Seven Years

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Toph, Katara, Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, and Mai were all sitting together at Aang's new home that was built on a small island where he and Katara lived together. Which was next to the city that was built over the years called "Republic City" Toph and the others were all young adults now but it has been years since they have last seen Y/N after he visited them and left on his journey. But he would always send Toph a letter every month and she would have Mio read it for her. Also Toph became a really beautiful young woman after going through puberty.

Suki: So, Toph, any letters from Y/N yet?

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Suki: So, Toph, any letters from Y/N yet?

Toph: No, I haven't gotten a letter from him for a while now.

Katara: How long has it been since he left?

Zuko: Too long. I wonder why he went on such a long journey.

Aang: Let's just hope it ends soon. I've been wanting to hang out with him for a long time.

Sokka: Maybe we should go look for him.

Toph: *sighs* No, it's okay. (touches the necklace)

As the group went silent a messenger hawk flew in and landed on the table.

Zuko: A messenger hawk?

Toph: Grab the letter it might be from, Y/N.

Sokka grabs the letter and he opens it.

Sokka: "Dear, Toph, my journey has finally ended. I heard about the new city that was built over the years. My mother told me you, Katara, and Aang all moved there together. I am arriving at the docks at Aang's new home in a few minutes and I'm hoping that I will see you there. I love you. From Y/N."

Mai: Awe, that's so sweet.

Toph: Come on, let's go!

Toph gets up and quickly runs to the docks. Katara and the others quickly chased after her as they saw a boat from the Southern Water Tribe. Katara and Sokka recognized the boat and they quickly knew who owned the boat.

Katara: Dad!

Hakoda: Hey, you two.

Sokka: What are you doing here? We came running over here to see, Y/N.

Hakoda: That's why I'm here. Come on out, kiddo.

As the door opened Y/N walks out and he stretches and looks at the others as he recognized their colors especially Toph's.

Toph: Y/N! (jumps and hugs Y/N)

Y/N: *chuckles* Hey, Toph. (looks at the whole gang) Hey, guys, it's been a long time.

Suddenly Toph lifted Y/N and body slammed him to the ground.

Y/N: Ow! What was that for?!

Toph: That's for leaving me alone for so long!

The Blind Swordsman {Toph X Blind Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now