My Twinnies

By Crystal_Roses30

237K 10.7K 3.8K

One girl. Raven Wilson. Two Boys. Ryder Denmark. Ryan Denmark. She loves peace. They loves parties. She is i... More

We met again ;)
Prologue : 1
Prologue : 2
Characters and Introductions
Some little things about Story...
Chapter 1 : Leaving
Chapter 2 : Cameron University
Chapter 3 : Ryder Denmark
Chapter 4 : Roommates
Chapter 5 : Ryan Denmark
Chapter 6 : Punishment
Chapter 7 : 'Their' Group
Chapter 8 : Messing around
Chapter 9 : Insecurities
Chapter 10 : Panic Attack
Chapter 12 : U-Uncle ?
Chapter 13 : The Untold Truth
Chapter 14 : My Twins are a-alive !?
Chapter 15 : Realization
Chapter 16 : Promises
Chapter 17 : New Girl
Chapter 18 : The Past !!!
Chapter 19 : Abusing
Chapter 20 : Mr. Rodriguez
Chapter 21 : Camera Footage
Chapter 22 : Spiders
Chapter 23 : Miss Nancy
Chapter 24 : Broken
Chapter 25 : Miss Me, Princess ?
Chapter 26 : Nightmare is back !
Chapter 27 : First Kiss ?
Chapter 28 : Where is Raven !?
Chapter 29 : She is Your triplet sister !
Chapter 30 : Vulnerable
Chapter 31 : "My Princess"
Chapter 32 : R@pe
Chapter 33 : Rescue
Chapter 34 : Little Space Part - 1
Chapter 35 : Little Space Part - 2
Chapter 36 : Little Space Part - 3
Chapter 37 : Scarlett Rose
Chapter 38 : Ivan's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 : Alex's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 : Bestfriends
Chapter 41 : Not even a beginning
Chapter 42 : Alex with Brain !!!
Chapter 43 : Beginning of Jealousy
Chapter 44 : Moongazing
Chapter 45 : He is My Brother !
Chapter 46 : Periods
Chapter 47 : Care
Chapter 48 : Earn forgiveness
Chapter 49 : My Safe Place
Chapter 50 : Last Punishment
Chapter 51 : Triplet Telepathy
Chapter 52 : Failure
Chapter 53 : Accident
Chapter 54 : Hospital
Chapter 55 : Ryan is awake
Chapter 56 : David is back !
Chapter 57 : I Missed You !!
Chapter 58 : Video Call
Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad
Chapter 60 : Mom-Dad - Part 2
Chapter 61 : Ryder is awake !!!
Chapter 62 : Flashbacks
Chapter 63 : Realisation
Chapter 64 : Proofs
Chapter 65 : Police Officer
Chapter 66 : Arrested
Chapter 67 : Wilson Household
Chapter 68 : Pranks and Pool
Chapter 69 : Movie Night
Chapter 70 : Scared of Ghosts
Chapter 71 : Punishment Time
Chapter 72 : Confession
Chapter 73 : Rowan and his obsession
Chapter 74 : Overprotective
Chapter 75 : Triplet Day
Chapter 76 : Happiest Person
Chapter 77 : Ivan - Pari
Chapter 78 : Birthday
Chapter 79 : Wishes
Chapter 80 : Party
Chapter 81 : Where is Pari ?
Chapter 82 : Pari abducted
Chapter 83 : Suspicious
Chapter 84 : True Colours
Chapter 85 : Love can fix anything
Chapter 86 : Kitten
Chapter 87 : Betrayer
Chapter 88 : Rescue
Chapter 89 : Raven
Chapter 90 : Everything is Ok !
Bonus 1 : Bastards
Bonus 2 : Pure Friendships
Thank you !!!
(Important) New Books.

Chapter 11 : Panic Attack - Part 2

3.1K 141 45
By Crystal_Roses30

Raven's P.O.V.


I looked at Alice with my teary eyes.

She pulled my hair more making me whimper in pain.

I want to tell her that I didn't do anything but my voice get stuck in my throat.

I am scared.

It feels like I am going to slip in my little space.

'No Rav, control yourself. You can't slip here among strangers'

I look around only to see I am surrounded by those 2 unfamiliar boys and my roommates i.e. Alice, Ella and Grace.

I looked at Ryan only to see Ryder is hugging him and softly rubbing his back. I saw they pulled away from the hug and talk about something.

Ryder caught me staring at them with my teary eyes. And I swear to my Chocolate cookies that I saw his eyes softened.

I again winced in pain when Grace hold my chin digging her nails in. She threw my glasses too.

"She will not tell like this. Let's give her a punishment"

I shut my eyes tightly feeling pain.

"Leave her" a very cold voice of Ryder is heard.

They all looked at him in disbelief.

"But Ryder, she did something to Ry-"

"Do what I told" He said coldly cutting Alice in between.

She sighed and glared at me and leave my hair from her grip.

"Ryder-" Grace stopped seeing Ryder's glare at her.

She pushed my chin harshly.

Ryder supported Ryan and left from there followed by these two unfamiliar guys.

Ella turned towards me and spat "Stay away from us" and left from there, leaving me alone there.

I wiped my tears, picked my glasses and fixed myself.

My eyes caught the attention of that wallet again.

I picked it up and kept it with me.

I am not going to attend any lecture now.

I headed towards my dorm.

Whole way my mind is swirling with two questions.

Why Ryan has panic attack ?

Is this by any chance related to the bruise that I saw on Ryan's wrist ??

Ryan's P.O.V.

[ After class ends and in couple corridor ]

I sat on the stairs, sighed frustratedly.

Life is hell.

What we even did to face all these ?

Yesterday, that bastard fucking beat Ryder with Hot iron rod. And I can't do anything.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

I am useless.

I can't even protect my own brother.


💭 Flashback 💭

Author's P.O.V.

Ryan is doing his work in his laptop while Ryder is playing on phone.

Suddenly, Roman came in their room stumbling.

In an instinct they both stood up in order to protect each other.

"Ooo That much respect, I am impressed" He slurred.

They knew he was drunk.

"Oh Sons, we meet after such a longgg timeeee" He slurred stumbling.

"Come on boys give me a hug. Come, Come" He told them spreading his arms.

Ryan rolled his eyes while Ryder just coldly looked at him.

"I. Told. You. Come. And. Give. Me. A. Hug. NOW" He said sternly when he saw they didn't move from their spots.

Before Ryder could pass any comment and get them in trouble, Ryan glared at him made him scoffed.

Ryan go towards Roman to give him a hug.

Seeing this Roman smiled sickly.

"Come to your daddy, Son" He smiled and pulled Ryan in hug, rather more hardly, but this doesn't effect Ryan at all.

Ryder just stood there giving cold eye.

But his eyes widened when he saw Roman take out a knife from his pocket and going to stab Ryan from back and he definitely knew that Ryan sensed something too but ignored it.

Before Roman could do anything, Ryder sprinted towards them and hold his hands tightly and pulled Ryan back from Roman's hold.

Ryder's eyes are burning in fury. He is furious.

Before Ryan could stop him, Ryder punched Roman on his face, and heard a cracking sound but still not satisfied and again punched him hard.

Roman hold his jaws and stumbled back. Ryder kicked him on his stomach making him groan in pain.

Roman's bodyguard rushed towards Ryder in order to hold him but before they could even touch him, Ryan punched one of them and kicked other one.

Ryan punched and punched and punched, but suddenly got hold by other two pairs of hands. Here, Ryder also got hold by other two bodyguards.

Roman coughed and stand up with the help of his another bodyguard.

"You Motherfuckers, now see WHAT I WILL DO" He yelled at them.


This night is horrible for both of the brothers.

Roman's Bodyguard punch Ryan for almost 2 hours. But that doesn't concern him much as he was used to it.

But the scene infront of him where Roman beat Ryder with hot iron rod broke his heart. He so badly want to kill Roman. He felt useless, worthless and Pathetic.

💭 Flashback Ends 💭

Because of me, Ryder was hurted.

If I hadn't hugged him, then all this wouldn't have happened.

Then, Ryder would be safe too.

It's all my fault.

I am the r-reason he was h-hurt.

It hard for me to even breath.

Darkness surround me.

My chest started paining. I rubbed my hand on my chest trying to soothe it, in order to get relief but nothing happened.

I am sweating, panting and tears rolled down from my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt someone rubbing my back.

They try to say something but I can't catch it.

It's so painful.

Someone hold my hand and kept it on their chest.

I could hear someone saying something like "Breath in... Out" and I followed it.

I calmed down, slowly.

My blurry eyes became cleared.

I looked beside me only to see Nerdy ?

Raven ?

I swear I saw tears in her eyes before she blinked it away.

Before I could comfort her, someone suddenly pushed her making her head bumped on wall.

I looked at Alice who slapped her harshly.

This bitch-

I suddenly pulled by non other than my twin in a hug.

He pulled me away from everyone.

"Are you ok ?" Ryder asked worriedly.

I nodded and I looked towards Raven only to see Grace is pulling her hair.

"What actually happened ?" Ryder asked me.

This is not a time idiot.

"Tell them to leave her. She is innocent" I whispered to him.

He looked at me puzzled.

"The fuck Ryder, she is the one because of whom I am ok now." He looked at me doubtly.

"For Fuck sake Ryder, I had a panic Attack and she calmed me down, stop them" I whispered gritted with my teeth.

I am literally tired.

"Leave her" He said coldly making everyone stop in their tracks.

They tried to protest but Ryder's glare is enough for them to shut up.

Ryder supported me a little and we leave from there, after glancing one last time to Raven.

She wiped her tears and picked up her glasses, which Grace threw it.

I hate these bitches. I don't even know why Ryder even talked with them.

I sighed and we left.

In dorm,

Raven is staring herself in mirror. She looked her image. She saw fingerprints on her cheeks, her messy hair, a busted lip, scratched marks on cheek.

I shouldn't care. I shouldn't care whats going on in their life. It's not in my cup of tea. I shouldn't interfere in their business.

I wiped my eyes.

"Tomorrow I will return this wallet to Ryan and that's all. After that, I will never going to talk to them. Never going to interfere in their life"

If only I knew, how wrong I was !!!

If only I knew, my life is going to change from tomorrow, for better or for worse, God knows !

(And in my case, this author knows)

To Be Continued...

Well, hope you enjoyed it.

Let me ask you all one question, DO YOU GUYS REALLY LIKE THIS BOOK ? (Be honest please)

If yes then only I will continue it. Otherwise I will think about another option.

What do you think what is going to happen that will change Raven's life permanently ??


INSTA ID : Crystal_roses30

Don't forget to 🥂Vote and Comment 🥂

I will meet you soon in next chapter till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 11th June 2022.

Total Words : 1417 words 😁.

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