Stranger Things: The Werewolf...

By RayTheRipper

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Hawkins is a small midwestern town located in Roane County in the state of Indiana with an estimated populati... More

Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly
Chapter 4: The Body
Chapter 5: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter 6: The Monster vs. The Werewolf
Chapter 7: The Bathtub
Chapter 8: The Upside Down
Chapter 9: MADMAX
Chapter 10: Trick or Treat, Freak
Chapter 11: The Pollywag
Chapter 12: Will the Wise
Chapter 13: Dig Dug
Chapter 14: The Spy
Chapter 15: The Mind Flayer
Chapter 16: The Gate
Chapter 17: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter 18: The Mall Rats
Chapter 19: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Chapter 20: The Sauna Test
Chapter 21: The Flayed
Chapter 22: E Pluribus Unum
Chapter 23: The Bite
Chapter 24: The Battle of Starcourt
Chapter 25: The Hellfire Club
Chapter 26: Vecna's Curse
Chapter 27: The Monsters and the Superhero
Chapter 28: Dear Billy
Chapter 30: The Dive
Chapter 31: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Chapter 32: Papa
Chapter 33: The Piggyback

Chapter 29: The Nina Project

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By RayTheRipper


(Cut to Y/N's group arriving at the house Max drew.)

Steve: Yeah, that's not creepy.

(Steve & Nancy are pulling out the nails in the wooden board, covering the door.)

Steve: What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shithole?

Nancy: We're not sure. We just know this house is important to Vecna.

Steve: Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?

Nancy: Basically.

Steve: Great.

Dustin: Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for Max.

Lucas: We don't think he's in here, do we?

Max: Guess we'll find out.

(Y/N): If he is in there, just point him out to me, and I'll rip his head off.

Robin: I doubt it'll be that simple.

Steve: Ready?

Nancy: Mm-hmm.

(They take off the wooden board & Steve tries opening the door.)

Steve: It's locked. Should I knock, see if anybody's home?

Robin: No need.

Robin: I found a key.

(She throws the brick through the window & Steve opens the door.)

Steve: [whistles]

Lucas: Looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.

(Dustin turns on his flashlight.)

Steve: Where'd everyone get those?

Dustin: Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child.

Steve: Thank you.

Dustin: Huh. Back pocket.

(He gets a flashlight from Dustin's bag.)

Steve: You don't have one, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Nocturnal vision.

Steve: Right, right.

Nancy: They just left everything.

Robin: I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value.

Max: Hey, guys? You all see that, right?

(They all look at a grandfather clock.)

Dustin: Yeah.

Steve: Yeah.

(Y/N): Yup.

Nancy: Is this what you saw? In your visions?

(Max nods her head "yes.")

Robin: I mean, it's...just a clock. Right?

(She walks up to the clock & wipes off some dust.)

Robin: Like a normal old clock.

(Y/N): [sigh of relief]

Steve: Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's, like, a clockmaker or something?

Dustin: I think you cracked the case, Steve.

Nancy: All I know is the answers are here. Somewhere. Okay, everyone stay in groups of two. Robin, upstairs.

(Nancy & Robin head upstairs, Max & Lucas head further into the house. Leaving the trio of Steve, Y/N, & Dustin. Y/N stops Nancy & Robin before they go up any further.)

(Y/N): Do I count as two people? Like, as I am now better half?

(Nancy and Robin look at each other before looking back at Y/N.)

Nancy: All right, we're a group of three.

Robin: Get up here.

(Y/N): Yes!

(He makes his way up the stairs.)

Steve: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sorry, bro.

(He follows the girls up the stairs, leaving Steve with Dustin.)

Steve: [sighs heavily]

(He heads up the stairs with Dustin following him.)

Dustin: Was that a sigh?

Steve: No, I did not sigh.

Dustin: Why'd you sigh?

Steve: I didn't sigh. Just come on, dude.

Dustin: I heard you.

Steve: W...We're just always partners, okay?

Dustin: You have a problem with that? Is it because (Y/N) isn't with us?

Steve: It's not really him not being here, it's...never mind. It'd be nice to, I don't know, mix it up a bit.

Dustin: I'm boring you? Is that it?

Steve: No, the opposite...

(Cut to Nancy, Y/N, & Robin looking around a room.)

Robin: You sniff out any clues yet?

(Y/N): No, not yet. What exactly am I supposed to be looking and/or sniffing for?

Robin: I don't know. Anything creepy or spooky.

(Y/N): We're in an old abandoned house where a family was brutally murdered by a dark wizard. Everything in here is creepy or spooky.

Robin: Noted.

(She opens a closet & looks through it. Nancy walks up Y/N.)

Nancy: O'Connell.

(Y/N): Wheeler. [chuckles] Cool.

Nancy: [chuckles] What?

(Y/N): The fact that we always seem to address each other by our last names.

Nancy: Huh. Now that you mention it, we do.

(Y/N): *smiles*

(The trio leave the room & walk down a hallway. Nancy & Y/N leading the way with Robin behind them.)

Nancy: So, you and Robin.

(Y/N): [sighs happily] Yeah.

Nancy: She practically wouldn't shut up about you while we were at the library. She loves you ya know?

(Y/N): She does? She said that?

Nancy: [chuckles] Be sure to tell her those same words.

(Y/N): I plan to. Wait, how'd you know that I haven't told her yet?

Nancy: I...have experience when it comes to that.

(Y/N): Okay.

Nancy: If I'm being honest, she doesn't seem like your type.

(Y/N): Really? What's my type then?

Nancy: I don't know. I guess I always pictured you with me.

(Y/N): You?

Nancy: You're always hanging out with Steve so I thought...Forget I said anything.

(She walks ahead, leaving Y/N standing in the hallway.)

(Y/N): [chuckles] Wheeler.

(Robin kisses him on the cheek & walks past him.)

(Y/N): What was that for?

Robin: I missed you at Pennhurst.

(Y/N): I missed you too.

Robin: *smiles*

(They follow Nancy. Cut to Steve almost backing into Nancy.)

Nancy: Whoa, whoa. What's wrong?

Steve: There was a spider.

Nancy: What?

Steve: It's a black widow.

(He closes the door to the room he was just in.)

Nancy: Okay.

Steve: Don't go in there.

Nancy: Oh, oh. Wait, just...

Steve: What? Something? Shit.

Nancy: Wait. Stop moving.

Steve: Okay.

Nancy: Stop. I just...I got it. I got it.

Steve: Thanks.

(She starts taking the webs out of his hair.)

Robin: If there's a spider nesting in there, you're never gonna find it til it lays eggs and the babies spill out.

Steve: What's wrong with you?

Robin: [chuckles]

(She walks past them followed by Y/N.)

Steve: Robin, seriously.

(Y/N): Hey, man, calm down. She obviously didn't mean it, right?

Robin: Right!

(Y/N): See?

Steve: [sighs] Yeah.

(Y/N): Besides, the spider and its babies would crawl into your head from your ears and they would liquify your brain and hollow you out before you even noticed something was wrong.

Steve: How were you able to say something so much worse than she did?

(Y/N): [laughs]

(He walks to his girlfriend.)

Robin: [laughs] Good one!

Steve: There goes my best friend, officially corrupted by her. She's got problems.

Nancy: Tell me about it.

Steve: It's cool you two are, like, friends now. (Y/N) finally has another couple to double date with. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, you, (Y/N), Robin, Jonathan, when he's back. I'll be the...fifth wheel but it's whatever. It's not like we're dating. Me and Robin. Not like we're dating. She told you? That we're not?

Nancy: Yes. She made it very clear that her and (Y/N) are solid.

Robin: Platonic with a capital P. And like a rock.

Steve: Yep. Thank you. I mean...I would date her. It's just...(Y/N) would rip me in half.

(Y/N): Hey, you're my best friend. I'd make it quick.

Steve: Good to know. Also she's...We're just...never mind. We're friends.

Nancy: Right. Right. Okay. All better.

Steve: Great. Thanks. [chuckles] Well...Great. Um. Guess we should, uh, get back to the investigation.

(She nods in agreement.)

Steve: "The obvious things are not what people observe." Or..."Do...Don't observe." Or...Sherlock Holmes.

(He walks away from Nancy.)

Nancy: What?

(Cut to everyone back together & watching the lights on a chandelier flicker.)

Nancy: It's like the Christmas lights.

Robin: The Christmas lights?

Nancy: Yeah, when Will was in the Upside Down, the lights...came to life.

Lucas: Vecna's here. In this house. Just on the other side.

(The lights go out.)

Robin: I think he just left the room.

Max: Did he hear us?

Steve: Can he see us?

(Y/N): I feel like we'd be in deep shit if he could.

Lucas: Headphones.

(Man starts putting on her headphones.)

Nancy: Wait, wait. Everyone turn off your flashlights and spread out.

Steve: We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights.

(Everyone turns off their flashlights & spreads out.)

Steve: Jesus Christ.

(They're shown walking in separate rooms until..)

Robin: I got him! Got him! I got him!

(Her flashlight goes out.)

Robin: I...I had him.

(Steve's flashlight lights up.)

Steve: Oh, whoa. Oh, I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving.

(They follow Steve up the stairs for his flashlight to go out.)

Steve: Shit. I lost him.

Max: No, you didn't.

(She opens a door leading to the attic which is lighting up.)

Robin: It's an attic. Of course it's an attic.

(Y/N): It's always an attic.

(They walk up the stairs.)

Dustin: Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap? Guys, guys. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

(Dustin follows them up. Cut to them in the attic where a single light bulb is flickering. Then all of their flashlights start doing the same.)

Steve: Okay, what's happening?

Meanwhile With Eddie, Vecna's After Someone Else...

(This causes all the bulbs to explode around them.)

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