21. I once called him my enemy

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Chapter 21

Place- the Malfoy manor



The day went by slowly, now it's dinner time so I'm going to get my brothers and Draco for Narcissa

I got to mikes room and knocked before opening his door seeing him asleep on his bed making me laugh a bit before shaking him to wake him up

Y- it's dinner time come on

M- piss offfff

Y- come on get up

I pulled his arm pulling him off the bed making him groan

Y- you can go back to bed after dinner go eat

I followed him out of his room going to get Justin who was walking out of his room when I got to the door

Y- dinners done

He nodded and walked down the steps, now I gotta get Draco... I haven't spoken to him since we got here nor have I seen him so that'll be fun

Y- hey Draco? Your mum sent me to get you it's dinner time

I knocked softly and he opened the door

D- thanks, but yk you don't have to knock

He laughed a bit making me roll my eyes

Y- it's not my house so I'm being respectful. Plus I didn't know if you were changing or anything

D- nothing you haven't seen before love

He kissed my head walking down the steps leaving me standing there stunned, I swear he's gonna be the death of me.

I made my way back downstairs and sat down, of course, the only spot left was between Draco and Mike so I sat down earning a glare from Lucius but I ignored it as my plate was put in front of me

Y- this looks delicious thank you so much

I smiled at Narcissa who returned the smile and we began eating, it was silent but I didn't mind, until Lucius began speaking

L- so. Has your father come home yet?

N- Lucius.

She shot him a glare but he ignored it looking back at us

J- no sir he hasn't. But that doesn't matter because our mother wants nothing to do with us three anymore

He hummed a reply but I was bouncing my leg under the table, now feeling uncomfortable but I think Draco noticed as he put his hand on my thigh rubbing it softly with his thumb

L- well I know she is mad at you miss D'ore-

Y- please call me y/n sir

He nodded giving me the famous Malfoy glare making me a bit more nervous but Draco was helping by touching me, I don't know what It is about his touch, his cold rings mixing with his cold hands always helps

L- like I was saying. I know she is mad at you, but you boys?

D- how do you know she's mad at her?

He shot Draco a glare and he took his hand from my leg but I grabbed it holding it in place not wanting him to let go of me

M- She told us all if y/n made a truce with Draco she'd disown us all, none of us would be allowed back to the D'ore manor nor will we be able to speak to her again, and y/n took the risk for her own good.

Enemies- Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now