The Umbrella Academy (Five Ha...

Por thelittlewitchbitch

48K 778 345

On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of preg... Más

We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals
Extra Ordinary
Man on the Moon
Number Five
The Day That Wasn't
The Day That Was
I Heard A Rumor
The White Violin
Right Back Where We Started
The Frankel Footage
The Swedish Job
The Majestic 12
A Light Supper
Öga For Öga
The Seven Stages
743 & 606
The End of Something
Season 3
Meet The Family
Worlds Biggest Ball Of Twine
Pocket Full Of Lightning
Kindest Cut
Auf Widersehen
Wedding at the End of the World
Where she would be on posters
Seven Bells
See You Soon
Season 3

Run Boy Run

3K 43 25
Por thelittlewitchbitch

16 Years Ago

Grace was in the living room setting up for breakfast. She placed a record on the record player and as it began to play she rang a bell to summon all the kids. They all ran down the stairs as the man on the record talked about the weather. The kids all stood by their respected spots as Reginald walked in.

"Sit" he said as they all sat. Reginald was seated at the head. Luther, Diego, Robyn, and Five to his right Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Vanya to his left. Luther and Allison were staring at each other while smiling, Diego was carving into his chair, Klaus was rolling up a joint, Ben was barley paying attention to his food since he was deep in a book. Robyn was expikrementing with her powers. A salt and pepper shaker were floating in the air but everytime she blinked it rewrote reality and the salt and pepper shakers would change to a style from a different decade. Vanya sat quietly and Five was intensely staring at their father. He grew angier and stabbed a knife into the table starting everyone.

"Number Five?" Reginald asked

"I have a question"

"Knowledge is an admirable thing number five but you are interrupting Herr Carlson"

"I want to time travel"


"But I'm ready. I've practiced my special jumps just like you said" Five said blinking next to dad. Dad and him started going back and forth arguing about being an acorn.

"That makes no sense" Five said

"Precisely why you're not ready" dad said as he continued to eat. Five looked at Robyn and then ran out the door.

"Shit." Robyn muttered standing up and running after him

"Number Eight!" Robyn ran out of the academy seeing Five march down the street


"Robyn please go back inside" He said

"No! Five don't do this! Don't leave!" She yelled at him. Five looked at the tears in Robyn's eyes. It upset him to see her like this.

"I promise I will come back," He said. He looked at her in the eyes and said, "Screw it" pulling her closer and kissing her. She kissed back and smiled. Five pulled away and then time traveled leaving her behind. Leaving Robyn to fall to her knees. Crying. Grace came out of the academy.

"Robyn? Is everything alright?" She asked bending down

"He's gone." She cried hugging her mom.

Five time travled a few month into the future where it was summer

"Not ready my ass" He said, jumping to a time where it was winter. Five jumped once more and ended up in an apocalyptic time. He looked around to see everything destroyed. He ran as fast as he could back to the academy only to see it completely destroyed.

"Robyn! VANYA! DAD! ANYONE!" He screamed. He tried using my powers but they wouldn't work.

"Come on" He said but gave up. It was useless "Shit" He fell to his knees. The same way Robyn had staring at his home. Everyone and everything was gone.

Present Day

"I survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything I could find. You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it's total bullshit." Five told the girls

"I can't even imagine" Vanya said

"I did whatever it took to survive or I died. So I adapted. Whatever the world threw at me I found a way to overcome it" Five added "Got anything stronger?" she nodded pouring three glasses on vodka. She offered one to Robyn who politely declined.

"You think I'm crazy?" Five said to Vanya

"No its just...its a lot to take in" Vanya said

"Exactly what don't you understand?" Five asked harshly

"Hey" She said putting an arm on his shoulder

"Well why didn't you just time travel back?" Vanya asked

"Gee wish I thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed. You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family? To Robyn?" Five said. She smiled at him

"If you grew old there, in the apocalypse how come you still look like a kid?" Vanya asked

"You know what, your mind is too young. Let's go Robyn'' Five said grabbing my hand

"Five....Robyn...look Five I haven't seen you in a while and I missed you and I'm sure Robyn did as well. Look, I have lessons tomorrow so I need to sleep. You guys can take the couch. Goodnight" Vanya said walking to bed.

"Night V" Robyn said.

"Let's go," Five said, blinking us away.

Meritech 9:00 a.m.

Five and Robyn stood in an office. Glass windows. Marbles floors, and white walls. In Five's hand he had a glass eyeball. A man in a white coat walked out and looked at the two.

"Can I help you?" He asked

"I need to know who this belongs to," Five answered.

"Where did you get that?" The man said pointing to the eye

"Why do you care?" Five asked " I found it. At a playground actually must have just popped out. I wanna return it to its rightful owner" Five added

"Oh what a thoughtful young man," said the front desk lady.

"Yeah look up the name for me will ya?'" Five said

"I'm sorry but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you-"

"Yeah I know what it means" Five added cutting in

"But I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to it's rightful owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful so if i could just-" before the doctor could finish Five pushed him away

"Yeah your not touching this eye" Five said getting angry

"Now you listen here young man" said the man. Five grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him closer.

"No you listen to me asshole. I've come a long way for this. I've been through shit your peabrain couldn't comprehend. So just give me the information we need. And we'll be on our merry way. And if you call me young man one more time I'm going to put your head through that damn wall"

"Oh dear" The receptionist and Robyn both said

"Call security" The doctor said. Five pushed him away and grabbed Robyn's hand as they walked out.

"Well that was a bust" Robyn said "How will we get the info now?"

"Klaus" they both said looking at each other.

Five stared out the window as Robyn lay on his bed. Klaus was shoved in Fives closet. Vanya all the sudden walked in.

"I was worried about you two," she said. Robyn sat up on the bed and smiled at her

"Sorry we left without saying goodbye" Five added

"No look I should be the one that is sorry. I was dismissive and I-I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying. And to be honest I still can't" Vanya said

"Well you were right to be dismissive. Maybe it wasn't real after all. It felt real. Well like you said, the old man did say time travel can mess with your mind." he said looking at Robyn. She smiled standing up and walking next to him.

"Then maybe I'm not the right person to talk to. Talk to Robyn. You guys are close. Or look I used to talk to someone I could give you her info" Vanya added before being cut off.

"Thanks but I think I'm just going to get some rest and spend time with my girlfriend" Five said, kissing me on the head. Robyn's face went visibly red. Vanya smiled, nodding and walking out. Five walked to the door to make sure she was really gone and Klaus came out of the closet.

"That was so touching all that stuff about family and dad and Robyn and time wow" Klaus said

"Will you shut up she'll hear you" Five said

"I'm moist"

"Your what?" She asked stifling a laugh

"I thought I told you to put on something professional" Five added

"This is my nicest outfit" Klaus said

"We'll raid the old man's closet," Robyn said. They walked out.

"Whatever as long as I get paid" Klaus said

"When the job is done" Five added

"Ok but just so we're clear what are the finer details," Klaus began to ask, holding my hand "I just gotta go into place and pretend to be your guy's dad correct?"

"Yeah something like that"

"What's our cover story?" Klaus asked

"Our what?" Robyn asked laughing

"I mean was I really young when I had you both? Like 16? Like young and terribly misguided?" Klaus asked

"Sure" Five answered playing along as Robyn tried not to laugh

"Your mother that slut" Klaus said and Robyn broke down laughing "whoever she was we met at the disco! Remember that. Oh my god the sex was amaazing"

"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain" Five said

"Hey don't make me put you in time out" Klaus said still holding his sisters hand.

"Like I said to your son and daughter earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you" said the doctor

"Well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name" Five said. Klaus and Robyn sat in the chairs and Five was standing by them.

"Well that's not my problem" the doctor said "Sorry. Now there is really nothing more I can do so-"

"And what about my consent?" Klaus asked

"Excuse me?" the doctor asked

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my son and my sweet darling angel baby of a daughter" Klaus said

"What?" the three asked

"You heard me"

"I didn't touch your son or daughter" said the doctor

"Oh really? Well then how did he get that swollen lip and how did Robyn get that bloody nose?" Klaus asked

"They don't have-" but before he could finish Klaus punched Robyn's nose and slapped Five's face. The two groaned. Robyn touched her nose and pulled her hand away seeing blood.

"I want it. Name,please now!" Klaus said

"You are crazy"

"You've got no idea" Klaus said picking up a snowglobe "Peace on earth that's so sweet" he said slamming the snow globe onto his forehead

"Oh god that hurt" Klaus said yelling

"I'm calling security-" said the doctor but Klaus grabbed the phone.

"There's been an assault in Mr.Bigs office and we need security now. Schnell!" Klaus yelled into the phone and then slamming it on the desk "Now here's what's going to happen Grant"

"Its Lance" said the doctor

"In about 60 seconds two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they are going to see a whole lotta blood and they're going to wonder 'What the hell happened?' And we're gonna tell them that you beat the shit outta us" Klaus laughed "Your gonna do great in prison Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh, my god you're gonna get passed around like're gonna do great that's all I'm saying."

"Jesus you're a sick bastard."

"Thank you," Klaus said proudly, putting a hand on Robyn's shoulder. He spits a piece of glass out of his mouth as it goes flying across the room.

Lance was going through the files cowardly as Klaus sat on the counter next to him. Robyn and Five across from him.

"Oh thats strange" Lance said

"What?" Five and Robyn asked

"The eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet." Lance said flinching as Klaus jumped next to him

"What? What do you mean?" Klaus asked

"Well uh our logs say that the eye with the serial number....this can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?" He asked Five. Five sighed dragging Klaus and Robyn out.

"Well this is not good" Five said as we walked out of the building

"I was pretty good though, right? 'Yeah what about my consent, BITCH!" Klaus said punching the air

"Yes Klausy you were fabulous" She said. The blood at dripped down her nose and mouth and under her eyes had started to bruise meaning he broke her nose.

"Well thank you Robyn Bear" He said. She smiled and slapped him. "What was that?"

"For breaking my nose! Now we're even" She said smiling and looking at Five.

"Guys i doesn't matter" Five said

"What?" Klaus and Robyn said

"What's the big deal with this eye anyways?" Klaus asked

"Here we go" She groaned sitting on the stone steps

"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They're gonna bring about the end of life as we know it." Five said sitting next to her.

"Yeah, can I get that twenty bucks like now or what?" Klaus asked. Five and Robyn stood up.

"Your twenty bucks? The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" Five said

"Five calm down" Robyn said

"Well I'm also quite hungry. Tummies a-rumblin." Klaus said making noises

"You're useless. You're all useless" Five said

"Hey!" Robyn said looking at Five "Did Klaus not just get that info for us. Sure it leads to a dead end but at least we know something. Your man hasn't even done anything yet! Just both of you sit your asses down now!" She yelled pointing to the stairs

"Did Robyn just get mean" Klaus dramatically sobbed

"No it's just I'm over it. I'm tired! This is the most walking I've done in a while and I have gotten no sleep!" She said

"You know what you need to lighten up old man" Klaus said "hey you know. I've just realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell. All that time alone. Maybe Robyn can help"

"Klaus oh my god" Robyn said face palming

"Well I wasn't alone" Five said and Robyn looked at him

"Oh? Pray tell" Klaus said

"Her name was Delores and we were together for 30 years" Five said looking at Robyn.

"I have to go!" She said

"Robyn it wasn't like that" Five said grabbing my hand

"Let go you piece of shit!" She said looking at Five and her eyes turned red.

"Fine go cool off" Five said holding up his hands. She ran away. "I did nothing wrong." He groans

Robyn sits in one of the many bathrooms with tissues and rubbing alcohol. She winces placing a piece of gauze on her nose.

"Robyn?" Diego shouts

"Bathroom." She yells back hitting her fist on the counter in pain. He walks into the bathroom and immediately goes into a mom mode.

"What the hell happened? Who did this to you? Are you okay?" He examines the rest of her face

"I broke my nose. Klaus. And yeah!" She smiles holding a thumbs up. Diego looks at her not buying it.

"Bullshit. Let's go see mom." He says leading her to their moms medic office. "Mom!"

"Diego! Oh my Robyn what happened to you dear?" Grace asked

"Broke my nose." She said

"Let's get you all fixed." Grace smiled

Robyn walked out with stitches on the top of her nose. Her and Diego walked up the stairs to see Luther and Allison staring at Five.

"Five are you ok?' Luther asked

"Five," Robyn said. Luther put up a hand to grab him but Five blocked him.

"Can we help?"

"There is nothing you can do. There is nothing any of you can do" He said.

Five spots a hand sticking out of rubble. He goes over grabbing the object out of his hand, a bloody glass eye. He moves the rubble to reveal the face of Luther. He looked around again seeing Diego crushed under bricks, Allison next to him. Klaus was a little ways away. Then he saw the person he hoped he would see. Robyn. She lay there lifeless, just like the others. He picked her up holding her close. Around her eyes were smokey and the tips of her fingers looked grey.

"I love you" he whispered

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