Fairy Tail Lemons

By Otaku_Panda

620K 6.8K 4.7K

A small collection of Fairy Tail characters involved in (character x reader lemons) Mind you, this is my firs... More

About Lemons for the clueless & untainted minds.
Gray Fullbuster x Reader (Revised)
Natsu x Reader Lemon Part 1
Natsu x Reader Lemon Part 2
Laxus x Reader
Bickslow x Reader Lemon
Gajeel x Reader Lemon
Freed x Reader Lemon
Loke/Leo x Celestial Reader Lemon
Rufus Lore x Reader Lemon
Sting x Reader (Revised)
Listen one, Listen all
Orga x Reader Lemon
Dobengal x Reader Lemon
Hi...Don't kill me
Responding to a Tag
Mr. Steal Your- Oh Please God No Why
Author-chan's Going Hiatus
Hey My Dudes
Auther-chan has Enetered the Chat

Rouge x Reader Lemon

38.3K 538 672
By Otaku_Panda

Silent tears of anger flowed down my face as I walked away from that damn guild. Every damn thing about them made me want to scream.

"They have no sense of what nakama means and they use each other for personal gain and power," I thought bitterly to myself as I continued to walk away from the Sabertooth guild hall.

"Next stop Fairy Tail," I mumbled aloud as I continued to walk. That's when I felt a small paw tap my calf.

I stopped and looked down to see a green cat in a pink frog suit. I smiled lightly at him and kneeled down to his level.

"Uh, hi there little guy. Are you lost?" I asked as he stared at me with huge eyes. I looked into them and I melted internally.
"So kawaī," I thought.

"Froche thinks so too!" He cheered as he hugged me. I chuckled as I picked him up.

"So Froche, do you usually wonder away from your friends?" I asked as I turned on my heels heading back towards that damn guild.

Of course I knew who the little ball of cuteness belonged to. He was Rouge's exceed and companion. I mean what fool didn't know about their bond?

"I do!" Froche replied to my earlier question as we rounded a corner.

Just as we turned the corner, Rouge ran into us freaking out. "DO YOU HAVE FROCHE?" He yelled in my face as he basically had me pinned down with his body from the fall.

I grunted as I shoved him off. "Yes I do. He came up to me wandering the streets, so I picked him up and was taking him back to you." I replied as I checked on said exceed.

Rouge looked down and grabbed Froche from my arms and started hugging him. I smiled at this and slowly started to get up. "Aw," I groaned as I sharply inhaled a pained breath.

Rouge stopped cuddling Froche and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked as I tried to hide my limp.

I nervously rubbed the back of my head and stuttered, "Y-Yeah I'm fine. It's just I'm not tackled on a daily basis by dragon slayers."

Rouge observed me and got up from the ground. "You're lying," he said casually as he picked me up bridal style and carried me.

I looked from him to Froche who was giggling. "You love-"

I was dropped onto my arm by a frantic moving Rouge as he tried to shush his exceed. "What the hell?" I groaned as I rubbed my now throbbing arm.

Rouge stopped trying to gab Froche as he knelt next to me and apologized. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

I held my hand up and shushed him. "It's fine. I guess it's a good thing I know healing magic," I said lightly as I preformed the spells for my arm and ankle.

I held my arm out and stood up. "See, I told you it was nothing!" I chuckled as he got up.

"Ah, that's a relief," he replied montonely. I raised a brow as he continued. "I thought I would have had to brought you back to the guild hall after they denounced you as a weakling!"

I slapped him across the face after he said that. "I may use support magic, but that doesn't mean I'm weak," I growled as I turned my heel on him and headed towards the train station.

I looked around and yelled, "Sky! Come on we're going to Fairy Tail!"

Within moments, my exceed was with me. "Wait! You're a dragon slayer?" Rouge yelled as his comrades appeared from around the corner.

"What's it to you? I thought I was a weakling!" I called out sharply.

"(Y/N) the next train to Magonlia is here!" Sky cheered trying to lighten my mood.

Then a red tomcat flew our way. "Hold up lady! You're a dragon slayer? How?! You're weak!" He called as I stopped in my tracks and let ice form around my feet with a growl.

"I'd stop talking with that attitude before I freeze you," I growled as I continued walking with Sky.

I heard hushed whispers from the sides of the streets as I turned back around. "And before I leave, let me formally introduce myself," I yelled with a monotone face. "My name is (Y/Full/N) the first generation ice dragon slayer," I called out.

~4 Month Time Skip~

I laughed as I watched Romeo run around the guild hall. "Slow down kiddo! You're going to run into something!"

The boy merely laughed as Sky stopped him from running into the now open guild hall doors.

I looked through it and glared internally. Soon the chattering of teeth could be heard as my temper got the better of me making me freeze half the room.

"What do you saber kittens want?" I asked sarcastically with a fake smile as they observed the hall.

Rouge and Sting looked directly at me after I said this. I watched both of them as they observed me.

"Well Fairy we came to talk you into ditching this guild and joining ours," Sting replied with a smirk growing on his face.

I laughed and rubbed my stomach from pain. "T-That's so cute! You think you two can just waltz in here and convince me to join your pathetic guild!" I laughed as their faces went from smirking to frowning.

Suddenly, two bodies sat next to me at my table and I stopped laughing. "Nobody makes fun of our guild," Sting said in a threatening tone.

I smirked. I found where his pride dwells deepest. "Well I just did ass clown," I replied with a smirk.

His eyes went wide with anger and he would have hit me if not for Rouge.

"Ah-Ah-Ah. You were told to convince me to join your guild, not to threaten and beat me. This is just renforcing my hate for your guild. So my answer is this," I stated casually as I got up. "No."

Sting sat there fuming while Rouge sat there with a montoned face. But his eyes betrayed him. In his eyes showed anger, awe and possibly lust.

I shrugged at the thought of it and walked over to the doors. "Now if you boys will excuse me, I have a Vulcan to exterminate."

~Time Skip~

"(Y/N)-chan are we there yet?" Sky asked as we headed up the mountian side.

"No, but keep it down please. We have more than one of these perv's to eliminate, let's not attract them all at once," I said queitly.

Then I heard it. Four sets of foot steps behind us. I growled and sniffed the air. "When will those assholes leave it," I growled as the exceeds flew into me.

Lector flew into Sky as Froche hugged me. "(Y/N)-san!"

I looked down at him and smiled as I directed a glare at the others. "Aw what's with that look on your face? You look upset," Sting stated sarcastically as I growled.

"What are you ass-hats doing here?" I demanded through gritted teeth.

Sting laughed loudly as I looked around. "Shush! You'll attract them all baka!" I seethed as twenty-seven perverts surrounded us.

I growled as Sting and Rouge were surrounded. "SEE WHAT YOU DID YOU BAKAS!" Sky yelled as the Vulcans stared at me and then back to the twins.

Then one yelled, "GRAB THE PRETTY LADY!"

~Time Skip~

I groaned as I surrounded myself in an ice cage to keep the Vulcans at bay while I tried to think of a plan.

"So (Y/N) you thought of anything yet?" Sting called out from their spot in the cave.

The Vulcans had gotten smart for once and bounded the two dragons slayers back to back and tied their hands. Sadly they didn't get their mouths.

"Almost," I called back as a Vulcan tried to grab me through the cage. But one was waiting at the other end and grabbed me and held me to one wall while it started to feel me up.

"OI! GET YOUR PERVERTED MONKEY HANDS OFF OF ME!" I yelled loud enough to shake the enitre cave.
As I yelled I didn't notice Rouge slowly losing his cool.

"DON'T TOU- AH! STOP TOUCHING MY BREASTS!" I yelled as his had started to go lower. My eyes widened. "IF YOU GO ANY FARTHER SOUTH I WILL CUT YOUR-"

I was cut off mid-rant when a shadow attack was launched at the ape. Instantly I was released and fell to the middle of the cage. I looked up and saw Rouge with a look of disgust and hatred on his face.

He slowly walked to my cage and slipped in through the bars and picked me up while holding me to his chest. "No one touches her but me," he growled as the Vulcans surrounded the cage.

I heard Sting tsk in the back ground and looked up at Rouge with a small smirk. "So shall we end them together?"

His response was a sadistic smirk and a nod and soon we fought off the Vulcans and got out of the cave.

~Time Skip~

I groaned as Rouge carried me down the mountian. "For the last time Sting. No."

"Why not (Y/N)-san? We were an awesome team!" Sting yelled as we approached Magnolia Town.

I sighed and leaned into Rouge's chest. "Because I don't want to leave my nakama," I yawned as I slowly fell asleep to the sound of Rouge's heart beat.

~Time Skip~

"(Y/N) wake up," a light voice called. I moaned and snuggled closer to my heat source. "(Y/N)-san you need to wake up," the voice said again a little louder.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I slowly woke up. "W-Where are we?" I asked with a yawn as I stood up.

I heard a slight in take if breath as I looked down to see Rouge blushing. "W-We're at your house. You fell asleep in my arms on the way back." He stuttered.

I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Rouge-sama for saving and carrying me," I whispered as he hugged me back.

"Anything for my mate," he whispered. I raised my brows when he said mate but the sexual tension was building in the room by the minute.

I smiled and stood back up and asked him, "So Rouge would you like anything?"

Rouge looked up at me and smirked. "Yes, you."

The next moment was what caught me off guard. He had seized me by the waist and brought me back down to the couch to be pinned under him ending with him kissing my lips.

I moaned into the kiss as it became more heated. I slowly wrapped my arm around his neck to not only bring him closer to me, but to deepen the kiss.

Soon he started to smirk and he bit my bottom lip to ask for enterance. Being stubborn, I denied him. He growled sensually and grabbed my arse causing me to moan.

Taking his chance, he dominated the kiss and was soon feeling me up and exploring my curves and edges.

"Rouge," I moaned as he slowly went down my neck looking for my sweet spot.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he nipped and sucked my neck.

"We n-need to go to the- mff," I moaned louder at the end as he found my sweet spot.

He attacked it while grabbing me by the waist and slowly un-doing my pants. I groaned and started taking his clothes off and soon enough there was a giant heap of discarded clothing to the side of the room.

When we were both totally nude, he moved downwards to my vagina. "You're already this wet?" He asked seductivly.

I blushed in response but soon arched my back as his finger slowly slid into me. "Rouge...please go faster," I moaned as he slowly added another digit.

He smirked at me and added another. Then he started to go harder and faster causing me to orgasim.

Soon I came into his hands andhe slowly licked my juices off his hand. "You taste good (Y/N)," he whispered as he tried to postion at my enterance.

"W-Wait...I w-want to make you feel good too," I panted as I slowly sat up and made him lay down.

I kissed him slowly and then headed south for his dick. When I reached it he was already halfway hardened.

Without warning I took him into my hands and slowly started to pump him up and down causing him to be the moaning mess.

"(Y/N) that- Ah!" He moaned as I started to bob my head up and down his cock. Soon his hands where tangled into my hair and his hips were thrusting his penis deeper into my throat.

He panted, "I'm going to-"

I hummed against him in my throat and soon felt a hot liquid release. I swallowed it all and looked at him.

He panted and kissed me. "My turn," he whispered as he pinned me to the couch. He then repositioned himself at my enterance and started to pump into me at a fast rate.

"AH! ROUGE!" I yelled in bliss as he carried on. He grunted and my pulled a leg over his shoulder and started to hit my g-spot over and over.

"ROUGE! KEEP HITTING THAT SPOT!" I moaned as I gripped his shoulders. He started to moan along with me as I clawed his back.

I started to feel myself tighten up after about twenty minutes into it. "Rouge I-I'm about to-" I was hushed by a kiss as I came.
I rode out my high as he continued.

He later became sloppier with his thrusts after about thirty more minutes and came. Afterwards he pulled out of me and held me to him. The room was filled with panting.

I felt him kiss my neck again when he whispered, "Mine."

I smirked and held him closer to me as he picked me up and carried me off to the bedroom for sleep.

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