The Blind Swordsman {Toph X B...

By Ninneko7

86.8K 1.9K 380

Y/N L/N is a boy who is blind. Somehow even though he was blind he was able to sense the people around him an... More

Story Begins
Start of the Journey
Earth Rumble 6
A New Friend
Unexpected Reunion
Serpent's Pass
The Drill
Party Invitation
Earth King's Trust
Aang Awakens
Dance Party
Secret Hero
Sokka's Master
Sokka's Master PT.2
Little Adventure
The Runaway
Sparky-Sparky Boom Man
Strange Lady
Blood Bender
Aang's Craziness
The Invasion
The Invasion Pt. 2
Western Air Temple
Firebending Teacher
Firebending Problem
The Masters
The Boiling Rock Pt. 1
The Boiling Rock Pt. 2
The Boiling Rock Pt. 3
Accidental Confession
The Horrible Play
Aang's Disappearance
Seven Years
The Next Step
Thank You


1.4K 33 8
By Ninneko7

Y/N, Toph, Katara, Aang, and Sokka were inside of a cloud that Aang created to blend in so that they couldn't be spotted by the Fire Nation.

Aang: I think I see a cave below.

Sokka: Shh... keep quiet.

Aang removes the cloud and they land on the ground.

Sokka: Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut.

Toph: Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in.

Sokka: Hey, we're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds. (points at the birds above him)

Y/N, Toph, Katara, and Aang laughed. They all walked inside as Sokka suddenly dived over them.

Y/N: Uh, Sokka, I think you're being to overly cautious of where we are.

Toph: Yeah, I mean we're in a cave. And was that dive really nessecary?

Sokka: Yes... Yes, it was. Now, this is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave...

Katara: Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes.

Aang: Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave.

Toph: Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?

Toph hits the wall as the cave-hoppers jump out and Momo eats one.

Y/N: Let's go get some new clothes.

Y/N, Toph, Katara, Aang, and Sokka all left the cave and they saw that a house was nearby. They quickly went up the hill and they saw some clothes that were hung up to dry.

Aang: I'm not sure about this. Those clothes look like they belong to someone.

Katara: I call the silk robe!

Katara runs and she grabs the silk robe.

Y/N: I call the suit and pants!

Sokka: What? I wanted that! Wait, how'd you know it's there?

Toph: Because of me.

Aang: I call the other suit.

Y/N, Toph, and Aang ran and grabbed their clothes while Sokka was making a decision on the clothes he wanted.

Y/N: Sokka, hurry up, we're not shopping.

Sokka grabbed a shirt and quickly ran to join the others. Y/N, Aang, and Sokka all changed into their clothes while the two girls were changing into theirs as well.

Aang: Hey, we have the same shirt, Y/N.

Y/N: Really?

Aang: Yeah.

Katara: How do we look?

Y/N, Aang, and Sokka looked at Toph and Katara. Aang's face turned red when he saw Katara.

Aang: Your, mom's necklace.

Katara: Oh, yeah... I guess it's pretty obviously Water Tribe, isn't it? (she takes off the necklace)

Sokka: All right, team. Let's go into town. Oh, wait, Y/N, take this stick and pretend to use it to watch your surroundings.

Y/N: You're kidding, right? I don't need this just because I'm blind.

Sokka: But they'll get suspicious if they don't see a blind person without a stick.

Y/N: Then give one to, Toph.

Toph: I'll just hold Katara's hand.

Y/N: *sighs* This is stupid.

Y/N grabbed the stick and he started walking with it with the others as they went into town.


Y/N, Toph, Katara, Aang, and Sokka reached the town. Katara found a necklace and she bought it from the vendor and she puts it on.

Aang: (hides Momo in his suit) I used to visit my friend Kuzon here 100 years ago. So everyone just follow my lead and stay cool. Or as they say in the Fire Nation "stay flamin'".

Y/N, Toph, Katara, and Sokka followed Aang.

Aang: Greeting, my good Hotman.

Man: Oh, hi. I guess...

As they walked past the man they ended up standing outside of a meat restaurant.

Aang: Oh, we're going to a meat place?

Sokka: Come on, Aang, everyone here eats meat. Even the meat.

As the Hippo-Cow eats the meat from the ground.

Aang: You guys go ahead I'll just get some lettuce out of the garbage.

Y/N, Toph, Katara, and Sokka walked inside the restaurant and sat at a table together.

Y/N: Maybe I'll just stay with Aang, since I'm pretty sure he'll try to do somehing.

Katara: Good idea. We'll bring you some food when we go back.

Y/N: Thanks.

Y/N walks outside and he sees Aang being confronted by three guards.

???: Hey, there's another one.

Y/N: H-Huh?

They grab Y/N and Aang and started to drag the both of them.

Y/N: Hey, let us go.

Guard 1: No, you're going to school.

Y/N: School?

Aang (whispers): Apparently, you and I grabbed school uniforms.

Y/N (whispers): You gotta be kidding me...

(Minutes Later)

Y/N and Aang were thrown into different classrooms. Y/N looked around the room to see many students in the room including the teacher.

Teacher: Oh, is this a new mind ready for molding?

Y/N: Uh, yeah?

Teacher: Wait a minute. You're not from the Fire Nation. Clearly you're from the colonies.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm from the Colonies.

Teacher: Your etiquette is terrible. In the homeland, we bow to our elders... Like so (she bows)

Y/N: Sorry ma'am. (bows)

Teacher: Now, what is your name?

Y/N's (thoughts): I should lie about my name since I could be on some wanted posters... Hopefully I'm not.

Teacher: Well?

Y/N: My name is Jin.

Teacher: You may sit at the table there, Jin.

Y/N: Uh, where?

Teacher: Right there.

Y/N: I'm sorry, ma'am but I'm blind. So you may have to guide me.

Teacher: Oh, my. My apologies.

Y/N: That's okay.

The teacher helped Y/N to his seat and he sat down and he would listen to the teacher teach and give knowledge about the Fire Nation that many not have heard about.

(Time Skip)

Class was over as everybody all started to leave the school. Y/N walked out and stretched for a little bit and yawned.

Y/N: That was so long...

???: Hey.

Y/N: Aang?

Aang: Shh, the name's Kuzon.

Y/N: Oh, okay. The name's Jin.

Aang: Ready to head home, "Jin"?

Y/N: Yeah, let's go "Kuzon".

Y/N and Aang laughed.

???: Hi, Jin. My name's On-Ji.

Y/N: Oh, hello.

On-Ji: I'm surprised that you wanted to come to school because you know, you're blind.

Y/N: It's something I wanted to do.

Suddenly someone bumps into Y/N and they wrap their arms around On-Ji.

???: On-Ji, you don't have to baby-sit the new kid.

Aang: Wow, you must be one of those popular kids I've been hearing about.

???: That's right. Now, listen friend, I know you're from the Colonies so I'll say this slowly. (taps Y/N on the chest with his finger) On-Ji is my girlfriend. Don't forget it.

The boy and On-Ji walked away.

Y/N: (smiles and looks at Aang) Can I beat him up?

Aang: N-No, let's just go back.

(Minutes Later)

Y/N and Aang arrived back to the cave to see that Toph, Katara, Sokka, and Appa were sitting around the fire.

Katara: Where have you two been? We've been worried sick.

Y/N: We just got back from school.

Sokka: From what?!

Aang: We enrolled into a Fire Nation school and we're going back tomorrow.

Sokka: Enrolled in what?!

Toph: Care to explain?

Y/N: Well, we were taken by these three guards that thought we were students so they took us to school. To be honest it was pretty interesting.

Sokka: Listen, I'm trying to be mature and not immediately shoot down your idea. But it sounds really terrible...

Toph: Yeah, we got our outfits. What do you need to go to school for?

Y/N: Well, I'm gaining information that we never learned before about the Fire Nation and I think it could help us at the Invasion. Plus, there's also a secret river that leads to the Fire Lord's palace but we're learning about it tomorrow.

Sokka: Hmm... I am a fan of secret rivers. Fine, let's stay a few more days.

Aang: Flamey-o, hotman! (runs away with excitement)

Sokka: Flamey-o?

Katara: So, Y/N, here's your food.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N ate his food while he was telling Toph, Katara, and Sokka about the things he learned about the Fire Nation while Aang quickly went to bed.

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