The little lost one

By Jazzy2340

99K 1.9K 200

Once Henrik Mikaelson is now Henry James. Being reincarnated and getting his memories later on, will henry lo... More

My past and now my present
Welcome to Mystic Falls; Vampires?
A brand-new friend
She's a harlot
I hate scientist
What a day!
Story info!!!
Little brother?
Henry's backstory
The truth is coming out
A trip to the past
Alaric knows witches?
Mark those who shall not enter
It's just medicine
Love in the air
New meds
Is it really him?
The locator spell!!


3.5K 82 6
By Jazzy2340

~Henry's P.O.V~

I wake up early to get ready for school. I shower, brush my hair, get my clothes on and head downstairs for breakfast. 

"Good morning, everyone" I greet everyone in the room, and they greet me back, I eat some, take my pills and heading off to school. As Vincenzo pulls up and I get out the car I see Bonnie and some other kid who I haven't felt before meaning he's new, doing magic, channeling nature. Honestly, they should find a more private place to that, they never know who's around. I head off to the basketball court where I see Matt and Tyler talking, Matt looks upset and walks away when Caroline steps Infront of him asking him if he's okay.

"Hey Tyler" I greet him with a smile

"Hey, Hen" he smiles at me and seems more happier than he did talking with Matt, he's actually smiling

"How are you holding up with everything? I know it's a lot to process and everything so if you need more time. I can wait" I reassure him 

"No, no I'm good really. What you did for me, telling me the truth. You're the only person I can trust around here" he says fidgeting with the ball 

"Okay, lets meet up after school and I can get you prepared for the full moon, sounds good?"

"Yea, thanks man. Are you... Ya 'know going to be..." he stops not knowing how to ask, I laugh

"Yes, I won't let you go through it alone, promise I'll be there" I smile at, and he smiles back, suddenly Caroline walks up

"Hey ty, how are you doing?" she says with a sad tone and instead of answering her he scoffs and walks away, she looks confused and looks at me for an answer

"I told Tyler everything, about vampires, what happened to his uncle, you guys" her eyes widen

"W-why would you tell him that?" she whispers-yelled

"Because Caroline, he doesn't deserve to be lied to. I mean come on how would you feel if someone killed a member of your family, and your friends knew and didn't tell you? Pissed and betrayed, that's what you'll feel" I don't give her a chance to say anything as I walk away the grass beneath me dying. Honestly, I like her and the others (except for Bonnie and Elena) but they have no right to keep something like that from someone, I don't care how much they want to protect that person, it's not the right way to do it. 

~Time skip~ 

I was in the woods walking with Tyler heading somewhere 

"So, what's going on with you and Matt?" I said starting a conversation 

"Nothing really, he's been avoiding me until today. He's pretty bummed about what happened" 

"Poor him, he doesn't even know why he acted that way"

"Yea sucks" but I get the feeling that he doesn't really care, which really isn't my problem 

"So, where we heading?" 

"There's a cellar that goes to our old property right over here" he takes out and key and tells me to watch my step as he takes out his flashlight. 

"Watch your step" he tells me as he takes my hand and helps me down the stairs, what a gentleman am I right? We make it around and I tell him the bolts in the walls are good, but we have to get new chains which I have. We start looking around and find a journal which is obviously from Mason. Tyler starts reading it, his voice breaking as he reads the horrifying things werewolves have to go through. We suddenly find a chip taped to one of the pages...

~Elijah's P.O.V~ 

I could tell that Henry was still kind of upset with me for the stunt I pulled. I just wanted to know why he was hiding his eye, obviously it's a sore subject and I have to wait for him to tell me when he's ready. I have to put that aside for now and handle some other matters, the Martin witches and Niklaus. I decided to start with Niklaus, even though I want him dead, he deserves to know Henry's alive. I take out his phone, hit his contact and press call. It only rings one time before he picks up. 

- Brother, what a surprise - I can hear the smirk in his voice that I just wanted to smack off

- Yes, it is, there is an important matter that you need to know about - I say, my tone completely serious so he knows I'm not in the mood to joke. Not that I ever joke

- What is it? - his tone was also serious letting me know he was truly listening

- Brother, Henrik did not stay on the other side - I pause when I hear a glass shatter before continuing 

- Henrik was reborn as Henry James, a powerful witch/werewolf hybrid - 

- A-are you sure? - I was surprised to hear his stutter and voice break

- If I wasn't I wouldn't be calling you, he wants to see you, he wants to see everyone - 

- Where? - 

- Home brother - 

~Time skip~ 

After I spoke with the Martin witches telling them that our deal was off, well they didn't like that. They were practically kneeling at my feet begging me to help me get their daughter back and kill Niklaus, even went as far as to threaten me. I gave them one warning letting them know that if they mess with me or anyone, I hold dear (Henry really) that they would have wished they never even heard of me. They can stay in Mystic Falls I don't care, but if one hair on Henry's head or anyone he cares about (he wouldn't let his little brother friends/family get hurt) was blown sideways... well. 

~Klaus P.O.V~ 

I was more than surprised when Elijah called me, I was sure I drove him away completely by telling him I burned our siblings at sea. I honestly don't know how he believed me, I would never, and I mean ever do that to them no matter what they do. I wouldn't have them out of my reach. Their MY siblings, they're my blood (geez possessive much). I was drinking a glass of blood when he called and his tone like always was serious, but this time was different I could feel it.

- Brother, what a surprise - I said with a smirk on face knowing he would be able to sense it

- Yes, it is, there is an important matter that you need to know about - I knew it, his tone was more than serious

- What is it? - I ask letting him know I'm listening 

- Brother, Henrik did not stay on the other side - he said, I shattered the glass that was in my hand out of shock, that's not possible. He died, I saw him, I ran him all the way back to the village slowly watching him die. It was my fault, I knew better then to take him out there, but God those eyes he gave me, and his pouty face I couldn't resist. And that cost him his life, I cost him his life. 

- Henrik was reborn as Henry James, a powerful witch/werewolf hybrid - he continued after I didn't respond, Henrik's alive? My baby brother?

- A-are you sure? - I didn't even care that I stuttered, if he really was alive then...

- If I wasn't I wouldn't be calling you, he wants to see you, he wants to see everyone - he wants to see me? After I killed him? And our siblings that means I'll have to wake them, but I don't care, I'll do anything for him, anything. 

- Where? - I ask already moving towards the sitting room to tell Greta and Maddox to get the coffins ready to move

- Home brother - Mystic Falls, of course

~Time skip ~ 

~Henry's P.O.V~

 We went back to my place, to say he was surprised was an understatement, we were watching the video when Mason drunk wolfsbane and chocked 

"What's he doing" Tyler asked confused 

"It's wolfsbane, it weakens werewolves, but there's no way to get it down without chocking. It tastes like battery acid" I explained to him, he fasts forward the video when we see Mason throw the bike and reaching for the camera, screaming for help. 

"How long is it" 

"Were 3 hours in, 4 hours, 5 hours, how long does this last?" Tyler pauses the video after a moment, gets up and starts pacing, panicking. 

"I can't go through that. I can't" he said on the verge of tears

"Don't worry, it won't be like that I swear. It was like that for him, me and any other new werewolves who didn't have someone who knew what they were doing to help them. But you've got me, and I know what I'm doing. I swear I'm going to make this as painless as possible, okay?"

"Yea, okay"

"Okay good" I smile at him

~Time skip~ 

I head over to Jeremy's place to see how he's doing; how could he be so stupid? I get that he wanted to help, but he could have at least brought back up. And that powder stuff that Bonnie worked up to make Katherine pass out was stupid as hell. She's a witch for gods' sake she can knock her out herself. I knock on the door and with just my luck, the harlot answers.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she spat out, spit flying in every direction...again...that's just nasty

"I'm just here to talk to Jeremy and see if he's okay" I say with a sigh, I don't want to be here any longer then I have to

"This is-" before she can say anything else Jeremy comes downstairs 

"Elena? Who are you yelling at?" he say's coming closer to the door, once he sees me, he smiles 

"Henry? What are you doing here, come in" he steps aside, and I walk in, and Elena has a look on her face that makes her look like the grinch

"I just came to check up on you, what the hell were you thinking? And using Bonnie? Seriously"

"I know I know; I just knew you were busy today and I didn't want her to get hurt doing something she couldn't"

"I understand, but you should have brought back up" I lecture him

"I know, it was stupid of me, and it won't happen again" he reassures me

"Better not" I smile and move to hug him, he immediately hugs back, wishes me goodnight and heads back up to his room

"Stay away from him" Elena say's with hatred

"Excuse me?" I complete forgot she was even there

"Stay away from him" she moves closer to me, "I know what you're doing"

"Uh-huh, and what's that?" 

"You're using him, to get to me. You're using everyone" wow... wonder how she came up with that

"Sure, I am" I turn around to leave not wanting to deal with her anymore when she grabs my arm hard and turns me back around, her nails digging into my skin. It would have hurt if I hadn't been through years of abuse.

"If you don't leave town by tomorrow, I'll-" is she serious, before she continues, I interrupt 

"You'll what?" not even a second later I feel a sting on the left side of my face, being so caught up with her I didn't notice that Jeremy was actually watching us from the stairs.


Word count: 1915

Here's another chapter, sorry for not posting like I said there was issues with my computer.

I would either be starting on another chapter of this or my other story


CREDITS to owners 

The ONLY character I own is Henry James

TVD does NOT belong to me

Til next time....

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