By Silent_Flower_

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LITTLE DO YOU KNOW Kim Dahyun had suffered too much, being married to her cold husband, Kim Taehyung, for two... More

• ONE •
• TWO •
• FOUR •
• FIVE •
• SIX •
• NINE •

• TEN •

135 20 0
By Silent_Flower_

EVERYTHING happened as fast as Dahyun had wished things to end that night. The Jeons and the two unrelated Kims all dined peacefully with some questions mostly raised by Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. By the end of the dinner, Dahyun learned that Taehyung was not supposed to be there if it's not for his grandmother's plea for him to take her spot over the dinner. And over that course of time, Dahyun spoke shockingly less with only chuckles as her contribution to the conversation and supportive presence to the others' turn (except for that one guy she avoided to lock eyes with).

Moments after dinner, Jungkook excused and pulled Dahyun from an awkward conversation initiated by his dad about her whimsical, supposed relationship with Jungkook. Dahyun succinctly thought that her mischief and awkward night would end with Jungkook by her side, but she was wrong.

After Jungkook had pulled her away from the others and made sure that no one was overhearing them, he began, "Are you alright? You've been silent since we saw..." he hesitated then proceeded, rephrasing his constructed thoughts, "since the dinner started." He was not dumb not to notice the change in Dahyun's demeanor after she saw his cousin. Nevertheless, he couldn't recall introducing Taehyung to Dahyun when he heard her murmured his name.

But Dahyun only responded with a firm, "I just felt sentimental is all." Then their conversation went further, revolving around that topic - which Dahyun wittily dodged continuously without blurting too much information and holding onto her stand that he had known Taehyung on a magazine and just couldn't believe that he and Jungkook were actually blood-related.

All these time, Dahyun thought that she had done her best to hide her real emotions, but it turns out that Jungkook had known her for so long that he can read even the slightest change in her demeanor.

She didn't even realize how Jungkook paid attention to her until that moment.


"GOODBYE to you, son," Mrs Jeon's voice rang out melodiously, her words filled with affection as she placed a tender kiss on Taehyung's cheek.

Dahyun's eyes discreetly flickered towards the ground, her attempt to avoid any direct interaction with the male evident. Yet, even this subtle action didn't go unnoticed by the observant Jungkook, who cataloged every nuance of her behavior.

The scene felt almost surreal, like a carefully choreographed play where each of them had their role to fulfill. Dahyun's heart drummed in her chest, her pulse resonating in her ears as she grappled with a sudden voice. For an instant, it was as if the world was hushed, and Dahyun questioned whether her own senses were betraying her.

But then, as her name floated to her on the breeze, Dahyun's gaze was drawn inexorably upward. Her eyes met a pair of eyes that seemed to cut through the space between them, transcending the distance with a chilling intensity. It was him - the man at the car door, his demeanor enigmatic and his expression unreadable. The coldness that emanated from him was juxtaposed with the heat that seemed to suffuse her entire being.

The atmosphere crackled with tension, each heartbeat resonating in Dahyun's chest like a drumbeat in a suspenseful symphony. Her breath caught in her throat, suspended in a moment that felt eternal and fleeting.

"Why don't you just ride with us?" Taehyung's voice broke through the spell, his words a lifeline that pulled her back from the precipice of her thoughts. His casual tone contrasted starkly with the weight of emotions overflowing inside Dahyun's head. "If I remember from earlier's conversation, you're from Sinsa-dong, right? We're going to pass there," he continued, his words carrying a veneer of politeness that barely concealed the complexity underneath.

'Is he trying to ask me to ride with him? Is this really him?' Dahyun thought while her heart was racing fast as Taehyung's offer hung in the air. She felt as if an inexplicable tension was enveloping the scene like a mist. The cool breeze whispered secrets, her fingers started to fidget at her sides as she politely responded, "Thank you for the offer, sir. But I decline your generosity because I planned to grab a taxi back home."

"Okay, as you wish--"

Mrs. Jeon's voice, melodious and soothing, cut through the charged atmosphere - hindering Taehyung from actually leaving the woman without making his way further. "Oh, my daughter, you don't need to trouble yourself with that. Tae-Tae can drop you off. Don't be intimidated by his presence. He might come off distant, but he's a kind soul." Mrs. Jeon's words were gentle, a reassurance.

Taehyung's unhappy reaction somehow made Dahyun laugh inside her head. The irony of Mrs. Jeon's description of her nephew added to the comedic effect on Dahyun. It is such ironic for her to hear other people describe Taehyung as a kind soul when she literally hadn't seen it from him throughout the years they were living under the same roof.

"I was not thinking about that, Auntie," Dahyun denied. She exchanged a fleeting glance with Jungkook, searching for any signs of guidance in his familiar gaze. Yet, he remained the silent observer.

"But seriously, dear, it's more convenient. Plus, I wouldn't want you taking a cab alone at this hour," she said, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Dahyun tilted her head, her brow furrowing in thought. She appreciated Mrs. Jeon's caring nature, but she also didn't want to be a burden, or be with Taehyung at the least. "I understand, Auntie, but really, it's no trouble for me to take a cab. I don't want to inconvenience anyone," she insisted.

Jungkook's dark eyes, filled with a quiet understanding, met Dahyun's with a reassuring glance. "Well, if you insist on the cab, then I'll drive you home," he started, his tone firm yet laced with a touch of playful insistence.

"No! You must be tired already," she retorted, a hint of affection coloring her voice.

Jungkook's chuckle was like a soothing melody in the tranquil night air. His playful grin was a testament to their years of friendship. "You're underestimating me," he said, a hint of mock arrogance in his voice. "I can handle it."

Dahyun couldn't help but chuckle at Jungkook's persistence. Then she stole a glance at Taehyung, who seemed to be growing increasingly impatient by the second, his fingers tapping against the car door.

'Should I tell him to leave now?' she thought, but couldn't do it anyway. She couldn't figure why. Why can't she just tell him to leave so she would only have to deal with Jungkook's stubbornness to drive her home?

Maybe, maybe she's also wanting to ride with him.

"But Jungkook, we've got early classes tomorrow," she reminded him, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on her, a silent assurance that he was willing to go the extra mile for her. "I'll be fine, Dahyun," he replied. "Your safety is more important."

The scene was bathed in a gentle, silvery moonlight, as if the world itself was holding its breath in anticipation. Jungkook and Dahyun's exchange had been filled with camaraderie, but Taehyung's patience was beginning to wane. He cleared his throat with a subtle cough, drawing their attention.

Taehyung's tone was tinged with a hint of impatience as he asked, "So, you going or not?"

Dahyun hesitated, her inner thoughts locked in a silent struggle.

'Maybe it's best if I should just ride with Taehyung,' she contemplated. 'He never offered me a ride before. Should I grab this moment now that it's finally happening? In fact, auntie recommended me to just ride with him. But I don't want to engage with him.'

But another voice echoed in her mind, hesitant and cautious. 'Jungkook offered to drive me home,' she argued with herself. 'I don't want to bother him, especially after everything. But it would be more comfortable with a friend.'

The breeze enveloped her in its tranquil embrace, seemingly awaiting her decision. The stars above watched without judgment - their twinkling a reminder of the choices yet to be made.

Dahyun sighed inwardly, torn between the desire for comfort and the avoidance of an awkward situation. 'It wouldn't cause me death to have a ride with Taehyung, right? Besides, I don't want auntie to misunderstand my avoidance of her nephew. Plus, I should let Jungkook spend the night with his family. He hadn't seen them for quite a long time,' she mentally acknowledged.

"I... I'll just... Yes, sure," Dahyun finally decided, her words stumbling out amidst her inner conflict.

Jungkook nodded understandingly. "Alright, Dah. Take care, and message me when you get home, okay?"

With a grateful smile, Dahyun acknowledged his concern. "I will," she concurred briefly before turning to Mrs. Jeon. "Thanks again for inviting me over, Auntie. I really enjoyed the dinner."

Mrs. Jeon's warm demeanor enveloped Dahyun, and she extended her arms in a maternal gesture. "Oh, sure, dear. Come here." Dahyun stepped into the embrace, sharing a heartfelt hug with Mrs. Jeon.

"Take care, my daughter. I'll see you next time, okay?" Mrs. Jeon whispered as they slowly separated.

"I'll see you next time, Auntie. Send my goodbyes to Uncle and oppa," Dahyun replied. "I'll get going with Mr. Kim now."

After hearing Dahyun's decision, Taehyung made his way on the backseat of the car and shut the door beside him, not showing even a slightest interest with Dahyun's polite parting words with the Jeons.

After what felt like hours, Dahyun made her way towards Taehyung's car, her footsteps carrying her closer to the next phase of the night's journey. She couldn't help but glance back at Jungkook, and she called out her farewell. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

With those words, Dahyun continued her walk, her heart heavy with the weight of her choices and the mysteries that lay ahead in the company of Taehyung.

As she reached for the frontseat door handle, Taehyung slid down the window on his right. He peered out with an indifferent expression, his dark eyes locking into hers. The penetrating intensity of his gaze unnerved her.

"Are you my secretary?" He asked vaguely.

"Huh?" was the only reaction Dahyun came up with.

"That seat's reserved for my secretary. So you might want to circle back to the other door and sit on the empty space beside me."

"That seat's reserved for my secretary. So you might want to circle back to the other door and sit on the empty space beside me."

Startled, Dahyun shot him a bewildered glance, her eyes widening in shock like stars sparkling in the night sky. It was a moment that left her breathless, an unexpected twist to her already twisted night.

Never before had Taehyung extended such a heartfelt invitation for her to join him on the plush backseat of his luxurious car. In the course of their married life, he had mostly requested her to occupy the front seat, explaining the need to secure his suitcase beside him. However, this rare, gallant gesture left her utterly astonished.

Her emotions swirled like a tempest inside her, a potent cocktail of nervousness, tingling anticipation, and the undeniable awkwardness of the moment. She was at lost. She didn't even realized that she's already on the seat beside Taehyung. Her trembling hand seemed to have a mind of its own, delicately fastening the seatbelt in silence.

Dahyun had firmly resolved not to initiate any conversation with Taehyung during the car ride, wanting to keep a respectful distance. Yet, as the scenery passed by in a blur, she caught herself in an unexpected twist of fate.

The unexpected words that spilled from Taehyung's lips left her in a state of shock, an understatement that fell woefully short of capturing the tumultuous emotions churning within her.

"So, you're Jungkook's girlfriend?" Taehyung began, his gaze fixed on the blurry road outside of his window, as if the casualness of the question concealed a deeper curiosity.

Dahyun found herself momentarily paralyzed, a lump forming in her throat like a dam holding back a torrent of emotions. The seconds hung in the air. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was swift, and her words tumbled out like a waterfall of truth and self-defense.

"No, we're just friends," she replied, her words pouring forth even faster than the lyrical mastery of Eminem himself. Her voice carried a hint of defiance, a defense mechanism to protect her heart, but beneath that, there was a vulnerability, a fear of what Taehyung's question might signify.

After her brief and somewhat tense exchange with Taehyung, a heavy silence descended upon the car's interior. The only sounds were the soft hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of leaves outside.

Dahyun cast her gaze out of the window, captivated by the passing scenery, her thoughts a running wild with varying emotions.

Taehyung, now sitting in a tranquil repose, had drifted into a peaceful slumber. His head rested gently on the plush cushion of the seat, his features softened by sleep. The lines of tiredness that had etched themselves upon his face seemed to have dissipated.

Unknowingly, Dahyun turned to him and stared.

It was a bittersweet moment, a vivid reminder of the man she had once married and loved. It pained her deeply to see him this up close again. Yet, she couldn't resist staring at his ethereal form. His handsome countenance, the contours of his face bathed in the soft, golden light filtering through the tinted windows, held an irresistible allure.

Her eyes fixated on the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. The little mole that graced his nose, perfectly placed as if by a master artist's hand, was a detail she had once cherished. And the subtle curve of his lips, left slightly ajar in slumber, invited her to remember time she had been entranced by the first moment she saw him genuinely smiled.

As the miles rolled by, Dahyun went deeper into the realm of memories and emotions. Her heart bore the weight of unspoken words and unhealed wounds, scars etched into their shared history - that only she can remember.

And then, in the midst of the hushed atmosphere, Taehyung's slumber was disrupted by the echoes of dreams. His voice, a gentle murmur, seemed to drift from the depths of his subconscious.

"Eo-eomma. . . A-appa. . . I'm sorry. . . I miss you. . . Just take me with you. . ."

Dahyun's breath caught, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as the raw sincerity of his words reached her ears. In that fleeting moment, the distance between them dissolved, and the memories of their shared past surged forth. The pain of being with him again; she made herself forget about it for a while.

The driver, a silent observer from the rearview mirror, attempted to offer a word of caution. "Miss, you may want to wake Mr. Kim up before-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Dahyun's delicate gesture stole the words from the driver's lips.

Her finger traced the bridge of Taehyung's nose, a gesture known only to her. As if guided by an invisible force, his sleep-talk ceased, and a serene calm washed over him once more.

The driver, intrigued and curious, watched her with wonder. He couldn't help but ponder how she had discovered this unspoken remedy for the turbulence in Taehyung's dreams.

Through the years that had drifted by, since their time together had been, mostly, a storm, Dahyun had learned the intricacies of his soul. Whenever she heard him speak in his sleep, she had developed the gentle ritual of tracing his nose bridge. To her peace, it still helps him break out from his bad dream in this timeline.

In this quiet moment, as she gazed at the man she had spent so much of her time, tears, and love with, there was a fleeting sense of nostalgia and longing that tugged at her heartstrings.

Never did he really left Dahyun's heart.

And so, she accepted it to herself. And in a whisper, she conceded, "Maybe I still love you. . . Maybe no timeline can change that. . ."



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