Save Me.

By itsrudaayy_

2.9K 146 33

Layli has always been the fish out of water considering her weight. And when her best friend ditches her, dad... More

Save Me.
Save Me: Part 2
Save Me: Part 3
Save Me: Part 4
Save Me: Part 5
Save Me: Part 6
Save Me: Part 8
Save Me: Part 9
Save Me: Chapter 10

Save Me: Part 7

255 13 3
By itsrudaayy_

Save Me

Part 7:

"Hi, welcome to Greenwald Bookstore." I nicely greeted customers as they walked in. I have been on repetition ever since I got here with those words. Greet customers by the desk and have a nice conversation with them while they pay for their books. 

Drew's shift starts  in a couple minutes and I haven't seen him since yesterday. But, right now I don't care. He literally told me that he hated me. Why care for the people that hate you? And who you may possibly hate as well? 

I was reading this book when I heard the bell above the door that signals that somebody came in. 

"Hi, welcome to—" I stopped my speech when I saw Drew walking over to the desk. 

"Where's my dad?" He asked not making eye contact. 

"Back." I said softly before returning to my book. I then heard Drew walking over the desk to stand by my side. He took my book and slammed it before chucking it down on the floor. 

"I don't like one worded answers." He said looking straight at me. 

"Well, I don't like bullies." I exclaimed retrieving my abused book. I look back at Drew whose face had softened a little bit. 

"What happened?" He asked, his voice sounding a little hesitant. 


"Your wrist and lower back. Your shirt lifted up when you—did you do that to yourself? Was it because of me—" As soon as Drew stopped talking, the bell started to jingle. Talk about being saved by the bell. I looked over Drew to greet the new customers. 

"Hi—" My speech was once again interrupted because there stood Blake. He was alone for once and strutted to the counter. 

"Hi, Layli?" My name sounded like a question on the tip of his tongue. It seemed like he didn't even know my name. I was a distant memory.

"What are you doing here?" Drew rudely asked Blake who flickered his eyes to Drew. 

"I wanted to have a conversation with Layli here. My girlfriend wanted to pass down a message. Sadly, she couldn't make it here so here I am." 


"She said," Blake took out a piece of paper and put it on the table. " 'Just because you got invited doesn't mean we want you to come. Come and I'll make you fall on your still fat bum.' " 

"Wow, she can rhyme." I blurted out without even thinking. Blake's face turned all red while Drew snickered beside me. Blake then called me a nasty word before storming out. 

Tiffany may have taken away my best friend but she won't take away my pride. 

Or what's left of it.


Am I going over board? I look at my black dress that goes three inches above knees. I put my hair in a high pony tail and put no makeup on with the exception of mascara and concealer. I'm only going to this party to show Tiffany that she can't tear me down and Blake that he lost a good one. 

I'm not going to get drunk and have a body filled with STD's the next day. I don't even plan on eating or drinking at that party. Most of those foods have been touched by dirty hands and the drinks are spiked. 

I've watched a good hand full of teenager's movies to figure that one out. Also, in freshman year, Blake told me every thing that happens at these types of party's because had went to five in a whole week. 

I may be young but I'm not stupid and oblivious. 

I walked to Mike's house because it wasn't that far away from my house and I was wearing flats. I would wear high heels but I'm already tall for that. 

When I got to Mike's house, I was taken aback. His house reminded me of a freaking mansion! A couple people ran towards the door while some were outside talking and drinking out of plastic cups. I walked up the driveway, ignoring the surprised stares, and knocked on the door. 

Mike opened it up with a big smile on his face. Really loud music was playing from inside and the stench of overly priced perfume/cologne and alcohol face planted me. 

"Hey, you came!" Mike yelled over the music. I smiled slightly and nodded. Mike opened the door so that I could get through. Once I got in, my thoughts about these types of party's were completely right. 

There were people grinding up against each other and drinking like it was water and they had been on a deserted desert for ages! Most of the girls were basically half naked because those dresses did not cover much. 

The guys were dressed up as they had "swag" or whatever that means. Totally cliche. 

"Layli, you want a drink?" Mike asked me leading me to the kitchen. 

"No, thanks. I already had some. I'm done for the night." I tell Mike who looked a little bit disappointed at my response. 

"Come on! I know that you have never drunk before in your life! Live a little today!" 

"No, I've drunken a lot of things before. Like juice and water. Soda's my favorite!" I said logically, mostly as a joke. It must have been brought on correctly because Mike started to laugh. 

"You are very funny! But, seriously. Take a drink." He persisted. He then went to this big punch bowl that I'm pretty sure was filled with alcohol because you could smell that thing a mile away. Mike took a ladle and a cup and poured the mixture into he cup. 

He handed it to me and I took it in my hands. I know what is probably going to happen though. They will get me drunk, I will do stupid things that I probably won't remember the next day but be reminded when all of my activities are on the Internet. And lastly, Tiffany will harass me till I am dead. 

I put my lips on the rim of the cup but closed them shut and tilted the cup. I made it seem like I was drinking that contents but I really wasn't. I have seen what alcohol does to my mother and I really don't want to end up like her. 

I finished my act by slamming the cup down on the table beside me. Mike cheered for me and made me follow him onto where everyone was dancing. 

He put his hands on my waist which I did not like and shrugged it off. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I have to use the bathroom. Where is it?" I lied. Once Mike told me the direction of where the bathroom was, I entered it only to have found a couple making out int he tub. I closed the door and walked down a hallway that led me to a room that overlooked the pool. 

It was a massive pool and looked pretty deep from where I was standing. There was nobody out there. Thank God actually. 

When I headed back downstairs, Blake and Tiffany's group were on the dance floor and talking as well as drinking. I was just standing on the stairs when I felt somebody breathing down on my neck. I turned to see Drew. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a harsh tone. 

"Is that your business?" I told him turning back around and looking at Tiffany and Blake dancing and having the time of their lives. I caught Tiffany's eyes and I swear, I saw some type of fire ignite in her eyes. She suddenly stopped dancing with Blake and started to kiss him. 

The others noticed and started to cheer them on. 

"Skinny Layli, why aren't you getting jealous? You love Blake." Fat Layli whispered. 

"He loved him. Past tense for a reason. He's one of Tiffany's minions now." Skinny Layli told her. 

Tiffany stopped kissing Blake and walked to the DJ and cleared her throat in the microphone to get everyone's attention. The music stopped playing and everybody looked at Tiffany. I felt Drew get uneasy behind me. 

I turned to see him staring at me. He then dropped out eyes contact and stared at Tiffany. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a video to play for you all today." She started, her voice as fake as that nose. "You all know Layli Hamilton right?" Everybody nodded and a few spotted me and looked at me then back at Tiffany. 

"Well, Sophomore year she used to be best friends with my boyfriend Blake and while they were best friends, Layli told Blake every thing. What guy she had a crush on and when I mean everything, I mean everything!" Tiffany continued. 

"So the Unwanted Daughter told her best friend how she had a major crush on Luke on the football team for two years straight! When she touched his arm, she felt tingles. Layli, you were always a diary but I have come to expose some of your darkest secrets. 

Doesn't your alcoholic mother blame you for your father leaving you. Your mother talked about how you forced him to go the gym with you for two months straight, everyday. Guess he was tired of your constant begging. 

Layli Hamilton, you are nothing but a sick, twisted, greedy, ugly, unloved, desperate and fat teenager. You think that just because you lost all of that weight, we still can't hear your thighs rubbing against each other. 

Don't you still get out of breathe when you run like crazy?" Now I'm crying, I can't stop for some reason. "You can't hide what everyone's already seen!" 

Now I'm running. My tears making my pathway blurry. I felt somebody try to hold me down from going out the door but I couldn't let them. 

"Come on bitch, stay here!" I heard in my ear. The voice sounded familiar but I didn't want to figure it out. 

Drew P.O.V 

Layli ran crying down the stairs. I watched as the people from Blake and Tiffany's group tried to hold her down. Blake walked up to her ear and said something that made Layli cry even harder. When she got out, I walked up to Blake and brought up my knee to his crotch using all the needed force.

When he went down to hold his area in pain, I punched him right in the face. I then took a beer bottle and walk over to Tiffany who looks scared for some reason and poured it on her. 

"You are the biggest bitch I have ever seen! And to the people who actually laugh at everything she's been doing to Layli, you are no people, you are all animals who need to be put down." I yelled out. 

I then ran out to find Layli. I ran down the street and followed loud sobbing.  It brought me to a neighbor's pool. I saw Layli on the edge clutching something near her stomach. 

"Layli!" I yelled out. She turned around and showed me what she was holding close to her stomach. 

A knife. 

"No! Layli don't!" I yelled as I got closer to her. 

"I can't do it! I can't Drew! I want to!" She sobbed. I careful crouched down close to her and put a hand on her hands that were clutching the knife in a tight grip. 

"No, don't do this Layli!" I said softly.

"She won't stop! This is the only way!" Layli yelled out. She took the knife away from her before plunging it again. I held her grip just before it touched her skin. For a small girl, she was hella strong! 

Before I knew it, Layli pushed me with her elbow and she plunged straight into her stomach. 

I changed the way she attempted to make suicide because the other one where she jumped over a building was a little....idk. I didn't really like that one! Hoped you like this one! -Rudi

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