Life Lesson || Sorority Boys

By sunnyie_eve

592 36 0

"𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚?! 𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩�... More

| One |
| Two |
| Three |
| Four |
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| Six |
| Eight |
| Nine |
| Ten |
| Eleven |
| Twelve |

| Seven |

30 3 0
By sunnyie_eve

Mia decided not to go to work or even go onto campus today because she didn't want to bump into Adam. She didn't want to play his little game and even if he wasn't trying to play it anymore she didn't want to be a part of it.

"Have you been in here all day?" Adam walks into Mia's room to see her laying in bed reading a book.

"Yes, I didn't want to run into Adam today so here I am." She bookmarks her page.

"Why? I thought you two were talking decently." He sits at the end of her bed.

"We were but I know he's only doing it because he can't stand a hot girl like me not liking him." She rolls her eyes sitting up.

"What makes you think that?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not dumb... Plus his friend told me to be cautious of him." She says making Adam get up and leave the room to find Dave.

"He's still not back?" He asks Doofer.

"He had to study with Leah." Doofer says so he goes back to Mia.

"You believe his friend?" He crosses his arms.

"Yeah, because I already knew because my ex did the same. Just because I'm hot and blonde doesn't mean I don't have a brain. The dude thought hitting with his guitar was good enough." Mia laughs making Adam leave when he hears Dave.

"You told her to not talk to me. You told her what I was trying to do?" He closes their door.

"I told her to be cautious of you because she's a nice girl. Plus she knew what you're doing. I didn't say shit to her." Dave tells him.

"I'm pissed and I'm gonna try to take a shit." He leaves and Mia goes into their room.

"Daisy, are you done with my notes? I kinda need them back now." She waits at the doorway.

"Oh, yeah. Thank you so much for letting me use them today." He finds the journal giving it to her.

"Of course, we're sisters and friends." She smiles while Dave starts to feel bad for all the lying.

When Mia leaves the room Adam goes in telling the guys he was done. Doofer tells him his plan on how to get the tape back but Adam didn't want to do it. Well, that's as till Dave told him he was basically screwed trying to get a job because of his grades. "Fuck." He gives in. "Mia!" He calls her name going towards her room.


"I have a date with Jimmy and I don't know what to wear..." He gives her an awkward smile.

"You said yes?" She laughs at him.

"It's so he'll stop." He rolls his eyes.

"Do you have an idea of what you are going for? The look?"

"No. That's why I can to you. Everything you wear looks great on you." He sits on her bed.

"I think I have a shirt that might fit you." She goes to dig through her closet. "Try this." She pulls out a red long sleeve.

"I'll be back." He goes to his room to change and finds a skirt to go with it. "How does this look?" He goes back into her room.

"It works with it. You wearing heels?" Mia gives him a look.

"No, flats."

"Good girl." Mia laughs. "Good luck with Jimmy." She gives him a smile and he leaves the room.

While Adam entered his old room with Jimmy he looks around for wear the tape is. As he looks at a pail of things he sees a picture of Mia, "Mia...Whose is this?" He asks as Jimmy turns on the music.

"One of the guys found it in an old box of past seniors." Jimmy turns the music in.

Adam puts the picture in his purse not wanting hers to go back in the box where they keep old seniors pictures of chicks that have taken the walk of shame. Now it really made sense why she hated K.O.K guys.

Adam end up going over to drop the roofy in Jimmy's drink but he didn't know Jimmy did the same to his drink. And from there everything went downhill for him because Dave never showed up for him.

Mia's night was her hanging out with the girls downstairs talking about their feelings till Doofer got the party started for them. Mia didn't care for getting high so she watched the girls cracking up at them while she drank.

Going back to her room, Daisy passes her bumping into her, and rushing to her room. "What was that all about?" Mia goes to Leah's room.

"We kissed..." Leah says with her face in her pillow.

"Maybe she's just a little confused... I know she likes you though. It's very obvious." Mia sits next to her sister.

"I'm embarrassed and confused myself."

"Don't be embarrassed... And why are you confused? It's okay to like guys and girls, I do." Mia says making Leah look at her.

"What?" She sits up.

"You know my best friend when we were in high school... well we were actually an off-and-on thing in secret." Mia laughs.

"That makes so much sense now because you two were very very close and comfortable with each other." Leah makes Mia laugh more.

"Just get some rest and let Daisy sleep on it."

Mia kisses the tips of Leah's head.

Mia hears the girls downstairs still and peeks in to see some passed out and others out of it from being high. She shakes her head going to her room and hopes Adina was okay with Jimmy.

"Mia..." Dave knocks on her door opening it.

"You know it's okay to kiss Leah right." She tells him.

"I'm just confused and I don't want to hurt her because I'm hiding a secret." He sits on her bed.

"What kind of secret?"

"Ummm, I sorta had someone back home... it's complicated." Dave makes up a lie.

"Well, you just made it more complicated, huh? Whatever you do... try not to hurt my sister too bad. I'm really tired so I'll see you tomorrow."

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