9. Quidditch and worrying

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Chapter 9.

Place- quidditch field


After I finished rubbing one out to the thought of the girl I share a bathroom with, and I hate that I did it, I got dressed for practice and left, just as I was leaving I heard the shower water turn off, so just in case she came into my room I left quick, running down the steps and to the quidditch field seeing her twats of brothers come walking out shortly after me

M- what's the rush Malfoy

J- you act like you've seen a ghost

D- oh piss off.

I stepped closer to them

D- and stop talking to me you pigs.

They laughed and walked their own ways making me sigh, they cannot find out about what I just did. No one can.

I started telling everyone the game plan for today and of course, Micheal, y/ns twin brother, was goofing off not listening


I walked up to him and got close to him

M- what is it

D- glad to see you can listen.

M- I don't have time to listen to your bitching Malfoy

He rolled his eyes but I stepped a bit closer

D- watch it or I'll bench you the rest of the season

I smirked and he scoffed

M- you wouldn't

D- but I would...you better not lose this fucking game for us. You're gonna be keeper today and I swear D'ore-

Y- oi Malfoy. How bout you piss off. Go fuck Pansy or something bloody hell.

D- oh look dear mummy is here to save you

I looked over and saw y/n, Merlin she looked good, shut up not the time. I smirked crossing my arms and looking her up and down but she rolled her eyes

M- I don't need saving

Y- not here to "save" anyone you prick. I'm here to wish my big brothers good luck now fuck off.

D- you're not my mother.

Y- and you're not my father but you seem to think you can tell me who I can and can't f-

D- OKAY. I get it. Fuck.

I grabbed my broom and walked away hearing Micheal laugh making me more mad I swear that whole family is going to be the death of me.

I looked over and saw her hug him with a big smile on her face before kissing her cheek, I could tell she really loved her brothers, maybe that's why my family thinks of hers as weak. They show too much emotion. I looked over and knew I had to tell the other D'ore he better not lose as well but I heard y/n about the nickname she, and only she, can call Justin.

Y- JJ!

I saw him smile at her as she ran up to him and hugged him, I just stood from afar pretending to listen to Blaise's plan as she began speaking again

Y- hey Theo

T- hello D'ore you look beautiful as always

Great. Now he's flirting with her. I tightened my fist and Blaise looked at me

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