Stranger Things x Reader Seas...

بواسطة graceasw

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volume 1 !!! Hiii everyone! its been three years of stranger things season 1,2 & 3, and we are now officially... المزيد

Before we start..
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

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بواسطة graceasw

Chapter 1 : Hawkins High


Welcome back <3 i hope you enjoy!!
sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

your outfit:

Its only been 185 days, however to you it felt like 10 years. You're sat in your room looking over your last letter from your boyfriend Will. He signs every letter with a painted flower, this time it was a small yellow and pink flower with i love you written next to it. You missed everything about him, you managed to find as many polaroids of you and Will possible and stuck them all around your room. The last time you heard his voice was two weeks ago on Dustin's cerebro.

You missed Will'a hugs most of all, there's been many times since you last saw him when you just needed a him and he wasn't there. Theres been times when the world just didn't feel right and to you it felt like only he could help. However there's been something off about Will recently, you can just tell from these letters, he never wrote anything that seemed wrong in them, it was just the way he was acting and talking in them. You didn't know how to describe it. El says its because he misses you, but you think there's more to it then that. He still says he loves you though, so you try not to panic about that. As you go to reach for another letter theres multiple loud knocks on your bedroom door.

"Y/n! Get your ass to school!" Yells your mom.

"Shit!" you scream and jump out of bed, you go over my hair with hairspray one final time and grab your bag.

"Y/n!" Mom shouts as you put your hand on the front door handle. "Remember our deal for later. No -"

"No misbehaviour, no lower then c- on my report cards and no mind shit or no California i know i know!" You shout back at her.

"Tone Y/n y/l/n." She says crossing her arms.

You roll your eyes at her, "You complain when i'm late and its always because of you! I am aware of the deal you remind me every morning."

"I want you to be happy and i want you to see that odd boyfriend of yours, don't give me your attitude." She says with a stern look.

"What's odd about Will." You say giving her a glare.

"I'm not arguing about this now just get to school." She sighs.

"No, you've started this conversation, tell me what's wrong with Will." You say crossing your arms.

Mom rolls her eyes, "I just think he might be a bit.. a bit gay that's all."

"Oh my god mom Will isn't gay." You say with your head in your arms. "And stop calling him gay because he isn't. You're so annoying when you do that."

Mom looks you up and down, as if you just committed murder. "Get to school."

"You're not going to apologise?" You question.

"You're not going to quit the tone?!" She snaps. "Now get out before you don't go to California! I mean it, in fact i get one more phone call from that school and you don't go! I don't care if you get full A's!"

"That wasn't the deal though!" You yell.

"I don't know what's happened to my daughter, but ever since dad died you've been a little bitch! Get out and come home later with an apology, you're lucky im even considering you going!" You stand there in shock, she's never screamed at you like that before.

You grab your keys and slam the door shut, how could she use that against you? In fact she's that much of a bitch she probably would if she actually knew what had happened.

You swing your leg on your bike and put your skateboard in your left arm and started riding to school. You admit she's right in some areas, your behaviour at school is shocking. Ever since Will moved away it has been, and your grades are shit, you'll have to remember to make your teacher change them later.

After a quick ride you pull up at Hawkins High, seeing the bus roll in at the same time. You jump off your bike while its still going and it crashes into some girl's bike causing her to fall over. You laugh to myself and throw your board on the floor and ride over to the bus.

You see Ms Kelly stood in the middle of the car park in front of school, pointing everyone towards the gym for the pep rally. She turns around and starts shouting someone, to your convenience its exactly who you need.

"Max!" She shouts, your red headed friend rolls her eyes as she pulls her headphones from her eyes and walks over to her. You approach both of them to hear Ms Kelly going on about their sessions.

"Come straight after lunch okay?" Ms Kelly says to Max.

"Hey Max" You say beaming at her.

Max gives you a small smile and as you are both about to start walking Ms Kelly pipes up again. "y/n, come here please."

You sigh as you turn to face her. "How can i help Miss."

"I saw what you did over there, go get your bike and apologise to Ava." She says pointing to your bike and that girl on the floor.

"Miss i really can't be bothered." You respond.

"Do i need to call your mother and tell her you're harming other students again? That would be the third time this week y/n." She says crossing her arms.

You swear under your breath and grab Max's arm. "Come on Max lets go help Miss Ava."

You and Max walk over while you clutch onto your board, by the look on Ava's face she looks like shes going to cry.

"Can you get away from my bike please i don't think it's into whatever weird shit you're in to." You announce to Ava.

"What is wrong with you!" She yells at me.

Ava looks like she's about twelve, her hair is pulled back into a frizzy high ponytail with rabbit hair slides leading up to it, she has a frilly skirt on with a tucked in shirt, and her face is covered with pink lip gloss and blush.

You look her up and down and chuckle.

Max rolls her eyes with a grin and pulls her headphones back over her ears, she's heard to many of your arguments by now to not care.

"I'd watch my back if i were you." She says glaring at me.

" I'd smack you so hard you'd go into next week." You say while laughing, she clearly doesn't know what to say, you grab your bike and lock it up at the bike stands.

You can hear Ava's bratty voice screaming whatever her small mind can think of, you simply turn around flip her off and continue walking over to the crowd of people by the gym entrance. Max looks at you and rolls her eyes with a smile, she used to argue with you, but somethings been off with her lately. Well, she definitely hasn't been the same since Billy died, but you think after a while she just completely lost herself. You try make her smile the best you can, but you're unsure what will fully help her.


You've never liked pep rally's, its just the schools excuse to throw the cheerleader girls around and have everyone fall for our teams players in any sport. You and Max are stood next to Mike and Dustin, who are both in their hellfire club shirts, over all the cheering and clapping they're arguing over their girlfriends again. The hellfire shirts annoy you, you refused to join the club even though they asked more times than the amount of minds you've controlled. You yawn as you clap for the cheerleaders, its mainly just watching everyone dance and throw themselves around Chrissy Cunningham.

"Now look i'm not saying that my girlfriend is better than yours but Suzie is like a certified genius!" Dustin yells to Mike over the noise.

"You do realise that El saved the world twice right?" Mike responds crossing his arms.

"And yet you still have a C in Spanish?" Dustin smiles.

"No one cares." You say with a sarcastic smile leaning past Max. Dustin scoffs and Mike rolls his eyes. Mike shakes his head and turns his head around to the cheerleaders, you take a quick glance at the band players.

You spot Robin playing the trumpet next to this ginger girl playing the clarinet. Due to how nosey you can be, you know what Robin's opinion on that girl is, and you're more than happy and supportive for Robin.

One guy in the cheerleading team does multiple flips to que the band to stop playing, the team stands before the crowd and two guys hold a 'Hawkins Tigers' sign in front of the doors. The announcer plays "And lets hear it for your Tigers!"

The basketball teams captain runs through the sign ripping it in half. Everyone but your friend group starts cheering and clapping as each member runs out, at some point your friend Lucas runs out with a massive grin on his face. Mike and Dustin clap with straight faces, Max stands still.

"Good morning Hawkins High!" The captain, , yells down the microphone. He takes it from the stand and walks forwards. "First off, i'd like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourself a big hand!" Everyone began clapping and cheering again, but quickly died down. Lucas claps with the other players and scans the crowd, clearly looking for Max. He waves in your direction, trying to lock eyes with Max. She glances at him and looks away, you can see the disappointment in is face as he looks away.

"And of course, i have to give a special shout-out, to the best and the prettiest fans of all time. The Tiger Cheer Squad!" The captain continues. "Chrissy, Chrissy i love you babe." He says patting his chest, staring at Chrissy Cunningham, she blows him a kiss back and the crowd 'awwws'. "You know," He starts again. "I think, i can speak for all of us when i say. It's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes i wonder, how much loss can one community take? In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So last night. When we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy, i looked at my team! And i said, think of Jack. Think of Melissa. Think of Heather. Think of Billy."

You sighed, a few people around you guys started looking at Max. You hated it when they did that, how would it help her get over his death.

But he didn't stop there, "Think of our heroic police chief Jim Hopper. Think about each and every one of our friends who perished in that fire. What did they die for! For us to lose to some... some crap school? No. For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No! No. Lets win this game. Lets win this game for them. And that's exactly what we did!" Everyone erupted in cheer. Mike shook his head in disbelief and you pressed for bleach for your ears.

"We embarrassed this candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight. Tonight. We're gonna bring home the championship trophy! Lets go!" The crowd started up again.

"Tonight?" Mike looked at Dustin.

"How is that possible!" Dustin responded.

"They call it a tournament. You win one you go on until there's only one game left." Max said looking fed up of them.

"God Mike i knew you got a C and i knew you got a D- Dustin but i didn't realise you were this stupid." You said raising your eyebrows at them.

But their attention wasn't on you, it was on Lucas. With his basketball friends, you still found it unfair how he practically ditched you all for them. What was so great about them anyway.

Thank you for reading!  That was 2080 words!!  I hope you enjoyed and the next chapters dates will be released soon

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