My 1st Prom

By MichelineChen

316 4 0

Celestia Blank is getting through Secondary 1 in middle school. Just not the way she expected. Being labelled... More

Date: 23/5, Mon
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Date: 21/6, Tue
Date: 26/6, Mon
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 1)
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 3)
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Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 3)
Date: 8/7, Fri
Date: 9/7, Sat
Prom night (part 1)
Prom night (part 2)
Prom night (part 3)
Prom night (part 4)
🎼 🎵 🎶 Inspiration

Date: 27/5, Fri

17 0 0
By MichelineChen

Having to pay for cracked glass means I'll be in trouble -and debt- so big I can't go to the prom. The deal with my parents will be void. It's either that or a late record.

Chief Principal rarely shows up for Morning Assemblies, unlike today. She goes up the stairs leading to the outdoor stage. One dreadful step at a time. A manicured hand slowly reaches for the mike. 'Good morning, teachers and fellow students. Our school is supposed to be a safe place of education for students.' Her pink, perfect nails gleam under the sun. I sense sweat dripping down my neck. 'It is with regret I inform you of an incident that occurred yesterday morning at the school gate.' Damn it. I'm neck deep in trouble only because 2 somebodies didn't want me to be dependent on maids. Principal tightens her grip on the mike before clearing her throat. 'Some construction workers blocked students' access to school by transporting glass with lack of precaution and proper equipment, delaying students' journey to school.' Crap and double crap. 'They offered their apologies afterwards.' About time! 'I have contacted their manager, who has guaranteed this will never happen in the future. Contact the school for assistance if any of you are in a similar situation.' Apple pats my shoulder, whispering under her breath, 'Everything is fine.'

Tugging my bangs behind an ear, I sigh with tremendous relief. Chief Principal opens her glossy lips. 'As a result, students who were late yesterday -for any reason- will not have a late record. Staying safe is our number one priority. Have a fun Friday!'

Walking up to the 5th floor, Apple asks, 'Celestia, aren't you glad that you're not held responsible for the announcement after what happened?' Crap. Her voice snakes through the roar of pounding feet. I pretend she didn't say anything. Whispers and eye contacts start up the storm of a full-blown discussion, XYZ -the only girl who didn't engage- raises her eyebrows swiftly at my visible eyes as though she's seeing me for the very first time in her life. I swallow unspoken words. Nick glances at me in surprise for a nanosecond. H to the A to the W to the T. I simply shrug him off while a tornado of butterflies go nuts in my stomach. Nothing big. I haven't had the butterflies since I was 6. 'Oh,' he says. Oh yes or oh no?

Reading school library books mostly provides temporary relief -a temporarily entertaining distraction- but not when the pages are soaking in a hand sanitizer oasis from Eva's 'selfless' effort to get rid of M germs. Librarians on duty are understanding -unlike me- when I lied about an accident and offer to pay the full price.

Eva squirts even more hygienic liquid on my unfinished draft in Visual Arts and laughs along with everyone else when I absentmindedly slam into a tray of instant dry glue, knocking them all over the floor. I apologise to no one in particular, hastily picking them up. 'Pity there isn't a cure for M germs!' Eva trills, flicking her hair. Bunching my fists, I get to S1G2 after excusing myself to the toilet. And locating her seat and bag, I make a hasty grab for her iPad.

Changing into my white cat costume in the dark, I wait for co-cats to arrive. We have feline ears, tails and even faux fur wrapped around our wrists and ankles. Everyone else shows up a few minutes later. Our teacher comes in and we start practising from the beginning. Patiently doing what I have to do, I open my mouth.

Eva eventually takes her iPad out in the second break. Looking bored, I glance at her constantly as she tries -and fails- to flip her iPad case flap open. Being confused for seconds, she tries prying it open with her nails, stopping when her face is red with exhaustion. 'I can't open my iPad case.' She admits defeat. Her friends offer to help and give up one at a time. Eva refuses to give up yet and cracks a fake nail. All eyes on her, she continues failing continuously. A few co-cats start giggling. Our teacher suggests, 'Why don't you take this to the school technology department? After rehearsal, I mean.' Eva stops trying, 'This is impossible to open, my iPad's glued to my case!' 'Literally or metaphorically?' I grin like a Cheshire cat. I don't give a damn if you don't have insurance. 'Brat,' she glares in my direction, 'I knew it's you and your fugly germs.' I feign innocence, 'Hmm?' The detest in her voice is sharper than her glare, 'I never want to see you in my life ever again.' Her arms wobble with frustration when she stops trying, to everyone's amusement. I refuse to backtrack, 'Easy-peasy, just close your eyes.' I tie my tail around the waist as if I have zero worries. It's a mystery how Eva doesn't explode from fuming.

Luke's in his room, along with sounds of something being thrown around. Pushing open the sliding door, I step in and receive a stuffed seal toy thrown at my face. 'Get out!' He screams.

'I'm back,' I sip a glass of orange juice Aranobrac brought me as soon as I got home, still in uniform.

'Shut up and leave!' He pounds a fist on his table. His avatar must've died in whatever video game he was playing.

'Oooooookay, why are yo-' How does his personal maid deal with him?

'Go away, you son of a bi-'

'I'm a daughter, can't use that on me.' I show my teeth, one hand on my iPhone, another on my cheek -where his toy hit .

'Daughter of a -'

'We have the same parents, loser.' I vamoose, leaving his door open. My palm-sized phone vibrates, notifying me of a new email.

Hi Celestia

I have not been given details of the prom yet, only that auditions for performances are next week.

I will let you know when I know more.

Ms. Windy

I'm not missing out on the Mocktail, but I won't relax yet. The Joint-School Graduation Ceremony is tomorrow. I start sketching, starting from scratch with the original design for art class. To make the process more enjoyable, I blast nightcore songs out while making progress. 


(^casually strikes a pose) G'day for a vote, right? Lemme know what you guys think. 

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