Chapter Eighteen

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      We bonded with stories of mom and broke the barrier that had divided us. It felt therapeutic to talk to him, to know him. I wished we had more time but I had a mission to complete.
           "Father. I have a request."
      He sighed, "you want to defend the mainlands. I know. You have her sense of duty and selflessness." I bit my lip hopeful. "I can't stop you but...I just got you back..."
             I felt my heart sting as his voice faltered. I wanted to know him more, maybe brighten him up a bit but I couldn't ignore my friends. My home. "I promise. I'll return. Someday." I had to talk to Anya, she was my pack. I needed to be fair.
         He looked at me with a bitter sweet smile. "You're just like her... Ok Sera. Promise me you'll remain in touch and weekend you win, you'll tell me in person."
               I could tell he was worried. I never experienced war, it was foreign to me but it was something unavoidable.
           I smiled. "Of course, father."
     We chatted for a few more hours in the garden before he brought me to a training hall.
               "If you're going to eat, you need to have better control. Your special energy can be your greatest weapon if you can harness it properly." He sent a single wave of energy towards a target cutting it half with precision.
           "Whoa." He chuckled softly.
       "I suppose so. Let me show you my form, it can change depending on your will. The important thing is to focus on weekdays important to you, that will be what gives you your power and feed your energy."
             I tried to do his stance but it was difficult. I grumbled everytime I failed but he was patient. I tried to remember his words and clear my mind, focusing only on what was important. After a while I could better connect to it. I managed to cut an obstacle. It was disproportionate but it was a hit.
          We trained for three days until I masters the basics. My father was so proud as he hugged me tightly. It was warm and made me more emotional than I intended.
       Everything felt so short. I was reluctant to go but I could feel my friends calling out to me.
             "Thank you for everything father... I'll, see you soon."
         He looked at me with a San smile and nodded. I couldn't stay any longer for feared I'd never go but before I left the castle my father's beta caught up to me.
        "I apologize for how I treated you. For a place of mind, no one was disposed of. I just wanted to see if you were like lady Merilyn, you are her and much more." He smiled warmly causing me to smile in return.
                 It felt good to reconcile with my father's beta. He reached a hand out and I shook it happily. As we parted I felt something small and cold in my hand as I looked it was a small pendant of a white wolf crafted from quartz hanging on a soft gold thread. I looked at him curiously, "what's this for?"
      "It's a magic pendant. It will hopefully help you control your energy better and it doubles as a sign you're welcome here. Any time."
           I laughed softly, things changed in no time at all. I was once an intruder but now I was an honored guest. I clutched it gently before fastening it to an old chain necklace.
       "Thank you." He smiled and nodded.
            I looked back at the icy village with a grin. I'll be back someday.
        I made these trek down excitedly, the further down the more I could feel my friends. They were waiting for me.
            I ran down in my beastial form. So much had changed. I gained a father, gained new power and though I lost my trust in Davion I was thankful he led me to my father in the end. I drew closer and saw a ball of pink fluff curled up at the base of the mountain. I didn't hesitate to leap at her but like our first meeting Brock intercepted though the energy was  much friendlier. We wrestled playfully, anya even joined in. I let out a happy howl that Anya and Brock echoed.
        We were alerted to Derrick's presence with his hearty laugh. "I knew you'd make it young one! You have the spirit of the north coursing through you."
                I smiled as I shifted back. "Thank you, Derrick."
          He grinned, "my pleasure. Come. Eat your fill before y'all go."
              We celebrated with a feast and merriment through the night, as everyone began to fall asleep we sat outside under the stars and looked up at the glittering night sky.
          Anya told me their stories. They spent their time training for the battle and indulging in some hobbies. Brock took to weaving and crafts while Anya enjoyed playing physical games to hone her stealth, agility and speed. I heard a few side stories from others of her vicious thirst for victory. I laughed at their stories, they were intrigued in mine. Anya was furious with Davion but she already disliked him.
           As we winded down we laid in silence and took in the peaceful energy of nature. I let some time pass before I cleared my throat, "so, I am predestined to run my father's pack in the north someday."
        "Oh." Anya sounded disappointed as she fidgeted around.
                I let out a nervous breath. "I want to know if you wanted to join the Winter Knights."
        Abyss spun around and looked at me eagerly. "R-really?!"
            I sound around to face her with a smile. "Of course. You're my friend."
        Hey eyes glistened excitedly. "Can I be your gamma?!"
                  "You don't want to be a beta? You have the spunk for it."
          She smiled and shook her head, " it's not my style. Your personal guard though, that's where the action lays."
                 I laughed and shook her hand, "you're my gamma then."
                 "Thank you, alpha."
       I use to hate the idea of being an alpha but it grew on me. Alpha Seraphina. Had a nice ring to it.

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