Enemies- Draco malfoy

By MaddieMalfoy___

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A long family feud leads to y/n and Draco to become enemies, but secretly they both know they feel differentl... More

1. Intro
2. Backstory
3. New year, New friends and New findings
4.New year, New friends, and New findings(dracos pov)
5. Dear old mummy
6. Dear old mummy (Draco's pov)
7.no one has to know
8. Quidditch and worrying
9. Quidditch and worrying
10. The party
11. Constantly tired. Pt1.
12- constantly tired pt. 2
13. Constantly tired pt 3.
14. A secret relationship between enemies
16. Flirting and drinking
17. The girl I used to call my enemy
18. Tease
19. Drunken mistake
20. I hate everyone but you
21. I once called him my enemy
22. The end

15. I don't need him, I want him..

440 8 4
By MaddieMalfoy___



Place- Draco's dorm


I woke up around 8:30 not knowing where I was, I felt someone beside me making me jump up and he laughed

D- it's me dumbass remember?

Y- Christ I forgot I came in here

D- I forgot too but I woke up and had a small thing wrapped around me and i remembered

Y- why aren't you getting ready? Doesn't practice start at 9?

D-I didn't wanna wake you up

Y- I would've been fine

D- maybe but I wouldn't have

Y- why?

D- you're grumpy when people wake you I've heard you

Y- I'm grumpy when my brothers come wake me up by jumping on me...

He hummed and flipped us over so now he was hovering over me smiling

Y- why hello there

D- hello beautiful

He kissed my nose and I couldn't help but smile

Y- that's not what I wanted but okay I'll take it

D- we don't always get what we want do we darling?

Y- I suppose not. But I'll remember that Malfoy

D- I'm sure you will D'ore

I laughed and pushing him off me before walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth

Y- you know your room really does smell good

He walked in behind me grabbing my waist as he grabbed his toothbrush to begin to brush his teeth

D- I could say the same about yours, but I don't think I should as you just pushed me

Y- I'll do it again too

D- I bet you won't

He spat in the sink rinsing his mouth off before he started to kiss the side of my neck

Y- Draco we don't have time for this...

D- do you want me to stop?

Y- no...

D- I didn't think so

He picked me up sitting me on the countertop and pulled me into a kiss, trailing his hands up and down my sides but he slowed down and once he got to my hips he squeezed tightly making me gasp, but just like last night as soon as it started getting to the good part there was a knock from my door

Y- Christ. WHAT.

J- are you up?

Draco smirked and continued to kiss my neck

Y- Yeah I'm using the bathroom go away-

J- no I'm coming in we have to talk

Y- Draco were gonna get caught stop

I pushed him away again and he smirked

Y- why are you smirking...

He kissed my cheek and walked back into his dorm without another word and I looking in the mirror

Y- you bastard I'm gonna kill you.

I tried to open his door but Justin walked in grabbing my arm

J- what the hell are you doing

Y- he- UGH.

I pulled my hair over the hickey he had just given me and walked into my room slipping a jumper on

Y- what.

J- mums here...

I froze in my spot not daring to move in case she were in here

J- not in here but she's here for the game...

Y- why am I being told?

J- I'm not supposed to tell you but she's not here for the game, she's here to talk to dumbledore about sending you to an American school...

Y- what? No. That can't- No. NO. I DO EVERYTHING SHE SAYS JJ...

I began crying and he hugged me

J- me and Mike are doing everything we can to keep you here but someone told her you and Draco were still talking...

Y- but we're not... I'm avoiding him as much as I can...

J- I know... I'll be 18 this year y/n i-

D- she can stay with us. My mother won't mind I'll just have to ask

I looked into the doorway of my bathroom and saw a worried Draco standing there with his arms crossed

D- she should be here today

Y- piss off. I don't need nor do I want your help.

J- y/n maybe it's a good idea... just until I'm 18?

Y- JJ the Malfoy's HATE us.

D- would you rather stay with us for a few months, even if we can't stand you or move to America D'ore.

He's right... it would only be a few months tops...

Y- whatever I don't care what happens anymore honestly... just go get dressed JJ...

I smiled and kissed his cheek but as he got to my door he stopped

J- I swear I'll figure this out y/n...

Y- you always do

I closed my door and a tear slipped out of my eye

D- I won't let her ship you off y/n...

Y- it doesn't fucking matter anymore draco. But whoever keeps telling her shit I'm going to murder.

D- I think I know who it is...

Y- yeah well so do I.

Pansy Parkinson. She's jealous of me, always has been. It has to be her

D- come here

He walked into my room and hugged me making more tears fall from my eyes

Y- I don't get it...

D- me neither...

He soon left and I got dressed, i didn't care what I wore so I just slipped on a black top with jeans and a jacket

I walked outside and immediately saw my mother, she was laughing with Mike and JJ so I walked over with a fake smile on my face

Y- mother how are you?

Re- great now that I get to watch my boys play

She smiled at them and I glanced over at draco who looked worried but was speaking to his mother

Re- who are you looking for?

Y- oh uh- BLAISE. There you are

He was the first guy I saw god please play along...

Y- mum this is mikes friend Blaise Zabini, I guess me and him are friends too

Re- ah yes, I went to school with your mother, amazingly smart girl

B- good to meet you ma'am

I was dying inside hoping today would turn out to be only a dream and but I was snapped from my thoughts when Draco walked over

D- micheal you're a keeper again. Don't lose this for us. Oh..Hello Mrs D'ore.

He looked at me and nodded with a small smile before he changed his face to disgust

D- D'ore

Y- Malfoy. Don't you have to go cry to daddy about something or must you follow me everywhere.

He rolled his eyes walking away and I turned to my mother who looked suspicious

Re- so they aren't friends?

Shit please don't fail me now zabini please...

B- who? Draco and y/n? Merlin no. They always look like they wanna kill each other, but sadly for y/n she has to deal with him in almost all her classes.

He snorted and My mother looked at me and raised her eye brow as I rolled my eyes

Y- I can't stand the little ferret. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go watch us lose. Mind walking me to my seat Zabini?

He smiled at my mother before we walked away and I let go of a breath I was holding

Y- thank you...

B- no need, Mike explained and I'm always here to help plus I didn't lie, you do always look like you're gonna kill each other

I nodded and we got up to our seat but Draco flew over and threw something at Blaise


I saw my mother watching as Blaise held up a jumper making me laugh

Y- why did he give that to you?

B- I don't want it

He threw it at me and I threw it back before whispering

Y- my mother is here can you not.

Re- Y/N! Dear, can you come here for a moment?

Y- thanks.

I got up and walked down to her

Re- what we're you three thinking.

J- what's wrong?

Re- Narcissa Malfoy just asked to speak to me and-


Re- I'm not done speaking.

J- I think you are mother

Mike kissed my cheek and hopped on his broom following after Justin

Re- that teacher was right. You're a bloody terrorist. Demon child.

Y- just like dad right?

She went to slap me but the whistle blew and I looked over, Draco was looking at me with a worried face but so was Narssica Malfoy... she mouthed at me but I couldn't see what she mouthed so I just smiled and looked back at my mother

Y- I've always done exactly what you want mother. I've always been a good child, but for some reason you can't see that. But I know deep down.

I stepped closer to her before whispering

Y- You're just as bad of a person as father was.

Re- you brat. you're lucky people are around.

Y- I am aren't I?

I smiled and walked away proud that I finally stood up for myself... for once I did what I wanted.. and damn did it feel good.

But I noticed she was speaking to Pansy Parkinson... what the hell are they talking about...

She walked up the steps and I grabbed her arm

Y- what we're you speaking to my mother about.

P- nothing that concerns you. Now let go of me you bitch.

Y- you're the one lying on me aren't you? Someone is pissed Draco chose someone else huh

P- he don't choose shit. He wants me. Not you.

Y- darling I know he doesn't want me but he certainly doesn't want you either

I laughed but she slapped me

Y- that all you've got?

I pushed her down and walked away going to sit with Blaise at the other end of the stand



Everyone began shouting and I ran down to my brothers hugging them

Y- I never doubted you for a moment

J- yes you did

M- you always do.

I smiled hugging them again as I heard a cough from behind me making me jump and turn around, there I saw my mother, and Dumbledore

Y- professor dumbledore

I nodded and he did the same

Du- your mother has given me some news. so very sorry

Y- what are you going on about

Du- she said your father has passed away. So you'll be going to an American school called Ilvermorny

Y- what?

J- she's not going anywhere.

Re- oh but she is. I'm her mother.

Y- and you gave me the choice. I may not be able to stand that boy but if you disown me then you can't make me do shit.

Re- you wouldn't dare.

Y- but I would... OI MALFOY.

I looked at my brothers who were smirking

Re- if you do this none of you will be allowed back at home.

M- I think we will live mother.

D- what do you need D'ore.

Y- truce?

I held my hand out and he looked at me

D- what are you going on about

Re- y/n don't you dare do it I swear to you-

Y- you can stop claiming us as your children but we are ALWAYS going to be D'ore by blood mother.

Draco smirked and shook my hand

D- truce D'ore.

Y- goodbye Rebeca.

Her eyes went wide and she stormed off but dumbledore looked at me with a smile

Du- glad you're smart miss D'ore.

He winked and walked away and I looked at my brothers now feeling sick

Y- what did I just do...

J- you did the right thing, we have Celeste I'm sure if we wrote her she'd let us stay with her

Y- but this was between mother and I not-

M- y/n. You did the right thing.


She pulled her want out but dumbledore quickly shot it out of her hands and had her removed

D-Are you okay?

I noticed he was holding me by my waist against him as if he was protecting me so I quickly jerked away

Y- fine.

I brushed myself off and looked at micheal

Y- I'm an idiot...

M- yeah you are

I punched his arm and he laughed

Y- you're supposed to say "no y/n you're not you're so very smart and brave"

M- but why would I lie

Draco snickered from beside me and I turned red

Y- well screw you too.

Mike pulled me into a hug and kissed my head

M- I'm proud of you y/n...

I nodded until I heard a slight cough making me pull away

Na- I just wanted to say good job, this is one of the first games I've came to but it was very interesting

D- thank you mother

Na- I don't think we've properly met. Narcissa Malfoy

Y- y/n D'ore...

She nodded shaking my hand and turned to my brothers

J- I'm Justin

M- Micheal

She nodded at them and smiled

Na- my boy here always says a lot about the 'D'ore twins' you two are the twins yes?

She pointed to Mike and Justin making me laugh a bit

Y- no actually it's me and Mike

Na- got it makes sense

I looked at Draco who was shaking his head signaling for her to stop talking

Lu- NARCISSA. oh there you are- Draco

D- father

I felt the air change and Draco stiffened up making me take a deep breath

Y- nice to meet you sir. Y/n D'ore. This is Justin and Micheal, my brothers

He hummed a reply and looked at Narcissa confused as to why I was speaking to him

Y- I have a question to ask you guys... our mother, Rebeca just disowned us...

J- y/n what are you doing-

Y- shut up. Uhm so if our older sister doesn't reply before winter break I was wonder if you would mind us staying? It's no big deal if you can't but... we would truly appreciate it

I have a small smile as he kept the same straight face on looking down at me before glancing at Draco

D- I have a room next to her father, she's not loud at all nor is she messy... I vouch that they wouldn't be a bother to us...

Lu- I don't think-

Na- of course. You are always welcome I already spoke to Draco about this and said the same thing, any friend of Draco's is welcome

She smiled and I looked at Lucius

Y- are you sure sir?

Lu- As long as you aren't messy. And are nothing like your parents.

M- I can't promise anything about me being clean-

I smacked his arm

Y- I'll clean up after them. Thank you both so much

They nodded and I turned to Draco who looked really happy

D- thank you father

B- DRACO- hey man here's your jumper back

He took it and looked at me confused

Y- what?

D- I thought Blaise threw it at you

Y- he did I threw it back, I don't want your jumper that's gross

D- I'm sure you don't

Y- Draco I will slap you I don't care if your parents are right there.

He put his hands up and I rolled my eyes

Y- I'll see you all later I need a shower

Mike leaned over and whispered

M- I wasn't gonna point this out but your hickey is being very much seen right now, and you smell like him

Y- who?

He glanced over at Draco and I smacked his arm

Y- as if.

M- you can't lie to me I'm your twin

Y- you're annoying is what you are.

I kissed his cheek and same with Justin as I turned to Blaise

Y- walk me to my dorm?

P- you can walk alone. Hello Mrs and Mr malfoy good to see you

I saw Narcissa roll her eyes making me giggle a bit

Lu- miss Parkinson.

P- has Draco told you guys yet? Were seeing each oth-

D- Pansy get it in your head. I don't like you Merlin. Come on D'ore I'll walk you. Bye mother, father

He kissed his mums cheek and started walking up to me

Y- she adores you

D- who?

Y- your mother... I can tell

He just shrugged and handed me a small piece of paper that was in the pocket

D- I threw it at Blaise so he'd give it to you... I wanted you to check the pocket loser

Y- why wouldn't you just give me this?

D- cause that's weird

Y- you're weird

D- piss off

I mocked him and started to unfold the paper

D- not yet, someone will read it

Y- you're annoying

D- I know you love me

Y- ew.

He laughed as we got to my dorm

D- don't take a long shower I need one too

Y- then join me we can finish this morning

D- huh-

I closed my door in his face and started laughing, was I being serious? No. Did I hope deep down he didn't care and would join me? Yes. Would I ever tell him that? No. Because I'm not one to fall for anyone. I'm y/n D'ore. A princess. I don't need a man, but I do want one... a very specific one...


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