13. Constantly tired pt 3.

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Chapter 13

Place- great hall



He pulled me from my room to the great all where all eyes turned our way and I heard my name being shouted in worry...

J- Y/N!



He ran up to me along with Micheal with worried faces looking at me to make sure I was okay

J- are you okay?

M- we haven't seen you all week where have you been? I've come to your dorm but you never replied and-

Y- I'm fine. Move I need to eat.

I pushed past them, everyone's eyes still on me as I sat at Slytherin table soon Draco sat in front of me and I sighed

Y- I wanna go back to my room Draco...

D- I need you to eat darling... please?

I nodded and grabbed a roll from the table picking at the soft center not taking my eyes off the table and then I heard pansy's annoying fucking voice making me suck in a deep breath, I don't have the energy to deal with her right now...

P- wow y/n you finally lost weight, good for you, now you gotta get rid of those bags and maybe you'll have a chance with a guy

I felt someone rub my back but I didn't feel like moving away

Y- don't touch me. I'm not a fucking infant

M- I know it's just... what's wrong y/n/n...

I looked at Draco who was watching us ignoring Pansy and I looked back at my brothers who were right beside me before whispering so only they could hear me

Y- I'm just tired...

J- but we haven't seen you all week haven't you been sleeping-

Y- not that kind of tired JJ... I'm tired of everyone judging my every move I can't even fucking eat without someone picking about it...

M- let us help you y/n...

Y- no cause you'll send another owl to mother and she's going to disown me...

J- she said that?

I laughed lightly still just picking at the roll in front of me before speaking

Y- she said much more than that JJ... I still have the letter

M- where?

Y- in my do-

D- actually I brought it...

I looked up at the blonde boy who has been helping me all morning

Y- why...

D- I wanted to compare it to mine...

M- yours?

D- I wasn't speaking to yo-

Y- stop. You said you didn't wanna fight anymore so fucking stop or I'll go back to my dorm.

The tears fighting from exiting my eyes as I lightly whispered at Draco whose face softened at the sight and he nodded

D- fine... my father sent me a letter too...

Enemies- Draco malfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora