22. The end

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Chapter 22

Place- the Malfoy manor


It's now been a week of being Draco's "girlfriend" Idk if I'm gonna call myself that for a while until he proves himself to me, anyway we go back to school tomorrow morning so me and Draco decided to have a lazy day, I've been writing my brothers and they seem to be having fun, why aren't we texting? Cause the part of town they're in doesn't allow any muggle type of utilities, which sucks but they don't seem to mind.

I'm currently laying in bed trying to nap, thinking about if we're going to tell anyone at school we're together when I felt the bed sink beside me making me jump up

D- chill it's only me, jumpy much.

I smacked his arm making him laugh as he hugged me

D- I've barely seen you today... I've missed you

Y- I would say sorry butttttt I guess I've missed you too

I shrugged rolling my eyes and he smack my butt in a joking manner

D- you're an asshole

Y- you love it

He pulled me on top of his lap as he sat up and looked at me, not saying anything just looking into my eyes, you know how they do in those cheesy romance movies? Kinda like that just not as awkward, it was kinda relaxing honestly

Y- what?

D- nothing. Just admiring your face

Y- oh shut up

I kissed him for a second before hugging him but I could tell something was bugging him

Y- what's wrong?

D- nothing just... do you wanna tell anyone we're together yet?

Y- I was gonna ask you that actually

D- I want to, cause of the guys... but at the same time-

Y- you don't cause of the guys... that's how I feel...

D- so what should we do?

Y- give it a few months and let people figure it out on their own?

He nodded kissing my head again and soon we both fell asleep


I woke up to being kissed softly making me smile

D- ready?

Y- not really but let me get dressed

He smiled and handed me the clothes he had laid out for me again, he was already dressed in a suit making me laugh a bit

Y- what's with you and always dressing up before me

D- gotta look good for my girl

He winked kissing me and leaving the room for me to change

It was a black corset-like top with black jeans and some shoes

It was a black corset-like top with black jeans and some shoes

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