Duskwood: Jake's notes

By KrasiaHoshiko

31K 1.3K 191

How did Jake feel in the this Duskwood situation? What he thought when he got he feels something strange to M... More

Fullness of emotions | 1
Fullness of emotions | 2
Fullness of emotions | 3
Fullness of emotions | 4
Fullness of emotions | 5
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Fullness of emotions | 10

3.4K 144 39
By KrasiaHoshiko

Time: episode 10.
Place: Motel Y; Ironspliter Mine.

I was wrong. I just made an unforgivable, fatal mistake. I should have known that a criminal as attentive to detail as theoretical Michael couldn't have left a phone there, that really important lead for us. I should not only be in a hurry to connect apps, but also check their contents and functions... Heck. As soon as Ana entered the maps, the evidence that worked 'for us' became a weapon 'against us'. And I was the one who asked her to watch everything. I even reminded her about the maps app, which she'd ignored at first. Now the criminal actually has the hut's location. And it's all my fault. Everything is simple.


I will tell the others.
And I will take full responsibility for what happened.

No, Jake
They've only just started trusting you

I gave you the instruction to open this app.
Besides, I know what your friends mean to you.

Either way, I don't want you to do that
I will stand up for my mistakes

This is very honorable decision.


At any other time. The willingness to take responsibility for your own mistakes is a wonderful trait, it's even close to me. So much so that it is confusing and does not allow me to react correctly. Yes, the ability to stand up for mistakes is a good thing, of course. But what was her mistake here? Because she didn't tell me, the tech and information specialist on our team, something like 'Jake, you're talking nonsense, maps only work when GPS is turned on!'? Even ridiculous. And I know that if she hesitates even for a second, I will write it in the chat instead of her, I will admit how... I was tricked. She knows, too. And she doesn't hesitate.

It's amazing how these guys, this group, react. 'Don't worry about it, Ana. You've always helped us, you were always there for us' and after all, you have the right to make a mistake. Jessica says something like that, and the others has similar reaction. Amazing. That this is possible.

They don't have much time. They need to get out of this hut into Duskwood or somewhere else, get away before it's too late... But they suddenly decide to stay and fight back. It turns out that Dan can make fiery speeches, who would have thought. Fight, not run away, stop living in constant fear... Maybe I have something to learn from them. A sudden change of direction could be an immense tactical advantage. Even if this current change is following an unexpected move on our enemy's part. Well... if they decide to fight, I need to try to do something to help them.

Hm. Any connection, any searching requests leave traces. If I can just grab that lead and follow it... We will give the result. Come on, 'Michael', where did you send this request from?

Fortunately, it doesn't occur to him to turn off his phone. Yes, he knows some details and rules, even bypasses me at a certain stage. But he doesn't pay attention to the pitfalls. I'll have to spend a few minutes calculating the trail.

This takes longer than I expected and gives less than expected results. In the end, I get access to the microphone of the so-called Michael, although I was hoping to get his own GPS tracker data.

I already have access to the group's phones. It remains only to combine the data and work together to know something useful. How unusual.


I need your help.

From all of us?

If that is possible, then yes.

Here we go again


I include them in the list of observers, allow them into the program, quickly explain exactly what needs to be done, what to pay attention to, and finally make the last settings.

I listen too, turn up the volume. Everything is noisy in the headphones. Does he driving somewhere? Looks like. For a while there is only this noise, then the slam of the door and footsteps. Completely deserted area - we can only hear the rustle of branches under his feet, the noise of insects and occasionally a bird's voice. An owl. It doesn't give us much. The woods around Duskwood are everywhere.

Metallic noise. He opens some kind of gate, goes back to the car and takes something. 'He's walking more slowly than before,' Ana says in the chat, and I can't disagree with her. Slower. What did he take away?
It becomes clear almost immediately. I can hear crying in the headphones. Girl. Hannah. She's really alive. It's good. But to hear her cry... It paralyzes me. I sit in front of the screen, holding my headphones closer to my ears, and don't even react to the static noise. I can't hear anything else, but I still can't move.


Do something hackerman!

I can try filtering out the noise.


This message by Dan is sobering, and I remember why this group needs me - usually and at the moment. A few seconds of screeching and we can hear everything again. The kidnapper's footsteps, Hannah's sobs, and the thud of something heavy. The connection disappears completely.


I got kicked out!

What happened?

We have lost the connection.


I'm trying to re-establish the connection, but it's no use. The connection is terminated. No matter how much I try, it doesn't work. As if something is blocking access. He must have gone to some very unpleasant place to communicate.

I am once again surprised by the group's reaction. They are quite calm about... technical problems. I don't even hear a single joke from Dan, even though there's a lot of room for they here. But no, Jessica just initiates a discussion about what we heard, and the others are willing to join in. Dan even suggests that the noise we heard might not have been noise at all, but the sound of the waterfall that 'Michael' was approaching. Unexpectedly good idea. There is a waterfall in the area.

No. I was wrong. Once again, I am surprised by the reaction of almost the entire group. Thomas remains true to himself: as soon as he hears about the waterfall, he is going to rush there headlong. No plan, no preparation. Quite in his style. Naturally, despite the group's attempts to reason with him, he simply logged out of the chat. Mhm.


It's no use.
We will be faced with nothing but resistance by using the words.

What are we going to do now?

We must find an alternative.


If only it were that simple. I can still hear Hannah crying in my head, but I don't have any ideas at all. At least, nothing really good. The only alternative option seems to be to send someone more suitable for this interaction than Thomas. However... Whom?


The person should know their way around Duskwood.

I agree.
Someone from Duskwood knows the area, which is very important in this case.

Someone who knows Michael would be good
It should be someone with combat experience
Our options are getting fewer by the second


I know what she try to say. Or correctly: who she means. But until the last moment, I hope that she won't even think about writing this. Vain hopes. Of course, just a few messages later, she suggests this candidate. Alan Bloomgate, Chief of Duskwood Police. With this person... The last thing I want is for her to talk to him. Her involvement in all this is still a mystery. I'm the one who trusts her, and Alan might get suspicious. Probably already. How can I let her take that risk? Give him even more reason to be suspicious. I certainly can't protect her from an arrest warrant.


No, Ana.
We cannot possibly risk that.

Jake, listen to me
Alan has been very interested in me recently
I'm sure he'll here me out
Alan has been trained specifically for situations like these
He can save Hannah


Why do I feel these conversations so strange? It's like we're not miles apart, like she's sitting right here in front of me. She touches the palm of my hand, looks into the eyes and explains common truths. Of course he can! An experienced police officer and everything like that. But how can I explain to her that her own safety is also important? At least for me.

The group is also against conversation with Alan. Everyone knows it's not the best idea, but she doesn't listen to anyone. Sometimes she's too stubborn. Too much. Damn it. It seems like I have only one way to protect her in this situation.


Was it hackerboy's idea to let you loose on Alan?

No, he was actually against it

I am the last person who wants Ana to talk to Alan.
But I must respect her decision.
However, should this conversation get out of hand, I will make Alan an offer.

I think I know what you're getting at
You for me, isn't that right?


She can always guess what I'm thinking. Reads me like an open book. Have I become so predictable lately? Or is she special? Be that as it may, such amazing insight brings back all my fears and worries.

So she writes Alan her 'Mr. Bloomgate? I'm ready to talk to you now'. And while he is not online, I have time to give a couple of tips. Maybe at least she'd listen to them and try to keep a close eye on what Alan was going to say. And most importantly what she going to say.

Ana assures me that she can handle it. I don't doubt it, but I'm still afraid. Yes, he might listen her and go looking for Hannah, or he might just make Ana the target of an investigation, the prime suspect. The odds are fifty-fifty. For some reason, she's one hundred percent sure that Alan will help. She also starts arguing again, opposing my methods.


This deal you want to make with Alan...
Is that the ace up your sleeve?
I knew it
Do you really think I'd allow that to happen?

Do you really think I would allow abything to happen to you?

I'm serious


And I... I just log out of the chat. Yes, this avoidance of conversation is just childlish, but to continue, I need to be calm and focused. Conversations with her does not leave any calm or focus, only boiling blood. Maybe I'm overreacting, clenching my fists until my fingernails are white, throwing my head back and just staring at the ceiling. I know her, and Ana will never give up that easily. I even hear a notification about a message from her. Probably angry and tells me to come back to continue the conversation. Not this time, Ana. Right now, her tenacity is more irritating than admiring, and I'm scared to say something unnecessary, something that will ruin our relationship. It's better to do something useful.

Surprisingly, she manages to convince Alan to go check out what's going on in Grimrock with just a few messages. And it's not surprising that he didn't find anything. Maybe 'Michael' left that place, or maybe we're still missing something, but the same 'static' is heard during his call. It's not going to end well. And while he walks through the woods, 'stumbling and following orders,' I have time to have a look around his computer. A little information from the police would be helpful if we're going to find a solution. Ana is worried again, thinks that he might notice. No, no, my girl, I'm careful enough, he can't. The probability is zero percent. At least she believes me in something. And she knows for a fact that I've got a some of files with me. She really knows me well... Too well.

We spend a few more minutes discussing Alan's walkthrough of Amy's apartment, but it feels like we're not moving anywhere. The questions only get bigger. This letter also includes Michael Hanson, who has been officially dead for several years. I just wonder if it's true. I've been guessing for some time that he's not related to our case, but here it is... Unexpected thing.

And even more unexpected thing happens after our conversation. A criminal sends a link to an broadcast using a hidden number. At first, I even think that this is not a person, but a bot like Nymos. But no, it's just encrypted. I would have done it, but the stream now looks more interesting. Hannah and Richy are alive and it... It makes me feel both warm and bitter at the same time. How long is he going to keep them alive? And what does this plan to achieve? One way or another, now I need to deal with the data of camera. Maybe we can finally figure out where they are now.

I log out of the chat again and try to fully focus on the task, almost skipping another event. This 'Michael' comes to the group's hut and leaves with a very nasty bullet in his shoulder. Well. Dan's a pretty good shot, I have to admit. One question is, why would a criminal want this performance? Another psychological attack that ended in an unexpected rebuff?

I'm still trying to ignore the chat and figure out something - the signal is so weak that it's hard to influence it in any way. Just like with the microphone. Maybe that's the point. But notifications make this increasingly unrealistic. Too much.

I give up and I'm looking at the last few in spy mode. I can feel the unpleasant goose bumps running down my neck. The kidnapper is willing to make a deal. If Ana arrives at the iron mine site, he will let Hannah and Richy go... Does anyone believe him? Only this Thomas, I think.


G r o u p c h a t| live

Please meet Michael's demand

Are you nuts?

You can't ask that of her!

What if he's telling the truth?

Which he isn't

What if he's really going to let them go?

Which he definitely won't

You don't know that
Ana, you could save Hannah and Richy this way!
You could finally end it

Do you really think I don't know that?!

As much as I want Hannah and Richy back
We just can't risk this



I'm begging you!


I know her. Ana is already hesitant to make such a responsible decision, and under such pressure, she will simply drop everything and run to this Duskwood. Thomas is madly in love with Hannah and he is ready to jump at any opportunity. I usually the same. But why should my beloved risk her life for his wishes? Not even for Hannah and Richy, but for Thomas. Criminals don't play by the rules - I'm sure I'm familiar with some of them. Others are right about that: 'Michael' won't let anyone go. But right now, Ana is too excited to think straight. I have to step in.




Look who's finally back
We've all been anticipating your return

I was busy.
Ana? A word.


We go to a private chat to argue for the second time in a few hours. It's not like us at all, but the situation is also out of the ordinary.

I do not trust him and openly express my position. Ana wants to believe, even though for the first few moments she tries to keep the conversation on a logical level. She understands what caused the change of plans and this proposal. But otherwise... 'As a kind of concession'? Seriously? My girl, you're very smart, don't follow the things yuk with what Thomas wants! She usually feels emotions well through messages, why can't she understand now? Why doesn't she feel like I'm barely holding back from... Extremely reckless actions.


I think I've made my decision
I will go to Duskwood

Please listen to me.
I cannot say why he made this offer all of sudden.
But I can say with certainty that it is merely a trap.

And what if I can really end it all?

You will not
I can understand that you want to help Hannah and Richy.
But this is not the right way.

I'll be fine
I'll get them both back
I can do it!

I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger.

Jake... We have to see this as an opportunity!
I can end it!

It is far too risky!


She... Unbearable! Just unbearable! Why is her tenacity so much more solid than logic right now? Heck... All I can think about right now is being close to her, so that I can grab her by the shoulders, look her in the eye, and explain in person what it's all d u n g e r o u s. That this is a trap that we haven't solved yet. That I can't lose her! If she can't read it in my words and keeps arguing. Pocket detective... Why shouldn't she care about herself? At least a little.


You asked me to take this path with you until the end
Today I'm the one asking you to do the same
I just have to do it
I'm sorry

I can't lose you.
You're all
All that matters


I give up. My hands are shaking and my thoughts are confused. I can't... Lose her. And I can't protect her. She doesn't listen to my arguments. She doesn't hear me. And the ironic thing is that it's still my fault. From the very beginning, I've been telling her that we need to save Hannah at all costs, and now I'm getting a mirrored answer. And I drop my hands. I can't fight any more. I can't do anything to her... All that remains is to step out of the way and watch as she tries to do the nonsense.

We came back to the group chat, where she needs to inform about the decision made. I don't want to see it, but I'm still online. Not for nothing. Before she can say anything, Jessica takes the floor and dissuades her. No, seriously. Almost in the same words, she and the group manage to do what I failed to do. Ana stays! She finally understands that she shouldn't risk herself by following the criminal's offer. I'll have to thank them for that one day. In the meantime, I'll just take advantage of the hitch.


We can't just sit around and wait

Yeah 😕 We have to do something

I can't think of anything else 😕

There is one alternative.
I will go to the Ironsplinter Mine.


They are surprised. No one seems to be expecting such an offer. They - or at least some of them - have long considered me a coward who hides behind masks and can only give instructions through the screen. Well... some of them are worth the risk.


That's a bad idea
I don't want you to go, Jake

And it's not going to work, either


Yes. The criminal is waiting for Ana. It's his rule that I'm not going to play. I've been exploring this area for a while and already know a little about the mine and its structure, explaining my plan to convince the group that this is the only real possibility. Just go around the other side, get Hannah and Richy out, and leave. Simple, isn't it?

I only ask Ana one last time to tell this 'Michael' that she's on her way. Distract him a little. And why does it seem like she's not very happy with my entire plan?


You are angry.
Are you not?


Of course. She gets angry and insists not to go. She says she can go on her own, though she doesn't know where even Duskwood is, she'll be careful. I just smile. I can't help but do it. Now the little detective understands what it's like, right? But I'm not going to back down. I have to get Hannah and Richy out of there. Even if it will the end.

I'm shutting down what little hardware I have left. I'll only be able to bring my smartphone with me, but assuming I have a chance to come back... It's better to be fully prepared.


I can still go

I told you, I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger.

But I have to allow you to do so?
That's not fair!


Maybe. But it doesn't matter. I just want to protect my family, the tiny parts of it that I have. Ana is also my family, even if she doesn't know it now. Maybe it's just another mistake, but I tell her that I will keep her safe. I tell her about my past - in terms as general as this knowledge can be safe. Because now is probably the last opportunity. Because I've been solving all this for myself for some time. I don't want to lose this girl, but I can't make the decision for her. I can't put her in danger for my own selfishness. So now her time to make choice.


I am at your mercy, Ana.
I cannot simply evade you.
I do not want to.

Will you stay in Duskwood?
Or will you disappear?

Do you want me to stay?


But instead of answering directly, she asks if it's dangerous. Not even for her, but for me. I'm not going to hide it this time. It is angerous. Now and always will be. And there's no way we'll have much time for this meeting. It's also difficult. It is difficult for a person who is used to a normal life. But maybe we can come up with something. This has more downsides than upsides, and I can't blame her if she refuses but...


We'll find a way :)


And from such an answer it becomes a little easier on the soul.


The journey to the mine takes about an hour, but finally I descend to one of the levels of the mine, look around, illuminating the road with a flashlight. I write to Ana again and tell her that I got there, warning her about reception problems. I even do something completely stupid - I send a photo of the Ironspliter Mine - she really wants to know what she is missing. Maybe she's actually planning to use it for her search mission if something goes wrong. Maybe she expects to see a photo of a different plan - a selfie against the background of the Ironspliter Mine? She's curious, I wouldn't be surprised. Even if she'd never asked before, probably out of respect for my safety rules. Even now, she doesn't ask, just confining himself to a funny 'comfy'. What can I say?..

I tell her what I've learned about the Mine. Nothing really useful: history and interesting facts. Just... Wouldn't she be worried if I didn't write something from a place like this? Somehow, I think I know the answer. I have to stumble and look at the outdated map even more often in order to continue texting. Well. It's worth it.

Finally, the entrance to the lower level. A deep dark winding shaft, many ladders. If one of them is damaged or missing, my plan will be doomed to failure before it even starts. And don't evaluate the risks from above. Hmm. Anyway, it's worth a try. Just...


I am going to need both hands for this part.

That means you won't have a flashlight either?

Correct. At least not during my descent.
All right.
I will put the phone away now.
As soon as I reached the bottombottom, I will let you know.


I descend in total darkness. The stairs are more stable than expected, but the foot sometimes slip off the rusted step. I have to grab the upper steps harder, so that if something happens, at least be able to hold on with my hands, and not go into the depths of the shaft at an increased speed.

Several times I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket. Worried. The descent takes longer than I can expect, right? In total darkness, it is difficult to navigate even in such details.
Finally jumping off. Finally solid ground under the feet, hard to believe. If it weren't for the gloves, my palms would be very unpleasantly chafed, but now just my head is a little dizzy. It will pass quickly. I lean my shoulder against the wall and wait for a few seconds. As usual, I pull on my hood, turn on flashlight, and log in to the chat. I was right. She's worried.


I have reached the bottom.

I was about to sound the alarm

Not necessary.


I tell her carefully about the ladders, leaving out some details like my feet slipping. She shouldn't worry more. I just don't think it's worth using them on the way back. I might need some advice here. Of course, not having enough information about the place, Ana can't give exactly the advice, but in her doubtful question about whether there are other ways, I see the answer I need.

I can finally pull myself together and move on. I still stumble along, checking the map almost every step, and delving into more details of the mine's history. Maybe she's interested in these ghost stories.


According to my map, I should be at a fork in the path.
But I am at a dead end.


Of course, she suggests that I might have missed the turn, because she distracted me with conversations. But things are a bit more complicated. The map that I manage to find and the actual location of the tunnels differ more than I would like. At first, it seemed that this was not a big deal, that it would be possible to navigate the terrain without any special problems... Maybe I'm really missing something.


Are you lost?!

We will find out very soon.
One moment.
I am going to go back a bit.


I try to stay calm more for her sake. I've gotten used to unpleasant situations over the years, but Ana will be worried if she finds out that I do get a little confused in these shafts.

I go back a little, explore the other way that leads to a strange room. How many documents and folders there are... This is all for a reason. I need to have a look at them at least superficially, perhaps there is also something useful here. But I'll warn Ana first.

Her patience lasts for about three minutes. After that, the phone vibrates crazily in my hand again, making it impossible to really focus on all the evidence against 'Michael'. Oh, Ana... Too many nerves.

But the situation is a bit worse than I think at first. Alan decides to go back to the mine, but he's sure to use the entrance to Grimrock. This is a different part of the Mine, I'll have a few minutes to look for something else. Moreover, among these documents there is something that is definitely of interest. The letter that the criminal took from Amy Bell Lewis' apartment. It follows from this letter that she was not killed by a criminal, whoever he was. She took her own life, and this knowledge completely turns the picture around. Just... The criminal only moved her body to the memorial to create a connection with the Jennifer case, and tried to hide traces of the causes of death. As if he didn't want any revenge. Only the truth.

I'm interested in Ana's thoughts on this, but the photo because of the lighting conditions and Amy's quirky handwriting is completely unreadable. At least I can try to scan it.

There's a noise in the Mine. I have to switch the phone to completely mute, turn off the flashlight and almost touch to go further. I should have been faster. Now I slip away from Alan's flashlight at the last moment. It's a shame I didn't have time to see everything. But who knows how many secrets there are.

I finally find myself inside another room. There are no documents here, but there is a computer. Great. I'm in my place here. Maybe that's where the broadcast is coming from? Then it's easy to find out where fifth camera is, where Hannah and Richy are.

I check the files, only gritting my teeth in understanding. The broadcast is fake! Why didn't I understand right away? Damn it, damn it! So much time wasted!

Message again. Ana again. Exactly when I'm going to write to her. How insightful. It's like she feels all my intentions.


The stream is fake.

I just wanted to tell you that
Thomas just found out
But that's not important right now
Alan told me that your pursuers are at the Grimrock

This cannot be.


I... I don't understand! I'm quite careful, always watching everything that concerns them. How so? How can they find this place? Now that's a problem. I don't have much time, but I can't just leave. Hannah... And Richy, too. I must be very close to them right now.


Ah, you haven't heard that
Alan just escorted Hannah out of the mine

Hannah is safe?

It happened just a few minutes ago

That is good news.
Thank you, Ana.


I can almost feel it. I feel something heavy fall from my shoulders. Hannah is already safe, Ana promises to take care of Richy - with access to real signals from the cameras and help by police chief, she will definitely succeed. I believe her. I really should leave. If my pursuers are here, they're probably blocking every known exit from the mine right now. I can only hope that they have the same map as me. Then there are probably some points they don't know about. However, I do not know either. All right. I'll figure something out.


I told you I then that I would not allow myself to be captured.
Because that would be mean our eternal separation.
That promise still holds true.

I know you can do it



Of course I would like to believed my own words. Unfortunately, I can't be so sure. I might wander around a little longer, and sooner or later they'll do something. Maybe then I'll have a chance.

I turn off my phone to make sure I don't attract attention. Now I must hurry, run... But that means disappearing again. Leave her. And I didn't even have time... I lean against the wall, listen, and log back in.



Why are you back online?

I cannot go without telling you.

Jake, you have to hurry!

I know.
But I cannot bear the thought of leaving my feelings for you unsaid.

What do you want to tell me?

I love you.

I love you too, Jake


I smile. Now she knows for sure. Now I know for sure. And it seems that with this knowledge, I can just go through with anything. I turn off the phone and step into the darkness.

A/n: So, the story in-game-frames is finished now... But what about another story, in after Duskwood style?

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