My 1st Prom

By MichelineChen

316 4 0

Celestia Blank is getting through Secondary 1 in middle school. Just not the way she expected. Being labelled... More

Date: 23/5, Mon
Date: 24/5, Tue
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Date: 1/6, Wed
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Date: 13/6, Mon
Date: 16/6, Thurs
Date: 17/6, Fri
Date: 20/6, Mon
Date: 21/6, Tue
Date: 26/6, Mon
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 1)
Date: 27/6, Tue (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 30/6, Thurs (part 3)
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Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 1)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 2)
Date: 7/7, Thurs (part 3)
Date: 8/7, Fri
Date: 9/7, Sat
Prom night (part 1)
Prom night (part 2)
Prom night (part 3)
Prom night (part 4)
🎼 🎵 🎶 Inspiration

Date: 4/6, Sat

7 0 0
By MichelineChen

  Clinks of silver cutlery decorates the quietude. Dad and Mum and Lucas are digging in, chewing joyously. I drink from my cup, then realise it's out of water. Never mind, you don't need water now. 'There's something I really, really want,' I babble, later scooping rice into my mouth. Dad and Mum raise their eyes from what's left of their beef. 'If it's about riding the car to school, no,' Mum says. I have to remind myself that she meant the limo. I explain quickly, 'The Mocktail Gathering. The circular is out, the due date is urgently soon.' 'So?' Both my parents probe. 'The, the, the ... ,' Luke mocks. Mum sips her drink, 'Are we missing something?' 'School dance. Circular due soon. Want to go,' I change tactics, 'please?' Dad scoops veggies into his bowl, 'Is the prom itself after your exams?' 'Yeah. It's like the social event of the season,' I shove more food down my throat, 'with dancing.' Luke's elbow bumps mine as he sprinkles bacon on his rice. I add, 'Just like the ones in colleges.' This is easier than I thought.

Mum and Dad are starry-eyed, no doubt rethinking their first slow dance. I swallow a mouthful, letting them sink into their romantic memories for a few seconds, 'Can I still -' Luke burps, 'Where's dessert?' He ruined the moment. '...Go?' I finish with determination. Mum refills my cup, 'I don't know, Celestia.' Dad clears his bowl, 'Is there an entree fee?' 'Yeah, that's taken care of.' I gobble the rest of my meal, 'Think of those college dances, I want to have those memories too. Just in secondary school.'

I wonder if pushing them down their memory lanes worked.

'I don't see why not,' Mum becomes thoughtful for a second, 'you can be better prepared for future formal events.' 'Yes!' I cheer. She adds extra broccoli to my bowl. Out of all those fancy dinner dishes on the table, she has to give me veggies. I chew them without complaint. 'Very well,' Dad gives in as well, 'Remember, no drinking alcoholic beverages.' 'Woo hoo!' I pump my fists, 'it's called MOCKtail for a reason.'

Luke licks his bowl clean, 'I'm done.' He leaves the table. 'I will pick you up from school after the Mocktail is over,' Dad says. 'No thanks, you're busy with work, right?' I wipe my mouth. As if I need a bodyguard. 'It's not safe at night,' he insists, 'besides, you get to ride in the car.' 'I walk home from school 5 times a week. I'm still existing.' 'That's different, you don't have anything to defend yourself with.' 'But Dad! The entire neighbourhood is safe.' 'Celestia, you'll be in a dress.' 'That's the point of going to prom. I know I can take care of myself.' He tuts disapprovingly. I raise my eyes heavenward, 'What if one of my guy friends escort me home?' I compromise, 'Win-win?' 'Well,' Mum comes to the rescue, 'it's good enough for me.' 'You're too young to look after yourself,' Dad disagrees, 'it isn't safe.' Because I ditched my dolls for nail polish? Because I changed my views on kissing from finding it yucky to waiting for mine? I remind him, 'Didn't you take Mum home after big dances?' 'Yes- we're adults, you're just a teenager.' 'What about intuition?' I challenge. 'I have enough common sense for the both of us, this is nonnegotiable.' Dad further insists, 'Who else is going to inherit the fortune?' Luke stops licking his spoon.

No point in further negotiation at this state. I'm not going to push my luck - I need it for finals, 'Ok, with the car.' At least I finally get to flash a family asset -for the first time ever- to my classmates. Eva's going to be super pissy when she sees me arriving in the limousine with the chauffeur stepping out and opening the car door for me. She's going to be so envious her face will turn green. Then she'll post a selfie (in front of the limo) on Instagram, faking that it's her rental for the night. And I... I shut down my thoughts about her.

'Wait. What do you mean, "who else"?' Luke whines, 'Why won't I inherit 50% of the money?' I've never considered this before. 'Yeah, why not him?' I question, ' He is my biological sibling, right?' And baby of the family. Very hesitantly, Dad explains, 'Your grandfather-' 'Let me explain, ' Mum sits up straight. We never -never- discussed where our money will go. Dad shuts the door after making sure none of the half a dozen maids they hired are in the room. 'About that,' Mum clasps her hands on the table, leaning forward a bit and lowering her voice, 'your grandfather passed away before Luke was born, therefore he never met him. Therefore he's not included in the will.' I'm speechless. A pair of birds soar past the window outside. Luke's "ah" breaks the silence. Dad leans forward and whispers an astronomical -and quite surreal- sum. It's massive enough for me to retire young and rich! A tiny part of my brain is all "it's impossible". 'Your inheritance is currently being held in a separate bank account,' Mum adds in her continually lowered voice, as though the maids could hear. Wow. I'm so giddy I can't speak for a moment. It feels as though multiple doors are opening to me right away. Dad brings me back to Earth, 'But focus on your exams first.'

An heiress, me? 'All the money will be mine?' I ask disbelievingly. Time itself seems to slow down. 'Every cent. Plus the limo. My father personally made sure of that.' Dad explains. Am I cut out to be an heiress? I've never earned solid credentials. 'None of this leaves the room,' Mum says gravely. Luke is equally gobsmacked, 'Aren't there any loopholes in grandfather's will?' 'There aren't any loopholes. His lawyers were very efficient,' Dad replies, 'Luke won't receive any inheritance, I'm afraid.' My mouth runs in dizzying shock, 'I-I-I see why I'm not allowed to ride a limo to school most days.' 'Or use trending designer bags,' Luke -second in line?- finishes, 'It's not fair. I won't get my share of wealth.' 'You can have the car-I mean the limo when you're 18,' I pull my mouth into a line, 'and we'll split the money fifty-fifty. How about it?'


Penny for your thoughts, dear readers? 

I know this rich-girl-is-bullied-at-school trope is cliché, yet I can't help myself. Come to think of it, the popular-guy-falls-for-unpopular-girl is unoriginal as well. Yikes. 

On the other hand, my story deserves to be told. And all that hard work I put into it can't be for nothing. 

Erm... anyway, please consider voting. Thaaaaanks!  

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