Kingdom of Roses | Stray Kids...

By elena24aly

153K 10.5K 4K

What a cruel fate was destined for the heir of the Kingdom of Roses, Han Jisung, and his future lover, the Kn... More

First encounter
Thank you, hyung!
The letter
The prince of Liliac Kingdom
The rules
Was the kiss necessary?
3 candles on a grave
Like air
Son of Ragana
Write that down
The witch
I'm here to help
My beautiful forbidden fruit
Like a rose in the moonlight
The wolves
History repeats itself
Your hand in marriage
I missed you
The Penelope scheme
He stayed
I'm sorry for liking you...
What if
The younger brother
The older brother
Last man standing
Would you take care of it?
Wet dream
Are you falling for me?
Let's talk
This means war
I forbidden you to fight
Doomed love
Sunday in a hospital
Bring it on
I respect his wish
My mistake
Don't play with the dead
Welcome to the fam
You are my king
Burn the witch
I'm here
I can see black
I think I like you
It's over
The crown
The Han dynasty
The red string of evil
Dead man can tell no story
A man in love is a mad man
I love you in every lifetime! (the end)
New project?!

The third one

1.9K 153 26
By elena24aly


Mister Lee's mansion

-Look everywhere, alright? Minho told his friends after unlocking the front door.

He took a look around and was hit by nostalgia.

-Everything alright? Hyunjin asked putting his arm around his hyung's neck.

-This brings back memories. I haven't been here since the divorce.

-Are you ok with being here?

-Yes, he gave a reassuring smile. I am at peace with dad.

-Cool. I'm proud of you, Hyunjin patted him on the back.

-It should be somewhere upstairs, Jeongin chimed in.

-You know better than us, Changbin made way for the youngest to climb the stairs.

-I'm going with him, Hyunjin told Minho. Search in his office. Maybe you can find some bank history.

-Got it, Minho nodded.

Hyunjin went after Jeongin and entered Mister Lee's room.

He saw a picture of baby Minho on the nightstand and some family pictures hanging on the wall.

-He loved Minho hyung so much, Jeongin suddenly said. When he was under medication, he used to tell me how sorry he is for what he has done. But I understand Misses Lee for not taking him back.

-I have been knowing Minho hyung for so many years. His father was home only twice. Always travelling. Minho never got to connect with him.

-That's why the only photos with his son are the family ones, Jeongin concluded.


-Changbin, can you help me?

-With what, sir?

-Help me get to the last shelf.

Minho got on Changbin's shoulders and reached some notebooks.

In one of them there were a list of every previous partners of the Lee company before being split up in two at the divorce.

Minho stopped for a moment and blinked repeatedly in disbelief when he saw a familiar name written on the third paragraph.

-No way, he said moving a little.

Changbin lost his balance at the sudden movement and almost fell with the older on the floor.

-What is it, sir?

-Take a look!

Changbin squinted his eyes and saw the name "Kim" written there.

-Sir, there are billions of Kim in Korea. You don't think this is...

-Hold on!

Minho said taking a key and unlocking one wardrobe behind the desk.

-I inherited the bad memory from dad. He was so bad at remembering stuff that one time he even forgot my name. Mom scolded him so bad. Since then he started holding diaries in which he noted everything.

-Ok...Your point is...

-If he had a meeting with this Kim person, he must have noted the details.

After flipping a few pages, Minho stopped at page 56 and started reading out loud the scribbling of his father.

"Today I met Misses Kim. She had an offer to unite our companies, but who is she kidding? She is already in debt. I would be a mad man to accept this collaboration. We talked for a while in my office. I didn 't want to be rude, so I kept listening to her babbling. She must have become too comfortable, cause at some point she slipped the fact that she has a boy. I think the name was Seungmin. I wasn't very interested until she told me about the father. She wasn't married. She said her son was the project of a one night stand in a bar and when she went to tell the guy the good news, he was engaged with another woman. A pregnant woman . Misses Kim understood that her place was nowhere around the Han family and left to raise her son alone. That's a one of a kind story."

Changbin remained speechless while Minho slammed the book closed.

-Isn't it Han Jisung's...

-Family name, Minho cut him off. Yeah...

-Does that mean they are half brothers?

-But he would have told me that.

-Maybe they don't know either.

-Found it! Jeongin said showing Hyunjin the paper.

-Great job, doctor! Now we can go back and you can stop texting Chan hyung every 5 seconds, Hyunjin smirked.

Jeongin became as pale as a ghost in a minute.

-What? How did you-

-I have eyes. I see you two sneak out. He comes for you everyday at hyung's house. I think you should tell Minho hyung tho.

-But it's not serious, I mean...

-It isn't? Cause your cheeks are burning. I don't think you realise how lucky you are to have someone to share this feeling with. Chan hyung loves you so much that is so obvious. And I know you love him too. Don't waste this shot, alright? Hyunjin ruffled Jeongin's hair. You never know what the future brings.

-Hyung, why are you saying this? Jeongin asked uneasy.

-Because I know what happened last night you didn't listen to me, Hyunjin looked at the floor on the verge of crying.

-What exactly do you remember?

-Fragments of...memories, I guess...

-It's like Felix hyung said. You died early, so you are likely to remember.


-I think you were the third one, if I remember correctly. Right after Minho hyung...

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