A loud intake of breath echoing in the room.

"That's my pretty girl, keep being good for daddy." He spoke, rubbing a comforting hand down her back. He was enjoying this but that didn't mean he was neglectful. He was watching her intently. Giving her ass a slap in praise. Her pussy jumped despite riding aftershocks. Derrick was laying deep into her praise kink and she was nothing but a passenger to the ride. She'd do anything for him in this moment. Especially since every touch on her body felt like he was strumming her clit. Leaving sparks in its wake.

"Give me another one Mellie." He spoke, reclaiming his position. She whined shaking her head as he pushed through her sensitive walls. Not done recovering but apparently he didn't care.

"Shhh... give me another one. Be a good girl." He pushed, her body having no choice but to as she climbed the hill once more. His body weight now weighing her down. With good reason too, his gentle thrusts replaced with a sharp clap. Her body jerking with each connection.

"Daddy! Oooooouuu daddy waitttttt...." She cried out, trying to push him black but to no avail. Her cuffs not allowing it.

"Fuckkkkk waittttt." She squeaked again.

"Taking me soooo good. Cum!" He growled, biting at her neck.

Forcing another orgasm from her body. She cried out for a break that's wasn't coming. Her walls demanding a rewarded he was happily going to give. He groaned out her name as he painted her pink walls. He didn't soften a bit, enjoying the added sensitivity he had know he continued his romp. Feeling her wetness trailing down his balls was very erotic. Gentling his thrusts once more giving her whiplash of his treatment. Another two orgasms pulled from her by his slow strokes.

She didn't know if she was going insane but each orgasm she achieved seemed to make the effects of the honey that much more potent. Or maybe it was this damn high she was experiencing. Which ever one it was had her feeling they were having sex in a damn spiritual plane. It was so damn debilitating. She was in love with a feeling.....but it was a toxic love. Each orgasm bigger than the last. Her position becoming strenuous on her body.

"Cum." He barked, she whimpered as her body followed his command.

"I didn't like that one. I know you can do better." He breathed out, biting back a grown as his needs became more pressurized. Truth was he didn't want to stop. Not until he felt her waterfall. Not until he could fill her full of his seed.

"Noooooo." Mel whined.

"You deserve it..." He responded, pulling back to his knees.

One hand on the headboard the other on her hip. Watching her ass clap against him. Fucking her selfishly. Wanting nothing more than to drain her. Remind her how grateful he was to have her. Holding back his climax as he hyper focused on hitting every right spot in the Mel handbook. Like playing a cheat code he had her right where he wanted her. Pulling her lower body up by her shoulders he rode her hard until she burst.

"Oh God! PLEASE!" She cried out, feeling a mix of pain and pleasure.

Tears leaving her eyes as she poured. Erupting exotically all over him. Letting his release flow he locked her shaking body against him. Making sure she got every drop of him deep in her. He couldn't help but to cup her leaking breasts. He was entirely too happy to have a mirror in front of them. Getting the view of her sensitive peaks leaking more as he pinched and twisted them. Melinda wailing out reminding him of her state. Easing the pressure he pulled away. Gently laying her body down. Her whole body shuttering as he pulled back with a wet slide. Derrick smirked licking a drop of milk from his finger.

Unlocking her thighs she slumped against the bed fully. She didn't want to soar anymore. Her throat feeling sore from the screaming she had been doing. She wasn't sure which one of them was the one that actually had the damn honey. Well until she heard the sound of Derrick's heavy breathing. He prided himself on his endurance but even he wasn't without his limits. He knew after he nutted again that was it for him.

Giving himself a break he flipped Mel. She whined at her hands still being hand cuffed. Her head shaking rapidly as he spread her legs. Dipping his head in. The first swipe of his tongue making her body jump as if he had shocked her. Her fists clenched underneath her. Paralyzed to his torture. Looking down sharp hazels stared her down. Spelling her name out with his tounge left her shattering over and over again. Another 3 orgasms pulled from her.

"You look so beautiful." Derrick complimented, as he climbed up her body. Her skin glistening with sweat. Hair a frazzled mess from tossing her head around. A deep noticeable flush to her skin. Her chest wet with continuous leakage.

"Mmm, one more." He tossed, her eyes widened like saucers.

The effects of her honey had been dwindling leaving her feeling the exhaustion it had hidden. All she could truly do to voice her dislike was huff. He chuckled aligning his member. Mel grimaced feeling slight discomfort. The pleasure was starting to be painful.

"So fucking proud of you Mellie. Such a good girl for Sir." He praised, rocking his hips at medium tempo. Dipping his head down he flattened his tongue against her skin. Licking the trails of milk from her breast. Whimpers pouring from her as he teased her nipples with his tongue. Licking his way up her neck he stopped at her lips. Claiming them fir his own softly acknowledging her exhaustion.

"Cum for me....mhmm, yes you can. Give it to me Mellie. Fuckkkkkkk.......good. fucking. girl." He growled, feeling her muscles clenching around him with promise.

Resting his head in her neck he let her walls milk him for his last. Silence and heavy breathing the only noise in the room. He liked to think he got up right then but the truth was he had taken a nap. Doing aftercare took quite some time considering his sub was comatose. He liked to think tonight was a success.

Saniyah played with the popsicle sticks as she waited aimlessly. She didn't too much like the doctors. They were always poking and proding her. She was calm with seeing her mother on the table and not her. It felt like forever before her aunt walked in. Niyah waving to her with enthusiasm.

"Hello to you too Saniyah." Dawn chuckled, taking a seat on her stool.

"Okay, so bloodwork looks great. Urine looks excellent, those are all the test for today. Last on the agenda is an ultrasound." Dawn announced rolling her chair over. Mel nodded laying back pulling up her blouse. Derricks eyes glued to the screen waiting for a look at his child. Getting everything started Dawn focused on locating the baby. He frowned worrying Melinda.

"What's wrong?" She rushed.

"Nothing, just having a little trouble finding the baby. We can hear it but I'm not seeing it. Wait....ah there it is. Baby is all tucked up against your placenta. Could be why you're not showing yet, baby is really far back. Hopefully they come forward so you don't experience extreme back pain." Dawn dronned on, the heartbeat of the baby loud and steady.

"What's that?" Niyah asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"That is the baby your mommy is carrying. See that's the head. The baby is measuring at a healthy 1.5 inches, might be a tall kid in the future." Dawn answered, Niyah's frown deepened as she looked from the screen to her mother.


"Yes, baby. Remember daddy told you on Christmas vacation?" Derrick spoke, she nodded but the frown didn't lift from her face.

It stayed rooted throughout the remainder of the appointment. Her mood dampening as the exited the examination room. A woman holding a wailing newborn and a kid around her age wailing as well trying to get the moms attention. Niyah mentally placed herself in the child's shoes. Would that be her?

"Come on NyNy." Derrick ushered, unsure of why she had stopped walking. Niyah pointed at the scene. Earning herself a quick pop on the hands.

"We don't point. That's rude." He scolded, leading her away from the scene.

As she rubbed the sting of her hand Niyah's scowl was impossibly more pronounced. A full attitude on display. She huffed giving her parents the cold shoulder. All she could think was that they were getting a new baby to replace her. The ride back to the office filled with scenarios of being abandoned.

"Saniyah Janelle! We don't have time for this baby." Melinda snapped, close to whooping her child's ass out in the open.

Putting on the biggest tantrum of the fucking centry for going to daycare. She was used to the tantrums at this point. They didnt phase her too much, but this one had her legitimately feeling embarrassed. She was not tryna have people saying she was a typical rich mother who couldn't control her children. Derrick didn't miss a beat. Simply snatching up his child and walking away. She followed after them. The elevator tense and quiet aside from Niyah's sniffles. At the ding Derrick was back to marching to his office. Past Lira who stood in wait. Taking in his face she instantly side stepped.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Issues as you can see." Melinda spoke up, as Derrick's door closed with a soft click.

"No problem. I haven't been waiting long." Lira spoke up, glancing down the hall to the closed door.

"She's in a mood. I have no clue as to why. Did you bring the schedule?"

"Yes! The 24th of February till the 19th of March. Starting this Friday the 24th, you have a book signing here in town. We will then catch a flight to New Orleans for your meet and greet, then an interview about what's next for you with the Beautifully Broken blog. Sunday is a rest day before you head further west to Texas. We'll follow this trend to California for your biggest interview to date. The Real on March 6th. That is also the day after Saniyah visits." Lira spoke, giving her a quick run down of what was soon to come. Melinda looked at the physical layout for the next few weeks. Everything mapped out nicely.

"Email me that please. Thank you for getting that organized for me." Melinda smiled.

"You're welcome." Lira chirped, happy to be pleasing some one.

She found herself doing that more often. Was she getting soft? She couldn't possibly.....right? Searching for a distraction from her current thoughts, the first thing to come to mind was Mr. Don'tFuckWithMe marching by earlier.

"So like....curious....Mr. Collins. I've seen him punish you.....I've been punished by him. Is that how he is....normally?" She tossed out, Mel gave her a look for her randomness but answered anyways.

"No, I wouldn't be here if it was." Mel spoke easily, Lira hummed giving a frown.

"So he's a nice Dom? Foreal? After that I You're man's kinda scary. At least with Dean you know he'll whip you til you passout. Derrick is like a wolf in sheep's clothes you know. Very much I bite." Lira spoke, Mel nursed into laughter shaking her head.

"That's still crazy though. I wanna see you play with him. Oooooouuu that's hot."

"Bitch." Mel tossed.

"What? To see him slap you while he......ouuuu!" Lira hissed, the thought causing a thump between her legs.

"I just got into that you know." Mel offered up, enjoying being able to have these conversations. This was her normal so being able to freely speak made her ecstatic.

"Slapping? Ughhh, yes yes yes! A good 'You cheeky minx' growled after you punish me with a slap. I cream everytime!" Lira gushed.

"Oh girl see no. I can't do that. I don't want it to hurt me hurt me. I'd definitely flip out if it hurt." Mel admitted, she knew it would trigger her.

"How come?" Lira pried, Mel chuckled dryly looking off into the distance.

"My ex.....punched, kicked, slapped, name it. I couldn't take that from Derrick....well not like that. It's crazy that through this lifestyle I've been able to see the why of a lot of my life." Mel voiced, Lira could only mutely nod.

Feeling guilty for asking such a dumb obvious question. She stared at Mel a but as the silence droned on. She knew what Mel meant more and more nowadays. With Dean she had realized the most shocking thing. She had always been a masochist. She found herself in a situation where the pain caused by Red was his love. She gravitated to the rough and rugged. That's one of the things she was struggling with. Because Dean was rough and rugged.....

Lately her thoughts and dreams had shifted. In a way that had her wanting to tuck tail and run. She wanted to be like Mel. To grow and flourish. That was her dream....she forgot how to do that. Being able to dream was a godly luxury for it brought such motivation. There was a con to every gift though. Because with dreaming comes struggle and disappointment. Especially when your dreams were so closely intertwined.

Was she allowed to be selfish?

"You okay Lira?" Mel asked, snapping her from her rabbit hole thoughts.

"Uhhh...yeah? Yeah...I'm good." Lira smiled, it didn't reach her eyes though. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you sure?" Mel pressed, Lira nodded pulling herself together better.

"I'm fine, we need to be talking about this wardrobe. You still haven't chosen looks yet." Lira tossed, steering the conversation.

"Right....." Mel muttered, eyeing her friend worriedly before looking at the outfits being brought up on her computer screen. She stole one more glance at Lira for reasons she couldn't explain.

Hope you enjoyed!😀

No one:

Niyah every time someone mentions a baby:

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