Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

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Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



1.6K 182 48
By Wintershadowassassin

"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mer" - merman's language
"Sign language" - both understand

Author POV

The river was shallow at parts as Jin meandered down it. He stumbled on foot for some of it. His feet slipping on the uneven surface of the river bed.

He wanted to call out to his pod mates. To have them call back, but realistically he was too far inland to be heard. He placed his face down in the river and called out in the language of clicks, too high pitched for humans to hear but easily understood by his mer pod.

He knew he was to far away to be heard, but the action comforted him. Enough to get moving once again.

He selfishly wanted to call out to Jimin, hoping the human would hear him. But he knew humans didn't have the same range of hearing as mers did.

Plus he didn't want to draw attention to himself, he didn't wish to be captured again due to his own foolish actions.

He continued to stumble along the river path, he was clacking his razor sharp teeth in an anxious gesture. He had never been this far inland before. It unnerved him.

He desperately wanted to see the open plains of the ocean before him. He occasionally stopped to drop down into the river to cover his drying scales.

It was uncomfortably itchy without the feeling of salty water on his skin. He continued wandering on, in hope of reaching the sea soon, all while repeating the call to his pod mates every mile or so.


Jimin had been calling in on marine biology centres and shows to see if they had any sightings of Jin.

He had to be subtle about it, he didn't want to raise awareness to the fact that mercreature did exist.

He was both thankful and concern he hadn't found Jin in any of these centres.

Unfortunately he had been spotted on the occasion by a couple of fans. Who had posted about his endeavors on social media.

All he had said in response was that he was invested in protecting the oceans affected by humans and global warming and wanted to find where he wanted to help and invest in.

His fans, the Minnies, praised him and his actions. Keeping him popular and avoiding suspicion. But they also respected his wishes to keep out of the public eye during his own time.

He had come back to the docks and walked along to the beach so he could contact the mers again.

Seeing his dejected face, the mer reached out to comfort him, despite their own worries embedded in their hearts.


Unknowns to Jimin, the scientists had become aware that Jin had escaped his captivity.

They had returned back to the docks where Jin had originally been transferred from incase he had return there.

The beach wasn't far from the docks, so it wasn't a stretch that Jin could have gone to the beach. So they had travelled there too.

So seeing a human sitting on the beach with mermen surrounding him. Reaching out to him as equals and friends they saw their opportunity.


"I will keep looking till I find him, I promise" Jimin signed.

The mermen reached out hands, careful of talon like claws as they clutched onto Jimin.

They nuzzled into his cheek, leaving wet trails across his face. Their hands were gentle as they stroked through his hair. Jimin was used to the dampness of their skin due to the long months on the island with them, so the feeling of wet on his face and hair was now something he had grown accustomed to. 

He remained unaware that he was being watched the whole time, the mermen were more focused on being in the presence of their mate than other humans on the land. But their heads perked up when they heard movement in the dunes.

They alerted Jimin, pushing themselves back into the cover of the sea. Jimin turned his head, to cast his gaze upon the sand dunes, trying to find the person that had alerted the mermen. He saw no one, his human eyes not as fine as the mermen's were. 

He stood up, holding his shoes in one hand, trekking up the beach, he was walking along the edge of the sand dune, heading to the car park, where he had left his car. If he headed to the car park it would look natural and perhaps he would be able to catch a glimpse of the person hidden in the dunes. 

What he wasn't expecting for someone's hand to reach out and grab him, the grip was sharp and biting against his wrist. He was roughly yanked, he let out a yelp of pain. 

The noise alerted the mermen who had just being heading out of the beach area. They were so in tune with Jimin that they knew something was up the moment the sound reached their ears. Without hesitation they turned around and headed back to the beach where they had left Jimin.

Jimin currently had someone's hand around his mouth, he had kicked and tried to dislodge them already, but to no success.

"You look familiar" someone in the group looked him up and down. 

Jimin tried again to dislodge the hand covering his mouth, his eyes showed his anger and frustration. He worried that the mermen would return after he cried out in pain. They cared to much and Jimin worried it would put them in danger returning.

"Did you free it?" the person accused him.

The man finally removed his hand so Jimin could move his jaw that ached from the rough treatment.

"Holy- your Jimin!" one of them remarked aloud.

"Jimin?" the one who had initially questioned him.

"He is possibly the biggest idol in Korea at the moment." the man seemed proud of his knowledge "I'm such a fan" he added after, directing that towards Jimin.

"Appreciated, but can you release me, I don't know what you are talking about. I was here trying to come up with inspiration for a new song on my album" Jimin requested.

The person questioning him must have realised what their companion said was dangerous. If Jimin wanted he could sue them for assault and have a large support behind him. Though the action of letting him go seemed to pain them. They worried about their own reputation first and the word Jimin could spread.

The mermen watched from the water a distance away as Jimin made his escape, breathing out they disappeared under the waves before the people on the shore could spot them.


So they almost got caught, Jimin is no under monitoring by the scientists. Jin is still wandering around somewhere. 

I hope you liked the chapter.





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