Treat you better ||Jeongchan...

By TheNebeKing

8K 347 171

( ✅) "I'll treat you better than he did, better than anyone else"- Chan "Promise?" Jeongin "Promise"- Chan I... More

Disclaimer and warnings
Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 33
Chapter: 34
Chapter: 35
Chapter: 36
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 38
Chapter: 39
Chapter: 40
Chapter: 41
Chapter: 42
Chapter: 43
Chapter: 44
New book!!!
SURPRISE: playlist
Im sorry

Chapter: 32

125 6 3
By TheNebeKing

⚠️⚠️⚠️TW: homophobia and mental abuse ⚠️⚠️⚠️


Yun was shaking as he entered the house, due to the cold winds outside as well as his nerves. He could feel his head spinning, emotions and thoughts whirling around in his head. He was angry, dejected, and overall confused.

Why wouldn't Jeongin take him back? What did he see in Chan so much?, Why couldn't Jeongin love him?

These thoughts raged in his mind, and only added to his growing anger. Yun, without thinking, slammed his fist into the wall.

"Damnit!", he cursed, "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" he slammed his fist into the wall repeatedly, tears welling in his eyes as he lowered his head.

"Why can't he love me? I'm the only one he needs, the only one he should want? why...why", Yun trailed off, "Why doesn't he love me!"

Suddenly footsteps hurrying down the hall, Yun turned to see his parents, and his heart dropped.

"What on earth are you screaming about? And where have you been? You were supposed to be home hours ago! You ignored our calls! We almost dialed the police" his mother scolded.

His father's face contorted into a scowl, "Why are you crying Yun", he asked sternly, "What happened".

Yun tried to push past his parents, "I don't have time for this, I'm tired. I'm going to bed" he muttered, but his father wouldn't let him go that easily, he grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks.

"Where were you?", he demanded, Yun kept his head down, avoiding his father's scrutinizing gaze.

"I was out with my friends like I said, I wasn't paying attention to the time and my phone died. I'm sorry okay, now can I go to bed now?", his father's grip tightened. "You're lying!" he yelled.

Yun felt his anger rising, it was bad enough he had to deal with Jeongin and his psycho mom, now he had to deal with his parents interrogating him. Yun yanked his arm free of his father's grasp, turning to glare at him.

"I said let go! I told you what happened, it was an accident. You can take my phone or whatever I don't care just leave me alone!" he yelled. His mother looked shocked, while his father's gaze darkened.

"You do not talk to your father that way!", his mother yelled, Yun didn't care. He rushed up the stairs and burst into his room, he could hear his parents following behind him. He flopped onto his bed.

Yun's parents barged in behind him, "Yun! What is the meaning of this behavior? You've never been this disrespectful!"Yun glared up at his mother.

"I said leave me alone! Get out!", he snapped and he felt like he was going to pass out from all the emotions he just wanted to sleep. He was starting to feel numb.

"You said him", his father accused, a low threatening edge to his voice. Yun felt his heart begin to race, he shot up, "Wh-what?", he stuttered.

"Downstairs, during your outburst", he began, "You said why doesn't he love me", his father's gaze was cold. His mother's eyes widened, "Perhaps you heard him wrong dear", his mother added.

Yun started laughing; he knew where this was going so there was no need to deny it. "No he's right I said he, there I said it I'm gay I like dick!" He chuckled madly.

"Yun! How dare you use such vulgar language!", his mother scolded again. Yun's father remained quiet.

"You wanted the truth! There it is! I'm gay, a homosexual, sodomite, sinner what I don't care! Say I'm going to hell I don't give a shit anymore! I don't care about anything anymore! My entire life you all forced me to be what you wanted, to be your perfect golden boy! Well I'm fucking sick of it", Yun began to cry, tears flowing down his face as he continued.

"I'm sick of acting so proper all the time! I'm sick of following your orders, and being who you want me to be! I'm tired of all of it!", Yun wailed, "The only thing I had control of, was my relationship with Jeongin. It's the only thing in my life that I could control, that I could manage, that I wasn't forced into doing. For once I didn't have to pretend, but even then I felt like shit! And I treated Jeongin like shit, because I felt dirty." Yun took a breath.

" I felt like a mistake, that liking him was wrong, because you two spent your entire lives drilling messages into my head, that boys and girls who liked each other were disgusting. So I felt disgusted for liking him, but I couldn't help it. I wish...I wish I treated him better.", Yun sobbed.

His father finally spoke up, "get. Out." He started Yun glared at him, "Get the hell out you selfish stupid ungrateful piece of shit! We did everything for you! And you decided to do things like this! You decided to ruin everything and disappoint us like this? If I see you in the morning I'll throw you out myself you disgusting faggot!" He screamed at Yun.

Yun's mother was in tears, "Do you know how the neighborhood will react to this? The whole family will be ruined! All because you wanted to frolic with some boy you won't even remember when you get older!", his mother shouted.

"Yun, you've ruined this family! You've cursed us!"

He wasn't listening anymore, he was beginning to pack his things already, though he was faintly aware of his father leaving the room whilst his mother followed sobbing after him.

He grabbed almost everything out of his closet, and as many clothes as he could fit into his suitcase and backpack.

He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts, tears still in his eyes as he looked for a friend who he could potentially stay with for a while.

He wouldn't tell them why of course. Though none of them responded. Yun cursed again. He'd deal with that later.

Yun hauled his suitcase down the stairs and slung his backpack over his shoulder, his hand beginning to turn the doorknob before he heard footsteps behind him.

He turned to see his mother approaching.

"Mo-", he began but was cut off by a vicious slap to the face, "You've disgraced this family. Don't you ever come back", she hissed and with that she disappeared up the stairs.

Once Yun was outside he walked for a bit, but he was too tired to go on for long, the weight of the suitcase and backpack only adding to it.

He found a nice bench, away from the bustle of the crowds, and began to sob, his head in his hands as he reflected on everything that had happened.

Jeongin rejected him, his family disowning him. Everything was just so horrible. His life was over.

As the rain poured down tears flowed freely, as all the pent up emotions over the years seemingly released themselves at the same time.

He could hear footsteps approaching, but assumed it was just another passerby.

"Hey", a voice called, Yun didn't respond. "You! Hey! Are you okay?"

Yun looked up to see a young man, possibly 18 or 19, hurrying over to him with an umbrella. "Why are you out in the rain?", he asked. "I..I was kicked out.." he muttered.

The guy shook his head apologetically, "I'm sorry to hear that, my name is Jung-Hoon"


"Nice to meet you Yun, I live nearby. We can get you cleaned up there, sound good.", the boy held out his hand.

As Yun stared up at him, he felt a rush of emotions. Perhaps there was hope for him after all.

Wow I'm sad. Next few chapters are going to be sweet tho.

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