Okumura Syndicate Ending 1

By H4XOR13

135 32 9

The events of Okumura Syndicate has led to three paths that Aster and his friends could choose, and the first... More

Chapter 154: Out of His Control
Chapter 155: Downright Refusal
Chapter 156: The Stubborn Hero
Chapter 157: Encouraging Torture
Chapter 158: Undeniable Similarity
Chapter 159: Surrounded
Chapter 160: The Consequences Of Rage
Chapter 161: Welling Fear
Chapter 162: Guided By Delusion
Chapter 163: Chivalry's Distance
Chapter 164: Always Keep A Promise
Chapter 165: Mistakes And Revenge
Chapter 166: Overcoming The Barrier
Chapter 168: Dead End
Chapter 169: Returning Revolutionary
Chapter 170: End Of His Suffering?
Chapter 171: Complex Facade
Chapter 172: Lost And Silent
Chapter 173: Tamperer Of The Dead
Chapter 174: Love, Hope And Despair
Chapter 175: If He Were There
Chapter 176: The Source Of The Trail
Chapter 177: The Game Begins
Chapter 178: Growing Into Your Truth
Chapter 179: Losing Control Again
Chapter 180: Unsure Of Forgiving
Chapter 181: The Beginning Of The End
Chapter 182: Wings Of Terror
Chapter 183: Last Place To Turn
Chapter 184: Awakened To Hell
Chapter 185: On Display
Chapter 186: A New Kind Of Chaos
Chapter 187: Trapped Within The Dreamscape
Chapter 188: Terror In The Sky
Chapter 189: Step Closer To Victory
Chapter 190: Breaking From The Chains
Chapter 191: In His Honour
Chapter 192: The Upper Hand
Chapter 193: The Dust Clears
Chapter 194: Epilogue

Chapter 167: Elemental Clash

4 1 0
By H4XOR13

The morning set in, and as the mansion was waking up, a lethargic Rou looked down into a hole in the floor. He stood up and took a breath, pushing through the small gap." This is clearly built for someone lean.", he thought. In the floor was another similar hole, this time, he could gander at what was inside. The tunnel continued into what looked like a wooden box, and Rou followed it, determined to finally rid himself of the source of everything he'd been through.

Faint steps were heard further down the tunnel, getting louder with every minute. The person came into his view, a red hair man with a hand covering his chest, his brow lowered in bloodlust. "Rou, what a pleasure to see you again.", the man in the corridor stated sarcastically. Rou drew his staff and pointed at him, "Lin, you know damn well why I'm here!", he declared. Lin chucked, "Here to finish me off are you?", he questioned, lifting his hand and revealing the wound Rou had dealt four hours earlier.

"Why the hell would I want to kill you?", he retorted, ignoring Lin's insinuations. Lin threw his legs ready to charge, and prepared to take the fight to Rou. He ignited his fist and began to fire at Rou. The flames were slow, which gave Rou enough time to react. He raised his left hand to block the fire with ice, "Everything you create will use all its energy turning my ice to water. Is it really worth the risk?", Rou said darkly.

Lin kicked at Rou's leg, who stumbled. Launching fire at him, Lin tried to catch Rou off guard, but Rou stepped back, hands together to concentrate the ice in the direction of his brother's weak spot. "Wow, you really are out to kill me, aren't you?". Rou was hyper focused on freezing Lin, the voice in his head echoed on motivating him to go further, "He must pay for his deeds!", it cried out. Lin melted Rou's ice attack before bouncing off the walls of the tunnel in order to find an opening.

"Even with my injury I'm more agile than you!", shouted Lin. However, his yelling got Rou's attention and he froze him to the roof of the tunnel. "It's funny, you think I'm delusional and yet you hold more affection for killing.", he said to Lin with a touch of amusement. He continued "You think you're the morally superior one, yet you murder innocent people. I only kill when I have to, and this is one of those times!". Lin growled and shook at his icy restraint, eventually melting himself free, "Just you wait Rou, you'll see that all my killing was morally justified!", he declared.

Rou crashed into him. "That will not happen again, and I'm not going to let it!", he said, materialising an icy blade. He was about to lunge, when his eyes shot open and he noticed Lin burning the tunnel's entrance. With a dark chuckle he added, "You'll see.", he stated with a laugh. "I won't let you leave here alive!" Lin retaliated. He ignited his palms and disappeared in a bolt of orange fire. Rou ran towards his brother, and stabbed him in the gut with the blade, but to no reaction at all from the red haired man as the blade melted on contact.

"I've told you before, all ice can be melted! All your efforts are futile!", declared Lin. Rou waved his arm, creating a stream of ice that surrounded his brother in the fjord. "You trap me, I trap you, that's how it goes...", he stated. He turned his attention to the burning tunnel, "You're a fool Lin, you're not strong enough to defeat me, and you know it. You can't even hurt me because my ability cancels yours out!" he stated, with a scowl.

"What makes you think I can't hurt you?", asked Lin, a smile on his face. He was not going to let Rou get the best of him. He created a sphere of fire around his brother, "I'm not afraid of you! You're going to run away like every time before!" he declared. Rou grit his teeth, and directed a miniature glacier towards Lin. "I'm not afraid of you anymore! I'm not that fifteen year old greif stricken boy anymore!" Rou shouted. Lin began to melt the glacier, but before he could cut a piece off, Rou pressed against the chilly creation and froze over his hand.

Further down the halls, Demitris was approaching the tunnel when he smelled the aroma of thick smoke combined that was only intensified with the cold air emanating from Rou's ice. The man coughed as the flaming gas filled his lungs. He knew Rou was down there and he was over thinking every possible scenario he could think of, with everything seeming bleak no matter where he turned. He covered his nose and mouth with his arm and closed his eyes, navigating his way through the smoke.

The air was thin as he saw the love of his life freezing Lin as he himself was on the road to being burned. As he waited, he felt himself flailing from the burning flames, but with all the feelings inside him, he watched Rou diligently. As the fight continued, Demitris needed to think about a way to get Rou out alive, because if he didn't, the consequences could shake him and the entire syndicate.

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