The Collector

Galing kay tellie1

233 0 8

Emily Shallow's deceased parents had left her a letter. It told her about a place her father had worked at an... Higit pa



16 0 0
Galing kay tellie1

The next morning, she woke up with a headache, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Touching her lips, she remembered the kiss, but a surge of regret and worry flowed through her. She also couldn't remember anything after that. She remembered dancing at one point and asking someone to dance but she couldn't remember who. Going to the showers first she then went to the kitchen, finding Sniper standing in his usual spot. She felt a bit shyer than usual, and Sniper wondered if she remembered anything.

Later that morning, when everyone else was awake, Miss Pauling had arrived. "I have some news." Everyone listened, especially Emma. "Welcome to the RED team, Miss Shallow." Everyone cheered, and Emma was slightly shocked that she got in. She only hugged Pauling, apologizing just as quickly. "Sorry, that wasn't very professional of me." "Don't worry. These guys are far from professional anyways." Smiling she realised that now she needed to be trained. "I'm very happy that I got in but who will be training me?" "Well, we know you can fight hand-to-hand, but Spy will teach you how to fight properly. Sniper will teach you to shoot again. And the rest of the training will come naturally in due time."

Nodding she looked at the two who would be training her. Spy seemed alright with the agreement, but she couldn't tell with Sniper. She was looking forward to it but felt very nervous. "When do we start?" "Tomorrow!" Frowning slightly, she was not ready for that. "The Administrator wants you in the field as soon as possible. They will evaluate your progress and report back when I return. I will also have your code name by then." "Ok and thank you." Nodding to her Emma pulled her away slightly, "I just don't want to be cloned... or kill anyone." Frowning slightly Pauling took out a note pad and wrote on it. "Ok, I can work with the not killing part but, um... just don't get killed, I guess?" A surge of fear flowed through her, nodding at everyone around them Pauling left shouting back, "Oh, and your welcome!" Leaving Emma in shock.

That day Emma only prepared for the next day. She didn't want to disappoint anyone and if her father was there, he would say: It is better to be over prepared than under prepared. Getting everything out that she thought she would need (which in reality was very little). Comfortable clothes to move in easily and a small medical kit just in case something went wrong.


The next day she met Sniper in the kitchen, did their usual routine, but it was the first time one of them spoke and it was Sniper. "Get ready, we're leavin' in a few minutes." Frowning slightly, she wanted to ask why but knew it probably had something to do with the training. Finishing her coffee she walked to her room, "Remember to wear somethin' comfortable." He called as she left. Deciding that cargo pants, converse and a light top would work, tying her hair back in a messy bun. Looking for her scarf she couldn't find it. Franticly looking under the bed, in her bed and everywhere else she couldn't find it. Deciding that she shouldn't keep Sniper waiting and look for it when she came back.

Back in the main area Sniper stood waiting by the front door opening it for her and walking to his van. Getting in the passenger side she saw a bobble head man next to an ashtray on the dashboard, behind her were posters and a window to look in the back – although she couldn't see through it. Starting the engine he reversed slightly, turned right and drove into the desert heading for the sunrise.

Driving for about 30 minutes in silence Emma saw nothing but empty rocky desert with very little dry shrubbery. She wanted to create conversation but didn't know what to talk about. She had spent so much time with him but never have they shared words with one another. The only time they spoke was the second night, that didn't quite end well, and when they played poker - she doesn't even remember the end of the night. The only thing she knows about him was his name, age, accent and that he likes coffee. Other than that, she doesn't know his other likes or dislikes or if he had warmed up to her or even trusted her.

Interrupted from her thoughts Sniper had stopped the van, turned it off and jumping out. Getting out herself she followed him to the back door of his camper van. Opening it he got in, grabbed a very large bag and tossed it to her. Attempting to catch it but because of its weight it made her fall back landing on her butt. Scolding him he only chuckled, taking the bag from her and holding his hand out to her. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" She took his rough hand, saying it more like a statement than a question, rubbing her butt. "Maybe." He smirked at her walking to the front of the van.

Placing the bag on the floor and opening it. Revealing a variety of different guns, knives and melee weapons. Surprised by the many weapons, Sniper spoke, "Pick your poison." "You're supposed to be teaching me. Why don't you pick my poison?" She said confidently, tilting his head slightly he huffed, "Alr-eye. Let's begin with the basics: Handgun." Picking up the semi-automatic pistol he spun it around his index finger and held it out for her to take. Making her smirk and frown at him she took it. Show off.

Checking if it was loaded, the safety was on and her finger was off the trigger, she wondered what his teaching method was. "What are we shooting at?" She asked looking in front of her. "Ah, that's what Oi'm missin'." Going to the back again he returned shortly after holding a target paper, two metal sticks and some tape, holding it out for her. Frowning once more he smirked, "If you keep frownin' like that, you'll have wrinkles before you hit 30." "Well, I don't understand what you want me to do with it." She sounded more annoyed than she wanted to. "What else do you do with a target?" He asked rhetorically and sarcastically raising it slightly. "Go put it up about 15 meters (16 yards) away." Holding it out again she took the target from him but handed him the gun first and walked as far as she thought 15 meters were, putting the target up. Now knowing his teaching method was do it yourself and learn as you go along.

Returning to her spot Sniper stood with a cup of coffee in hand – that said #1 Sniper – and a cigarette between his slightly plump lips. "Unfair! We're shooting, you can't have coffee." "Oi'm not the one shootin'." He said lowly, puffing a cloud of smoke, removing it from his lips and taking a sip from his cup. Holding the gun for her to take once more she simply rolled her eyes and took it from him.

Standing slightly in front of him she held it up ready to shoot but felt nervous suddenly. Noticing her stiff form he commented on it, "You'll hurt your arm if you hold it any harder." Scoffing slightly, she relaxed, took aim, cocked it back and BANG BANG BANG!

She shot three times and all of them were in the bullseye. Smirking at her achievement she unarmed it and put it in safety once more. Turning to him he had a blank expression on his face but really, he was impressed to say the least. He didn't know she could shoot that good, he only knew she could shoot. "Let's try somethin' more difficult." Placing the cup down on the vans hood he bent down to the bag.

Standing next to him as he took out a M16 rifle, loading it for her and handing it to her. Humming in compliance to the new difficulty she sat the gun in the crook of her left shoulder and aimed with her left eye. "You're a lefty?" He has only seen her use her right hand for most things. Turning to him again she lowered the gun, "Oh, no, not really. I am a righty, but my left eye is stronger than my right eye, so you know." Nodding at her she raised the gun and shot out the whole magazine.

All twenty bullets were in or semi around the bullseye. Again, impressed by her skill he just had to ask, "Where did you learn to shoot?" Walking back to him she answered smiling, "My father taught me. He also taught me the hand-to-hand." "Impressive." He slightly whispered making her blush more than it should have.

Looking through the bag he didn't know what he could give her that she didn't know how to shoot. Rummaging through the bag Emma's eyes landed on a rifle. "What about that?" Pointing at the worn-out wood frame, scratched barrel and old scope rifle. Sniper huffed his cigarette and picked it up, feeling sentimental. "This old thin'?" It was his first rifle, the one he got evaluated on when he first joined the RED team. The scope adjustments were still the same, meaning it would shoot perfect bullseyes. Feeling the nostalgia radiate off him she smiled at him fondly. Turning to her he felt embarrassed as she smiled at him, shoving the gun in her arms, trying to dismiss the situation. Giggling at his actions she took a few bullets, loading one.

Looking back up she knew they were way too close to the target for a rifle. "Can we back the van up or something?" Looking at what she meant he hummed, but replaced the target with a new one. Putting his cigarette out he got in his van and backed away about 100 meters (109 yards).

Ready to aim the rifle it was much heavier than she thought making her arms tired, turning slightly to him she asked, "Could you help me, Mu- Sniper?" She didn't want to say his name. After what happened the night before it didn't quite feel right. Confused why she didn't say his name he frowned but walked closer, nonetheless. "Could you hold the barrel piece up and not move?" She said it sassy like to ease the atmosphere and it worked making Sniper smirk slightly. Facing her he held it to her preferred height, watching her intently. Feeling his eyes on her she felt nervous again but aimed and shot.

"Crap." She said through clenched teeth as the shot was right of the bullseye. "You didn't breathe out." Frowning at him she reloaded, thinking that she should have told him that it was her first time shooting a proper sniper rifle. "Well, the thing is, I haven't used a proper rifle before. I feel like I should have said this before I shot." Smiling apologetically, she stood up straight and lowered the rifle.

Smiling slyly, he felt proud that he had found something that she couldn't shoot. With a serious voice he turned slightly. "R-eye, before you shoot you have to breathe in and as your about to shoot, breathe out. It also helps to be even more still – my hand is not that still. This isn't a handgun that uses both eyes to shoot a target with, you have to be precise." Humming in acknowledgement she held the rifle back up and he held it up for her again. "The more you practice the better you become in handlin' it." Nodding she did what he said: breath in, finger on the trigger, breath out. BANG! Right in the bullseye.

Lowering the rifle once more she smiled brightly, causing Sniper to smile as well. "Thanks coach." "You're welcome, luv." Internally face palming himself he knew he shouldn't have said it, and Emma was slightly shocked at the name. Falling over his words he was about to apologize for what he said but she giggled at him causing him to frown. "It's ok. You don't have to apologize." Still giggling he relaxed slightly and spoke, "Well, Oi think we're done trainin'. Oi can't teach you what you already know." "Cool, but it's still morning. The guys would think we didn't do anything. We could stay a bit longer?" Honestly, Emma just wanted to break the ice between them and thought this would be the best time and place.

Nodding in agreement he looked at the rifle, "You still want to shoot?" Looking at the rifle in her hands she thought; Why not? Let's waste some time. "Yeah." Reloading the rifle, she held it back up, but Sniper suggested something else. "Why don't you try other positions. My job requires me to stand, sit and lay down in strange ways to shoot someone." Nodding at his suggestions she went down on one knee and rested her elbow on the raised knee. Taking two shots like that she changed her position by laying on her stomach and after that she sat down, shooting multiple times in each position.

Sniper stood back lighting a new cigarette and drinking his coffee once more, watching her nail every shot and look like a pro whilst doing it. When she went to lay down his eyes flickered over her backside, and he cursed himself for gawking. But he was impressed by her skill, but he couldn't help but feel maybe she shouldn't be in that line of work. Their jobs were easy paying, but he wasn't sure she was doing it for the right reason.

Tapping his shoulder, he got pulled out of his thoughts looking at her as she smiled at him again. He liked her smile. "I think I'm done for now." Humming at her he took the rifle from her placing it back in the bag and throwing the bag over his shoulder. Walking to the back Emma followed once again. Putting the bag and his cup away he grabbed two water bottles from his fridge as it was starting to get hot.

Turning around she wasn't behind him anymore, "Hey." Looking up she was on top of the van, smirking he held the bottles to her, and she took them. Climbing the ladder up he sat beside her, puffing a cloud and they both looked at the horizon, it was only seven o'clock. Throwing his legs over the side and leaning back on his elbows. She untied her hair and shook her head, not knowing Sniper was watching her from the side. Sighing deeply, she took one of the bottles and drank half of it. Scraping courage together she wanted to start a conversation with him but what?

"So." "So?" He asked forcing her to continue and waiting half expectantly. "Um..." Say something! "How did you find your passion for sniping?" Oh, great question! He knew that wasn't what she wanted to ask. Hesitating he pushed his worry aside and answered removing the cigarette from his lips. "Ever since Oi was a young whippersnapper Oi was always different from the other kids. Oi would throw rocks at them from the trees instead of fightin' normally. Oi don't really know. Oi just had a knack for it. Oi also found out recently why Oi was different..." His words faded with not wanting  to say more but she was happy with the answer and that he told her the truth, humming with a soft smile on her lips.

"What about you? What's your passion?" Smiling at the way he said it she thought deeply. What was her passion? "Well, I'm not sure. Before my parents... passed away... I was in college." Pausing she brushed her hair back and sighed. "I was studying law, engineering and accounting. Although my father wasn't very supportive of the first two. I kind of understand why, knowing now what his previous job was. He just wanted me to study accounting, boring right?" Smiling at him she tried hiding her sorrow, but Sniper saw her hurt. "But now I'm out here, with you guys and now I'm going to work with you... and the others. So that's something?" Smiling again she looked to the horizon. Sitting up and placing his elbows on his knees, throughing the butt of the cigarette away. He wanted to comfort her but didn't know how, he wasn't good with people. He hasn't been good to her. 'Open up?'

"My parents... passed away a year ago." Turning to him with shock she looked at him with hurt, hugging her legs. "Oi wasn't even there. Oi also didn't get along with my parents because of my job." Huffing slightly, he smiled solemnly and continued, "But Oi still loved them, and Oi like to believe they loved me too." Still hugging her legs, she hummed, he side eyed her. "I think we're both still a bit lost without them?" Humming agreeably, they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

After a while Emma changed the mood, "Can I drive back?" Chuckling he raised a brow and looked at her, "No." "Oh, come on. I have a driver's license." Setting her legs back down she leaned on her hands. "I also have a pilot's license. Well half. I never finished." Chuckling once more she smiled, "Maybe next time." Furrowing her brows, she sulked. Clearing his throat he checked his watch, "We probably have to go. The others will start worryin' about you." "Ok..."

The drive back Sniper handed her, her scarf but didn't say anything. Slightly shocked that he had it a surge of fear flowed through her. What did I do? Side eyeing him she looked at the silk like scarf in her hands, wrapping it loosely around her neck. It had a nature smell to it, rustic with a hint of cigarette and coffee.

Back at base they barely walked in as everyone bombarded her, especially Pyro and Scout, who also hugged her. "Where have ya two been?" Scout asked releasing her and eyeing Sniper, "We went shooting." "She's a pro, Oi'll give her that." Blushing slightly Engineer spoke, "There's left over breakfast if ya two are hungry?" "Oh, yes. I'm starving." "No, Oi'm good, Oi'll be going. See you later, sheila." Tipping his hat to her she nodded at him as he left. She strangely felt sad that he didn't call her luv.

"Our trainin' will start tomorrow, mon cher, if that works for yee?" "Yes, that's perfect." Eating breakfast in Scout's conversation she thought back on Mundy's and her talk. Seeing it and cherishing it as a step in the right direction.

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