Rogue Luna

By TaylorLloydMew

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Betrayed by her mate, Seraphina Nightly leaves to find her own happiness. In a world in turmoil will she be a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter One - Volume 2
Chapter Two - Volume 2
Chapter Three - Volume 2
Chapter Four - Volume 2
Chapter Five -Volume 2
Chapter Six - Volume 2
Chapter Seven - volume 2

Chapter Nine

87 4 0
By TaylorLloydMew

         Given the circumstances Anya and I became allies quickly. We made a general plan to warn as many packs and rogues of a feral invasion. We started with the Willow packs, each one listened and needed our warnings. Blue moon was suspicious from the beginning since the ferals were stalking the border rather than just storm in as they always had for a long time but they thought they were just sensitive, we tested a few days with each pack before we set off again.
            "We should go to the coast, they would be easier to talk with.” Anya was an orphan from an old mindset pack, she managed to survive on her own until the Shadow Moon Pack have her temporary refuge until she turned eighteen and ran away. In her travels she met allot of packs so I followed her guidance.
        I tried to connect with her more, all her about the Shadow Moon Pack but she wouldnt talked about them much, whenever I would ask she simply shrugged and say things like "they're a pack" or "they kept me fed" but no detail, no heart felt memories. I had nothing but rumors to help me know more about them. If they could be trusted. Anya was on edge and asking only made her more tense. I had to follow what we saw and on our journey to the coast we faced three feral attacks, always in a coupling or a group of three. Somehow they never exceed the right number to be defeated, they were more like bait to toy with us. If there was a mastermind he must be excessively cruel.
              We found our destination in the suburban coast. Here wolves embraced more of their humanity and built homesteads that turned to sparkling cities. I was so amazed by the buildings that stretched out the heavens and the noisy symphony of cars, idle chatters and various mechanical sounds that I hadn't noticed the disgust on Anya's face.
         "Is everything ok?” I asked concerned.
              "Trust nothing here. It looks so civilized but in reality they are the worst beasts."
            It was believable. The coast was considered a rogue city. Every wolf for themselves, though the leader pretended well to be their alpha. He was the alpha of the bloodline that settled the coast, they were really pirates as they chased everyone away from it believing the coast to be the most idle. They thought so in vain as there were many types of wolves who lived just fine, if anything the coast was lacking in drinkable water and fire to their forceful actions many of the normal food source had scattered to other territories. Not one to be called fools they made due and in time built the only tourist city in the entire werewolf country. It produced high revenue so many wolves lived ordinary human lives. Some questioned if they were still wolves at all but they had special characteristics that prevented them from being anything other wise. Some showed physically in various abnormalities and others in their heightened senses. The only known shifter was Axel Stone. The alpha. In reality he was a crime boss. A devil in disguise. Even I knew the rumors. Meeting him would be tricky.
        Inside the city Anya was tense until we reached an unassuming building with a heavy bronze metal door. She knocked in a strange rhythmic pattern and a squeaky voice responded,
                 "The prodigal princess returns,  what do you want cherry? " I couldn't tell if they were friendly or not given Anya's blank expression.
            Anya let out a huff before landing a resounding kick to the door. There was a sizeable dent in it followed by stunned silence. Soon it opened with a creak and on the floor was a small blonde female groaning. Anya stomped her foot on the ground and growled, "Get up yo-yo! You want to talk, keep talking. "
          The girl chuckled nervously,  "just kidding around cherry! Can't old friends joke?"
                 "We aren't friends.  Tell me where Hawk is. Now." It had been a month or so together and I had never seen such a side to Anya, she was usually strong but cheerful.  Here she was like a mobster on a rampage. The woman came back with a tall man with short shaggy black hair and indifferent gold eyes, he had black wolf ears on his head and a clear canine visible when he yawned. He was dressed in a tight black tank top and form fitting but breathable light grey camo pants with a sizable blade strapped to his right thigh. He looked like a mercenary.
            "Hello blossom." He kept a tired, indifferent time until he noticed me and his eyes lit up. "Ooooooooo the self declared rogue Luna! You're famous indeed." He seemed overly interested in me until Anya cleared her throat and he turned disinterested. "What do you want?"
        "We need to see, the alpha."
     The man burst into laughter, "you?! You're a pebble amongst mountains, you're not worth his time."
           She growled. "This is about the fate of our kind. I think he'll want to know"
       "You've intrigued me, tell me what you know and I'll evaluate it's urgency and worth."
            I sighed softly, "the ferals are forming alliances. Building an army of sorts. There's no confirmation but I'm sure you've seen it."
                 He perked an eyebrow, "oh? What makes you think I pay attention to that sort of thing?"
           I walked close and whispered softly in his ear "You're the beta."
       He was stunned. There was never a reported Beta because it was thought to be a lawless community without the normal structure but I could see it in his spirit. He was a beta. Some basic inference I could tell they only appeared lawless but in reality there was a structure to protect the city, even the citizens might not even notice it. Rogues subconsciously crave that bond of a pack but werewolves were proud creatures, this city was in fact the biggest pack in all of the werewolf territory, perhaps in history. The man chuckled softly, "smart, as expected of a Luna."
           "I'm no longer a Luna." I couldn't deny I still held the advantage of a Luna, power and prestige would follow my name forever as a Luna. However. Being a Luna was only ever a burden on me.
         The man looked at me and nodded, "I apologize. You're right. I think you're destined for more than a Luna who lost her pack, much more."
             It felt reassuring to hear, my heart felt at ease and even Anya was calmed by the atmosphere. He motioned the blonde woman away and shifted into a massive black wolf. Anya was shocked, she thought only the alpha could shift. "What the hell?!"
       I looked at her as he laid himself down and motioned for us to mount his back. "Let's go see the alpha."

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