Oregairu: Reappearance

By Kiryuu-sama

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An Oregairu FanFic, shout out to Author @Shitsandorgiggles, and many others for many of the ideas and concept... More

Chapter 1: Chiba's #1 loner returns
Chapter 2: Where were you?!?!
Chapter 3: Where were you?!?! Part 2
Chapter 4: Is this really my room?
Chapter 5: Year: Zero
Chapter 6: Starting daily life
Chapter 7: Starting daily life Part 2
Chapter 8: Starting daily life Part 3
Chapter 9: Intruder
Chapter 10: 13 Weeks
Volume 1: End
Chapter 11: Sobu visit
Chapter 12: Sobu visit Part 2
Chapter 13: Her
Chapter 14: Walking away
Chapter 15: Dash of Revelry
Chapter 16: A dinner for four
Chapter 17: The cheerful lady known as Yoshiyama
Chapter 18: Sugar, spice, is there any nice?
Chapter 20: Year: One
Volume 2: End
Chapter 21: Just a stroll
Chapter 22: Who's that knocking at my door
Chapter 23: I'm knocking at their door
Chapter 24: At the table
Chapter 25: Come and See
Chapter 26: Saturday Night
Chapter 27: Boxed

Chapter 19: The sweet, the cheerful, the spicy and the dreadful

804 27 34
By Kiryuu-sama




In the midst of the scorching summer sun, the heat irritated our skin. Especially in my case, wearing a long sleeve shirt in summer of all seasons. Fortunately, it didn't make too much of an impact as we were veiled by the umbrella. I'd never let Komachi be hurt by the sun.

The pacing of our footsteps complemented each other as we walked. We continued like this, the many cars surrounding us proved that we were near until finally, the sight of a large building came into view. It seemed to only increase in size as we approached.

At the entrance, I saw two women idly standing still, both on their phones, they seemed completely uncaring of the surroundings. Both were dressed reasonably modestly, whilst being comfortable clothing.

One of them wore a lemon beige dress with a white belt. While the other wore a white t-shirt, with lemons embedded on its front, wearing a white and blue striped bag, and a striking pink mask on her face.

Then, one of them lifted her head and coincidentally shot a glimpse in my direction. After that, she seemed to have looked at me with her full attention. She poked the other one and then looked back at us, waving her hand while doing so. She then removed her mask to reveal a bright smile.


We walked closer, the distance between us shortening when they walked to us as well.

"Yahallo Yui-san, thanks for waiting"

"Yahallo, Komachi-chan"

The three of them exchanged greetings with the same term. "Yahallo", what does it even mean? To this day, I still pondered how it was created. Could I perhaps have Atago whisper this in my ear?

"Yahallo, Hikki"

"Uh, yeah, you too"

Unable to properly say it in the way she expected, she could've given me a sulky reaction, but no, she stayed the same.

(As someone who's tolerated me this far, I guess she's the same as Komachi now...)

They continued to excitedly chat with each other. The trendy clothes that they planned to wear and the cafés they wished to go to. Even with barely any distance between us, their conversation entered my ear and escaped out the other.

I slowly looked at our surroundings. Under those conditions, no one would stay out here for too long, so the only ones in view either entered the building or exited it.

I kept looking around blankly with no real purpose, I wasn't sure myself why I kept doing it. Wrong, I'll retract that statement. I wasn't clueless at all as the answer was surely at the back of my mind, waiting to be dug out. I just couldn't put my finger on it. My eyes squinted and the words in my mind slowly formed a question.

(Are we short of one?)

Then it hit me. I looked around, once again, just to confirm it. No, I've fully confirmed, no one matched the descriptions...she wasn't here. I wasn't sure of what to do, should I have pointed it out? Was it something that didn't need to be said?

I finally focused on the three of them, I was looking up and down, side to side. I couldn't look them dead in the eye and ask. My lips occasionally parted, to form the question, but, they would close again. I may have started making faint noises. I looked at Yuigahama, in spite of that, I was still hesitating...why?

I was about to make another noise and to get her notice, until Komachi raised her finger to eye level and asked Yuigahama:

"Umm, Yui-san, where's Yukino-san?"

"Oh, well, I told her if she wanted to come she could, but she said she had work to do"

She sounded apologetic for something that wasn't her fault. Being the ever comforting person she was, however, she would always try to put someone at ease.

"Maybe next time, Komachi-chan"

"Oh, is that so? Okay! Anyway, let's go!"

Komachi shot her arm towards the sky.


Yuigahama did the same, but less excited and more joyous. Komachi turned her back and shot me a short glance, it was faint, that smile that she showed to me. She then went back to talking with the other two.

I stood there, my eyes unfocused as they stared at the pavement. The answer, without lifting a finger, without putting it into words for them to hear...it had been given to me. Moving my gaze, the three had already started to move.

(Is she an esper? Or was I that simple to read? I thought I wasn't revealing anything...)

(Jeez...what a sister)

I started to walk as well, managing to catch up with them. The four of us entered and as soon as we set foot inside, the drastic change in temperature was felt all throughout our group.

(Ahhh, technology, you are indeed precious)

We aimlessly strolled around, or more like, they did, as I felt like a sheep leashed by the neck, from time to time they would stop to check out the products of certain shops.

Without a word, Yuigahama approached my side. It wasn't intentional, yet I caught a whiff of her scent, was it redolent of strawberry? I would've been called a creep by now if anyone noticed. I glanced to see if she did and without my noticing, her mask was planted back on her face.

I didn't remember her wearing it again, or maybe I just didn't see it all, when did she wear it again? At that time, I theorized it eagerly. Perhaps too much eagerness as she might've noticed when she tried to peek at my direction, only for us to lock gazes and, with a smile, she asked:

"What should we do for now, Hikki?"

An innocent sounding question, as she herself sounded as though she was arbitrarily following the other two. Perhaps she was a fellow sheep.

"Uhh, let's see...the shopping could wait, maybe we should get some lunch"

The reasonable option, and the one that my body chose. Based entirely by myself, perhaps I should've asked for their opinions as well or at least, thought of other options to offer.

"Yup, you're right, I was getting a little hungry myself"

"That's right~ Since it's Senpai's treat today, what should I get?"

With the clap of her hands, her jubilant tone conveyed a sweet child excited to receive her present.

"Well, I wonder if there's a saize her-"

Almost instantly, I retracted my comment. The reason? Whilst I was saying that, I saw a tiny glimpse of Ishikki's smile, directed straight at me, though...there was something off, as if I said a taboo, or something downright stupid. She glared at me with those moist, amber eyes, glowing intensely as I peered into it.


"No, someplace else?"

I tried to appeal, and it seemed her smile presented a more neutral reaction. With her around, I always needed to be careful of what to say.


"Oh, why don't we go for Yakiniku?"

"Oh, yeah, Komachi-chan, let's let's"

"Well, as long as Senpai's paying for it~"

(Eh? What?)

Surprisingly, Ishikki agreed to something such as Yakiniku? I was under the notion, people like her would've been disgusted by such an idea. They wouldn't normally go for that option at least...right? Perhaps the misconception about them always choosing cafés over those kinds of places was wrong? Or could it be that it was these three who were different?

"Let's go, Hikki"

Yuigahama grabbed my wrist and slowly walked with me in tow. I was still in thought, with a slightly confused expression surely embedded on my face. Still, when I came to, I weakly twisted my wrist to escape her hold. When she felt the resistance, she turned and released me in a slight panic.

"Ahh, sorry, did it hurt?"

Apologetic as always. Worried as to whether she had done anything wrong, she awkwardly looked at me,

"No, it's nothing, and it's not like you can hurt me"

"Hey, I'm plenty strong, y'know"

I snickered in amusement. She may have not known it, nevertheless, her statement could've been seen as a joke.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, we might lose those two"

She and I no longer said a word, as we tried to catch up to the other two.




"Oh, Komachi-chan, this one has pretty high reviews!"

Within seconds of strolling, we set sights on this restaurant. An all-you-can-eat Yakiniku. With all the tables having a grill on them, evidently, we were to do it manually. This place was moderately packed, with at least five other people inside. The interior seemed lavishly expensive and when we approached the counter, the first thing I noticed was the menu. Vegan options, and vegetables were available, but the meat...the prices were...

My lower jaw dropped to a slight extent. I squinted at the menu to confirm, hoping that my eyes were merely playing with me. They weren't. The numbers displayed were clearly correct and as I dreadfully came to such realization.

(I see...meat, you're going to be the brunt of it all...)

The three of them excitedly went up to the counter. I trudged behind them and listened in on their egregious orders.

As we were told, we went to a table of four, with Komachi to my side and Yuigahama in front of me. One of the waiters went and started the grill. Not long after, they returned with a tray, complete with seasonings, ingredients and vegetables.

The grill was already gaining heat, the rice bowls were brought out, and by the next batch of trays, it then came out:


Thrilled as she lightly flailed her arms, Komachi acquired the tray with pleasure. Without any wait or hesitation, the meat was laid in place on the grill. In reaction to that, the sizzling noise was profound in our ears.

Seconds after, even if most of it was extracted immediately, the smoke rose and plunged deep into my nose. I breathed it in, closing my eyes whilst doing so. It wasn't irritating, on the contrary, it was a pleasant aroma. As aspects of it were very reminiscing...yes, in a way, it was nostalgic.

I stared at the meat, deadpan. With nothing on my mind, I appeared wooden.

"Here, Onii-chan"

Pieces of beef landed on my bowl and soon after, I noticed the chopsticks and the hand originating from Komachi. With her ever-so-joyous smile, she put focus on her bowl and brightly stated:

"Thank you for the food!"

Yuigahama and Isshiki followed suit.

"Thank you for the food"

"Thanks for the food"

The three spontaneously shared the same expression, blissfully munching with delight as their jaws went back and forth.

I stared at my own bowl. The charred brown meat, perfectly grilled, courtesy of that sister of mine, and the inviting smell, as always, there was never a reason to hesitate.

"Thanks for the food"

With an adequate size on the ready, it smoothly entered my mouth. The beef that overflowed with umami juices, the hot fluffy rice aided in making everything chewy and more pleasurable.

Sure, the exorbitant nature of the meal lingered in my head, nevertheless, it was truly enjoyable.

The next batch of beef, accompanied with some pork, had finished cooking and just as I was about to take a piece.


It disappeared from the grill before I even had the chance to approach it. Stumped, I wondered where it went. I looked towards the chopsticks that held it in place, and their owner. Isshiki being the owner was a revelation that wasn't all too surprising.

I ignored it and just moved to take a different piece. But then it was taken from sight. The culprit was her, again.

I made an attempt for pork, yet it was again taken. In response to my irritated reaction, Isshiki sported a small smile which I could only assume was her trying to play innocent.

She tried to take another piece, yet I swiftly took it before her chopsticks were even near it. Perhaps even petty things were worth fighting for. I generated a faint smirk in her direction. Something she didn't take all too well.

There was only one piece of meat left on the grill, and we stared it down with predatory intent, being competitive for something like this was not my normal self, yet it needed to be done!

We eyed the piece down, with our chopsticks prepared. I've resolved myself, even if I had to stab that beef, even if it was rude, there was no holding back! The moment we considered it ready for consumption, we would initiate our showdown.

Seconds passed and the sizzling noise and the smoke was enough indication. We gave each other knowing glares.


As our chopsticks were launched swiftly, before we even made it, we were caught off-guard. Suddenly, the meat levitated in the air and as our sights turned, the beef went to the bowl of none other than Yuigahama, who delightedly consumed it.

Staring at each other, dumbfounded, we were quick to question what had happened. In the end, she let out a faint giggle. Looking at her, understanding the absurdity of it all and feeling the shame of acting like children, it was unavoidable that I did the same.




As I opened my wallet, I stared at it with an undying sense of dread.


The heavy gulp that reverberated in my ears made me feel even more despair as my hands started to shiver uncontrollably.

As soon as we left, Yuigahama tugged at my shirt and whispered in my ear.

"Uhh, Hikki, me and Komachi-chan are just going to the restroom, ok? Can you wait for us?"

"No problem"

As I saw their figures slowly vanish, Isshiki walked to my side.

"Thanks for the treat, Senpai, it was definitely delicious"

*Sigh* "You're welcome"

With a dry laugh, I answered her. To boldly announce it without any sugar coating, to crudely say it up front, not many could probably pull it off, especially to say it to her. Men would punch themselves before any attempt to break a girl's heart. Yet I wasn't one for that, since it was her after all, I don't think I needed to go to that length.

(She's sharp, she can figure it out)

Admittedly, I took a glance at Isshiki, a peek. The lemon beige dress that was slightly suggestive, in a sense, and the sweet scent I caught a whiff of, was it honey?

While we silently stood there, a question that had been on my mind pooped up without notice.

"I've been meaning to ask, but why are you still calling me that?"

"Calling you what?"

"The 'Senpai' thing. We're not under that umbrella anymore"


Readjusting her posture to bend forward from a slight angle to further glance from both my side and front, she glared at me with an innocently dubious face. Her smile was formed under an awkward looking guise. But then, her lips started to alter shape. It was still mostly the same, but it manifested into a more seemingly relaxed curve.

"Well, isn't it obvious? After all, Senpai is Senpai"

Profound and verbalized with a cheekier sounding rhythm, she had her eyes closed when smiling at me, as though it was an obvious fact. Brazenly speaking her mind without a moment's hold was something that definitely had stuck with her.

(Actually, a lot did)

I pulled my phone from my pocket and, with it in my hand, I swiftly tapped and opened it. From there, I took heed of a notification and as soon as I swiped to open the message, I then knew who it was.

(*Sigh*Not now)

Before I got the chance to read it all in full, my attention went somewhere else as I heard:

"Hikki, we're back"

Once the both of them had arrived, I had a faint sense that something was inherently different, but because it was faint I didn't even bother.

Though, there was one thing that was noticeably different. It appears she had changed masks, from a pink one to a white one. Maybe she kept more than just one in her bag. I had noticed that she took a level of attentiveness towards it. Then again, it wasn't my place to be intrusive, even if it was just a thought. I halted that thought and focused on what was more important.

"So, where now?"

I asked so that I would know, so that I could prepare myself for what was to come, and steel my bones for the upcoming suffering that I would face.




"Wooooow! This fits you so well, Komachi-chan"

My vision was filled with one thing and one thing entirely: clothing. As various types of clothes buried me, they were hung perfectly and balanced on my straight standing figure. From the looks of it, I had tragically transformed into their personal hat hanger.

Only the darkened color of purple was in my view, as light could barely reach my face. I could hear them giggling away so carefree, and as I focused on their conversation, what I heard engulfed me in dread.

"That kinda makes me look fat"

"Try it, Iroha-chan"

"Ooooh!! This one would look pretty on Yui-can"

At first, I started as a normal human, standing with a straight posture and watching them look for the clothes that piqued their interest. However, with the catalyst of Komachi, it eventually happened, and they treated me like that from there.

It was fortunate that neither myself nor my position were visible to anyone outside this shop, because it was more than enough that the staff and other shoppers saw me. I have been listening, it had already been thirty minutes, and their talk sounded absolutely the same from when they got here.

(Are you serious? If conversations could be held for this long, then diplomatic discussions of any kind would've ended with all parties in total agreement. Are they starting a podcast or something? Really...The amount of words they've spouted compared to how many I said in middle school are already at a 3:1 ratio...it's the same design, Komachi, and there's hardly any difference to pinkish pearl and just pink...)

Subsequently, there was a sensation, as though the weight of the clothes started to lighten. When my eyes adjusted to seeing light again, there was a hand sticking out in my view. I turned to the side and saw her.


Yuigahama gleefully smiled with her shining teeth prominently showing. Those fastidious fingers went to work as I saw her folding the clothes, preventing them from wrinkling, while she also fondly played with the clothing like a child.

Perhaps the farcical aspect of being an unmoving stand caused her to giggle as such, and she might have thought it was comically childish. Regardless, she seemed quite joyous.






"Haaah, that was so fun!"

She lifted her arms in the air to fully stretch them out. While seeing that sight, that certain act created quite a suggestive pose. As that thought came to mind, it was easily removed as I weakly shook my head from side to side.

I managed to finally get through today's agenda.

While we sat on the bench, silently waiting for Komachi and Isshiki to return, we found ourselves alone in this quiet park, the two of us were distance by less than a meter. Between us were the bags of things they made me buy, clothes, accessories, sweets, anything that they could get their hands on.

(¥ 100,000 off my wallet as martyrdom wasn't too much of a sacrifice...right?)

Gone was the blazing summer heat and without it, came the breezy embrace of the nearing evening. As the leaves aged and graduated from the trees, they fell like feathers blasély dancing in the wind.

"Thanks, Hikki"

"Hmm? For what?"

"For coming back"

A sweet whisper, that's how I would describe it. She didn't look my way at all, instead she seemed to be pointlessly staring at the grass, with such a motherly smile. It was so innocently profound, innocent, as it had no other meaning besides pure gratitude, from how I saw it.

"It's nothing to thank me for, I just thought it was a good...change of pace...I guess"

It took me a while before I managed to say it that way, and it might have been another one of my preemptive farces. As always, I couldn't stop being so pathetic, nevertheless, I think that was the sentence she needed to hear.

"What? So it's different here compared to there?"

Interested, she was curious, and delightful after hearing me. There was an emerging image of her in my head, like a young child questioning the outside world for its wonders, wonders....


A mutter that was audible enough for her, but something I couldn't blatantly say out loud. I couldn't possibly. It would've been better if she hadn't heard it at all.

'Why was I having this talk with her?' In the back of my mind, that was explained in full, yet never truly answered. She, who was in a good mood, was too focused on enjoying the moment. It's not like she couldn't, but more like she wouldn't bother reading between the lines.

"Hikki, welcome back"

Again, with her ever-so-wholesome smile, and her eyes showing that moist glow, it was impeccable how pristinely clear the words she was trying to convey were. A combination of multiple words, creating a sentence, a phrase, or just multiple words jumbled together, that give the message.

"Yup...I'm back"

Stifled sounding, my voice came out as an amalgamation of a whisper and gravel. A day's worth of walking and the thing that got rusty was my throat. Perhaps this was a message from someone. Regardless, I had this faint, very faint smile on my face, as my lips naturally bent to such a shape.

She was smiling as well, until:


She started to restlessly turn her head from side to side, looking around with a tense exterior. I looked down and saw her fingers anxiously fidgeting while rummaging through her bag.

She stopped when she extracted a mask from within and wore it with a precise haste. That whole pandemic thing was already done yet she still wore them. Even by Japanese standards, such a requirement was long gone. Then, it could be for a different reason, and as suspected, that was the reason.

"So, looks like your job's really, really demanding, huh?"

Even with the mask, with such a sullen face, it seemed she had no plan on denying that.

"Is it? But..."

She closed her eyes and in that instance of silence, she whispered:

"Even so, I love doing it"

That hidden smile, it gave me food for thought. I wasn't deaf to any of it, actually, through the news and my fair share of labor, I got to know. Those kinds of corporations, Japan could never get rid of them. I've known that for too long. But the most revealing problem was this toxic cesspool she had gotten herself involved with.

(Whether in or out of the building, she probably faces so many headaches daily)

(Whether it's a coworker or a stranger wanting her picture, she probably gets troubled)

(Now that she's in those kinds of footsteps, voicing characters that would've even reached ubiquitous levels. I'd predicted that there would've been a few weeds in the garden she went in)

(It's not a scandal, at all. They're over exaggerating things if they think she'd be sullied just by sitting beside me, no matter how rotten I am)

(Every last one)

(Seems like every job has its downsides, huh)

"Well...I'm not too keen about that kind of stuff...but if you want to talk...I'll listen"

Flustered. That was her first reaction to my words, soon after, she slowly became calm and collected. She tilted her head slightly, and removed one of the strings from her ear, revealing her face, in such a lovely tone, she whispered:

"Thanks, Hikki"

Her eyes overflowed with emotion, a natural shade of pink on her cheeks, a luscious red on her lips, and, in all its purity, a true smile.

I didn't want to say any words, as I thought the moment would be ruined. I hid the subtle curve now embedded on my face.

(I see, it seems it is possible to have all these kinds of frames of mind for others besides Komachi. Well...it's entirely different, not as intense, but it's still there. It's not wanting to murder any men that come near her, or having her cook for me, not that at all. It's more of...I'll help her from the sidelines, tell her to cheer up, and listen to her. I definitely won't use sweet nothings on her, as I'll try to not hide under any rock...thinking about it...I see, yup...)

(It's possible...)

"Onii-chan! We're back!"

I managed to finalize my conclusions and took a gander at the noise's direction. Waving her hand, Komachi came out alongside Isshiki and both their figures became larger with each passing second.

"The lines were really long"

The reason for her complaint was prominently placed in front of me, as she had both her hands busy holding milk tea.

"Here, Yui-san"

"Thanks Komachi-chan"

One of the milk teas was handed to Yuigahama and I saw that Isshiki only held one.

(Well, it's not like I drink concentrated sugar)

"Senpai, this one's for you"

I looked down, and in her hand was golden perfection, the perfect amount of condensation dripping to the ground and the yellow and black contrast truly increased its charms.

The ever-so-gorgeous MAX coffee snuggled neatly in her hand.

"Oh, thanks"

I'll admit that it was from the bottom of my heart. As soon as I received it, I was engulfed in a feeling of catharsis, both in body and in soul. I felt as though today's misery had paid off.

(Maybe I do like sugar...just a bit)

We left the park and made our way to the station. While walking, Komachi and Isshiki bantered about something that I certainly had no knowledge of. They had already created a world for themselves and completely ignored me. Komachi even took a sip from Isshiki's drink.

But, wait, where was Yuigahama? As I realized she wasn't with them, I swayed and searched from side to side. When I turned, I saw that she was three meters away from me, looking down at her phone.


As soon as she heard me, she ran up to me and in an instant, appeared beside me while immediately hugging my arm.


With her arm tightly wrapping around mine, she pulled me closer to her. At that moment, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. Her face was so close to mine, leaving barely any distance. When I saw that she wasn't looking my way, I looked to where she was looking. Without notice:


Such a sound was audible and I realized it was her phone. She ended her embrace and created a slight distance for us. She went back to looking at her phone.

"Hikki, today was really fun, really"

Whilst her cheeks were shaded with a sweet rose, she placed her phone to my view and I saw the selfie she had with me. While those forsaken eyes were still presented, what caught my attention even more was how bad I looked in it.

I wanted to have that picture deleted, or at the very least retaken. Though, it seemed I couldn't do that, considering that smile.

I wouldn't complain. I'd just take the brunt of the embarrassment and let her have it.

"Yeah...ok...I enjoyed the Yakiniku"





"We're home..."

"We're home..."

As we both said that, we lumbered our way inside. It was a good thing we managed to think about dinner and got take out. As even the ball of never ending, self sustaining energy called the sister had finally reached her limit. She kept grunting and grunting.

She made her way to the living room. Putting the bags somewhere, she immediately laid down on the sofa. I was different, to truly get the biggest recharge, one needed to enter one's deepest chamber.

I trudged my way to the stairs. Opening the door to a room void of light, I immediately went for my bed.


I managed to collect my thoughts while I laid there. My pay hadn't even come yet, and they probably wouldn't use most of what they bought, nevertheless.

(I'm not so petty that I won't even admit it to myself)

(For all its worth...today was...fun)

(Anywhere with my sister is like that, and anywhere with them?.....perhaps....maybe....actually....)

Before I could finish thinking, I was alerted by the sound of a ring. I already knew what it was, and dreadfully, I got out of bed and went to the drawer. There laid another phone, different from the one I normally used.

After looking at its contents, I knew, immediately. I closed the door, locked it even. It wasn't unnecessary at all. It needed to be that way.

After all was set, I swiftly pressed some buttons and sent a message. Seconds passed and I saw the call. As I answered it, I held it near my ear.

"What is it?"

** **** ** **** ***** ******* *******

"Yeah? What about him?"

*** ****

"He's what?...and why call me?"

*** ****** **** ****, ***** *** ********, *******, ** ***** *** ** ******* *****


"I see."

When I ended the call, there was much to think about. There was much to ask. As I went back to bed, the information I got started to plague my mind. I seriously considered what to do about it, regardless:

"That's a tomorrow problem...isn't it?"

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