wrong number (Complete Rewrit...

By Minou_Chaton_

30.7K 772 203

Peter texts a wrong number one night after patrol and they continue texting but who is the person on the othe... More

1.Wrong number kid
2. who are you anyway?
3. silver
4. group chat
5. panic attacks and the start of something new
6. Stark internship
7. call your boyfriend then penis Parker
8 . suprise
9. CLINT!!!!!
10. prank war
11. heeeeyyyy
12. patrol.
13. confessions and cuddles
15. date night.
16. kisses and concerns
17. deuts and freaking out
18. let's meet aunt may pieteo
19. you know babe I love waking up with you in my arms
20. love poems and patrol with my boyfriend.
21. hey guys how you been?
23. irondad
24. Fuck you Fury no.
25. The wedding


825 23 14
By Minou_Chaton_

Peter pov
This morning was full of boring lessons and harassment from a stupid bully, I know as Eugene. Honestly I don't know if he has a death wish ornis just genuinely stupid, but it looks like I don't have time to ponder it.

"Hey penis, how's your fag boyfriend doing? Hmm that's gross by the way. Not so powerful now that you don't have  your boyfriend here to protect you eh parker."

That's when Mj decided to reveal herself from your dark corner.

Man she and Nat would get on great, both powerful women that refuse to take anybody's shit, they both seem to live lurking in dark corners which is weird but who am I to judge. Totally not because they would kill me noooo not that at all.

"You know flash you are sending quite mixed messages right now."

"What do you mean Jones?" Confusion was clear on his face.

"You are calling him penis like you wanna get some too then you are being extremely homophobic and it's just mixed messages. Also confusion bis a good look on you makes you look slightly human after all. Take that as a compliment Eugene." With that Mj turned to Peter a look of slight happiness on her face that is only rarely shown, Peter smiled back at her before turning to flash, having to say something to him himself having decided he wasn't going to take anymore shit from Eugene Thompson.

"Flash, to answer your question my boyfriend is fine ..... But you know I can't find it ..."

"Find what parker?"

"Ok can't find it anywhere, I have looked through thousands of files, my texts, emails, even my closet where I found my boyfriend, funny story abou to that one" Peter paused almost as though he was reliving the moment before he continued.

"But I can't seen to find where I had asked for your opinion on my love life or advice on who I should and should not date so maybe it might be a good idea to keep your nose out of where it is not wanted Eugene."

A resounding ohhhh went around the hall I was so caught up in defending me and my boyfriend I didn't even notice a crowd forming around us. Looking back at Eugene I saw a furious red face and my Spidey sense screamed at me to duck so I did. Jumping back to my feet I found an even more furious Eugene I spin kicked him holding back in the strength as I would more than likely kill him if it hit him to hard. The kick landed in is abdomen as he doubled over in pain.

"Nice move you prick" Eugene grunted straightening out again charging at me again. I always felt more confident when fighting.

"Thanks Eugene. You know I'm starting to think that Mj has a point you keep calling me things to do with male gentiles perhaps you are gay." I said in what I thought was a helpful voice. However it would seem as though he disagrees.

He tries to drive a punch right into my gut, but I was faster and caught his fist and squeezed it trying to keep him still. He gaped at me in shock then the whispers started again among them I heard.

"Peter could have beaten flash every time!?!?"
"How did he do that?!?!"
"That is a perfect look keep still eeeuuugggeeenneee" that last one was clearly from Mj band she was drawing Eugene's face in her crisis book Nd I started to laugh.

People looked at me weirdly and Eugene was still in shock at my catching of his fist imagine of I had pulled out my web shooters he would have died of shock. This thought made me laugh harder and Mj gave a small smirk clearly realising what I was thinking or at least thought she knew.

I thought I heard a crack and quickly dropped Eugene's hand and continued through the hallways of the school.

Checking my time table I saw I had gym class. Joy almighty this was gonna be awkward after I just beet Eugene in a fight now I have revealed im not as strong as a twig.

At least now i don't have to hide the fact that I can do 50 pushups without breaking a sweat. I guess it wasn't so bad. Great now Parker luck ins gonna hit me in the face.

I walked into the changing rooms and every one just stared at me. I don't like the attention. Peter Parker doesn't like the attention Spiderman loves the attention. Doing an awkward wave I walk over to my gym locker to get my gym clothes. Usually o would go into a small stall to change but since everyone already knows I'm strong I don't really see the point anymore. Pulling out my gym clothes I place them on the bench and turn around to greet Ned.

"Hey Ned you doing the science homework tonight?"

"Nah dude I did it at lunch I'm going to play on my playstation 5 tonight and chill. I'm guessing your doing homework dude."

"Yeah, it's easy work just tedious" in replied before pulling off my shirt and turning around to grab my gym shirt, but  before I reached it I heard a loud collective gasp around the room and I felt about 20 pairs of eyes on me. Blushing brightly I looked up at everyone before asking a small " w-what?"

"Dude your fucking ripped, look at your abs bro." Said a very enthusiastic Abe.

"U-mmm thanks?... Could you stop looking at me like that I have a boyfriend." I say smy ears surely a bright red.

I quickly pulled the shirt over my head and put the shirts on before running out of the room and into the gym.

Inside inside the girls and couch as well as Eugene sitting on the benches his arm held up to his chest in a sling supporting his hand. 'Damn did I break his hand?' I thought

I walked over to him but he scrambled away from me as fast as he could, 'guess I did break his hand after all.'  I thought.

Sighing I decided to find Ned or even Mj. Walking over to the crowd of students in soon found Mj sitting on a bench sketching what looked like flashes face from not even a minute ago, j swear this girl sees everything.

She had a look on her face that said interrupt me and your dead bitch' so Peter sat next to her quietly and waited for class to start.

Finally everyone was in the gym ready for class and the coach spoke.

"Alright class I've been told that today we have a very strange turn of events here today, parker up"

I reluctantly stood and walked over to him
"Yes coach?" I knew it was going on I just didn't want everyone to suddenly be all over me, and I'm gay so I don't want attention from the girls either.

"Parker is it true that you have a six pack?"

"Yessss soooo?" I ask clearly not bothered to even try to understand what this idiot was going on about, I want today to be over and go home and watch movies with my boyfriend.

"Well today you are going to be doing the Captain America obstacle course parker. With your small frame and muscle this should be an easy feat." Replied the coach clearly pissed off at my tone, but why was it any of his business if I have a six pack or not?

The curtain separating most of the gym from the entrance was raised leaving an obstacle course in the way of the other side.

Turning to the coach I asked a simple question thinking about the fact that I had another 2 hours left of school and I just wanted to go home.
"If I do this dumb course of capcicles in under three minutes can I skip the rest of school?"I put in as innocent a voic we as I could, I knew that even cap could only do it in 5.21 minutes and this course was his own.

"Well that's impossible Parker even Captain America can only do it in 5 and a half minutes. So sure knock yourself out kid have a fun last period."came the snarky reply.

If I was gonna make it in under three minutes I was going to need to get rid of all wind resistance and drag so without much thought on the matter I pulled my shirt over my head and coaches down waiting for the whistle blow ignoring the gasping girls in the crowd.

Finally the whistle blew and I sprinted down the track and up the wall grabbing the rope and swinging on them like I would my webs.

This was super easy it had only been about 20 seconds jumping down I landed in a roll to absorb and distribute the excess energy from the swing throughout my body.

The next obstacle was a bar that was on a series of shafts that you had to pull out and jump up each level this took about a minute to do.

The next thing was a twenty meter sprint which was covered in 40 seconds and 20 sit ups and 20 push ups this took another 30 seconds and now I was home free. I was going home to my boyfriend after all home is where the heart is.

Pietro pov
Peter and I have been dating for almost a month and I still haven't taken him on a date yet! I'm a horrible boyfriend.

I feel a slight prodding in my head before my sister speaks.

"Pietro you are an amazing boyfriend I. Sure that Peter doesn't care that you haven't been on a date yet so don't go degrading your self okay?"

"Wanda, thank you really. But please how many times have I asked you not to intrude on my thoughts?!? Or I'll do what I did when we couldn't control our powers and I'll think if the most absurd things then you won't want to hear my thoughts."

"Urg do you know how annoy that was I couldn't control it, I did not need to know that you were thinking about sucking dick. Bit I mean that's one way to come out to your family. We were what? 10? 11?"

"Wanda I was 13 get a grip."

Wanda hummed in acknowledgement of the statement and wondered off to make a sandwich leaving Pietro once again with his thoughts.

After more thought on the topic Pietro decided he was taking Peter out tonight.

Till next time
Love you all
1801 Words

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