His new dark life

By hgage123

123K 2.9K 46

After a shocking discovery, Harry's life is thrown upside down. Friends become enemies. "Family" turn into th... More

~Part 1~
~Part 2~
~Part 3~the paper~
~Part 4~
~Part 5~
~Part 6~
~part 8~
~part 9~
~part 10~
~part 11~
~part 12~
~part 13~
~part 14~
Part 15- read with caution
~part 16~
~Part 17~
~part 18~
The end

~part 7~

8.6K 160 0
By hgage123

Stepping into dracos room, Harold looked around in wonder. He had never seen a bedroom like this before. He didn't know people were allowed decorative stuff and personal things like photos or posters up. His room back at the Dudley was bleak, grim and just a cupboard. This was a palace compared to that. "So who else lives in this room with you? It's huge" Harold asked Draco, looking at the pictures on his desk. There was some cute ones and Draco with his friends. "What are you talking about? Just me and well you soon"
Draco says walking towards Harold "can we please talk? What did you mean by formally know as Harry Potter? Please talk to me". "Draco I was taken from Severus and Tom at 6 months old, I was taken to the potters and made to be their son. Then they were killed by Tom seeking vengeance because they "just had me" and Tom just had his baby stolen from him and kicked off my life as Harry Potter" he says slowly wrapping his arms around Dracos hips, hugging him silently praying he still accepted me. "But that means I bullied you for years and your friends...god you guys must hate me" he replying slowing creeping away from Harold, not believing he wants his mate anymore. Whimpering left Harold's mouth unconsciously, " they were never my real friends, dumbledore paid them to be nice to me, I don't care about the past, are you still going to hate me? Bully me? ( Draco shaking his head, tears flowing down his face) then I have no reason to hate you, we did stuff we both regret, let move past it and create an amazing  future together, please Draco" he pleads scooping Draco back into his arms. "I'm sorry, I will try hard, I will give you the world and everything else you will every want or need" Draco promises. Both just laying in bed, getting to know each other, the strength of the bond growth more and more by every passing minute. The adults outside the door and see the essence of magic they are producing. It's very powerful now, they fear what it will be like when they mate, when they fall in love. There will be no stopping them. Dumbledore won't know what coming for him.
~the next day~
Harold woke up laying on a pillow that was slowing moving up and down, a lazy hand was slowly stroking fingers through his soft hair. "Good morning my beautiful boy" Draco says lazily, eyes half open. They both are just too happy to care right now, as they cuddled all night with their mate. "Morning, what do you want to do today?" Harold asks, hoping he wants the spend the day with him. " well I was hoping we could do something, like a date hopefully, if your up for that?" Draco ask nervously, even though Harold is his mate, he still worried he won't accept him fully. "Yeah draco I would like nothing more than to spend the whole day by your side, would you like to get up now" snuggling back into draco chest, Harold didn't want to move from his heaven just yet. "5 more minutes, then we will move, in enjoying to wrapped around me body too much" stoking Harold's chest. Finally when they both decided to move, it was 35 minutes after what they both agreed too, but they didn't care. Draco gets dressed quickly and sets out to get the date ready, while Harold slowly gets ready. Finally dressed in some skinny jeans and a red hoodie with red vans on, Harold makes his way down stairs to see Draco stood patiently waiting at the door, dressed similarly to him but with green hood and plain black trainers. "Are you ready?" Draco asks opening the door, cold air flows nicely around them in a soft greeting. "Let's go draco" Harold says pulling his hand as they both start to walk outside. Not knowing where that are going, draco takes the lead and pulls Harold towards the stable. A regal looking stable with numerous horse were housed, all looking perfectly kept. 1 fully black shire horse stood catching Harold's eyes straight away. Both boys picking a horse, Harold on that black shire horse and Draco on a white Arabian horse, set off on a steady ride. Harold never really riding before, but seeing his cousin do it a thousands of times, was so excited he could barely stop squealing. "Baby are you okay? Your not hurting are you?" Draco worriedly asks. "I'm fine, I'm just so happy and excited to finally do this, I've been wanting to do it forever" Harold says, his eyes beaming with excitement. "That's good then" them both just so content with each other they just rode quietly along. Finding a nice field with some wild daisies, they decided to have a break and let the horses rest. "Draco what's that?" Harold asks as Draco magics up a basket and a blanket. "We are going to have a picnic, I've got all your favourite, I think I remember what you used to eat a lot at school, so we will see" rolling out the blanket and pulling different containers out of the basket. There was cheese and ham sandwiches, prawn cocktail crisps, little finger cake slices, watermelon and strawberries all covering the blanket. Draco pulled out a circle cake like box, placed a chilled spell over it, all while Harold just stood staring at this all with tears welling up in his eyes. "No...no one has ever don't this for me, ever, I can't thank you enough, it looks amazing Draco" Harold finally comes to his sensors, sitting carefully down on the soft blanket. " I want to get to know the new you, the real you, tell me stuff about yourself Harold, would you like to be Harold or Harry, Harry is short for Harold" Draco asks, picking up a sandwich and quirky munching on it. "I don't know I haven't thought much about it, everyone just started calling me Harold, I don't mind Harry, I went by it for so many years, I think my friends and family will be Harry and everyone else Harold it mister riddle, riddle-snape seems so long, I'm sure snape with understand. That way also I can go to hogwarts as Harold riddle and no one will think it's me, well apart from dumbledore but then he would have to explain how and why he knows, oh my god I'm sorry I just kept on talking and talking" Harry hurriedly shuts up, eyes cast down at the blanket with his hands fiddling with each over. Scooting closer to the nervous man, Draco grabs hold of his hands and brings them up for a kiss, " Harry it's okay to talk, I actually love the way you talk it lets me know how you think, and I find it absolutely fascinating. I could listen you talk for hours about random stuff and I would get bored because you intrigue me. You make me want to know everything about you and I can't wait for the whole future to be filled with you and possible young. You fill my world of course I wouldn't mind you filling my ears with your beautiful voice, oh my sorry I've been talking for a while, do you mind if I talk for ages?(Harry shakes his head) then I'm not going to mind when you do, we are going to be talking about a lot of thing and I don't want you to be scared to say your opinion" Draco reassures Harry. A/N HE WILL BE GOING BY HARRY NOW AS I GOT FEED UP OF TYPING HAROLD. Tears flowing down Harry's cheeks as Draco spoke his speech, no one has ever made him feel this special before. He would never give up Draco for the world. Dam anyone who try's to take him. After they finally eat most of the food, Draco opens the circle container and he pulls out a treacle tart. Harry smile beams more like the sun than anything else, he could believe Draco know it's his favourite thing ever. Since it was the first sweet pudding he ever tried at hogwarts on the first day, considering he wasn't allowed pudding or treats at their house. "Would you like a slice of this tart baby, the elf's made it especially for you" he asks pulling out a slicer to cut it, "maybe just a little please" Harry returns not wanting to seem over happy. Draco cuts a huge slice putting it carefully onto a plate and hands it over, "just eat what you can baby, don't force yourself, I don't want you to be sick". Softly eating the tart they both asked each other random questions. Pleased they were happy, they both let their masks slip and finally got to see the really other. "Draco, would you ever be able to kill someone?" Harry asks, not know what answer he wants back. "Harry I was taught when I was little, that if anything every happened to me my mate or my mother that I can get revenge, no one is to hurt my family, anyone under my protection. If anyone of you guys were in trouble and killing said person would stop your torment immediately then yeah I would. I wouldn't even thing twice, but I could never kill out of fun out of pleasure, randomly that just isn't me" Draco reply's with his god honest opinion, even thinking about someone hurting his mate has him so angry he felt a storm coming, the wind picking up, lighting and tinder sounding in the background. "I think the same, I think I would do it if anyone I love was in danger, the way dumbledore plays with everyone's life's, it almost like he thinks himself godlike and I feel he would or already has killed someone for fun" Harry spoke softly, "I'm okay baby calm down, the horses are freaking out, we are safe and sound. Nothing is going to happen" but nothing was calming his down. Draco had an image of Harry get snatched away and not being able to find him. His emotions was all over the place and he could contain them. Lips suddenly pulled him out of his trance, soft strawberry tasting lips pillowing onto his. Eyes stretched open he sat his mob of black and red hair. Closing them same eyes, he copied the kiss, getting more and more into it. Not wanting to stop the pleasure they both were experiencing, Draco pulled Harry onto his lap, latching his handing into the black and red hair tugging softly. Moans spilled out of mouths and pants got extremely tights. But just some light touching happened, a grope here and there, it finally calmed down. He both ever so happy, their smiles didn't move until the manor came into view and a group stood outside of the manor came into view

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