crazy obsession ll jeon jungk...

By ficneont

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Season 1 : Jungkook : i will protect you i promise, I really love you Yn pov : his eyes holds only love for... More

Crazy Obsession
Unwanted Demand
I Will Protect You
His Plans For Her
Marry Me
About Him
Wrong Decision
Their Lovers
Painful Past
The end
Season 2
Fear of past
Ten seconds
still far
Alzheimer's disease
Scary behaviour
His touch
New prey
lose of hope
Not a chapter
End of misery

feelings for him

2.4K 72 5
By ficneont

jungkook : is it still hurting

jungkook pov : I asked while caressing her hairs and she shook her head on my chest but was still weeping

jungkook : then why are you crying

*she didn't utter anything as she was still feeling mild pain in her whole body but was afraid to bother him too much*

jungkook pov : I sighed and laid down with her in my arms

jungkook pov : I was pressing her forehead with my palm lightly so she could feel Better and after felt like half an hour she slept in my arms, i felt little relax looking at her sleeping peacefully, what she was and what they've made her and that f*cking hoe Lara!!!! look like she didn't learn anything from her punishment, if they think they can fight me then they are so stupid, they two are nothing to me when i can fight with whole world for her

jungkook : be strong, love

*he said while closing his eyes to let the sleep consume him*

Next morning :

jungkook : are you okay?

Yn : yes I'm fine now

*she said looking at him who was wearing his comfortable clothes*

jungkook : I'll be back with your breakfast

*he Said while turning around but stopped and turned to look at yn who stood up from bed and spoke*

Yn : i want to cook

jungkook : no!

*he said strictly making her to look down but she again looked at him in hope*

Yn : please I'm getting bore in this room

jungkook : we are going out tonight as you know

Yn pov : why he's so stubborn

Yn : please!!

Yn pov : i was already guilty as i disturbed his sleep yesterday and atleast helping him could make me little light

*jungkook sighed at her insistence, he knew why she was saying, he knew she wanted to help him for bothering him yesterday*

jungkook : you don't have to think about yesterday, it's my responsibility to take care of you

Yn pov : c-can he read m-me

jungkook : you're my wife, Yn ......i know your feelings

*she didn't say anything but somehow his heart got melted looking at her*

jungkook pov : but still i can't let her near anyone

jungkook : you need to rest, I'll be back

*he turned around and left the room leaving Yn behind with disappointment*

Yn pov : he's so caring, god please let me remember everything soon


jungkook pov : as i entered inside kitchen, maids were already there and when they felt my presence, they immediately bowed at me which i gave them slight nod and started doing my work silently, They were doing their work and i was lost in mine, I looked around as everyone was busy but they were immediately avoiding my gaze when they looked accidentally at me, if it is really from them then they are digging their own grave

jungkook pov : i was standing there while putting my hand on my hips when i felt arm around my shoulder making me to come out from my thoughts and i saw it was Seokjin hyung

Seokjin : what are you cooking today

jungkook : what doctor told me

jungkook pov : I said while stirring spatula in the frying pan

Seokjin : hmm how's she now

jungkook pov : listening him i remembered yesterday night so i thought to share with him

jungkook : she again felt brutal pain

Seokjin : didn't she take her medicine and is she alright now

jungkook : she is now fine and yeah she took but don't know why she felt

Seokjin : medicines works slowly don't worry she will be fine

jungkook : hmm

*seokjin saw jungkook was looking at pan but was in deep thoughts*

seokjin : what is bothering you

*jungkook looked at him when he listened him and said slowly*

jungkook : i need to visit college to know about that girl

seokjin pov : he told me yesterday night that one girl insulted yn during college days and he ruined her and now that girl is with jaehyun

seokjin : you should take her with you maybe looking at familiar place she would remember something

*jungkook nodded his head and they both started cooking together*


Time skip :

Yn pov : I was sitting after eating my breakfast and again like last time, the vegetables taste different but i didn't tell jungkook this time as he's already stressed, maybe they use these types vegetables in food, so now I'm sitting on bed in new clothes as jungkook said he's taking me outside, is it because i said I'm getting bore in house, well it's not like I want to go outside but i couldn't deny him, I looked at him sitting beside me wearing his shoes

Yn pov : I saw his hairs were little messy from up and i wanted to fix it but i didn't want to touch him

Yn : jungkook

*he looked at her and she pointed her finger at his hairs*

Yn : your hairs are not properly fix from there

jungkook pov : I could fix it looking at mirror but my mind always run wild whenever i see her

jungkook : Then fix it

*he said while leaning his head infront her in sudden making her gasp but she didn't move away*

Yn pov : why he's like this, but still I fixed his hairs softly, his hairs were so soft......he is just too perfect don't know why

Yn : it's done

*she said while moving away but he held her hand and pulled her up*

jungkook : you're so cruel

Yn : huh? i didn't understand

*he put her hairs behind her ear so gently which was really melting her*

jungkook : you will understand soon, now come

*he said and walked out with her while holding her hand*


jungkook pov : we were sitting in principal's office of our college and yn was next to me.....

principal : glad to see you jungkook, you've become successful person and I'm proud to see that

jungkook pov : I smiled and nodded my head, well i was not faking he was really nice person

principal : was she the student of this college?

*old man said looking at yn and jungkook replied*

jungkook : no she wasn't but she was from group of *****college

principal : okay okay, well nice to meet you Mrs jeon

*he said while putting his crossed fingers under his chin and yn replied with tiny smile*

Yn : me too

jungkook : actually sir i want your help

principal : of course, if it would be in my hand then I'll surely help you

jungkook pov : I smiled and told him what i want

jungkook : I want to see record book of year 20**, actually I want to meet the person but i don't remember her address

jungkook pov : I didn't have her any picture and that's how, i could make her recognize by yn

Yn pov : I was getting scared listening jungkook, what if he caught Lara, i didn't tell him yet that she's working under his company otherwise till now she would have in jungkook's cage

principal : sure, I have every record wait a little

*he stood up from his table and went towards almirah and jungkook looked to side*

jungkook : why is my love looking tense

*he said looking at her with his teasing lovely gaze making her heart crazy, her stomach always make flips whenever he spoke with her that way and god! his gaze, it was like drug, and she always felt like drowning into them*

Yn pov : he doesn't care where he is and with whom he is, he never lose chance to tease and love me anywhere anytime

principal : here it is

*jungkook looked front when he saw principal sat on his chair with thick register, principal put his specs and flipped pages and then turned register towards jungkook*

principal : here, there's all students from that year

jungkook pov : I put register infront yn and flipped pages but then i saw mark's picture which was still enough to make my blood boil, if i really say he was the real reason whatever was happening but i tried to ask Yn if she remember that traumatic incident

jungkook : Yn, do you remember him

jungkook pov : I could see stressed expressions on her face so i flipped next page

Yn : This is you

*she said putting her finger on his picture and he smiled but they both looked at principal when he spoke*

principal : your husband was so naughty back then, i had received his complaints daily but I'm glad he's gentleman now

Yn pov : he's still naughty, from his college picture he was looking bad boy, maybe he was

*jungkook smiled and again flipped page and then he saw lara's picture*

jungkook : is this girl lara whom you were talking about

jungkook pov : I said while putting my finger on that sh*t picture and yn looked carefully but shook her head looking at me

Yn : no, she is not lara

jungkook pov : now which Lara has come and why she is with jaehyun, I nodded and gave register back to principal and stood up and yn did same

jungkook : thank you to give us your precious time and sorry for taking your time

principal : don't need to say that and I'm so happy to see my successful student after these years

jungkook : it was precious meet

jungkook pov : I said with smile and held Yn's hand before leaving the office


Yn pov : The college felt so familiar yet I didn't want to think because I felt like it had some reason so i thought to tell about that to jungkook

Yn : jungkook

*he looked down at her and she spoke making him stop walking*

Yn : I think i Know this place

jungkook : really? what is coming in your mind about this place

Yn pov : I looked around and right it felt so familiar

Yn : like i have been here before but at the same time I'm feeling uneasy here

jungkook pov : Finally, something she remember and feeling uneasy was obvious for her as how much i tormented her during college time and the incidents which happened to her

Yn : but you know the guy in picture

jungkook : hmm

Yn : i felt like he has exteme disturbing impact on me

jungkook pov : I understood why she was feeling that But still I wanted to know what exactly she was feeling

jungkook : what do you mean?

Yn : I don't know but i felt fear looking at his picture, do i know him?

jungkook pov : should i tell her but i couldn't take risk what if that disturbing incident impact her mind

jungkook : hmm he tried to hurt you but i saved you, I was your saviour

*he said while looking at her with smirk and she looked away*

Yn : how did he try to hurt me

*she said turning her head towards him making his smirk drop, he himself was not comfortable to tell her*

jungkook : you were my girlfriend and he tried to snatch you from me, now no more questions and come we have to get ready

Yn pov : little did i remember that something wrong had happen back then but obviously I didn't remember clearly and didn't pressure him either


Evening :

yn pov : I was putting ear rings completely dressed, I've to admit jungkook chose perfect dress for me and ear rings too.....he was outside the room as he told, he had to tell everything to his friend who was nanny and he especially called her to take care Aeri tonight, he said we can't take her with us

Yn : I hope everything goes well

Yn pov : it's not like i was concerned about my appearance but still i was conscious as many people will be there, I'm not his wife but i had to act infront his dears and he strictly warned me that i shouldn't let anyone know that I don't remember anything

Yn : am i looking fine

jungkook : you're looking ethereal beautiful, love

*she got startled due to sudden voice and saw he was standing on door way while leaning himself with hands in his pockets*

Yn pov : he started taking steps towards me slowly without breaking eye contact making me nervous, it always happens with me

Yn pov : I immediately looked down when he stood infront me and leaned his face to my level

jungkook : i want to hear compliment about my appearance from my wife

*he said while lifting her face from her chin*

jungkook pov : she is really so beautiful, and my heart always go crazy looking at her

Yn pov : his stares are so powerful for my poor heart.......but my heart got explode when i felt his fingers slid back into my hairs and he stroked his thumb on my cheek

jungkook : you're so beautiful

*she gulped down and looked at him and her breath got hitched looking his face so close*

Yn pov : he is saying me beautiful when he himself is unreal handsome

jungkook pov : I always lose myself whenever she looks at me so deeply and now she was staring at me again like she was thinking something

jungkook : am i looking fine, love

*she nodded her head slowly still looking at him and he pulled her face more closer by her neck*

jungkook : use your mouth

Yn : y-you're looking handsome

*she said while putting her hands on his chest and he grinned widely looking at her, she thought he would leave her but her eyes became wide when he attached his lips on hers softly, he didn't use his tongue but was sucking her lips so gently which made her to close her eyes by her own, she was getting melted due to his gentle touches, he kissed her buttom lip last time before leaving her lips and she opened her eyes slowly*

jungkook : I love you so much

Yn pov : when i listened those words coming out from his mouth so lovingly, it felt like he said before filling those words with enormous amount of love and thing which was disturbing me was.........i was catching feelings for him which was wrong and i didn't want, it was not in my control to control my heart, not just me i think anyone could fall for him how he's taking care of me but i needed to stop this before i lose myself completely in him

Yn pov : I'll have to stay away from him

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