Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

By RicoTheLegend

2.1K 137 770

A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... More

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Bragging Rights!
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 1
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
The Raw After Wrestlemania
Building Towards Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
😎 Money Talks 😎
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

Wrestlemania: Backlash

37 4 49
By RicoTheLegend

(Pre Show Match)
TBS title qualifier match: Caeley Gedling vs Lash Legend [Winner advances to the Elimimation match later in the night]

"The following Contest is the final TBS title qualifying match!"

"Introducing first... from Adelaide, South Australia... CAELEEEEEY GEEEEEEEDLIIIIIING!!!"

After Caeley's entrance, the arrogant Lash Legend took her sweet time flaunting and "Instagram Live"ing or whatever she was doing.

But Caeley Gedling didn't come to play around. She booted Lash in her face right as the opening bell sounded. Lash didn't even have the time to take off the coat she wore down to the ring, as Caeley hoists up the 5'11" Legend and Powerslams her onto the canvas! Gedling cracks a sinister smile as she clasps a hand on Lash Legend's throat. She lifted her up to her feet, then forced her into position for a powerbomb, but instead, she shifts Legend's body whilst holding her up, then hits a Gory Bomb, planting the former WNBA Athlete! Caeley climbs to the top turnbuckle, Delivering a knee drop right to the Spine of Lash Legend!

Gedling sadistically laughs quietly as she cracks her neck, Grabbing Legend by the throat, Planting her on the mat with the S.T.H. Chokeslam!! Caeley was about to go for a cover, but she changed her mind. She took one of the sleeves of Legend's coat, then attempted to apply a crossface while trapping the arm outside of its sleeve. Legend was fighting hard against it, But Caeley rolls her eyes and grips the free sleeve and pulls it over the face of Legend, Forcing it between her teeth as she pulled back with all her might, And Legend tapped immediately. Gedling at first refused to let go of the hold, until two more officials ran out and tried prying her off her opponent. She finally released it, grinning wildly as she stared at the now unconscious Lash Legend, whose own gaudy Entrance gear ended up causing her own defeat.

Caeley strolled back to the Stage, where she looked back Triumphantly. That was almost Too easy.

1. Undisputed Tag title unification match: reDRagon (c) vs Moxley & Rollins (c)

"The following Contest is a Championship Unification match!!"

"Making their way to the ring..
At a combined weight of 397 pounds... they are the Smackdown Tag team champions... Bobby Fish & Kyle OOOOOO'REILLY... REEEEDRAAAGON!!!"

"And introducing their opponents... first, From Davenport Iowa... One half of the Raw Tag Team Champions..
SETH... FREEEEAKIIIIING ROOOOOOOLLIIIIIINS!!!" Seth dances about like the Goof he is, until he stops laughing upon entering the ring. He held up 3 fingers. He mouthed "3... 2... 1..."

The crowd belting out "WILD THING!!!" to the entrance of Jon Moxley through the crowd just added to the Energy of the Pay Per View crowd. What an opening contest on paper, but now we're actually gonna see it happen!

The ref calls for the bell.

Seth starts the match against Fish. Bobby tries to work the arms, but Rollins not having any of it, Seth reverses the standing switch and plants Bobby with a snappy powerslam! Seth looks for an early Stomp, Fish rolls out of the way! Bobby rolls up Rollins, Kickout at One! Seth tries a roll-up, lets go of the cover, Superkick to Fish! Tag to Moxley! Mox rushes into the ring and lays in stiff rights to Fish! Moxley eyes O'Reilly. Those two have some history from their days in AEW! Bobby crawls to the corner, Tags in Kyle! The violent artist into the ring, Single leg takedown on Moxley! Mox reverses the ground and pound and stomps at the ankle of Kyle! Mox turns to Rollins, but Kyle with a Chop block from the hesitation!

Kyle locking in an Armbar, Working over the arm of Moxley, trying to damage the shoulder and Bicep to make a Paradigm Shift harder to execute. Seth stomps away on the apron to rally Mox. "GET UP, MOX! COME ON, MAAAN!" He yelled. Moxley glanced up and yelled, "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM DOING, DIPSHIT?!"

Moxley Elbows Kyle in the ear, breaking the hold. Fish gets the tag, and Mox trades reversals with Bobby for a short stretch before a tag is made to Rollins! Seth and Mox hit stereo Falcon Arrows, which get a close 2 count from the ref! Seth sets up for a Stomp, but Bobby senses it coming and pops to his feet, Jumping and Kicking Rollins right in the chest! Rollins responds with a wicked Superkick. Kyle tries to hop in and help, but he gets kicked for his efforts, but Kyle Stumbled around and Knocked the ref over on accident! Seth was lined up for another Stomp, but This time, Fish Threw a forearm that landed right on Rollins' babymakers! The ref never saw it! Fish rolls up Seth, but there's no ref!

Kyle and Mox began taking their fight to the Outside, Moxley beat Kyle around, setting up for a Paradigm Shift on the ramp, when Adam Cole smacks Moxley in the spine with a steel chair! He calls for Kyle to lift Mox up, and Cole hits the BOOM! Moxley's gotta be out cold! Kyle runs back to the apron and calls for a tag, having a 2 on 1 advantage!

Cole laughs, but the crowd Comes to life. They see something that Adam Cole (BAY BAY!) Does not. Cole turns around, smiling widely, when he damn near gets cut in half by a Spear!

"MY GOD! WHAT A SPEAR!! ROMAN REIGNS CAME OUTTA NOWHERE AND SPEARED THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF ADAM COLE!!!" David Drake was once again Marking out to see the Undisputed Elite and the Shield all in the same place. Roman looked to Seth, giving a nod. Seth grins. "Brothaaaa!!" He says with his signature Rollins Laugh.

Kyle Tagged in, Blasting Seth from behind! Seth crumbles to his knees, and reDRagon each grab a wrist, then both hit stiff knees to the face of seth! ReDRagon with the "BTE Trigger"! Kyle lifts Seth to his feet, Fish off the ropes, and the High-Low Total Elimination from ReDRagon! Kyle into the cover! One! Two! Thr- ROLLINS KICKS OUT!!! HOW?!

Kyle is infuriated. He stomps around for a bit, but Seth plays possum and rolls up O'Reilly! He gets a two count before Kyle kicks out. Seth's knee is visibly injured, he may be out of gas...

An Irate Kyle O'Reilly sets up for a Brainbuster, Fish gets to his feet, and Kicks Rollins in the head as he's upside down, and Kyle spikes his head on the mat! Into the cover! One! Two! Three! And that's it!


The two men grin as they raise the Black Strapped Tag Titles. Kyle Air guitared to "Dance Away" as they celebrated, when the Arena rang with the music of "I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they TALK TO ME!!" The Viper rushes the ring, but the champs quickly use their 2-on-1 advantage to beat the Apex Predator down. They laugh as they pummel Orton, until...

"BROOOOOO!" The crowd erupts, as the Original Bro sprints to the ring and begins kicking anyone that moves! Fish and O'Reilly are reeling from Riddle's furious barefooted kicks, followed by a Final Flash knee for Both Men! He helps Orton to his feet! Fish stumbles toward them, Randy with an RKO for Bobby Fish! Kyle climbs to the top Rope, Tries a Diving something-or-another, but Riddle catches him with an RKO!! The RK-Bro theme plays, and the team eyes the Undisputed tag title belts... Riddle picks them both up, Handing one to Orton. The two raise the belts, signifying who ReDRagon's next opponents would be!

2. Raw Women's championship match: Liv Morgan vs Crystal Zamora (c)

"The following Contest is scheduled for ONE fall, and is for the RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIIIIP!!"

"Introducing first, the Challenger..
From Elmwood Park, New Jersey... LIIIIIV MOOOOORGAAAAN!!"

Morgan was pissed off. Crystal had Brutally attacked women who she had no business laying hands on. This wasn't just a title match. It was a Grudge Match, a chance for Liv to get some revenge for LayCool & Melina.

Pyro exploded on the Beat drop, when the voice screamed "OBSOLETE!!!". The champ strolled out to a Thunderous Ovation... just not a positive one. Her actions in weeks prior had turned the fans against her. Did she give a damn? Nope.

"And Introducing the Champion... From Anaheim, Los Angeles, California... she is the RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPION... CRYYYYSTAAAAAL ZAAAAMOOOOORRRAAAA!!!"

She grins, taking delight in the hatred pouring out towards her. She wasn't worried about the match. She was a good 6 to 7 inches taller, and at least 50 if not 60 pounds heavier than Her opponent. "This should be easy", she thought.

The ref called for it... and The bell rang.

The two women engage in an elbow & collar tie up before Morgan gets shoved back by the Larger Zamora. Liv rushes back in, Only for the same result to occur. Morgan tried targeting a leg, but Zamora stepped into a kick that rocked Morgan hard enough to send her back into the ropes. Crystal yawned, Taunting Liv. The now-angry Jersey girl rushed forward for a dropkick to the knee, but was met by a Boot to the cheek as a result. Zamora had done her homework. She had Liv's offense nearly committed to memory.

Liv staggered to a knee, Shaken up by the multiple blows to the head. Crystal walked over. She bent down. "None of those Divas are in my league. Just walk away and we can still be friends, Livvy-"

A Left hand from Morgan swung upward and slapped Crystal across the face. The champ reeled, but then the look of shock turned into a look of Rage. Zamora kicked Morgan in the forehead, With the impact resonating throughout the Arena. Crystal, Furious that Liv had the audacity to not just turn her down, but to blatantly Disrespect the champ? She had to pay!

Crystal rapidly stomped on Liv's ankle, Then dragged her to the corner and Slingshot to the Outside. She grabbed Liv's leg and slams it into the ring post repeatedly! Morgan's cries of pain and anguish were enough to elicit more Thunderous Boos from the Capacity Crowd in Seattle.

Crystal dragged Morgan to the center of the ring and covered her. The ref counted "One! Two!" but Liv lifted her shoulder before the three. Her leg hurt like hell, but that wouldn't stop her! She quickly grabbed onto Zamora's arms and wrapped her arms around the neck! Rings of Saturn locked in by Liv! Crystal's determined expression remained unchanged as she fought to get closer to the ropes. Liv rolled them over right as Crystal's foot was oh so close to the ropes, re-applying the hold, center of the ring! Zamora thought quickly, Forcing Morgan's grip apart and elbowing her way out of it. She laid in a few nasty stiff forearms to the forehead of Liv, who busted open from the sheer force of the blows. She struggled to stand, Wiping the blood off her forehead and onto her tights, but she still saw the Impending Crystal Zamora superkick and ducked out of the way!

Liv lays in a few right hands, Then Whips Crystal off the ropes and catches her with an Enziguri! Morgan, however, wasn't unfazed. She crawled over to the ring post where her Entrance jacket was hung and tore off the flannel portion, then proceeded to tie it around her forehead to soak up some of the blood. She turned around just in time, and Ducked a Zamora Big Boot! Liv Grabbed Crystal by the neck, Sprung to the middle rope, then hit a Bulldog! She covers the champ! One! Two! Th- Zamora kicks out! Morgan's turned the tides on the champ here! Crystal staggers to her feet, Just so happening to be against the ropes. Liv ran forward, wanting the ObLIVion, but Crystal once again Ducked and Caught Liv in perfect position! Powering up the smaller woman, She plants Liv with a Dark Angel Bomb! She goes into the cover! One! Two! Thr- NO! MORGAN KICKS OUT! That is the First Kickout of that move since Crystal Joined the WWE! She can't believe it. Panic may be setting in for Zamora now, as she fired her best shot, and Morgan still hasn't been dealt enough damage! Crystal hoists Liv up. The crowd begins chanting, "FUCK YOU CRYSTAL!"/"LET'S GO LIV!". Zamora scowls and Flips the bird to the audience. Her momentary lapse of focus costs her big time, however. Liv escapes her grip and hits a Codebreaker! Zamora is down! Liv feels it, Victory is so close now!

Morgan has to go deep into her playbook. She had only a few moves left that may work... nonetheless, what better time to try than right now? She ascends to the middle rope. She was going to hit a Diving Flatliner, in hopes of ending the match with the scarcely used, yet Effective when Used Move. She yelled repeatedly for Crystal to "GET UP!". Zamora staggered to her feet, and Liv jumped forward, but Crystal was playing Possum. She caught Morgan on her shoulders, Marched to the center of the ring, and Said "G'NIGHT, BITCH!" and tossed her up over her head, Dropping Liv, Striking with a knee! David sold this wonderfully on commentary.

"Morgan, Looking for a big move to end it, begging the champ to stand! Liv leapi- CAUGHT! Crystal plucked Morgan outta the air! Center of the ring! THE SIREN SONG GTS!!! KNEE TO SKULL!!"

Crystal, exhausted, having fired the last shot in her arsenal, threw an arm over Morgan. The ref counted, "One! Two! Three!"

Ding ding ding!

"Here is your Winner... and STILL, RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPION..

3. Unsanctioned match: Edge vs Damian Priest

Quick Result: Priest wins via Pinfall after a Loud heartbeat sound rang through the arena and stopped Edge in his tracks, allowing Damian to hit a Final Reckoning Flatliner for the win.

4. Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat match: Ethan Bourne (c) (w/ AJ Styles) vs Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ Rick Boogs)

Quick Result: Ethan Bourne Retains via Submitting Sami Zayn with a tilt-a-whirl variation of the Millennium Lock Armbar.

5. Tornado Tag Team Match: ANARCHY (Rosario/A. Zamora) vs The Usos

When "The Other Side" by Alter Bridge hit, the team name flashed across the titantron...

The two strolled out, Zamora walking a bit ahead of Rosario. Aaron was clearly the leader out of the two.

Zamora and Rosario, a master high flyer and striker, respectively, ultra skilled In their craft. Rosario, a 2x UFC champion who amassed a record of 39-6 across his 45 career fights. Zamora was a man who had been an "Indie Darling", winning the ROH world title 3 times, the ROH Pure championship once, the ROH Television title on 5 occasions, and even landing 2 Tag team title Reigns with Shawn Rosario before signing with WWE. He was a man who had a Hall of fame worthy career for Ring Of Honor, but he was ready to carve his name into WWE's history books.

The Usos smugly walked to the ring, shouting to the crowd. They didn't see either man they faced tonight as a threat, a choice they'd soon come to regret.

The match was shockingly short...

When the Bell rang, Aaron struck with a jumping knee to Jimmy almost instantly. Jey and Aaron had a brief Back and Forth, but Zamora ducked the superkick and landed one of his own! He used the momentum to toss Jey with a German Suplex!

Shawn kept up the devastating strikes and kicks. Jimmy was overwhelmed by the Blitzkrieg of offense, Trying to defend himself in the corner. Rosario furiously attempted to stomp a hole through Jimmy Uso as Zamora sends Jey to the apron, And surprisingly, The first big spot happened. Aaron grabs Jey, Climbing out to the Apron himself, and Zamora hits a Spanish fly onto the Floor at ringside! Jey is down, Stirring, and Zamora punts Jey right in the Neck! Aaron slides back into the ring, and Anarchy goes to work, 2 on 1, on Jimmy Uso. Zamora and Rosario hit stereo Knee lifts, knocking Uso out of the corner on Spaghetti legs. Rosario hoists up Jimmy and hits a "Feast Your Eyes", Sending him rolling out of the ring.

Jey tried sneaking behind them, bit Aaron saw him coming and as Jey flew from the top rope, Aaron lunged and connected square on the Jaw with a Wicked Forearm strike. Shawn then tossed Jey to the Outside. With Both Brothers Stirring at ringside, Aaron rebounded off the ropes and executed a front flip and then lept into a Suicide Dive to the Outside, wiping out the Usos!

Shawn helped his tag partner up, then they tossed the Usos into the ring. The usos were a Good tag team, That's undisputed... but Shawn and Aaron were straight fighters. With the Usos lined up, Aaron ascended to the top rope. Jimmy stirred on the mat, but Shawn put him to bed with a Final Flash Bicycle Knee Strike! Aaron hit a 450 splash on Jey, and went for the Cover! One! Two! Th- JEY KICKS OUT! After all that punishment, still not enough. They won't let newcomers Disrespect them, their family, their Bloodline like that!

Jimmy rolls out of the ring, but Jey tries to stand and Fight. He gets a few shots on Rosario, but Zamora sprang off the top rope and hit that brutal forearm strike to the face, which he calls the "Hidden Blade"! Aaron "The Assassin" Zamora strikes outta nowhere! Rosario to the apron, Jey being lifted to his feet, Rosario Springboard Knee Strike rocks Jey, who's barely able to keep his own balance! Aaron yelled "Finish it!". Aaron and Shawn stand on opposite sides of Jey. Shawn rushes forward and smashes Jey with a Knee Strike at the same time that Aaron Superkicks Jey in the back of the Neck. Uso crumples to the mat, and both men lean back, tired, covering Jey. One. Two. Three. Easily done.

Rosario and Zamora get a Double Pinfall to beat the Usos.

6. 8 Woman TBS title Elimination Match:

Tay Conti vs Anna Jay vs Lacey Evans vs Zelina Vega vs Ruby Soho vs Cora Jade vs Bianca Belair vs Caeley Gedling

The 8 Women wouldn't start the match all in the ring. The 8 women randomly drew numbers.

Entrant Number one was Bianca Belair.

Entrant Number two was Queen Zelina Vega.

Zelina attempted to use trickery to outfox Belair, but The E.S.T. Was having none of it. She whipped Vega with her hair, Then Military Press Slammed the much smaller Queen Zelina.

Entrant number three was Cora Jade.

Quickly, Vega attempted to target the knee of Jade, but Cora had some backup in the form of Belair, who sent Vega flying with a Tilt-a-whirl slam. Cora then hit a Butterfly DDT on The Queen, and covered her, one, two, three. Vega was out.

Entries number 4 and 5 were Tay Conti and Anna Jay, Respectively.

TayJay reformed for a brief run, As they double teamed Cora and Bianca. They posed as they grinned confidently, Taunting the next entrant to come on out.

Entry number six was Caeley Gedling. She stoically walked to the ring as Tay and Anna were frozen. They weren't expecting her next. The 6 foot 3 Caeley dwarfed both of them in height, Strength, and Just about every other physical standard there is. In a moment of True betrayal, Tay shoved Anna towards Caeley, who caught Jay by the throat and Slammed her to the Mat with a S.T.H. (straight to hell) Chokeslam. She applies the Black Seduction crossface, the same one she used to beat Lash Legend, and Anna Passed out after struggling for a few moments. Anna was Eliminated.

Ruby Soho came in 7th. She went one on one with Cora in the corner while Bianca tried to lift Caeley for the KOD, but Caeley fought out of it all 3 times it was attempted. Caeley shrugs and nails Belair with a Lights Out Bicycle Kick. Tay Conti whacks Caeley from behind with a steel Chair... but the chair Broke over her spine. Caeley didn't even Flinch. She slowly turned. She mouthed, "You fucked up.", then rocks Conti with a furious Uppercut that knocks her to her knees. Caeley grabbed both Wrists, Hitting a Deadly Kamigoye knee, Which she calls "Death Angel's Kiss". Conti was down and out. One, two, three.

In other spots, Bianca Belair Eliminated Cora Jade with a KOD right before Lacey Evans entered 8th.

Lacey smacked Bianca and Ruby each with a Women's Right, but it all went bad when She went after Gedling.

Caeley caught Evans when she attempted a Women's Right. She smiled and shook her head. Caeley wrenched the arm around, then wrestled Evans to the canvas! She applied the Black Seduction, but as Evans was scratching and Clawing, Caeley, ever resourceful, pulled Evans' headband down in front of her mouth and gripped one side with each hand, Lacey eventually tried to scream out of agony, but This just forced the band between her teeth, causing much worse discomfort and pain. Caeley laughed, Staring at the Hardcam. "LOOK AT MAMA, GIRLS! MAMA AIN'T DOIN' TOO WELL!" Caeley pulled back as hard as she could, Forcing Evans' back to arch more, And Evans had no option but to give in. She tapped out, leaving Bianca, Caeley, and Ruby.

Bianca once more tried a KOD on Caeley, but Gedling once again reverses, landing on her feet and gripping Belair by the throat. Ruby attempts to attack, sensing an opening, but Caeley caught her too. She hoists up both women and Double Chokeslams them. She pulls Ruby on top of Bianca, then goes to pin them both. One. Two. Three.


"Sheer DOMINANCE if I've ever seen it. That's the only way to describe the performance we just witnessed, folks..." Drake and the rest of the commentators were stunned.

7. Steel Cage Universal title match: Nick Burns (c) vs Finn Balór

Quick Result: Balór wins by Pinfall in 20:32.
After a clinic of Technical Wrestling and Environmental offense using the cage, paired with a few near-escapes and near falls, Finn Balór finally reclaimed the Universal title when he hit a Coup De Grâce off the top of the Steel Cage and pinned Burns.

MAIN EVENT: Hell in a Cell WWE championship match: Rico Rhodes vs Rowan Gedling (c)

They were the best of friends, yet Animosity was present. There was no telling how this would go, especially since Regal told them they'd be fighting inside Hell In A Cell over the WWE championship. The WWE title had come between another pair of otherwise best friends, All that mattered now was seeing who would go the further length for the title. Who will embrace their sadistic calling first? Who will succumb to the Brutality deep inside? Find out, Next Chapter!


I have decided to publish what I have right now, as I'm on Vacation in Europe (Germany at the moment), and Writing isn't exactly my top priority, especially now. I may have some time, but Rico vs Rowan for the title inside the cell has plenty of options for spots and moves. It'll be a long match, that's guaranteed. Keep up the hype, Let me know your thoughts in the Comments, and Stay safe out there everyone!

Huge Shoutout to instantclassic for being the second official Creative Consultant to this story.

Shoutout to Priestgirl4life for being honest and supportive of my writing. You have no idea how much your feedback means to me as a writer! You're simply an amazing person!

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