Love Of Mine - (Taekook-BxB)

By Mavaezz_taetae

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4 years ..Yes it's been 4 years since Taehyung is in love with his best friend Park Jimin.. but.. Jimin ?? Ji... More

1: Mr Savior
3 : The Scarry one
4: Conflict Between Bestfriends
5: The Daisy Cafe
6: Time With Hyung
7: Catching Feelings
8: You are not alone!

2 : Giggling Bunny

974 58 10
By Mavaezz_taetae

Principle's office...

The raven Haired boy , grabbed the door knob of the principle's office and clicked it open in swift motion..

Peaking his head , he saw a man in his late forties , tall very well built and a bit much intimidating man shuffling though some pages, the raven haired boy greeted The principle and asked permission to enter..." Good Morning Mr. Song , may I came in" woah he didn't shutter at all ...

Good job!

" aah yes you may come..."

Jungkook politely enter the office , shutting the door behind him.. he stood in front of the principal and bowed in front of him..

"hello sir my name Is Jeon Jungkook , I 'm the new transfer student from Dept. of Library and information Science .."

Mr. song placed his files that was in his hand on the table, " Oh Jungkook , yes yes ... well I was waiting for you , I guess you are bit late my boy.." the principal said softly , not wanting to come out rude.." well first of all take a sit " he gestured a seat in front him to sit, the raven haired boy..

Jungkook nodded his head , he slided off his bag placed it on his lap after taking his seat..." i-im extremely sorry sir , I was just lost.. I promise i-it wont happen again" he said feeling guilty, guilty for breaking rules on the his first day here ......

" well it's okay , I'm letting this pass cuz today is your first day in this college , but remember one thing being punctual in time a good sign of a learner ... hoping you will understand the value of time,, because it impotent ..."

"Y-yes sir ... I get It now"

Mr song sighed , he grabber his drawer out and took a paper and handed it towards it the Younger, the younger took without wasting any second ..." well this is your routine ... you first class is English ..... room no 26 , second floor , most corner room , hope you wouldn't lost again..well now you may go you are already 15 mins late.."

"yes sir , and thank you ... " The younger got up from his seat , he put his routine in his bad , he bowed to the principal once again and left the room as soon as possible...

Phew that was intense ... after getting out of the principal room , he released a long breath , that he was holding god knows for how long...


"so class meet your new transfer student Jeon Jungkook...." Mr kang, English teacher said to the class clapping his hands together , gaining everyone's attention... then he looked at the raven haired boy , who was looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world ...

Mr kang cleared his throat ..." ummm Jungkook come and say something ...."

Jungkook looked at his teacher and nodded , stepping forwards slowly he looked up to meet with his new classmates eyes ... And he regretted instantly .. those looks he was getting from them, screaming on his face as 'you are an outcast' , or 'another dumbass '

" h-hi I'm Jeon j-jungkook , nice to meet you all , h-hope we can get along in future.." bowing at them he said nervously .....

But in return he only got ignorance and bunch of smirks from others......

Nonchalantly he scanned his eyes though the class and his eyes stopped moving on a certain Blue haired boy , who was looking at him with a welcoming smile ?

The boy was none other than His mr. savior ..

Immediately heat rushed towards the raven haired boy's rose cheeks and made them even more flustered than they were already , heart beat thumping furiously ... he looked down again not wanting to let anyone see him blushing ...

He was snapped out of his internal battle when he heard his teacher's voice saying him to take a seat so that he could start the class..

The raven haired boy nodded and marched towards to take a seat , he spotted a empty seat but before he could place his bag on the desk , suddenly a boy placed his bag on the seat ... saying that this seat was already taken or simply indicating that you can't sit here ...

He sighed for nth time.. this was not the first time that something like this happening with him .. he was kind of used to these types of behavior .. from others...

" hey .. um you can sit beside me ... " the raven haired boy snapped his head towards the source of the voice to see a boy slowly shifting to his right side and making a seat next to him for raven haired boy to take...

Jungkook smiled , showing his very infamous Bunny smile ...

He placed his bag on the desk and took the seat ...

" I'm Hoseok ... well you can call j-hope or whatever you what.. and don't be so upset with these things ... I transferred here last week and trust me these peoples are pain in ass..." Hoseok said in one go , giving the younger a very genuine smile ,..

" and I'm Jungkook but you can call me kookie..." Jungkook replied giggling ... well finally he was not going to be alone from now on...

" kookie ? wow that's so sweet name ... hope we can be good friends .." Hoseok said sticking out his hand towards the Younger ...

" of course " Jungkook shook his hands ,. Grinning ear to ear ... Something in this Hoseok guy made jungkook rest assured...

Well this was the first time that Jungkook made a new friend on his first day of college......and his new friend seemed very genuine one though...


English was boring ...

Yes it was .. for Jungkook...

He don't likes English at all ...

He released a long breath scrubbing on his notebook.. whatever shit was mr kang writing on the board ... he looked at his side to see hoseok was fast asleep , his head was on the desk.and . drooling over his copy ...

The raven haired boy chuckled and shake his head in disbelieve .. guess he was not the one who does not likes English...

Then he took a clear look of the other students , most of then were sleeping or more likely doing their won things ..... Jungkook huffed his cheeks and looked at the left side of his , the blue haired boy , who was sitting two seats infront of the younger , listening to the lecture very attentively and taking notes time to time ...

Jungkook wont lie but the blue haired boy looked so handsome .. doing so ...

Then his gaze fall on the red haired boy beside the blue haired boy a little short in height and he was bugging the blue haired boy continuously... nudging his elbow or subtly pulling his copy and earning glares from the blue haired boy everytime... The raven haired boy pouted a little , he guessed that they might be very close friends ... or may be love- he doesn't like that ... Thinking of them as a more than friends was making the Raven haired boy's heart a little clench ...

Wait no, that cant be possible ...right ?...

Call him selfish but Jungkook wanted the blue haired boy to be single .. heck he didn't even know , the blue haired boy's sexuality ... what if he's straight and not interested in boys at all....

The raven haired boy groaned in frustration and smacked down his head on the desk with a loud thud ..., making sleepy Hoseok jumped on his seat and earning everyone's attention ...

He looked at everyone with sheepish smile and a apologetic manner..

Meanwhile the blue haired boy snapped his head to the new transfer student and saw his big doe eyes were widened in shock when their eyes met ...

Jungkook's breath hitched when his crush , his savior looked straight into his eyes .... He felt his throat went dry ... he clumsily held his copy infront of his face to hide his blushing face ... but the thing was he held his copy in upside down ...

Everyone started laughing and saying some incoherent words ...

Gosh this is so embarrassing ..

God he is still looking at me ..

Shit . shit , shit act casual Jungkook act casual ... its fine its fine breath in breath out

Oh my god oh my god ... he is still looking ..

Jungkook this is so awaked ...

"Jungkook is there any problem ? why are you looking pale ?" Mr kang asked concernly looking how the boy was making various faces and sweating nevertheless.. ..

" n-no sir I'm f-fine yeah f-fine.."

" okay if you say so" with that Mr kang back to the board writing ...

Meanwhile the blue haired boy turned his head to the front .. chucking a little...

"cute" he murmured under his breath ,

" hey are you really okay ?" Hoseok asked the younger , wiping away his drool , over his cheek...

" yes I'm fine now " Jungkook sighed in relieve to see the blue haired boy went back to his work...


" okay class that was for today ... make sure to revise at home ... and Yeah Jungkook and Taehyung you two stay here..."

Jungkook snapped his head as he heard his teacher telling him to stay , but why he thought .....

" okay Jungkook see you later .. then .." Hoseok packed his bag and waved at the younger exited ...

Soon everyone started leaving one by one but except one certain blue haired boy ...

Why is he not leaving ?

" so Jungkook meet Kim Taehyung ... " mr kang said to the raven haired boy pointing towards the blue haired boy...

So his name is Taehyung .... Even his name is also handsome just like him...

" and Taehyung I want you to show Jungkook around ... hope it's not that hassle ..."

Wait did Jungkook hear Mr kang right ???

Taehyung will gonna show him around? His crush and him together ??? no way ... Jungkook panicked really panicked ...

" so sir not at all " Taehyung replied with his deep velvety voice which made some weird thing to the younger's tummy and his knees felt like jelly...

Mr kang smiled at the two boys and left them all alone , biding his goodbye's.

Taehyung put his things in his bag and walked towards the Raven haired boy .. seeing this Jungkook squealed in his spot , in a light speed he ducked down his head and started gathering his stuffs into his bag clumsily ... in the process he dropped his pen on the ground...

He heard a chucking sound and moved his head up to see Taehyung standing close to his desk.... The raven haired boy narrowed his head again , eyes squinted shut and nose scrunched up feeling utterly embarrassed ..

Good I make myself dumb in front of my crush again ...

The raven haired boy crouched down to take his pen from the ground but his hands collide with another hand , a bigger one... and that hand belongs to one only Kim Taehyung who was tying to grab the pen as well..

They both looked up at the same time and their eyes locked ...As if those two pair of eyes were mesmerized by themselves ... As if there was a force that preventing them to look away ...

(Hear the music while reading next para👇 )

The raven haired boy felt like everything was blurred out except those hazel deep browny eyes that were staring right into his soul .. making his inner walls shaken and shivered ... Out of nowhere he started hearing slow love music like it happens in romantic movies when two main leads losts in each other eyes... Each and every bits of the song conflicting his racing heart beat ....

Jungkook's felt his tummy doing summer salts.. millions of butterflies encrypting it ..... and the touch of his Crush's hand making it really worse ...

Panicking The raven haired boy retracted his hand and stoop up hurriedly ...

Taehyung looked at the new boy how he was flustered with a small event , he found the new transfer boy cute , chuckling to himself and he took the pen from the ground and handed it to the boy..

" here "

"t-thank you"

" so you are Jungkook right ? "

" y-yes" Jungkook answered meekly ... he was seeing everywhere but Taehyung ...

" okay let me Introduced me properly this time ... Hi I'm Kim Taehyung " he stretched his hand out ...

Jungkook looked back and forth to Taehyung and his stretched out hand before shaking it.

" and I'm Jungkook "

... Taehyung's hand felt so warm and endearing on his own hand ... he liked that feeling so much that he doesn't wanted to let go .. but too bad for him that warmt doesn't last long as the blue haired boy took his hand back , putting it in his jeans pocket ..

" yeah I know ... okay so let's go shall we? " Taehyung asked very softlt as he already sensed that the boy is nervous for some reason and he wanted the boy to relax a little bit , and ease with him...

In return Jungkook nodded , he grabbed his bag and both went towards the hall way ......


" and this the staff room " Taehyung pointed towards the door written ' for the staffs only'

" and this is the dance class room"

Taehyung and Jungkook walking besides each other with a very prominent distant between them ... More likely Jungkook was following the blue haired boy like a lost puppy with amusement .. most of the time Taehyung was taking was showing the room and stuffs to the new boy and Jungkook just listening to him silently , humming once and twice here and there ... taking subtle glanced at the blue haired boy with out letting him notice..

Taehyung craned his neck to see why the boy was so silent all the time , he saw the new boy already looking at him but as soon as their eyes met the new boy snapped his head to the other side ...

" might be a mute one" taehyung thought to himself...

"and yeah this is art room..." Taehyung stopped in front the art room pointing his index finger to the room... Jungkook looked at the art room and something in his eyes shines up like real quick but he masked it up... well art is expensive and something was just not meant to be for him..

His eyes squinted at the Blue haired boy's hand ... he saw a very faint bruises on his knuckle ...

"umm T-taehyung your hand is bruised .." he said in a low tone more like a whisper ...

Taehyung's head snapped at that melodious sweet voice and then his knuckles .." umm oh this? I might got during the fight .. well it's fine .. let's go let me show you the roof top.." with that The blue haired boy turned on his heels and started walking , holding his bag's strap with his one hand ... but soon he stopped at the mid way when he didn't fine any presence behind him .. he looked back at the younger who was still standing on his previous place and shuffling something in his bag ... a very cute pout resting over his lips..

"hey what- happene-? He couldn't complete his sentence, before the Raven haired boy ran towards him.. holding something in his hand..

"here Take it.." He stretched his palm out towards the blue haired boy...

"huh?"Frowning Taehyung looked down at the boy's palm to see..

Bandages ...

With Carrot stickers on it..

God freaking cute ...

" it's okay I don't---" He was again cut off by the raven haired boy ...

Jungkook hesitantly took the blue haired boy's bigger hand in his smaller hand... and securely very securely and softly he applied the bandages over the blue haired boy's bruised knuckle ...

" here it goes.." after doing the bandages he took his hands back unwillingly..

Taehyung looked at his knuckle and those freaking cute carrot bandages ... a smile crept on his lips ...

" well thanks ?"

"I'm sorry if it's ugly .. I don't have any other beside these ..." The raven haired boy said slightly worried about that the elder might not like those ...

" hey no it's okay and these are so cute..."

"really ? " the raven haired boy asked excitedly .. amusement was reflecting through his eyes .. making them more shiny that they already were...

And had to Admit that something about those eyes of the boy was so captivating like .. when you see millions of stars in a start night .. or a shiny firework shows in winter nights... those big bambi eyes were exactly like them so hypnotizing as well as overwhelming ...

" yes really "

Jungkook smiled shyly ....his eyes crinkled... and nose again scrunched up raveling his tow front teeth at display .. a cute bunny smile it was ... a giggling bunny ... The blue haired boy thought ...

Taehyung couldn't help but cracking a smile himself ... without even noticing ...

This moment felt perfect ...for both of them.. for some unknown reason...


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