Sugar Rush ✔️

By thedoorwiththat

484K 18.9K 1.3K

She dreams of owning her own bakery one day. Baking is her passion and what she considers her dream job. She... More

Before We Start


6.9K 299 70
By thedoorwiththat


TW: Colorism, Misogyny

The trial is next week and I'm kind of nervous. I've never been to one before and for this one I'm actually apart of it.

I've been staying with Kostas for over a week now and despite him being a huge distraction in the morning, I've been enjoying my time here.
This is the first time I've stayed with him for more than 2 days at a time.

The time we've spent together has reassured me that if a time comes when we do move in together, we wouldn't have a problem living together. I've learned just how clean of a person Kostas is. He does have people deep clean this mansion on Monday's while he's at work and I don't blame him because this is a lot of house for one person to clean. Other than that, he keeps the place tidy until then.

He washes his dishes, cleans up his mess, and I've never seen him take off his clothes and throw them on the floor, they're always put into a hamper. He doesn't leave the toilet seat up and his bed is always made before he leaves for work as well. This might not seem like much, but it's the little things that count for me. I would hate to move in with him, just to become his maid.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost one o'clock. I should probably get ready.
It's been a while since I've been out with Aria so we decided to go to a spa to relax.

We're nearing the end of April and it's warmed up a bit, so I can officially retire my winter coats. I opted for a green floral patterned sweater instead. I crocheted this sweater last year, but never got around to wearing it. The theme for it was definitely spring. I kept my outfit simple since we're most likely changing into robes anyway.

After getting ready, I waited for Aria to pull up. She would be riding with me today. Kostas has hired security for me because his paranoia got the best of him. He was afraid of the trial attracting too much attention to me that could possibly get me hurt so Kurt, the man he hired, drives me everywhere.

I can't wait for all of this to blow over so things can go back to normal. The amount of attention this trial is getting is ridiculous. I didn't think Kostas was actually well known since we've always been able to go places without attracting too much attention, but I guess a young billionaire is enough to spark people's attention, especially one being sued.

Sure he's been on the cover of magazines, but he's not a celebrity, or at least, it didn't seem like it. Honestly, this whole thing is confusing. People always left us alone until now.

A car horn broke me from my thoughts and I checked the Ring app to see Aria's car parked out front. Yes, I have access to his Ring doorbell. He has other cameras scattered around the perimeter of the house that I can also check in on. He made me download the app and logged in for me shortly after he gave me the key to his house.

I walked out as Aria was getting out of her car. "Ready?" I asked after locking the front door, she nodded. Kurt was also parked in front of the house and he got out to open the door for us. We thanked him and he got into the drivers seat and drove off.

" are you holding up?" She asked after a minute of comfortable silence. I looked towards her and shrugged. "I'm alright...I just want this to be over soon so things can go back to normal, yet, at the same time, I'm dreading the day of the trial, not only because of the outcome, but for my role in the trial. What if I mess up with my statement and that causes him to lose?" I said quietly. The partition is up, but it's not like it's sound proof. Not like the limo, this is just a regular modified truck.

"You said it yourself that his lawyer told you to be honest when you answer the questions, so the rest is in their hands. If you answer the questions honestly then you've done your part. You don't have to stress yourself out about this, that's what the lawyer is for. Once we get to this spa, all of your worries will melt away." She said smiling. I gave her a smile back.

I'm prone to overthinking things and I usually rely on her to bring my back to reality, for example, the time we were out shopping for Christmas presents and I was freaking out over what I would get Kostas.

I felt my phone buzz and looked down to see what the notification was. I furrowed my brows when I saw the Twitter icon. I'm not usually on this app, but I have notifications turned on so I can keep up with updates from the companies I follow.

It read 'Thoughts on Kostas Artino's new girlfriend?'
What the fuck?
I click on the notification and it sent me to the app where there were many replies to the questions. There's also a hashtag saying #KostasArtinosGirlfriend.
This post has gotten a lot of attention and it was apparently posted 2 days ago. Why am I just now getting recommended this?

I know I probably shouldn't do this, but I can't help but wonder what people are saying about me.
I start to scroll through the replies.

'Hold up. Is this her?' A picture of Kostas and I from the day of the auction was attached the post.
I guess those pictures really were circulating the internet at the time. Kostas did say he got the articles taken down, but as far as the pictures go, once they're on the internet, they're there for good.
I guess I was never really that anonymous. They still don't know my name though and I'm happy for that.

'She's pretty.' I smile at that one. It had a lot of likes too.

'We lost another one my brothers. SMH!' That one confuses me. It had a lot of likes and comments and before I could stop myself, I click on the post.

'What the fuck is this supposed to mean?'

'I know right?! They're always going for the rich white guys. Look at Serena Williams!'

What the hell are they going on about? They're mad because I'm not with a black man? I guess interracial relationships still piss a lot people off, of all races.

'She can't help who she fell in love with dumbasses!'

'Well how do you know they're in love? She could just be with him for the money...just saying. He is a billionaire after all.'

'Let him have her...she darkskin anyway lol homeboy probably got jungle fever.'

'Wow...the colorism in some of these replies...yikes!'

They cannot be serious. How are they being this judgemental and they don't even know me? And now all of a sudden I'm just a fetish? And what does my skin color have to do with anything?

'Can y'all stop?! They look cute together, y'all sound bitter and jealous.'
I agree with this comment. I'm glad not everyone feels the same way.

'Who even is she?! Does anyone know her name or account?'

I hope no one finds out. I'd rather stay anonymous.

"What's got your face so bent up? You've been quiet for the last 5 minutes is something wrong?" Aria asked. I sighed.
"Have you seen this?" I asked her and showed her my phone. Her eyes widened as she read the tweets.

"Girl I advise you to stay off of Twitter. They're brutal. And don't listen to the hate comments. They literally have no idea who you are and are already making assumptions because they're bitter and you know misery loves company. These people are just trolls hiding behind a screen with nothing better to do. That's why they spend hours on social media starting arguments because they have nothing else to entertain them. Trust me, I know first hand what you're experiencing right now. Don't let them get to you." She said and handed me my phone.

A couple years ago, she was dating an NBA player and people on social media were tearing her up. The shit they were saying about her was just plain nasty. The man she was dating was a walking red flag anyway and she saw it quicker than most. I'm glad she left as soon as she did, it was definitely not worth the hate she was getting. Seeing her cry over the shit they would say about her made my blood boil. However, that incident gained her a lot of customers who booked with her just to be nosy. She got paid either way and a lot of them became regulars. She's that good.

"Ok you're right...I'll try. It's just so strange seeing comments like that about me. I hope they don't find out who I am any time soon." I told her and sunk down in the seat.

She sucked in some air which made me look towards her. "Well...won't they find out your name at the trial next week?" She asked with a pained expression on her face. I groaned and held my head in my hands.

"I'm so sick of this! You know what...let's just focus on the spa day, I really need this to take my mind off things. Things could not possibly get worse." I said.

"You'll be fine, this will all blow over soon, just give it time." She said.

How much time?


Aria and I are ending our spa day with pedicures. This really took my mind off of things and I'm feeling refreshed. The headache that was starting to form is now gone. They say laughter is the best medicine? No, spa days are.
I'm just getting my toes painted white because I love the contrast to my skin. I had to try my hardest not to laugh when the woman began scrubbing the bottom of my feet.

I know this place is high quality because they don't use those damn cheese graters that are literally illegal and every client gets their own pedicure supplies, so I know they're not reusing pumice stones and nail filers.

Right now I'm looking through my camera roll. Call me cheesy, but I haven't spoken to Kostas since this morning and I miss him so I'm just looking at pictures and videos I've taken of him alone and us together. He went into the office today to finalize some paperwork.

This will be the first day we didn't have a lunch date in a long time so I definitely feel weird. I've grown accustomed to the routine and it doesn't feel right that we're not together right now. Today is Saturday and Aria and I had already planned out this spa day a few days ago.

As much as I miss him, this is good for us. I feel like we would eventually grow tired of each other if we were together 24/7. It's healthy to have space from each other considering that we've been living with each other for the past several days. After the trial next Friday, I will be going back home and I'll admit, I am feeling homesick. While I have enjoyed my time with Kostas, it's only made me realize how I'm not ready to move in with him yet. I like where we are now and I think it should stay that way, for now.

I somehow ended up in my photos and videos from December. I swiped and came across a 7 minute video. I scrolled through the video and it seems like an accidental recording. The camera is recording the sidewalk most of the time with an occasional shift, probably from me moving my hand. It looks like this video was taken at the bakery. I make sure my volume is low before unmuting the video and putting the phone up to my ear. Immediately I hear Andrea's voice.

"Holy shit." I whisper to myself.
This video is from the day Andrea threatened Kostas. My thumb must've accidentally started recording while I was leaving the bakery because the video starts with me walking out of there. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally slid over to the camera from the Lock Screen, it happens too often. I must've pressed the record button by accident.

I'm scrolling to see how the video ended and I see that my phone was placed in the little pocket I typically place it in when I'm in my car. The video must've ended when I called Kostas.
This could be huge for the trial.
I look over towards Aria to and I see that she fell asleep in the massage chair. I shook my head at her. I swear she can be a little old lady sometimes.

I called Kostas and he picked up on the second ring. "Hey moró." (Baby)

"Hey! Um, I think I found something that'll really help you out. How long are you gonna be in the office? " I want to tell him as quick as possible, but in private. I don't want to discuss the trial at the spa over the phone.

"I'll be leaving soon." He said. Perfect.
"Ok we're almost done here. I'll see you when I get to your house." I told him.
"Our house." He corrected me. I rolled my eyes with a smile even though he can't see me. I don't live there yet, but he's always using the word 'our' when referencing his house.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'll see you when I get to your house." I told him and laughed at the sound of his lips smacking.

"Bye I'm hanging up on you." He said before the call ended. I laughed harder.
I saw Aria shift out the corner of my eye. She woke up and looked around. "Oh shit did I fall asleep?" She asked. The man doing her feet laughed at her.

Our toes were done and now they're just curing the polish. "I'm sorry did I give you a hard time?" She asked and he shook his head.

We tipped the nail techs and put our shoes back on since the polish was dry. We checked out of the spa and walked out. Kurt pulled up and parked in front of us. He got out and opened the door for us, I learned to just wait for him to do it since the last time he scolded me for opening the door. He takes his job seriously.

"Enjoy the spa ladies?" He asked before pulling off. We answered and then I rolled up the partition.

"Girl you'll never guess what I just found while you were slumped." I whispered.

"Ok fuck you and what did you find?" She asked.
The look on her face was priceless as I told her about the video.

"You literally have receipts. Does Kostas know about this yet?" She asked and I shook my head.
"He knows that I have something, but I didn't specify. I didn't want to discuss the trial in public like that." I said and she nodded her head, understanding where I'm coming from.

Eventually, we pull up the house and Kurt lets us out. I thank him for the ride as usual, it may be his job, but there's nothing wrong with saying thank you.

I waved goodbye to Aria as she got into her car and left, then I unlocked the door and walked in.
"In here!" I heard Kostas yell from the kitchen.
"Hey I'm getting started on dinner." He said. I guess it is nearing five o'clock. I didn't realize I was gone that long. I gave him a kiss and sat at one of the island stools.

"What did you have to tell me?" He asked.
"So...I actually don't have to recall a summary of what Andrea said to me at the bakery that day." I started. His brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"When I was at the spa, I stumbled across this video. I accidentally recorded our conversation, so everything that was said that day is literally right here. Isn't that great?" I said and showed him part of the video with the sound on. His eyes widened.
"That's great news, I'll have to check in with Elena to see if we could use it in court." He said which confused me.
"Why wouldn't we?" I asked.
"Well, I'm not sure if there's any laws against recording a conversation like that. I don't want you to get in trouble." He said. Makes sense.

I stayed with him as he made dinner and helping here and there, but he pretty much did everything, not that I'm complaining.

He did eventually contact Elena to tell her about the video. The good news is we're free to use it because of the one-party consent rule. As long as at least one person (me) in the conversation consents to being recorded, they can record.

I haven't told him about the shit I've seen on social media yet. I feel like there's no need because what could he do about that? Contact everyone and force them to delete their tweets? It doesn't work like that. I'm just going to stay off social media for a bit and try not to let them get to me.

It's the best I can do.

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