Royal Lethality

By CloudyXAutumn

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"I'll be taking back what's rightfully mine, Katsuki." "W-what...? How?! You're supposed to be!-" "Silence." ... More

Dukal Family
Getting Along
Heroes vs Villain Training
A Lead
The Book
Training Dummies
Duke Sus
Public reputation

New info

1.6K 112 33
By CloudyXAutumn


With the coronation ceremony coming up everyone was busy.

Stress of the oncoming war bared over everyone's head. They couldn't bring themselves to be happy for the coronation even though it was a celebration that was to be remebered for generations to come.

Izuku on the other hand was completely unaware of the date change up.
He was still under the impression that things were going exactly as he planned it to.


"Killing them is getting boring now. We've already killed 703 knights and 150 of those Nomu things.

We should make things more interesting.
We've been sitting in the forest all this time, the queen won't come until a war is waged and by then it'll be a bit too late to crash the coronation ceremony"
Izuku's alter ego, which was pretty much just his second thoughts with negativity sprinkled in as a person, groaned.

"I agree.
Isn't this risky? What if there's things going on that we don't know about in the empire?"
Sirius mentioned as he landed on Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku let out an audible sigh, he too was getting tired of the rinse reuse repeat cycle.
"Then what should we do?"

"Haven't we been ignoring the empire for far too long...?
I mean, we've been focusing all our energy on the kingdom that we haven't bothered to check in and make sure nothing's changed you know?
It's actually kinda stupid that you haven't been checking in on the empire."

"The whole reason we didn't go to the empire for this long thus far is because I'm easily recognized and we decided to go to when the time to crash the ceremony came instead.

Besides, what about the empire could've changed in the month and a halfish that I've been missing?
They're preparing for a war."

"Alot could've changed don't be stupid."

"Fair enough.
But we have to wait right now anyways, Dabi is going to show up any moment now."


Speaking of, Dabi was quick to appear on scene.

What's the weekly report looking like?"
Izuku asked.

"Everyone is in panic including tomura himself.
They haven't been able to take you down and everyone they sent so far has died, even the Nomu creature they specifically designed to be difficult to take down.

They're planning to wage war on the empire as soon as they get the sword back but seeing as how they aren't going to be able to get the sword back it appears the empire might get first strike.

The queen dropped by for an emergency visit back from wherever she came from.
She said as soon as the empire was conquered that she'd stay here for the rest of her life.

She left however.


Tomura is getting frustrated and might come himself to try and take you down.
If that happens AFO will be joining him according to rumor.

Any questions?"
Dabi asked as he finished delivering all the info he read off a sheet of paper that he wrote himself.

Do you by chance know what the queen looks like?
The only description I have thus far is that she has long white hair."

Well she looks to be 5'0-5'3ish?
She really likes flowers from what I saw, she only comes here wearing flowery dresses and always has one on her left ear.
You're right, she has long white hair.
Her eyes are purple?

Hm what else.
She has long nails.

I haven't figured out what her quirk is, but seeing as how AFO is her husband she probably has a lot.
Yeah that's all"
Dabi sighed.

With that description I should be able to spot her without fail when the time comes."

"Yeah yeah.
Is that all?"

"Mhm. If you find out anything I should immediately know, don't waste time to deliver."
Izuku stood up as he waved Dabi off after being handed the sheet of paper full of info.

"If AFO and tomura decide to directly attack we can kill them and take over sooner than later."

"Yes but don't forget AFO has stockholds of quirks.
Beating him will be difficult in it of itself.
I originally planned to get a surprise attack on him and kill him immediately."

"Idiot you forget you can temporarily disable quirks for a minimum of 2 minutes.
That's more than enough time to kill them both."

"...I guess"

"Yeah, now let's go to the empire."

Izuku stretched as he grabbed a cloak and put it on.

"Let's go"
Izuku sighed.

He went invisible along with his dragon as he flew up with his telekinesis and flew as fast as he could to the empire.

It didn't take too long.

When he arrived, he could practically he feel the tension and stress in the air.
It was as if the empire was shrouded in a cloud of negativity.
Izuku could especially feel it with his quirk n all.

People all around looked fashionably miserable.
Which was confusing...

"Things are so decorated...
Like there's something important coming up...

But everyone looks so miserable.

Something's off...

The way it's decorated is as if the coronation ceremony was coming up sooner than later..."
Izuku commented as he landed on the surprisingly empty street of the capital.
He could see his palace from where he stood, it was decorated glamorously.

"I read about how they decorate for coronation ceremonies.
While my memory is foggy I most definitely do remember...

There are bouquets of daffodils, apple blossoms, and camellias.
It stands for new beginnings,peace, and love.

From the windows blue curtains are draped down and from the doors the cleanest red carpet has been placed from the very start of the door all the way down onto the street straight to the palace.

The street is also decorated with flowers and it's been gated so no one can use it...

With all these preparations already set, the coronation is less than 3 months away...!"
Izuku thought in utter shock.


"I KNOW...-
We have to push plans sooner than later now...!
This is bad.
I have to conquer the kingdom within less than 3 months now.
This'll have to be the quickest yet greatest attack ever carried out by man if I want it to succeed properly."

"Is that why everyone's face is gloomy?"
Sirius asked as he too was able to feel the off atmosphere.

"I suppose it's because as soon as the coronation ceremony is done and official, war will wage immediately.
It's difficult to be happy about something when you know something bad will happen immediately after."
Izuku sighed as he left the empty street and went onto a more busy one.

He accidentally landed himself Infront of UA.
He had traveled quite a distance.

Classes were resuming per usual.

"Im going to sneak in."

Izuku walked over towards the gate, he could see the quirk barrier set up.
Everyone could.

"The barrier allows everyone with an ID or anyone of the Empiral family to enter.

So I should have no issue crossing in"
Izuku waltzed right in.

He flew over to the lunchroom that had an open door to allow students walk into the courtyard if they so wanted to.

When he walked in he could feel the stress in the air.
He didn't understand why until-



I have to make sure I have everything about quirks down by next week before I can move onto science..."
Kaminari groaned as he rubbed his eyes.
He had large eye bags and looked drained of everything.

" too"
Sero croaked.

"Where's Katsuki?"
His alter ego asked as Katsuki was noticeably missing.

"Seeing as how the coronation ceremony is just around the corner he can't waste any time.
He's either with Aizawa training or practicing etiquette.
Either way, he's in a classroom."
Izuku replied as he flew up the stairs and down the corridor.

He stopped by his former classroom and found Aizawa stressing over papers.

Katsuki was in the far back practicing etiquette like izuku had predicted.

Izuku slowly flew over and glanced over Aizawa's head to see what it was that had him so stressed.

It was the exam papers.

"I feel like I'm being watched..."
Aizawa thought to himself as a chill went down his spine.
Being the best swordsman in the empire gave him crazy good instinct...

"'s from above"
He looked above his head, clutching his sword that rested but his desk.

Izuku found himself staring right into Aizawa's gray eyes.
But Aizawa couldn't see anything...

"We've been spotted, not directly but he's the best swordsman so he can feel us in here."
Izuku quickly flew up higher out of sword slashing range to avoid getting caught.

"I don't have to worry about his quirk.
As long as he can't see me, it won't work on me"
Izuku thought in relief as Aizawa shook his head and went back to working as he usually would.

"There's definitely someone watching me...
I think...
I don't know anymore... It feels like it. But there's no one.
If it's an invisibility quirk this person wouldn't be able to fly so feeling it above my head isn't even possible.

Whatever, it's not like anything will happen that's out of my control.
If they had Ill intent the alarm would sound as soon as they crossed the barrier."

Izuku grew bord watching the institute, it wasn't like anything interesting actually happened.
So he flew off to the palace to gather actual info.

He still had no idea when the date of coronation was.

When he arrived at the palace he could visibly see how worn out and tired the workers were.

They were the ones in charge of making sure everything looked perfect and with that much of a weight to bare it was a bit difficult to not be stressed.

He found his mother talking with his father about the coronation.

"Has the official date been selected?"
Inko asked

September 15th."

"That's exactly 2 and a half months from now..."
Izuku thought to himself as it had been the start of July.

"Isn't that a bit too late?
The start of autumn would be just around the corner. And the flowers won't be as beautiful"

"We can't push the date any closer, there are still too many things that have to be done.
The flowers and other seasonal plants will be protected by a quirk to make sure they don't wilt."
All might replied.

" fine.
Has Katsuki already been informed?"

"No, the date was selected today after an important meeting with the royal Duke, some nobles, and some people apart of the valor and enchanted sect of the army."

The enchanted sect was a section of the army that specifically specialized in quirk magic.
Their entire life went to training their quirks to be the utmost useful during anytime of war.
It consisted of people with healing quirks and defense based quirks.

"I see.
Well then, I shall inform him when he arrives after school today."

"Seeing as how you'll likely see him before I do, please also tell him to meet with the royal Duke endeavor."

"I will do so."

The only good thing we got out of this conversation was the date."

"Yeah, the most important element."

Izuku shook his head as jealousy raged in his heart, "I've been declared dead for a little over a month and it seems no one really cares.
Now all the attention is centered around Katsuki as the new crown prince when he doesn't even deserve it.

Tch, I'm not even dead. Yet at least.

September 15th.

September 15th is the day I officially take over the empire as the emperor.

I'll conquer the kingdom before the end of August, I'll make sure of it.


When the day of the coronation comes I'll come in right during the crowning ceremony and take back what's rightfully mine.


I'll kill Katsuki for all to see."

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