Stranger Things: The Werewolf...

By RayTheRipper

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Hawkins is a small midwestern town located in Roane County in the state of Indiana with an estimated populati... More

Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly
Chapter 4: The Body
Chapter 5: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter 6: The Monster vs. The Werewolf
Chapter 7: The Bathtub
Chapter 8: The Upside Down
Chapter 10: Trick or Treat, Freak
Chapter 11: The Pollywag
Chapter 12: Will the Wise
Chapter 13: Dig Dug
Chapter 14: The Spy
Chapter 15: The Mind Flayer
Chapter 16: The Gate
Chapter 17: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter 18: The Mall Rats
Chapter 19: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Chapter 20: The Sauna Test
Chapter 21: The Flayed
Chapter 22: E Pluribus Unum
Chapter 23: The Bite
Chapter 24: The Battle of Starcourt
Chapter 25: The Hellfire Club
Chapter 26: Vecna's Curse
Chapter 27: The Monsters and the Superhero
Chapter 28: Dear Billy
Chapter 29: The Nina Project
Chapter 30: The Dive
Chapter 31: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Chapter 32: Papa
Chapter 33: The Piggyback

Chapter 9: MADMAX

4.1K 161 65
By RayTheRipper

A big thank you to StardustMaster for making the new cover!


(We see Y/N in a tree.)

(Y/N): [yawns] Getting tired. Halloween's coming up, should be fun. I'll have a bowl of candy at the ready. Though, I doubt I'll be giving any kids candy because no one ever shows up at my house. Too far I suppose. More candy for me like the previous years.

(A deer walks under the tree he's in.)

(Y/N): [deep breath] Here goes.


(He jumps down from the tree he's in & lands on the deer.)

Deer: [yelps]

(The deer tries to shake & buck Y/N off to no avail. Y/N sinks his claws into the deer & bites down on its neck.)


(He breaks its neck in his jaws.)

(Y/N): [muffled breathing]

(He is now carrying the deer over his shoulders, on his way back to his house.)

(Y/N): Am I getting tired of deer? Not really. Should probably change it up though. Hunt some rabbit or squirrel? Catch a bird out of the air? [groans] I think I'll give Nancy and Steve some venison. Jonathan, too, if there's enough.

The Next Day

(We see Nancy & Steve in Hawkins High parking lot. She's reading over Steve's college entrance essay.)

Steve: It's crap, I know.

Nancy: No, it's not crap.

Steve: It's not good.

Nancy: It's going to be. Just...It needs some reorganizing.

Steve: [sighs]

Nancy: Can I mark on it?

Steve: Yeah, I guess.

Nancy: So, in the first paragraph, you used the basketball game vs Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great. But then, around here, you start talking about your granddad's experiences in the war. And I...[stammers] I don't see how they're connected.

Steve: It connects because...because, you know, we both won.

Steve: Do you think I should start from scratch?

Nancy: No. I mean...When's the deadline?

Steve: It's tomorrow for early application. Can you come and help me tonight?

Nancy: We have our dinner tonight, remember?

Steve: Oh, my God!

Nancy: We already canceled last week. You don't have to go. Just work on this.

Steve: No, no, no.

(He crumbles up his essay.)

Steve: What's the point?

Nancy: Hey, calm down.

Steve: I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm just being honest. You know, I mean...I'll end up working for my dad anyway.

Nancy: That's not true.

Steve: I don't know, Nance. Is that such a bad thing? There's insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff. And if I took it, you know, I could be around for your senior year.

Nancy: Steve...

Steve: Just to look after you a little bit. I wouldn't have to ask (Y/N) to do it for me. Make sure you don't forget about this pretty face.

Nancy: [chuckles]

Steve: Nance, I'm serious.

(They kiss.)

Steve: I love you.

Nancy: I love you, too. Speaking of (Y/N).

Steve: What about him?

Nancy: Could you make sure he comes with us?

Steve: Why?

Nancy: I told you why.

Steve: Right, I forgot. Sorry.

(The engine of a 1979 Chevrolet Camaro Z-28 revs drawing everyone's attention to the driver and a ginger girl who skateboards away.)

(Cut to Steve & Y/N by some lockers.)

(Y/N): Do you think you can stop by my place tonight?

Steve: For what?

(Y/N): I've got some venison for you and Nancy.

Steve: (Y/N), dude, you didn't have to.

(Y/N): What? Did you two become vegetarian or vegan?

Steve: No. [chuckles] I'm just saying it must've cost you a lot.

(Y/N): Cost? Do you know who you're talking to?

Steve: You killed the deer yourself, didn't you?

(Y/N): Yes, sir. With these.

(He shows Steve his canines.)

Steve: Very impressive, man. Very impressive. They look sharp.

(Y/N): They are.

Steve: I can't stop by though.

(Y/N): Why not?

Steve: Nancy and I are gonna have dinner with Barbara's parents.

(Y/N): Oh. Sounds exciting.

Steve: It really doesn't. And you're coming with us.

(Y/N): Need some backup, huh? I got you.

Steve: It was actually Nancy's idea but thanks anyway.

(Y/N): Are the shades a part of your Halloween costume?

Steve: Good eye, my friend. What are you gonna be for Halloween? Wait, don't tell me...a werewolf!

(Y/N): Hilarious. But nothing. I'm just gonna stay home for Halloween.

Steve: You're not going to Tina's party?

(Y/N): No.

Steve: You have to come!

(Y/N): Do I really?

Steve: You could meet someone. Go on a double date with me and Nancy.

(Y/N): That does sound nice. But what girl wants to go out with a werewolf?

Steve: You never know unless you try. Plus, I heard Tina has a crush on you.

(Y/N): [sighs] I guess I'll have to plan out my costume.

Steve: Good man!

(Steve picks up Nancy & starts making out with her causing Jonathan & Y/N to leave them. Cut to Steve, Nancy, & Y/N at the Holland's doorstep.)

Steve: Okay. Ready?

Nancy: Yeah.

Steve: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Why am I here again? I know it was your idea, Nancy. But...I feel like the fifth wheel here.

Nancy: You were nice to her, you know? I thought it would be nice for her parents to know that.

(Y/N): All right. Let's do this.

Steve: [sighs] Okay.

(Cut to the trio eating with Barbara's parents.)

Marsha: I'm so sorry I didn't get to cook. I was gonna make that baked ziti you guys like so much. I'm sure you would've liked it as well, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love pasta.

Marsha: But I just forgot about the time, and before you know it, "Oh, my God, it's five o'clock."

Nancy: It's fine. It's great.

Steve: Right. I love KFC.

(Y/N): Who doesn't like fried chicken?

Nancy: So, I noticed a "For Sale" sign out in your yard. Is that the neighbors', or...

Marsha: You wanna tell them?

Mr. Holland: Go ahead.

Marsha: We hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have either of you heard of him?

Nancy: No.

Steve: No, I don't think so.

(Y/N): Can't say that I have.

Marsha: He was an investigative journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times.

Mr. Holland: He's pretty well known.

(He hands them his card.)

Marsha: Anyway, he's freelance now, and he's agreed to take the case.

Steve: That's...That's great. No, that's really...That's great, right?

(Y/N): Yeah!

Nancy: Um, what exactly does that mean?

Mr. Holland: Means he's gonna do what that lazy son of a bitch Jim Hop--

(Marsha touches his arm.)

Mr. Holland: Sorry. [exhales] What the Hawkins police haven't been capable of doing. Means we have a real detective on the case.

Marsha: It means...we're going to find our Barb.

Mr. Holland: If anyone can find her, it's this man. He already has leads. By God, he's worth every last penny.

Nancy: Is that why you're selling the house?

Marsha: Don't worry about us, sweetie. We're fine. More than fine. For the first time in a long time, we're hopeful.

Nancy: [stammers] Excuse me. I'll be right back.

(She leaves the table.)

Steve: It's finger-lickin' good.

Mr. Holland: Mmm.

(Y/N crunches chicken bones in his mouth.)


(Y/N): [mouthful] You can say that again.

(Meanwhile, with Nancy in the bathroom after looking at a picture of Barbara...)

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