My 1st Prom

By MichelineChen

316 4 0

Celestia Blank is getting through Secondary 1 in middle school. Just not the way she expected. Being labelled... More

Date: 23/5, Mon
Date: 24/5, Tue
Date: 25/5, Wed
Date: 26/5, Thurs
Date: 27/5, Fri
Date: 30/5, Mon
Date: 1/6, Wed
Date: 2/6, Thurs
Date: 3/6, Fri
Date: 4/6, Sat
Date: 6/6, Mon
Date: 8/6, Wed
Date: 9/6, Thurs
Date: 13/6, Mon
Date: 16/6, Thurs
Date: 17/6, Fri
Date: 20/6, Mon
Date: 21/6, Tue
Date: 26/6, Mon
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 1)
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 3)
Date: 5/7, Tue
Date: 6/7, Wed
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 3)
Date: 8/7, Fri
Prom night (part 1)
Prom night (part 2)
Prom night (part 3)
Prom night (part 4)
🎼 🎵 🎶 Inspiration

Date: 9/7, Sat

3 0 0
By MichelineChen

  Mum bought me a pair of rain shoes -super cute pink closed toe shoes- for the big night tomorrow. I tried them on instantly. After decorating my eye mask -originally snow white bare- with the box of sparkle pens and colour pencils while blasting nightcore. Filling up places near the eye holes with pink, extending thick and purple curvy spikes as eyelashes, adding a hint of red at the ends of them until colours gradually fade into one another where they meet. Plus a few pink and plastic rhinestone stickers. Sparkle pens make wonderful final touches.

Spending the rest of the day in front of a mirror, Aranobrac puts my hair up in different hairdos, from braids to pigtails to buns. She curls my hair as well, resulting in an over the top look. The everyday ponytail lacks specialty whereas I'm doubtful of any other options-they attract too much attention. I try each and every necklace at home. Comparing, comparing, comparing before settling on a juicy white diamond strung on a string of pure gold so thin it's transparent. Tomorrow is my time to shine.

Knocks on my door startle me. 'Aranobrac?' I hastily take the necklace off and stash it under my soft-as-a-cloud pillow. 'No it's me,' Mum's face appears in the gap between the door and the wall, 'your French teacher, Madame Lafrance, called.' I do a carefree shrug, 'Really?' I will murder her if she told- 'She informed me that you'll be taking 3 tutorials a week for 2 months.' I instantly relax, 'Oh, that. Yeah, the subject monitor himself volunteered, his name's Nick.' 'I told her you won't be free this month.' Mum walks in and sits on the bed, extremely close besides the pillow. 'Are you angry I didn't tell you earlier?' I ask. She laughs, 'I hid more things from my parents when I was your age.' 'My tutor knows I'll fly from Hong Kong soon. He'll tutor me twice a week instead.' 'Very well. French isn't a core subject anyway,' Mum is laughing, 'Madame Lafrance is so funny. She reminded me to tell you to not be a slacker, then asked me about your summer plans. And when I told her you'll be in Hawaii, she hung up on me.' I can't stop myself from cracking up too. When our laughter gradually comes to a stop, Mum offers, 'The whole school will possibly know of your family background from teachers' gossip. I'd wear the necklace under your pillow to the dance if I were you.' My mouth must've been wide open, because I can hear her laughter even after she exits and closes the door behind her.

After all these months, I finally have a trump card. And Tuesday evening's the time to show it. I skim a crumpled Mocktail Gathering poster -for the millionth time- I ripped off the school wall days ago. The school has enough posters and can always reprint.

Belles & Beaux



The Beau of the night

The Belle of the night

(Awards will only be given to those who follow the dress code.)

School Hall



I've been a "good" person. Having one night out isn't too much to ask. Forget asking, I'm taking. Even though no one's informed me of any dress code whatsoever. 


The night we've all been waiting for 🥁..... prom nite!  💃🎵  It's in the next chapter.  

"Finally!"  Yeah, I can't wait too. ヽ(^o^)丿  

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