Misfits (#2)

By linaawritess

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{𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘒 𝘛𝘞𝘖 𝘖𝘍 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘓𝘌𝘚𝘚 𝘛𝘙𝘐𝘓𝘖𝘎𝘠} The perfect picture of elegance. It's all Viole... More

author's note + cast
all my love


12.2K 261 427
By linaawritess

Once Taylor had pulled Everest away to talk to him, I lost him. I wanted to talk or- I don't know, thank him. Say something. But with so many eyes on me after the megaphone fiasco and Everest vanishing, it became difficult.

"Aurelie." I mutter by her side as she rolls a joint, "You can feel them, right?"

"Feel what?" She asks absently.

I glance around and then whisper, "The eyeballs."

"You don't need to whisper. We aren't in a horror movie, babe." She quips, packing weed onto the thin paper, "And yes. Everest Jones just got Aster Gomez on his knees for you so deal with it."

"Gomez?" That sounds weirdly familiar.

"The team's striker. Asides from Ev and Taylor, he was one of the best." She says and starts rolling, "He's also a known douchebag. But there's no way Taylor's letting him near the team now."

I shift, still reeling from the whole thing. I can't get Everest's voice out of my head. Low and serious. Or his breath against my neck and his lips at my ear. A lot of people had seen that so now the praying mantises are...mantising. I don't think that's a word. Oh well.

"Don't you think it's odd how Shakespeare can make up a bunch of random words but any ordinary person can't?" I say in thought, "Nobody granted William permission-"

"Violet." She says.


"My brain hurts."

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly, "Just a thought."

Aurelie finishes rolling the joint and pulls out a lighter. Taylor hovers now, even more protective than he was before and she's much more cuddly with him because of her drunkenness. I only had a water and I'm starting to feel the effects of downing it, "Hey. I'm gonna go pee."

"I'll come with you." Aurelie peels herself away from Taylor.

"No, it's fine. I'll be two seconds." I assure her, even though she looks unconvinced, "I don't want to lose you so just stay right here and I'll be back."

"Take your phone. And be careful." Aurelie says sternly and I nod, holding my phone in my hand as I slip away from them and thread through the crowd. As I walk upstairs, I can feel piercing gazes but nobody's confronting or talking to me. All good.

I budge past people gently, even the upper levels packed as I try to navigate towards a toilet. Testing a door, I'm immediately met with someone yelling at me to fuck off and a squealing girl. I flee.

I can't possibly tell what's a toilet and what's a room that people are sexing in. So I just stay away from all the doors that are completely shut, walking around aimlessly. At the end of the hall, I spot a door that's slightly cracked open.

I take a deep breath and walk towards it, praying that it's a bathroom.

Gently pushing open the door, I wait a few seconds and when nobody screams, I peek my head in the door. And then I slam the door shut after spotting Everest's face. Oh god.

Wait. He was alone. It was just my instinct to shut the door because Everest...and sex seems like a given. I'm pretty sure I saw nobody else in the room.

I hear the door creak open but I'm still standing like an idiot with my hands over my eyes. I peek through them and look up at Everest, leaning a shoulder against the doorframe and fighting a smile.

"Unless you were hallucinating, sweetheart, my cock wasn't out." He says casually.

"I knew that. Well, I didn't." I pull my hands down and sigh, "I panicked."

"Don't be so scared. My cock's pretty-"

"You're going to fry my brain," I pivot on one foot, "I also think that's impossible. Penises can't be pretty."

He yanks me back and spins me around, holding me in place, which is beginning to feel like routine, "Stay put. I didn't mean to scare you away with cock talk."

I send him a look. He grins like he's loving this. I swallow and straighten up now. I planned this thankful little speech in my head so I clear my throat.

"Are you about to lecture me, Violet Fawn?"

"What? No." I furrow my eyebrows.

"So what's with the presidential stance?" He looks me over and I look down to myself. I'm not doing anything. I'm only standing up straight and trying to look confident.

"I'm trying to look confident." I voice. Now, his lips lift into a smile and he nods.

"Keep going. I can almost feel your self-esteem boosting mine." He encourages and I know that's not true but it makes me feel good anyways. I like to think I'm a badass in my head and I also like to imagine I'm a cool, confident girl. 

"I wanted to say thank you. Because that guy was gross and you stopped his grossness. I really appreciated it."

Perfect. I didn't mess up.

He seems to look a little more serious now, torn up maybe. He's silent for a moment, "I brought way more fucking attention to you, Vy. The last time that happened, you-"

"Wait-" I pull my face back, "I mean, it wasn't very moral but I'm glad you did it. You made me feel safe."

His eyes lift to mine but he still looks unconvinced, as if he's been beating himself up about it. That's surprising.

"I didn't mean to. To spotlight you, I mean." He looks down to me with sincerity in his eyes, "I can tell it's not something you like. But I wasn't thinking when I saw him get in your face, that fucking moron."

I shrug and try to smile, wanting to lighten up, "The megaphone was pretty funny."

He looks me over and then his lips tip up slightly, "You take pleasure in other's torment, Violet Fawn?"

"I am no sadist. You're the masochist." I quip, remembering his whole liking torture comment. I balance on one foot and peek into the room he was in, "So what were you doing in there? You know, if you weren't sexing?"

"Sexing? I didn't realise we were in the fucking 1800's."

"Don't laugh at me." I say because he looks seconds away from folding over.

He holds up his hands, "I laugh in admiration, sweetheart." He says and as I blush, he turns and stalks back into his room. Apprehensively, I follow into the dark room, only lit by the light of the adjoined bathroom.

"Do you like to wallow in darkness? Is this the real you, party monster? That's definitely a dent to your reputation." I feign a gasp and he smiles as he walks over to the large open window. He hops up onto it and turns around, until his legs are hanging off the outside.

"I was actually about to shift into a werewolf. Full moon's out." He looks to me over his shoulder. 

I walk across the room until I reach him. The window overlooks the backyard with a pool, the party still in full swing as the night progresses. There are people in the water, others by the poolside drinking and talking. It's noisy down there but quiet up here as we look to it all.

I glance up at the night sky, the full moon high above. Everest's legs swing slightly and even as tall as we are, he doesn't look the slightest bit afraid. If anything, he looks a little distant. He twists the silver band on his finger, eyes on his hands.

I've always been really good at deciphering a person's emotions. If I'm not mistaken, he looks weighted. As if something's heavy on his shoulders.

I brave myself and then I hop up onto the windowsill. Gently, I turn until my legs are hanging off besides his but a small wave of dizziness hits me. I clench my hands into my fists.

"Are you scared of heights?" He's looking at me.

"No. I always just get a little dizzy." I say but tense up when Everest's fingers find mine. He pries my fist apart with tenderness and only then do I realise my nails have dug into my palm. His thumb caresses the marks before he pulls away.

I don't look to him as the sudden tension fills the quiet air, tucking my hands under my thighs and looking down to the party.

"Are you okay?" I sigh and he pauses his movements.

"What?" He looks caught off guard, head turned to look at me.

"Are you okay?" I say again, my tone gentle, "Just wondering. Yes or no question."

He keeps looking at me and I finally tear my gaze away from below us. The light from the pool below brings out his sharp features, jaw and cheekbones more shadowed from the otherwise dark. Dirty blonde hair dishevelled and fluffy. Eyes bright enough to make my breathing catch. Close to me.

My eyebrows furrow, "Everest?"

"It's a yes or no question. But it feels like I'm being faced with something for the first time and I don't know what to do with it." He says and then turns away, a small laugh leaving him. Somehow, that little laugh makes my chest hurt more and suddenly, this urge to see him smile comes out, "Sorry. Sounds fucking stupid-"

"Truth. Say the very truth and I won't ask for a single thing more." I say.

He shakes his head, "I'm fi-"

"Nuh uh uh." I hold up a hand to silence him, "This shan't work if you lie, Everest Ronan. Tell me the truth."

Get your smile back, Everest.

His eyebrows furrow, confused, "I am telling you the truth."

"Wow. I didn't take you for a deceitful liar." I scoff, shaking my head as if thoroughly disappointed. He looks perplexed and amused all at once.

"What the fuck, Vy, I'm not a liar."

I say much louder, "Liiiaaaa-"

He slaps a hand over my mouth and I have to stifle a laugh against his hand. Everest watches me and his eyes flit all over my face, hiding us both from the few people who look up. Just before a stupidly beautiful grin splits his lips, "You're fucking insane." He says as if he's just realised.

"That might be my favourite adjective someone's used to describe me." I say proudly once he takes his hand off, "Alice in Wonderland would agree."

"You're being a nerd."

"You're entirely bonkers but I'll tell you a secret," I quote and smile, "All the best people are."

"Kiss me." He says. Casually. Just like that.

Ohmygod. Wait, I could've hallucinated that. I'm pretty sure I didn't but there's no way he just said that. When I look at him, I realise he definitely did because he's fighting a smile.

"You're not slick. You have to give your truth." I can feel my cheeks flush under his gaze.

He smirks as if he knows what he's doing to me and then looks back downwards, "I want a truth back."

"Fine." I agree, "Just don't be a liar with his pants on fire or I'll scream it from the rooftop and your mighty reputation will go to crap."

He lifts his legs to cross them and is quiet for a moment as he looks upon the pool. Trees surround this backyard, rustling delicately as wind passes. I feel as tall as them, sitting up here when everyone else is below us.

Truth or nothing but the truth. He knows the name of the game and contemplates for a second, "I don't know. I swear that's the truth."

He doesn't know if he's okay. It's better than his lie.

"Your turn."

I contemplate for a second, swinging my legs over the drop, "I came here to run away from someone."

"From who?"

"No further questions. That's the deal." I interject.

"That's not the fucking deal if you ran away from someone. Did they do somethi-"

"No. Promise. Now, your turn." I say.

He opens his mouth to refute against me but I reiterate, "No questions. Or I get to ask you questions."

He shuts his mouth now though his jaw ticks as if he's holding back from asking more. His fingers twist that silver band and he breaks the brief quiet, "I came here to run away too."

I can't comment so I just absorb the information and say my next truth, "I don't like parties. And I don't get why people do."

"I don't like calm. And I don't get why people do." He says and it reveals a little. He likes parties for the chaos, because he doesn't like calm, doesn't like silence, doesn't like thinking.

I switch it up, "I think I should be able to create words like Shakespeare."

His smile lights up his face and he has to press his lips together to not ask a question and instead say his next truth. He leans back on his hands, "A girl tried to suck my dick five minutes before you walked into the room."

My eyes snap wide open. God, I'm realising how difficult this is. I open my mouth, so wanting to ask but I have to shut it again. Everest's watching me and suppressing a laugh, moonlight shining down on the two of us and a serene quiet embracing us.

What the hell do I say after that?

"Uhhh- oh! My first kiss was stupid and you'd be surprised if you knew who it was." I say, knowing it'll intrigue him. We're making it tougher for the other, harder to bite our tongues.

"Fuck." He mutters, "Okay. When I was fifteen, I had sex in the back of a van and thought I broke my dick."


"No further questions." He mimics and I groan, throwing my head back. I lean back on my hands, mirroring him.

I don't have any juicy sex stories. Because-

"I've never had sex." I blurt.

I'm not even looking at him but it's like I can feel his eyes widen. When I eventually turn to look at him, his eyebrows are high up his forehead.

I'm not ashamed to be a virgin just like someone shouldn't be ashamed if they're not. Any attempts at sex have always been a total shitshow for me. Maybe because I've never been attracted to someone enough or I just don't like it.

Everest can't comment so he nods and then contemplates his own truth, "I think I have too much sex."

"I don't see the appeal." I add.

"I definitely do." He turns to look at me, "You need to be shown it, to see it."

I fight a little smile as I think over my next truth. There's a lingering quiet between us and our hands are besides each other, our pinkies just brushing. It's odd that I'm up here with Everest Jones. He should be down there, being the life of the party whilst I remain a wallflower.

Instead, here we are and I'm enjoying his company more than I should, a gentle quiet surrounding us. A few more people file into the backyard, pushing each other into the pool. Their laughs echo in the night air.

Everest takes a breath before he blurts, "I want to stop drinking."

That was a big one. I can see it and feel it as the admission lurks in the air. His whole body's taut now that he's said the words aloud, as if he's been thinking of them for a while. It took him a lot.

I've heard of Everest Jones' drunken stories. They're the talk of the town a lot of the time. His recklessness that leads him into doing stupid stuff, ergo always getting into trouble. Everest drinking is like a constant. It's expected, I guess. Regular.

I'd never think he'd want to stop, in a way that shows me that he thinks he has a problem. But maybe if somebody took a longer look, they'd realise that Everest Jones might be sadder than he puts on. Maybe nobody realises that alcohol has been a factor.

So I swallow my nerves and say a truth, one that's real and secret to me because here, I feel safe. As much as the acknowledgement scares me, I do.

"I want to be wild. Anything but perfect." I say.

He looks at me now and I don't shy away from his gaze. I look right back, taking in every feature. His lips that are far too enticing when they smile. Blue eyes that shine under the moon. Fluffy hair that makes me itch to run my hands through it, to feel him close like we were in that alleyway. Or on that bench, when his hands roamed like he'd known my body his whole life.

I'm normally able to slip past people, to avoid and stay unaffected. Or at least try to.

I don't understand why it feels like I can't escape him. I don't understand him or what we're doing and it makes my mind spin in this thrilling way that gives me life.

He doesn't leave my gaze when he breaks the silence next, "I kissed you and all I can fucking think about is how you felt. So, truth," His hand tips my chin up so we're closer. My hands curl into fists again and I lose myself in the way he looks down to me, tall even when we're sitting, "You're making me lose my mind."

"This isn't right, right?" I breathe and we're getting nearer when we shouldn't, "It shouldn't feel like this."

"It shouldn't." He says and then his lips tip up, "But I want to feel good or nothing at all. And you-"

I gasp when his hands brace on my hips and he lifts me like I weigh nothing. He sets me between his legs, so my back's to his chest and my hands instinctively fly to rest on his thighs out of shock. Our legs are besides each other as they hang off the thankfully large windowsill.

His head leans down until his face can tuck into the crook of my neck and I start to relax, "You feel so fucking good, Vy and I don't get it. I don't understand it."

"You're weird for that. Because I'm not Victoria. Or Audrey-" I gasp when his arm slides around my stomach and his lips meet my neck, "You're just passing time with me."

"Don't tell yourself lies." He says right against my skin, "If I was passing time, I'd have fucked you and forgot you existed. Harsh, but true. And you, have all my fucking attention. All the time, so you can try to believe that, Vy, but you know it isn't true."

That admission makes my breathing hitch. I don't know what to say so I lean back against him, "You intimidate me."

"Why?" He's speaking against my neck. I have to shut my eyes for a second.

"Because you're you." I lean my head back against his chest and turn so I'm looking up at him, "And I'm me. Theoretically, we shouldn't fit."

"Nerd talk turns me on." He smiles, "Theoretically, I wouldn't want to kiss you so bad again then." His hand gently spans out under my jaw, an affectionate sort of hold that I melt into.

I don't want to go further than that, to delve in the whats and the ifs of what we're doing. I've been alive eighteen years and I've never known affection like this. Words directed to me like that. It's so overwhelming.

"You want to stop drinking?" I look up to him, trying not to think about it.

Tersely, he nods. He's still touching me, his hands feel like they're consuming me. I can't feel anything but them.

"Does it hurt you?" I ask quietly, hoping I'm not treading on sensitive ground.

He looks like he wants to drop his forehead to mine, but resists, inches away, "I want to stop drinking. And I don't know how to tell anyone else because it's all they see of me. But I-" He's struggling for words, "I want to stop."

I don't know the extent to why he drinks. How toxic it is to him, which he might not show to anybody else. Even his closest friends. I doubt I'll ever know but right now, all I see is a boy that wants to escape the bed he's made for himself.

I understand that far too well.

Though I'm nervous, the instinct to reach up a hand , my finger lightly touching his neck feels like second nature when I do it, "So you'll stop. And I- I can help you. We can keep it a secret."

Gently, he nods, "A secret."

"You don't have to make it a big proclamation. You're doing it for yourself, right?" I ask to try and ease his nerves. He nods, so close, "We're— friends."

"And you," He leans down so our faces are side to side, looking down to the party below us, "You'll be just as fucking wild as me when I'm done with you."

My heart shouldn't feel like it's soaring but it does. I've never been granted permission to be free, to be stupid and wild and anything but trapped in the restraints of a broken family. I fear that if I stay locked up, if I don't do something, I might lose myself in that manor.

I want to be imperfect. And Everest Jones is reckless, impulsive and anything but primly perfect. If there might ever be a place where I can truly be wild, it'll be with him.

"So we'll be each other's genies." He proposes and I smile at that. Even if it's a Disney reference, "I stop drinking. You let go of your reigns. We keep each other's secret."

"And you try not to fall madly in love with me." I steal his line.

He mock gasps now, "Impossible, future wife."

Our lips lift into smiles and I try not to think too much about how wrapped up we are. He's holding me close and I'm putty in his embrace. It's not good and I know it, for me to be so vulnerable with someone I shouldn't.

But he's been just as vulnerable as me. Maybe, more than I've been. And there's something to Everest Jones. Something beneath all his playfulness and façades that makes my mind itch to uncover. To know and like.

He's not as happy as his grins make it seem. My life's not as perfect as it looks on the outside. In our own ways, I think we're both hiding. It pulls me to him, more than I've ever gravitated to anybody else. Not good. I'm bound to be hurt by a guy like him.

I'm quiet when I next speak, "We have to keep this a secret. Whatever...we're doing. My family can't find out that I spend time with you."

He nods, "Whatever you want."

"Cross your heart." I say. He smiles before making the gesture across his chest.

My head's arched back to look up at him. He's tall so has to lean down to be close to me, his arms locked around me safely.

My hand finds his chest and I shift until I'm closer to his lips. I've never been hungry for another person's kiss but I want to feel the way he moulded against me. I want to feel the way the world had disappeared.

"Vy." His breath fans across my lips.

I near him-

A ringing slices the air between us. My phone buzzes in my pocket and we pull back. With unsteady hands, I slide my phone out of my pocket but it slips and just as it goes to fall, Everest reaches out a hand and swiftly catches it.

It's Aurelie. I quickly take it and hold it to my ear but the signal is awful. It keeps cutting off and I can barely hear anything before the call fails.

I scramble to get up and I don't realise I'm standing on the edge of the windowsill until Everest grabs onto my hips to keep me steady, looking up to me, "Violet, fuck!"

"Sorry!" I say back but smile as I look down to the drop. This feels awesome and Everest's sat below me, his head dangerously close to between my legs, "If I jumped into the pool, would you follow?"

"Okay, no." He locks an arm higher around my lower back, until the lengths of his arm encase me, "Unless you're a fucking diver, you're not making that jump. You can't break all your bones right now." He shrugs now, his lips tugging up to taunt, "Go ahead and do it when I'm not looking. I'm squeamish."

"Frick you." I deadpan and then I bend my legs, just to taunt him back and make it seem like I'm gonna spring backwards.

He raises an eyebrow, "You're not going anywhere when I've got you like this. Try it."

Just as I go to, he holds me tighter and yells, "Kidding! I was kidding. No. Don't fucking try it, you maniac."

A laugh breaks from my chest and his eyes shine when he looks up to me now. He snaps out of it and I watch him acknowledge the position we're in. Everest's eyebrow slowly rises, "You know what'd be wild?"

I narrow my eyes-

"Me giving you head like this." His lips tip up, "My tongue could teach you wild."

Now, he's the one laughing when I crawl back in through the window. I banish any thoughts of what he just said, "I need to find Aurel-"

"What...the fuck."

"Found her." Everest chirps once he hops back into the room and stands besides me.

She's in the doorway, a suspicious looking Taylor standing right beside her. My hands turn clammy all of a sudden, narrowing my eyes to try and gauge what she saw. We were just in a very compromising position.

"So," I nervously chuckle, "How long have you-"

"I saw his platinum big head practically under your skirt."

"Okay." I cut her off quickly, "It's not what it looks like. It doesn't matter. Let's go."

"My head is not platinum." Everest scoffs like that's the most important thing here, "These luscious dirty blonde locks won't be offended like that. And my head's an average size." He runs a hand through his hair, eyebrows pinched when he mutters to himself, "Right?"

"I am seven steps from wringing your throat so I suggest you stop talking about your bush and step away from my best friend." Aurelie tilts her head.

"Or what? Wanna chase me around your boyfriend's bedroom, grinch?" Everest taunts and then hangs an arm around my front, "What if I steal your best friend for myself?"

Aurelie growls and rips out of Taylor's hold, "Oh, I am going to castrate you. Stop messing around with her like this."

Messing around?

"Violet." Everest leans down to whisper in my ear but loud enough for everyone to hear, "There's a hound after us."

I smack his chest. Aurelie looks seven seconds away from pouncing and I feel stuck in the middle of their...conflict. I try to glare at him, "Don't call her that. Or try to instigate."

Everest looks down to me, still smiling as I walk away from him and towards Aurelie. Taylor lets go of her so I can take care of her instead.

"You've stolen my Christmas, grinch." Everest throws up his hands and it takes me a second to realise that Christmas is me. I flush because that made my stomach do a weird flutter thing, Taylor's scrutinising us and Aurelie doesn't seem happy.

"She gets me first." I say to him, kissing Aura's cheek.

Taylor goes over to comfort him, slapping a hand on his back, "Sisters before misters, dude."

"Chicks before dicks sounds better." Everest furrows his eyebrows as if Taylor's insane.

Aurelie slowly turns to look at me, eyebrows raised and scrutinising me closely as if to say this is who you have a crush on? This isn't gonna end well.

I don't have a crush, I silently say back.

She doesn't look happy and it's slightly terrifying. Aurelie Blanc's the most hot-headed person I know. She's explosive, impassioned and has been viciously protective over me since we were young and I couldn't fight for myself.

She was right before. Everest Jones fucks everything he sees and is anything but what a regular person would perceive to be a good influence. I definitely do not fuck everything I see and I'm nowhere near the troublemaker that he is.

To her, I'm like a tiny defenceless lamb she's always protected, that a mountain lion's trying to take advantage of. She won't stand for it.

"We're leaving." She says and makes a point to glare at Everest, "Tay, can you drive us?"

Commotion sounds out across the room, from outside the other window that faces the front yard. Everest and Taylor share a glance before walking over to the windowsill. Me and Aurelie promptly follow.

I slip past Everest's frame until I'm wedged between him and Aurelie, all of us peering out the window to look over the yard and street.

"You're fucking kidding me." Everest snaps, his jaw tight.

Oh my god.

Aster Gomez is stood on a car and after witnessing Everest's reaction, I'm assuming it's his. A black BMW that's way too attractive looking and is being ruined by the idiot that's just jumped onto the hood and dented it.

Aster's clearly drunk, swaying on his feet. Crowds of people gather around him with their phones out. He jumps and lands harshly, further damaging the car.

"Oh, there's the man of the night!" Aster slurs and points up to us.

Everest's harsh voice is almost unrecognisable, "I'm gonna fucking kill you, Aste-"

Taylor slaps a hand over Everest's mouth and pulls him back from the window.

"You need to let it go." Taylor's voice is calm.

"No. I need to fucking kill him." Everest snaps, "Let it go? Are you just as moronic as him?"

"Relax. You need to think, Everest. For once, remember that consequences exist."

"You know he's a creep! The shit he pulled with Lesly the other week wasn't even the half of it. We don't do something and he's going to keep doing it." Everest gets in his face, livid.

"What happened with Lesly?" Aurelie asks, voicing my thoughts.

"He drugged her at one of her track meets. She got out because of her brother." Everest says but his cold gaze doesn't leave Taylors, "I've dealt with assholes like that my whole life. If thinking is standing by, I'd rather lose my mind, Taylor."

"Aster's rich. His dad's a cop. You antagonise him and no matter how much shit he's done, you're the one that's gonna get locked up." Taylor snaps right back, "You're eighteen now, Ev. No more juvie."

Jail. He's an adult and can be tried as one.

Everest looks like he's antsy in his own skin, desperate to go out, "Fuck off. You sound like Luca."

"I know. I'm tapping into him, spiritually." Taylor smiles back.

"I hate it."

"Then you know he wouldn't want you to do this shit." Taylor ducks to try and catch his gaze.

"Luca would have beaten him senseless by now and you know it." Everest runs a flustered hand through his hair.

I don't even know Luca but I'm pretty sure that's true. I heard that he beat up a guy at a party because he messed with Ria Romano. Nobody ever really went near her again, not anybody from our school anyways.

"You don't just punch. You fuck around with their whole life. Remember Rhys Randall?" Taylor cocks one eyebrow.

"Who's Rhys Randall?" Me and Aurelie ask at the same time.

"Nobody." They both say.

"Get your heads out of your asses. We're here so we deserve to know. You're not in your own little club." She says right back.

"Yeah." I add, in support.

Taylor sighs , "Rhys was one of the guys Ria Romano turned down. Back when everyone called her heartbreaker. Once she started dating Luca, Rhys tried to spread rumours about the both of them. Mainly about Luca."

"He made up stories about why Luca was an orphan. And said some cruel shit but these rumours never made it to Luca and Ria. Evvy over here turned into a devious vengeance-seeking idiot and-"

Everest scratches his neck, "We don't have to rehash this."

"We do." Me and Aurelie snap at the same time.

Taylor's amused, "He found Rhys' college essay and changed every the into pussy and every and into cock."

"Okay, look! I was drunk at the time. And it was a party at his house and his laptop was just open. If you asked me, he left it there for me." Everest holds his hands up in defence, me and Aurelie still gaping.

I'm trying to figure out if I heard that correctly.

"And he sent off the essay. To an Ivy." Taylor adds, a laugh breaking from him now, "The college called the school because of indecency and Rhys got excluded. He has to go to community college."

"What the fuck was he saying for you to do that?" Aurelie asks. My jaw's on the floor.

"It was warranted and I'd do it again." Everest says, no shadow of a doubt in his tone.

"So Luca doesn't even know this?" I speak up.

He shakes his head, looking to me now. His eyes skirt down my body briefly, taking me in. There's not much to see but that gaze makes me nervous anyways. I swallow suddenly, and his lips start to lift at the corners.

"Case in point. You fuck around too much. And if you start that with Aster, it's only going to end badly for you." Taylor says to him.

"I got it." He snaps out of it, gritting his teeth.

Taylor doesn't look convinced. Neither does Aurelie. He looks up and sees their narrowed eyes, groaning, "Do you want it in a written contract, Mommy and Daddy? I won't do anything."

"Cross your heart." I say.

He swings his head to me, eyebrows pinched as if I just betrayed him deeply. I've realised that Everest takes his pinky promises and his heart crossings very seriously. He won't break it.

He shifts and keeps his eyes on mine, "My heart's unavailable right now."

"Cross your heart." I step forwards, "Nobody wants you in jail."

"Does that include you, sweetheart?" He tilts his head, towering above me as his playfulness starts to return.

"I'd find it amusing." I lie.

"Uh huh." His eyes linger over my face as a small smile starts to play at his lips. He leans off of the window so he's closer to me, "I'd bet you pay me monthly visits."

"And what if I let you rot?" I retort, even though my breathing's catching from how he's looking at me.

"I'd make my way back to ya. Prison escape." He winks. Why does the room feel so small and the air between us so hot-

Taylor wedges his way and separates us. I flush a deep shade of red and step backwards.

They're toe to toe and Ev raises an eyebrow, "If you want to kiss me instead, you just had to say the word."

"We're gonna have a fucking chat, sweetheart. Once I get back." He turns to us now, "I'll drive you."

Aurelie sighs in gratefulness, heading towards the door. Taylor hurries after her, groaning, "Aurelie, slow down. You're wasted."

They both leave the room and just as I go to follow, Everest's arm slides around my waist and yanks me until I'm right against him. I brace my hands against his chest in shock, terrified that one of them will return, "You're very touchy, you know that?"

"I can feel how nervous you get, you know that?" He keeps his arm locked around my lower back.

"Taylor doesn't like you."

"Taylor likes me. He doesn't like me around you." He says and then he brushes back a strand of my hair, my chin reaching only up to his chest, "Good thing Taylor's not my daddy."

"You're turning my brain into mush." I say. The proximity and his words and his touch and the way he looks at me. It's overwhelming and I don't know what to make of it all.

"Get used to it." Is all he says, confidently, holding me close.

I could. I so could and it terrifies me.

"Vy!" Taylor yells distantly.

I shoot away from Everest's arms and straighten my skirt, snapping back to reality. We can't just do that. I glance up at him, where he placidly leans against the window and I scatter towards the door, hurrying out of his reach with a smile when his arm almost blocks me.

My blush plagues me and I look out of the door and then back to him, "Bye. Bye."

"Kiss me goodbye instead."

"You're not kissing me again." I say.

I glance back at him once over my shoulder, that grin he's fighting making my stomach crumble to little pieces. He drawls, "It's okay. I can play the long game, Violet Fawn."

"Vy! Hurry up!" Aurelie yells and I slip away.

I rush downstairs and reach them before we make it out of the house, towards Taylor's truck. God, what am I doing? What even happened tonight? It's way too much for my brain to comprehend so I don't really let it. Instead, I rest my forearms on the door of the backseat as we start driving through the night.

We're just gonna keep each others secret. And I know he holds me like that. I know it makes me feel things it shouldn't. It envelops me in a safeness that I don't feel with people I've known my whole life and somehow do, with this boy I only talked to for the first time a few weeks ago.

I know all that. I don't acknowledge it and let myself stay in the comfort zone of not knowing what we're doing. But enjoying the impulse anyways.


why is thinking of a ship name for these two so difficult. nothing sounds right.

hope you liked this one, loves.

all my love <3

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